Why We Love Bespoke: The Psychology Of Bespoke (2024)

The true meaning of bespoke luxury is to create products that match individual tastes and requirements and are personalised for use

Once you can afford to buy most things you need, what is the next level? The answer in today’s market is customisation and making things bespoke and created just for you. One can see this trend everywhere –personalised recommendations on Netflix, Amazon, to curated playlists on Spotify or Gaana … there is an all out effort to attract the consumer by something that has been created just for the individual. Anything that is personalised and made to your taste and lifestyle, be it a garment, a watch, a pen with your name engraved gives you an endorphins rush, makes you happy, loved and brightens up your day. This is the desire that the bespoke and luxury market thrives on.

Since bespoke caters to the individual rather than the masses, it is exclusive and therefore a luxury. The true meaning of bespoke luxury is to create products that match individual tastes and requirements and are personalised for use.

At the crux of bespoke marketing is the creation of a unique item, one that others will not have and something that cannot be copied exactly so. When it comes to apparel, the creation of a truly bespoke garment will involve the individual selecting everything from the fabric, to colour, cut, design embellishments in fact every little detail involved in the finishing of that piece. The same would be true for a piece of bespoke jewellery or a watch. Naturally the price of the finished product is also top of the line for the item since it is not just customised to fit but custom-built.

Our experience at Jaipur Watch Company tells us that listening to what customers want and understanding their style aspirations is key to building a successful bespoke watch brand. Which is why before we start customizing a watch, we spend a lot of time with our clients to understand exactly what they want. Listening to what a customer wants is key to customization and the creation of a unique timepiece. We offer our clients an open space to share the design or speak about the design that they have in mind and then bring it to reality for them. This synergy extends to designs and concepts that are then incorporated into the timepiece. The process of customizing a bespoke luxury watch is a work of art. Each watch is a reflection of the owner’s personality and shades of this personality find their way to the dial, the bezel and even the strap or chain of the watch.

We have all experienced that anything personalized for us makes us feel very special. When you own a bespoke product made specially for you it makes you feel you matter! Any kind of personal detailing is indicative of caring. When you own something that relates to only you like a watch with a dial that has a photo of your favourite sports star or a favourite team logo on it or linen with your and your loved ones initials embossed or embroidered on them, it makes you feel like royalty because it is something that can only be for you.

Though there are no studies available for the bespoke market in India, some research has been done for bespoke clothing. As per a 2015 report by the Indiaretailing Bureau, the size of the Indian luxury industry, which encompasses bespoke tailoring, is approximately US$ 5.3 billion, with a nearly 20–25 per cent contribution from apparel (US$ 950–1300 million). Presently valued at US$ 360 million, the market for bespoke clothing is growing at an impressive 15–20 percent says the report.

The growth of the bespoke market in India is directly proportional to the growth of the nouveau riche and the High Net-worth Individuals (HNIs) in the country who have deep pockets and a deep desire for exclusivity. Every bespoke item they possess becomes an extension of their own special, even rare persona.

The watch is now the most prized possession of the owner who seizes every opportunity to show it off to his family and friends!

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Why We Love Bespoke: The Psychology Of Bespoke (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.