Why I quit being a hairstylist? (2024)

The most common reasons why hair stylists quit are stress, boredom, and earning potential. Many hairstylists also leave the profession due to the necessity of small talk with their clients. Many introverted hairstylists dislike this aspect.

Hairstyles often cite boredom as the reason they quit. Boredom generally includes the repetition of events, and most hairstylists perform very similar tasks day after day, especially when they become specialized in a specific method or area. They also can feel boredom by having a job where the actual task may not feel very exciting.

People are extremely critical of their hair, and hair stylists face the brunt of this critical nature. Many times, people expect impossible things.

This obviously can be extremely stress-inducing, leading to many hairstylists choosing a different, less stressful position where they don't have to worry about being yelled at, even when they do their job correctly.

The average hairstylist makes $28,140. This may seem low, as hairstylists often charge a lot of money, but the cost of materials and renting a space leave the take-home number much lower. This low number often leads hairstylists to follow a higher-paying career path.

Why I quit being a hairstylist? (1)

Why I quit being a hairstylist? (2024)


Why I quit being a hairstylist? ›

Hairdressing is a demanding profession with many challenges that can lead to burnout and hairdressers quitting. Among the issues causing high turnover rates among hair stylists are long working hours, low pay, lack of recognition, and the pressure to stay up-to-date on new skills and techniques.

When to give up hairdressing? ›

Here are some common reasons for leaving a hairdressing career:
  1. Experiencing burnout. ...
  2. Improving stress management. ...
  3. Requiring financial stability. ...
  4. Seeking a change in your work environment. ...
  5. Searching for new challenges. ...
  6. Deciding to retire. ...
  7. Exploring other talents. ...
  8. Begin saving money.
Jan 26, 2023

Why is being a hairstylist stressful? ›

Hairstylists are expected to help improve their client's identity, but when hairstyles don't turn out the way a client expects, this can cause a lot of stress for them. The amount of trust that clients put into stylists can put a lot of pressure on stylists.

Why not to be a hairdresser? ›

Not all clients are easy to deal with. As a hairdresser there will be times when you will be working for difficult to please clients. Some will take note on how you would handle your scissors, some will not like the way you shampoo their hair and others will even mind the way you speak and talk to them.

What is the burnout rate for hairdressers? ›

Jepson says rates of anxiety and burnout are high among salon workers (a 2023 survey by L'Oréal Professionnel Paris found that 65 percent of hairstylists have experienced anxiety, burnout, or depression during their professional career) — and that's before you add the pressure of providing mental-health support to ...

Why do people leave hairdressing? ›

The demanding nature of the hairdressing profession can make it a very stressful job. It requires dealing with difficult clients, managing erratic schedules, and staying up to date on changing trends and techniques. The stresses of salon life can start to accumulate over time, leading to burnout or exhaustion.

What is hairdresser burnout? ›

While workplace burnout is not considered a mental illness, burnout is a mental health issue. In a nutshell, salon burnout is physical and emotional exhaustion caused by excessive stress.

What is the failure rate of hair salons? ›

You went to school to learn how to cut hair, do nails, and perfect your craft. However, lessons on operating a business were never in the curriculum. The salon industry is one of the most competitive industries in the market. Approximately 80% of salons shut down within 18 months of closing their doors.

What should you not tell a hairdresser? ›

Things You Should Never Say To Your Hairdresser
  • 4. “ I didn't bring a photo” ...
  • 5. “ My old stylist…“ ...
  • 6. “ Are you sure you know what you're doing?” ...
  • 7. “ I use a drugstore shampoo that says color safe, so why does my color still fade?” ...
  • 8. “ Let's skip the consultation” ...
  • 9. “ Do you have color swatches?” ...
  • 10. “ ...
  • 11. “

Are hair stylists happy? ›

How enjoyable is a hairdresser's work environment? As a whole, hairdressers rated their enjoyment of their work environment 3.4/5. Most of them tend to enjoy, or at least not be actively bothered by, their work environment.

Which profession has the most burnout? ›

Every career has elements of burnout and stress; these are 12 that I find to be the most common.
  • Teachers and Educators. ...
  • Legal Professionals. ...
  • Customer Service Representatives. ...
  • Information Technology (IT) Workers. ...
  • Journalists and Media Personnel. ...
  • Financial Professionals. ...
  • Retail Workers. ...
  • Agricultural Workers.
Aug 11, 2023

Where do hairdressers make the most money? ›

Best-Paying Cities for Hairdressers
Fort Collins, Colorado$55,640
Muskegon, Michigan$52,290
Portland, Maine$51,330
Seattle, Washington$49,780
Boulder, Colorado$49,170
2 more rows

What is a hairdresser top salary? ›

Hairdresser Salary in Los Angeles, CA
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$65,728$32
75th Percentile$53,900$26
25th Percentile$36,600$18

When should you dump your hairdresser? ›

Let's just get one thing straight: your relationship with your hairdresser is super important. If they're not listening to what you want, continuing to give you bad haircuts and brassy highlights, or continually hiking up their prices, you either need to say something or change something.

How do you know if you have a bad hairdresser? ›

If a hairdresser consistently ignores your instructions or imposes their own ideas without your consent, it's a sign that they're not focused on meeting your needs. A good hairdresser should be able to communicate with you effectively and make you feel comfortable throughout the whole appointment experience.

When you want to change hairdressers? ›

First, make sure that your move is to a different salon entirely and not a switch to one of your current stylist's colleagues. Then, you can either tell the person politely that you are going to make a switch to someone else for awhile or you can just start making appointments elsewhere without saying a word.

How do you tell your hairdresser you are leaving? ›

Just keep it simple and polite, stating that despite no hard feelings or ill will, you think it will be best to see another stylist moving forward. Wish them well, and thank them for their services to date.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.