Why we need female role models — Lead5050 (2024)

‘You cannot be what you cannot see’.I’ve been musing on that expression for a while now considering exactly why it’s so important to have positive female role models.

In a world where there are more men named John in CEO positions in FSTE100 companies than there are women in the top spots we need all the visible role models we can get. (When you’ve finished reading this article….do a Google Image search of ‘CEO’ and let me know what you think of the results)

As a mother of two little girls concerned about the dearth of positive role models out there, I’m confounded on a daily basis of the sheer lack of imagination of toy makers, TV producers and even a lot of authors.

The vast majority of the stuff aimed at girls is either pink and glittery, often both, and panders to tired old stereotypes that girls are only interested in kittens and ponies or make-up and dressing up.

And it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy because, guess what, my sporty, imaginative children are becoming more and more interested in kittens, ponies, make-up and dressing up….which is not necessarily the worst thing in the world but there’s most definitely more to life.

My personal female role model of the moment is Malala - for her bravery, self-belief and championing of access to education for all girls. 'One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world'

But this is who my girls love at the moment! JoJo Siwa or JoJo with the Big Bow is an American dancer, singer, actress, and YouTuber. Believe you me, I've tried to encourage them to be inspired by Jessica Ennis, but JoJo wins every time. #gutted #icouldweep #wheredidigowrong????

So this week I love how much well deserved attention the film Hidden Women is getting, celebrating the, untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson - brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history.

Even Lego is getting in on the action their latest set celebrating those pioneering women in Nasa….never mind being immortalized in celluloid….give me a Lego figure any time!

Female role models are important for ambitious women. If we can’t look up and see women who have been successful, we are less likely to be successful ourselves. The presence of women in leadership positions and the opportunity to network with them is vital to helping motivate women to advance in their careers.

Why we need female role models — Lead5050 (2024)


Why do people choose role models? ›

Having a role model is important because they can provide motivation, inspiration, and support. Your ideal role model should be someone who shares your beliefs and values. You can be sure that you are praising someone who, in this sense, embodies your values. It's easy to see why positive role models are important.

What is the power of role models? ›

The influential power of role models lies in their capacity to inspire higher goals and heightened effort, prominently seen in the success of admired figures propelling individuals to excel in their pursuits.

Who is a strong role model for girls today why? ›

An individual whom young girls and women consider a strong role model is Malala Yousafzai because her bravery and intelligence speak for themselves, at the ripe age of 24, she won a Nobel Peace Prize for fighting for the right to receive education for every child.

How to be a positive female role model? ›

How to Be a Role Model for Girls
  1. Coach Girls to Speak Confidently. Girls can undermine themselves when they speak. ...
  2. Teach Girls to Navigate Conflict. ...
  3. Encourage Girls to Own Their Success. ...
  4. Inspire Girls to Go for It. ...
  5. Celebrate Female Leadership.

Why do girls need role models? ›

A 2022 study from the UK found that 43% of women believe they would be more successful if they had a role model in the workplace, “with 57% believing that having a relatable role model is crucial to achieving career success and 70% agreeing it's easier to be like someone you can see.” The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty ...

How role models influence our lives? ›

Role models inspire, support, guide or encourage us to make the most of our life. They are a must for self-improvement, development and growth because we must have a standard to strive for or compare ourselves with. A role model is someone others look to as a good example. Someone who is worthy of imitation.

What are the top 5 qualities of roles model? ›

Good role models typically exhibit the following personality traits or qualities: self-awareness, positivity, humility, empathy, professionalism, and integrity.

Are role models good or bad? ›

Positive role models influence our actions, often in the form of imitation, and motivate us to try for the standards they have set. It's for this reason that role models are important. A good role model can sometimes influence a child or young person even more so than parents can.

What do role models teach us? ›

Positive role models can also help children develop strong values, such as integrity, respect, and empathy. By modeling these values in their own behavior, role models can help children learn the importance of ethical behavior and positive social interactions.

Who are the inspiring female role models? ›

Thanks to their pioneering efforts, the 20th century witnessed the emergence of female role models such as Marie Curie, Indira Gandhi, Virginia Woolf and Mother Teresa among many others who continue to serve as inspiration for generations that have followed since.

What role models admire? ›

Young people appreciate being treated with respect and admire those who treat them and others that way. Role models who demonstrate selflessness and a democratic, non-prejudiced view of those different from themselves earn the admiration of others. Role models inspire others with an upbeat, optimistic outlook on life.

What is the role of the female? ›

They are caregivers, mothers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and activists. They are the pillars of the family and community. Women make significant contributions to the world and continue to break down barriers and achieve equality. We must all work together to create a world where women are valued, respected, and empowered.

How to inspire a girl? ›

How to Encourage Girls to Go After Their Dreams
  1. Be a listening ear. ...
  2. Stay open-minded. ...
  3. Help her set attainable goals. ...
  4. Take action. ...
  5. Encourage her to visualize her goals. ...
  6. Reinforce the importance of positive life skills, such as hard work, persistence, a positive attitude, and responsibility.
  7. Be realistic about challenges.
Oct 10, 2018

Why are mothers role models? ›

From the moment we come into this world, our mothers are our guiding lights, our protectors, and our biggest cheerleaders. They are the ones who teach us how to walk, talk, and navigate the world around us.

Why are role models important to identity? ›

Role Models are people who inspire you and exemplify a positive life path through the sharing of their reality and experiences. You are the one that defines what a role model looks like to you-they reflect your goals and interests.

Why do humans have role models? ›

Role models help preserve the human being which they represent, because by functions 1. -3. they make sure that the understanding is realized in a concrete person and passed from one generation to the next one in a living form. Role models are thus not only representative, they are also constitutive.

Why role models are important in decision making? ›

Positive role models influence our actions, often in the form of imitation, and motivate us to try for the standards they have set. It's for this reason that role models are important. A good role model can sometimes influence a child or young person even more so than parents can.

Why are famous people good role models? ›

According to the role model argument, the fact that celebrities are widely known and admired gives them a high degree of influence over others' behaviours. This gives them strong moral reasons to act as a good example to others.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.