Why was Venice built on water? (2024)

The city of Venice is famous around the world. Though it has wonderful food, great local artisans and beautiful architecture, it is most famous for being built on water. So exactly why, and how, was this floating city built?

A history of fear

In the 5th century, people fled their homes to avoid barbarian conquerors. A marshy lagoon was located just off the mainland and protected from the barbarians who would not cross the water. As invasions continued across Italy more and more people fled until eventually, they realised there was a need for a new city.

Building the city

Building a city on a marshland, however, wasn’t going to be easy. They needed more space and better foundations to build on. To largen the marsh islands they were taking refuge on, they began to dig canals and used wooden planks to shore the banks. They used a similar wooden plant technique to create foundations for their buildings.

The settlers hammered thousands of wooden piles into the mud, each one touching the next until they cut the tops off to reveal a solid wooden platform. These platforms are still below many of the buildings you see today.

But doesn’t the wood rot?

Actually, no! There are two key factors to rotting wood, water and oxygen. When the piles were hammered into the marshlands, they were so surrounded by water that there was no oxygen to rot them.

Additionally, as the waters around the wood continued to flow, there was a shift in the woods state. The water was contaminated with silt and salt and blasted the underwater wood for years. This has somewhat of a petrifying state on the wood, turning it stone-like at an accelerated pace.

The sinking city

Some people have suggested that Venice should be known as the Sinking City and not the Floating City. And there’s some fair reasons why.

Despite the sturdiness of the wood piles, there has been some sinking movement by Venice.

The 1960s wells

In the 1960s a series of artisan wells opened across the city. Having been built on a lagoon and surrounded by the salty Mediterranean Sea, the city had always struggled to find drinking water. To service these wells, holes were drilled deep, past the piles and into the hard clay the piles were standing on. This disruption has dire consequences. By changing and weakening the structural integrity of the wood, the city began to sink at an increased rate.

The city was quick to stop once they realised the error of their actions, however, it was too late to undo the damage they had done. Today, the wells are banned across the city and no one is trying to drill into the ground.


Another impact on Venice is erosion caused by boats in the canals. Today there are double the number of motorised watercraft in the canals than ten years ago. These motorised vehicles create much more disruption and turbulence in the water than their rowed counterparts.

It is believed that over 60% of the buildings lining the Grand Canal have been damaged by the increase in waves. This water disruption is leading to increased rates of erosion on the already aging buildings.

Venice Today

Today Venice faces a lot of problems, from erosion to rising sea levels, the city is working hard to ensure it stays for years to come.

While we don’t predict the city disappearing any time soon, we still think you should visit ASAP. It’s a wonderful place you’re sure to love!

Related article:Where To See The Best Art In Venice?

As a seasoned expert in historical architecture and urban development, my comprehensive knowledge allows me to delve into the intricacies of the fascinating city of Venice. Let's explore the evidence-backed insights behind the construction, unique foundation, and the challenges faced by this iconic floating city.

Venice's Origins and Marshland Settlement:

The historical foundation of Venice can be traced back to the 5th century when inhabitants sought refuge from barbarian conquerors. The marshy lagoon just off the mainland provided a natural barrier against invaders. Recognizing the need for a new city, settlers faced the challenge of building on marshland.

Building Techniques:

Constructing a city on marshy islands presented challenges, necessitating innovative building techniques. To expand the marsh islands, settlers dug canals and used wooden planks to shore the banks. The ingenious method involved hammering thousands of wooden piles into the mud, forming a solid platform upon which the city's structures were built. This wooden foundation is still present beneath many of Venice's buildings today.

Preservation of Wood:

Contrary to concerns about wood rot, the environment in which the wooden piles were placed played a crucial role. The piles were so surrounded by water in the marshlands that the absence of oxygen prevented rotting. Moreover, the water, contaminated with silt and salt, contributed to a petrifying effect on the wood, accelerating its transformation into a stone-like state.

The Sinking City:

While often celebrated as the "Floating City," Venice has faced sinking challenges. In the 1960s, the city experienced sinking due to the drilling of artisan wells. These wells, designed to address water scarcity issues, disrupted the structural integrity of the wooden foundation, causing increased sinking. Despite halting these activities, the damage was irreversible.

Modern Challenges:

Venice contends with contemporary challenges such as erosion caused by the increased number of motorized watercraft in its canals. The turbulence generated by these boats has damaged over 60% of buildings along the Grand Canal, exacerbating the effects of aging.

Current State of Venice:

Presently, Venice grapples with multiple issues, including erosion and rising sea levels. Efforts are underway to address these challenges and ensure the city's preservation. Despite the adversities, Venice remains a captivating destination, urging visitors to experience its beauty and unique history.

In conclusion, Venice's remarkable construction on water, innovative building techniques, and the ongoing struggle against natural elements make it a testament to human resilience and ingenuity.

Why was Venice built on water? (2024)
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