Why do most men wear their watches on the left wrist women wear it on the right? - Times of India (2024)

The wearing of watch on the left wrist has practical advantages. Most people are right-handed and while working with the right hand (writing, etc.), the time in the watch on the left hand can be easily seen. Because of lesser movement of the left hand, damage to the watch is also minimised. Even most working women wear the watch on the left wrist. It is only at parties or at times when the right hand is not required to do much work, women wear it on their right wrist as a fashion statement.
—Dipti Jain, Chakradharpur

Why do most men wear their watches on the left wrist women wear it on the right? - Times of India (2024)


Why do most men wear their watches on the left wrist women wear it on the right? - Times of India? ›

Most people are right-handed and while working with the right hand (writing, etc.), the time in the watch on the left hand can be easily seen. Because of lesser movement of the left hand, damage to the watch is also minimised. Even most working women wear the watch on the left wrist.

Why do men wear watches in left hand and women in right hand? ›

While there is no rule when it comes to wearing watches, most men wear them on the left wrist. It is more practical than any other reason. Most people are right-handed, so wearing a watch on the right wrist causes unease, especially while writing. The time on the watch on the left hand can be easily seen as well.

What does it mean when a woman wears a watch on her right hand? ›

Firstly, it is often seen as more formal and conservative to wear a watch on the right hand, especially if the lady is wearing a dress or skirt. Secondly, wearing a watch on the right hand can be a symbol of sophistication and class, and can also be a fashion statement.

What does it mean when a man wears a watch on his right arm? ›

There are several theories regarding the psychological reasons for wearing a watch on one arm rather than the other, and they are often correlated with the two universes of the brain - the creative and the rational, thus suggesting that those who wear their watches by choice on the right arm are more creative than ...

Why do women wear watches on the left? ›

However, many women wear their watches on the left hand. This practice stemmed from practicality, as most people are right-handed, and wearing a watch on the non-dominant hand reduces interference while writing, working, or performing daily tasks.

What does it mean when you wear a watch on your right wrist? ›

Wearing a watch on the right hand is a sign of confidence and power. Wearing a watch on each wrist is feminin; it also signals vulnerability. If you wear two watches, be mindful of which one you wear because it's either seen as confident or insecure.

Is it OK for a man to wear a watch on the right hand? ›

As a rule of thumb, most people wear a watch on their non-dominant hands. On the left hand for a right-handed person and right hand for lefties. The reason is simple, people don't want to mess up between the watch they wear and the things they do.

What is the personality of people who wear watches on their right hand? ›

People who wear clocks on the right-hand face up tend to be spontaneous and candid. High spirited and cheerful. They are sleek and easy to get along with anyone.

Why aren't you supposed to wear a watch on your right hand? ›

According to this rule, you should be wearing your watch on the left wrist if you are right-handed, and on the right wrist if you are left-handed. The reasoning behind this rule? First, it is easier to read the time on your watch whilst your dominant hand is doing other tasks, such as writing.

Why don't you wear a watch on your right hand? ›

This is the key reason why left-hand watch-wearing is the norm. Since you tend to use your dominant hand more and are more active with it, it's easier to accidentally scratch or break your watch when wearing it on your right hand.

What side does a straight man wear his watch on? ›

Traditionally, many people wear their watches on the left wrist, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This is often because the majority of the population is right-handed, and wearing the watch on the non-dominant hand is more practical and comfortable.

What does a man wearing a watch symbolize? ›

Regardless of the style of watch, people who wear watches are seen as dependable and reliable. To others, seeing a watch on someone's wrist says that that person is punctual and values not only his or her time but other people's time. After all, time is money, friend.

Which wrist to wear a watch for a female? ›

What arm should a woman wear her watch on? Just as with an engagement ring there is watch wearing etiquette too. According to social rules you should wear your watch on your left wrist, although in actual fact, you must wear it on whichever wrist you prefer.

What is the watch etiquette for women? ›

Tradition suggests the left wrist for both men and women, as it allows for easy time checking while using the dominant hand. However, many women opt to wear their watches on the right wrist as a matter of style or comfort. The choice of wrist ultimately comes down to individual preference and comfort.

How to tell if a watch is for a man or woman? ›

One of the primary distinguishing features between men's and women's watches is size. Men's watches typically come with larger case diameters, typically measuring between 38 and 46 mm. On the other hand, most women's watches have a case diameter ranging from 26 to 36 mm.

Why do some right-handed people wear watch on right hand? ›

In cultures where the right hand is considered dominant or respected, it may be more comfortable or prestigious to wear a watch on the right wrist. This tradition might be deeply rooted in cultural and historical contexts, becoming a symbolic act associated with authority or tradition.

Why do right-handed people wear watch on right hand? ›

First, it is easier to read the time on your watch whilst your dominant hand is doing other tasks, such as writing. Wearing a watch on the non-dominant hand will also help maintain it in good condition, as you will be able to prevent damage from accidental scratches or bumps - which can occur so easily!

Why should men wear watch on left hand? ›

There are a few consequences: (i) Excess exercise will break your watch's bracelet; (ii) If the bracelet is not broken, your wrist will get hurt; (iii) your watch might get bumped a lot, thus damaging or scratching it. Which is why people prefer to wear them on the left hand, less dominant one.

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.