Why is the wedding ring worn in the left hand? (2024)

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Why is the wedding ring worn in the left hand? (1)

If you and your partner are nearing a prospective engagement, chances are you’ve spent a good amount of time eyeing different engagement rings.

Maybe you even had a day where you were reconfiguring your daily rings to make way for your new diamond band.

Whatever type of ring you choose, there’s always going to be something consistent about it- and that’s it’s famous placement on the ring finger of the left hand.

Everyone knows of this long-standing tradition and a large majority continue its existence because it’s all we as Americans have ever known.

But, what many don’t know, is that there is a historical reason why we wear our engagement rings on that specific finger on our left hand and that there are even cultures that traditionally wear their engagement rings on their right hand.

We here at Lamon Jewelers are eager to give you the inside scoop and share a part of the fascinating history of engagement rings with you.

The Left Hand

The western tradition of wearing your wedding bands on your left finger goes further back than you might have previously thought- all the way to the days of Ancient Rome.

At the time, the Romans believed that a vein ran directly from the fourth finger on the left hand to the heart.

This vein was called Vena Amoris, which translates to ‘vein of love’ because of the belief that the heart is the center of our emotions.

If one were to wear a ring that represents their passion on this finger, their fate as a couple is sealed and their love eternal. Even after science debunked the existence of this singular connecting vein, the trend became so popular that it turned into a millennia-long tradition.

The Right Hand

Although it’s all we as Americans have ever known, many cultures traditionally wear their marital rings on their right hand, with countries like Russia, Germany, Norway and India being examples.

For many, this tradition comes from the Latin adjective ‘sinister’ which originally meant ‘left’ before it came to be defined by evil.

This, on top of the majority of the global population, has been right-handed and the Christian cross being done with the right hand, the left came to be understood as anti-christian, bringing the right-handed engagement ring to fame.

Some countries, like Colombia and Brazil, wear their bands on their right hand and then after completing their vows transfer it over to the left, with the Netherlands and Germany doing the same but in the opposite direction.

Recently, wearing your engagement ring on your right finger has become a sign of modernity and not being defined by tradition.

Whether you choose to follow tradition or create your own way, our rings at Lamon Jewelers are the perfect way to seal the bond of love. Come on down to our beautiful showroom today.

Why is the wedding ring worn in the left hand? (2024)


Why is the wedding ring worn in the left hand? ›

Tradition of Wearing Wedding Rings on the Left Hand

Why do we wear the wedding ring on the left hand? ›

The Origins Of The Tradition

The ancient Romans believed that the fourth finger of the left hand had a vein that ran directly to the heart and so chose to wear the ring as a symbol of love on this finger.

What does it mean if someone wears their wedding ring on their right hand? ›

The Romans, who introduced the world to the principle of marriage proposals, believed that the left hand was untrustworthy and unholy. Therefore, they used to wear their wedding rings on their right hand. The right hand is a symbol of trust, loyalty, and honor.

Do Catholics wear a wedding ring on their right hand? ›

Q: What hand do Catholics wear wedding rings? A: As the Roman empire spread it's influence the idea of wearing a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand became more popular. The Catholic Church started following this practice, using rings to represent the connection between two people in marriage.

What does the ring finger on the left hand mean? ›

Left Ring Finger

Wearing a ring on your left finger symbolizes your marriage or engagement. The Ancient Romans believed that this finger was connected to your "vena amoris" (the vein of love) - hence why your wedding ring goes on this hand.

When did the wedding ring on the left hand start? ›

The tradition of wearing your wedding ring on the fourth finger of your left hand dates back thousands of years. During ancient Egyptian times, people believed that a vein, called the vena amoris or vein of love, ran from the heart to the tip of the fourth finger of the left hand.

Why does a woman wear a ring on her middle finger on her left hand? ›

Wearing a ring on the left middle finger is less common but can symbolize balance and responsibility. It's often chosen by those who want to make a statement about their individuality. Rings worn on the right middle finger may carry different meanings depending on the individual.

What is a divorce ring? ›

What Are Divorce Rings? “Traditionally, engagement rings and wedding rings symbolize the commitment and union between partners, says Rachel Akmakjian, Director of Jeweler Relations at BriteCo and Graduate Gemologist. “'Divorce rings' are seen as a way to mark the end of a marriage and celebrate newfound independence.”

What religion wears their wedding ring on the right hand? ›

Eastern Orthodox Tradition

In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. This practice may stem from the belief that the right hand is associated with blessings and power, and therefore represents a closer relationship with God.

What finger does a widower wear his ring on? ›

It is a very common practice among widows and widowers to move their wedding ring from the finger on their left hand to the finger on their right hand. Changing the position of your wedding ring to your right hand is often considered the first step in letting go of the past.

What does black wedding ring on right hand mean? ›

Black Ring Right Hand (or wrong hand)

In some cultures and religions, wearing a black ring on the right ring finger is related to the concept of being single but committed - like an unspoken signifier that someone is taken.

What finger do Germans wear a wedding ring on? ›

On which hand is the wedding band worn in Germany? Unlike countries like the US or the UK, in Germany, the wedding band is traditionally put on the right hand´s ring finger. This could date back once more to the Romans, who believed that the right hand was symbolic of honor and trust.

Why do nuns wear wedding rings on their right hand? ›

The rings, in the Orthodox tradition, mean much, much more than simply, “I love you”. We wear wedding rings on our right hands because the Lord's right hand makes firm the foundations of the earth. Moreover, the rings symbolize God's word to remain faithful to us.

Which finger means single? ›

Single men usually wear rings on their left ring finger. This signifies independence and freedom from relationship commitments, as the fourth finger on the left hand is traditionally associated with marriage.

Where should I put my ring if I'm single? ›

Most single women prefer wearing a diamond ring on the right hand ring finger, but this is truly up to personal preference! The left hand ring finger is usually reserved for marriage, so some prefer to avoid this hand as it could dissuade other potential partners.

Can I wear a ring on my left ring finger if not married? ›

A: There are no rules saying that you cannot wear a ring on your ring finger if you are not engaged or married! However, if you choose to wear a ring on this finger – especially if it is a gold band or a diamond ring – be prepared for some people to assume that you are married or partnered.

What organ is the left ring finger connected to? ›

As thus, the ring finger upon which the wedding ring being placed being that mystical link to the heart was a fanciful and beautiful one. However, scientific evidence and proof has shown it does not exist.

Which countries wear a wedding ring on their right hand? ›

"Right-handed" countries

Germany, Greece, Russia, Spain, India, Colombia, Venezuela, and Poland are the right-hand countries. Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans wear the wedding band on the right hand. In Belgium, the choice of hand depends on the region of the country.

Which finger is connected to the heart? ›

The fourth finger of the left hand, believed to possess a vein that runs securely to the heart, has traditionally been ringed. This Vein of Love, or more amorously called the Vena Amoris, 1 originated in ancient Egypt, where it was first described by Macrobius in 395–423 AD.

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