Why Do Tattoos Feel Good | Adrenaline Studios Canada (2024)

Why Do Tattoos Feel Good | Adrenaline Studios Canada (1)

OK, so the process of getting a tattoo is typically accompanied by some pain and discomfort. But most people who have them will report a more lasting emotion, one that is very uplifting and often has them coming back for more. Is there an underlying reason behind this? This is a question that people who are considering their first tattoo want to know. Let’s dig deeper.

4 Reasons Why Getting and Having a Tattoo Makes People Feel Great (and why you should get one too)

Euphoria During the Process?

Before we get into why having a tattoo results in lasting positive emotions, we want to address the act of getting the tattoo itself. It is not uncommon for new and returning clients to report feelings of euphoria while getting inked. Poppyco*ck you say?

There’s actually science behind it. And no, it’s not because they are into sadomasochism (although…).

When you get a tattoo, your body releases endorphins. Endorphinsare naturally occurring chemicals that are produced by your body to relieve stress and pain. When released, theycause a euphoric feeling not dissimilar to a class of drugs called opioids. Of course the latter is extremely harmful (there is an opioid-painkiller crisis in Canada), but you don’t have to worry about mother nature’s path to chasing euphoria.

You’ve Shown That You Can Commit

We stated this in a old article about why people should get a tattoo to help with their New Year resolutions and we’ll say it again:

“It’s one thing to set a new year resolution but it’s another to actually make it happen and see it through. Sure, peoplemay work out and eat better (common resolutions) for a few weeks, but given that studies show80% of the population lets their ambitionsfall to the wayside by February most individuals find themselves resetting the same goals in the new year ahead, year after year. The good thing about getting a tattoo to start your new calendar, is that once it’s done, it’s done. You can step back, admire it in the mirror, and feel pride in the fact that you actually did it. And that form of commitment may very well spill into the other resolutions you’ve made. Simply put, getting that long overdue tattoo is the perfect way to mark (literally) the arrival of a new you.” (December 20, 2018 – Adrenaline Studios)

It’s true. If you’ve been on the fence about getting a tattoo and you finally go through with it, you will immediately note a deep sense of pride. This pride is born not just from the new aesthetic (more on this below) but from putting an end to nagging procrastination and committing to something you’ve wanted for quite some time. And that – feels great!


There is a pure aesthetic reason for those post-tattoo good vibes. You know how great it feels to rock a fashionable (to you) new outfit at the club, office, or wherever else you strut your stuff? Multiple that feeling by a thousand when you get a tattoo. Even if it’s only visible to you and those you allow to see your most intimate of areas that tattoo ramps up your swagger exponentially. If it looks good, it feels good. The math is pretty simple on this one.

It Feels Good to Be YOU

Hiding who you are inside can having a very damaging impact on your psyche and overall emotional health. While there is still some work to do, there has been a fundamental shift in society that finally makes it acceptable for people to fulfill who they identify as. Make no bones about it – a tattoo is absolutely a channel for expressing your inner YOU. It allows you to wear your heart on your sleeve both literally and figuratively. As a result, your heart will pump out good feelings to combat the stresses life tries to throw in your path. Life is simply to short to live any other way so go ahead and get that tattoo. You deserve to feel GREAT!

Schedule a consultation at an Adrenaline Studios tattoo shop near you.

Why Do Tattoos Feel Good | Adrenaline Studios Canada (2)

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Adrenaline Tattoo

Tattoos, not attitudes. Piercings, not pricks. From the beginning, Adrenaline’s focus has been on delivering the best customer service possible within the body modification industry.

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Why Do Tattoos Feel Good | Adrenaline Studios Canada (2024)


Why Do Tattoos Feel Good | Adrenaline Studios Canada? ›

When you get a tattoo, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are naturally occurring chemicals that are produced by your body to relieve stress and pain.

Can you get an adrenaline rush from getting a tattoo? ›

Tattoos might make you feel good

There are the obvious chemical responses, for starters: You're going to have a rush of adrenaline, because someone is coming at you with a needle. And you're going to get some pretty nice endorphins, too -- your body's chemical response to pain -- which can make you sort of high.

Why are tattoos suddenly so popular? ›

In part, this is because they are being worn by public figures such as celebrities, athletes, and people within the fashion industry. But another important aspect to acknowledge is the activism and awareness-building done by the community of tattoo artists.

Does getting a tattoo release dopamine? ›

A study suggests dopamine is also released during times of pain. It acts as an interface between pain and stress, emotional and physical. Tattoos cause pain, which triggers the release of dopamine. Dopamine, in itself, is widely said to be addictive.

Why are tattoos therapeutic? ›

Then come the endorphins. You know that amazing mood boost you get after an intense gym session? The tattooing process has the same effect. These feel-good chemicals reduce your perception of the pain in the same way as drugs like morphine or codeine.

Why is getting tattoos addictive? ›

Tattoos are a real thrill.

When you get a tattoo, your body releases adrenaline in response to the stress of receiving pain. An adrenaline rush can cause an increased heart rate, you may feel less pain, or you may even feel stronger with heightened senses. Basically, you become a superhero.

Are tattoos a trauma response? ›

“Tattooing starts at the body's first line of defense, the skin, and uses it as a canvas to physically bear witness to the assault experienced on body, mind, and sense of self. As such, it often visually and viscerally becomes a source of healing,” Suzanne Phillips, a psychologist, had explained.

Why are Millennials so obsessed with tattoos? ›

Tattoos can be a form of self-care for young people

trend report that Gen Z and Millennials are putting their own spin on self-care. It's not just bubble baths and meditation, and 17% of young people say they get tattoos as a form of personal care.

Why do all Millennials have tattoos? ›

Tattoos are an outlet for their creativity

38% of Millennials have between 1-6 tattoos, according to a Pew Research survey. Half of those with tattoos have 2-5 and 18% have 6 or more. The trend has been influenced by celebrities and influencers, and TV shows such as Miami Ink.

What kind of person gets a tattoo? ›

For better or for worse, tattooed people are typically associated with: being extrovert, have a rich social life, or the necessity to feel unique and stand out from the of the people.

What do psychologists think of tattoos? ›

One of the most common psychological explanations for tattoos is that they are a form of risk-taking behavior. This theory suggests that people who get tattoos are more likely to be impulsive and thrill-seeking. They may also be more likely to take other risks, such as engaging in risky sexual behaviors or using drugs.

Do people get tattoos because of depression? ›

Why do people with depression get tattoos? Getting a tattoo having to do with your depression can serve as a public declaration, or personal reminder, of what you've overcome. When you've met a challenge head-on, there's often an immense sense of accomplishment when you see a positive outcome.

What is tattoo pain similar to? ›

Some people describe the pain as a pricking sensation. Others say it feels like bee stings or being scratched. A thin needle is piercing your skin, so you can expect at least a little pricking sensation. As the needle moves closer to the bone, it may feel like a painful vibration.

Why do I think tattoos feel good? ›

When you get a tattoo, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are naturally occurring chemicals that are produced by your body to relieve stress and pain. When released, they cause a euphoric feeling not dissimilar to a class of drugs called opioids.

Are people with tattoos happier? ›

Researchers around the world who study human behaviors have been interested in finding out what makes people modify their body. They have found that individuals with tattoos report that they feel more attractive, stronger and more self-confident—having overcome the fear of pain.

Do tattoos help with anxiety? ›

But for some anxiety sufferers, tattoos have a place in their healing journey. If they can mark their bodies with reminders, and turn to those reminders in their darkest times, maybe they can loosen anxiety's grip or at least breathe through the grasp.

Why do some people love tattoos so much? ›

Getting a tattoo is a way for some people to express their emotions and thoughts. Tattoos also make a great way to memorialize something or someone special in our lives. Tattoo lovers often choose designs that remind them of the past.

Do people often regret getting tattoos? ›

Here's What You Should Know. It's not unusual for a person to change their mind after getting a tattoo. In fact, one survey says 75 percent of their 600 respondents admitted to regretting at least one of their tattoos.

Why do tattoos last a lifetime? ›

Guess how tattoos stay there forever, even as your skin cells die and are replaced? French researchers say they have found the answer, and it's a little bit surprising. They found that immune system cells called macrophages eat the ink, and then pass it to their replacements when they die.

Can tattoos improve mental health? ›

While tattoos can have a positive impact on a person's mental health, they can also be used to cope with mental illness. For people with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions, tattoos can serve as a way to feel empowered and in control of their lives.

What is the psychology of people with tattoos? ›

According to a study 22% (of 540 individuals) possessed at least one tattoo. Further analyses showed that, compared with non-tattooed individuals, tattooed participants had significantly higher scores on extraversion, experience seeking, need for uniqueness, and held more positive attitudes toward tattoos.

What is the psychology of tattoo regret? ›

Here are the most common reasons why people regret their tattoos: impulsive decision (35 percent), significant meaning (29 percent), or the idea that it would make them look cool (18 percent). The more thoughtful and careful you are about your tattoo, the less likely you are to regret it.

What is the average number of tattoos a person has? ›

Of those who have tattoos, 70% have more than one tattoo and 20% have more than five. 36% of Americans between the age of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo. 72% of adults with tattoos have tattoos that are usually hidden by clothing. More women regret their tattoos than men.

Are tattoos becoming less popular? ›

Tattoo removal requests have increased 32% since 2016.

It suggests that more people are now opting to remove tattoos that they may have previously been content with, indicating that the trend of getting tattoos is becoming less popular.

What age group gets the most tattoos? ›

People between the ages of 18 to 29 years are most likely to have tattoos (38%). This statistic is significant in the context of a blog post about Tattoo Statistics as it highlights the age group that is most likely to have tattoos.

What percent of the US population has a tattoo? ›

According to a survey conducted in 2021, 74 percent of Americans did not have a tattoo. On the other hand, 17 percent of people in the United States had more than one tattoo, while some nine percent of respondents had one.

What is the oldest culture with tattoos? ›

The earliest evidence of tattoo art comes in the form of clay figurines that had their faces painted or engraved to represent tattoo marks. The oldest figures of this kind have been recovered from tombs in Japan dating to 5000 BCE or older.

What is a tattoo snob? ›

Tattoo Snob: (n) A person focusing on the high end of the last of the low-brow art forms.

What do jobs think of tattoos? ›

Some owners or managers may have more conservative preferences and won't allow their employees to show tattoos in the workplace. In more relaxed company atmospheres, employers may accept tattoos at work as a sign of individuality.

Which gender has more tattoos? ›

Inkwells is located, I would say about 80-90% of people ages 18-34 have at least one tattoo, if not many more. For years the world of tattoos in the United States has been dominated by men. However, times have changed, as tattoos become more of the societal norm, and more and more women are getting inked.

What do you call a person who loves tattoos? ›

Stigmatophile: a person who loves tattoos; piercings.

Are tattoos classy? ›

The criteria for a tattoo to be deemed “classy” is highly subjective. However, there are styles that are more aesthetically pleasing to even the most highfalutin eye. You will want an artist that specializes in black and grey styles, and/or a tattooist with a penchant for clean minimalist lines.

Why do people with anxiety get tattoos? ›

For anxiety, someone may get a tattoo to remind them to stay grounded or to stay focused. This could be because it's common for those with anxiety to face challenges related to concentration, focus, or feeling grounded. Someone may also get a tattoo to remind themselves to use self care or to symbolize self care.

How do you mentally get through a tattoo? ›

Stay relaxed by practicing steady breathing. Distract yourself. Bring your headphones and listen to music. If your artist is open to conversation, or if you're allowed to bring a friend, talk to them to distract yourself.

What tattoos do people who struggle with anxiety get? ›

"Spiritual tattoos — mandala, hamsa, chakra, tree of life, Budha, lotus, etc. — are common for battling anxiety. They symbolize the overcoming of struggle, protection, self care, rebirth, the circle of life, kindness, strength, new challenges, and new beginnings."

What is tattoo flu? ›

This “tattoo flu” is pretty common and should fade into memory in a few days (unlike your new tattoo). Your body's immune system is making you feel wiped out while it attacks potential threats to your bod. Be on the lookout for a mild fever, chills, fatigue, and some tummy discomfort.

What should you not eat after tattoo? ›

Foods to avoid include those that promote inflammation – red meats, foods high in sugar, salt and additives, as well as overly processed foods. These can interfere with the body's natural healing processes. The same is said to be true for an excessive amount of dairy.

What hurts more linework or shading? ›

Contrary to what you might expect, many people report that the shading hurts significantly less than the outlining of the tattoo. If you've already made it through your line work, pat yourself on the back. You've likely conquered the most painful part already.

Why do I feel more confident with tattoos? ›

Many people talk of the endorphin rush they experience when getting their tattoo. This feel-good release at the time of getting a tattoo can help to contribute towards self-confidence.

Are people with tattoos more confident? ›

Subjects with tattoos have higher self-esteem than controls without tattoos. Persons with tattoos tend to rate themselves as more adventurous, creative, individualistic and attractive than those without tattoos (features of high self-esteem) [22–25].

Do you burn calories getting tattooed? ›

In fact, you'll actually burn calories during a tattoo because your metabolism speeds up in response to tension. Carb loading is a great way to make sure you'll have enough energy to get through your next tattoo appointment.

Why do females get tattoos? ›

Nowadays, women view tattoos in a variety of different ways - for some, tattoos appeal to ideals about empowerment and taking control of ones femininity and body. For others, tattoos are worn as a badge of self expression, or to mark an important life event or change.

Is getting a tattoo a form of therapy? ›

You know that amazing mood boost you get after an intense gym session? The tattooing process has the same effect. These feel-good chemicals reduce your perception of the pain in the same way as drugs like morphine or codeine. You'll also feel a 'natural high' according to Mark.

What is the tattoo for depression? ›

A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;), which is used as a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.

Why do people get serotonin tattoos? ›

Serotonin Tattoo

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in mood regulation and controlling feelings. Those with a serotonin tattoo may have it as a reminder to stay happy and calm.

How long does adrenaline last during tattoo? ›

Adrenaline Semi-Permanent Tattoo. Lasts 1-2 weeks. Painless and easy to apply. Organic ink.

What is the adrenaline response to tattoo? ›

You Have An Adrenaline Rush

Whether you've had a tattoo before or not, your adrenaline levels will likely spike during the procedure. According to Top Health News, your body recognizes the tattooing as trauma, triggering your sympathetic nervous system's fight or flight response.

Is it normal to go into shock after a tattoo? ›

If you're feeling a bit under the weather after getting some new ink, you might be experiencing “tattoo flu.” Usually mild and quick to pass, this post tattoo flu-like illness is a common result of your body's natural defenses saying “Whoa!

What are the side effects after getting a tattoo? ›

Know the risks
  • Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green, yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site. ...
  • Skin infections. A skin infection is possible after tattooing.
  • Other skin problems. ...
  • Bloodborne diseases. ...
  • MRI complications.

How long can the average person sit for a tattoo? ›

If you got lost in all the wordiness, I had written that this takes four to six hours, but trutfhfully in my years of experience , four hours is MOST peoples' limit. After four to six hours, you will probably also be shaky, cold, tired and in need of a good meal maybe a beer and a lot of sleep.

How big is a 2 hour tattoo? ›

Tattoo Size Chart
SizeHoursBest Placement
Up to 1 inch1Toe, finger, wrist, ear
1-2 inches2-3Ankle, wrist, clavicle
2-3 inches2-5Ankle, calf, wrist, upper arm
3-4 inches4-5Lower arm, neck, chest
5 more rows
May 12, 2022

Why does getting a tattoo feel good? ›

When you get a tattoo, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are naturally occurring chemicals that are produced by your body to relieve stress and pain. When released, they cause a euphoric feeling not dissimilar to a class of drugs called opioids.

How do you stay calm during a tattoo? ›

How to Calm Your Nerves Before Getting a Tattoo
  1. Remind Yourself of the Worthy Reason for Getting a Tattoo. Anything that is worth doing is hard. ...
  2. Express Your Anxiety to Your Tattooist. Your tattooist is putting their handiwork on your body, for life. ...
  3. Start Small. ...
  4. Get Tattooed With a Friend of Family Member.
Sep 19, 2022

Is a 6 hour tattoo session long? ›

6️ Is a 6-hour tattoo session long? Yes, a 6-hour session is long. It is almost an all-day session, so your body will be tired and you will feel pain. More than 4-hour sessions are recommended only for those, who have already done tattoos before.

Do you burn calories getting a tattoo? ›

In fact, you'll actually burn calories during a tattoo because your metabolism speeds up in response to tension. Carb loading is a great way to make sure you'll have enough energy to get through your next tattoo appointment.

What is tattoo sickness? ›

A tattoo infection is a skin infection that can occur in people with tattoos. There can be many causes, including contaminated ink or water. You can lower your risk by going to a licensed tattoo shop and asking about their sterilization practices. If you notice signs of an infection, seek medical treatment right away.

Who shouldn't get a tattoo? ›

When CAN'T I Get Tattooed?
  • Pregnancy or Breastfeeding. Reputable shops will not tattoo any clients that are pregnant or breastfeeding. ...
  • Diabetes. Having diabetes doesn't prevent you from ever being tattooed. ...
  • Psoriasis. ...
  • Eczema. ...
  • Blood Disorders. ...
  • Certain Medications. ...
  • Conclusion.
Dec 31, 2021

Why can't you donate blood after getting a tattoo? ›

Giving blood after recently getting a tattoo can be dangerous. Though uncommon, an unclean tattoo needle can carry a number of bloodborne viruses, such as: hepatitis B. hepatitis C.

Can a person with tattoos donate blood? ›

Yes, you can donate blood if you have tattoos

If you got a tattoo in the last three months, it is completely healed, and was applied by a state-regulated facility, which uses sterile needles and fresh ink—and you meet all blood donor eligibility requirements—you can donate blood!

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.