Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter (2024)

Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter (1)Have you ever been toldthat it makes no difference whether or not you wash your homemadebutter? Do you think it really matters all that much one way or the other? Wouldn’t it be easier and faster to skip the washing step andjust work the buttermilk out of the butter?

Here are the answers to the above questions:

  1. They lied.
  2. Yes, it actually matters a lot.
  3. Um, that would be a NO.

Are you surprised by any of these answers? If not, then you’re an expert butter maker. Congratulations!

Let’s take a look at the science of butter-makingto see why washingthebutter is a critical step in the process. An effective way to determinewhethera procedure isimportant is to find what happens whenit doesn’tgetdone. That’s a good place to begin our discussion.

In his pamphlet entitled “Scientific butter making,” originally published in 1884,Mr. W.H. Lynch said the following:

“The reason why the dairyman washes butter is to remove all foreign matter and retain all the butter with its aroma unaffected. When the buttermilk is drawn off and the butter left in the churn, the latter is still surrounded with many impurities, of which particles of buttermilk are most numerous, also particles of casein or cheesy matter. This latter matter is more liable to spoil or become tainted than the butter itself.”

Wow! It sure sounds like a lot of bad things can happen if you don’t wash your butter. Let’s take a look each problemindividually.

Unwashed Butter Contains Casein

Mr. Lynch is saying thateven if you drain off the buttermilk, other impurities will be left behind–namely, casein. Casein is themain protein found in milk. Ithas a cheesy texture that sticksto the butter. After draining off the buttermilk, you could continue to work the butter until all the buttermilkwas worked off, butyour butter would still have casein in it.The only way to get the casein out of the butter is by washing.

CaseinCauses Butter to Putrify

According to Mr. Lynch, butter becomes rancid when it comes in contact with oxygen in the atmosphere, but casein becomes putrid. And putrification occurs much faster than oxidation. So, if you don’t get the casein out,yourbutter will become putrid long beforeit has a chance to go rancid.

Unwashed Butter Has a Broken Grain

Washing butter before you work it preserves the grain of the butter. Butif you choose to work the buttermilkout withoutwashing the butter first, the grain of the butter is very likely to break. When itsgrain is broken, butter has a salvy appearance. When cutwith a knife, instead of having a bright and shiningappearance, it will appear (in Mr. Lynch’s words) “dull as lard.”

Washing butter to remove all the buttermilkand the casein preserves the grain of the butter. The grain is a such keyfactor inthe compositionof butter that it’s impossible to have a fine-quality butter without it. Therefore, we musttake extra care not to injure the grain inany way.

Unwashed Butter Has a Peculiar Flavor

Unwashed butter always has a little buttermilk clinging it, which gives it a peculiar flavor–even when fresh, evenbefore the casein has begun to putrify. Washing removes all this foreign matter and leaves the butter tasting fresh and pure.

Some folks contend that washing butter washes out itsaroma and natural yellow color. However, that’s not true. The flavor of butteris in the fat, which does not combine with water and therefore cannot be washed away.Water removes the impurities from the butter by themechanical action of agitation.Washing butter the correct waydoesn’t cause it to dissolve.

Now, if the butter were to be kept in water for a long time, it’s color and aroma would be removed. However, with simple washing, the butter is not soaked. Washing butter doesn’t remove anything that would be desirable to retain.

Mr. Lynch advises leaving the butter in its granulated state. In other words, don’t try to gather it up into a ball before washing.

Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter (2)

Buttermilk must be washed out until the water is clear.

Begin by pouring off the buttermilk. Then add a quantity of pure, ice-cold water. Agitate the butter with the water until it gets cloudy. Pour off the water, then add fresh,ice-cold water again and agitate a second time. When the water is cloudy, pour it off.Add ice-cold water again and agitate a third time. Continue washing the butter in this manner until the water no longer looks milky. Finally, pour off all the water. Now your butter is ready to be worked.

It takes a lot of effort to work the buttermilk out of butter that hasn’t been washed. By comparison, working the surplus water out of butter that has been washed is much easier. And because you don’t need to work butter nearly as much when it has been washed first, there’s little chance of overworking it. Overworking is what breaks the grain andruins the texture, and gives it a salvy appearance.

To separate the butterfat from any remaining water, press the butterwith the back of a wooden spoon (see photo below). Alternatively, you can use a metal spoon or a fork. Ourwooden Prepper Prois yet another excellent option.Each end of the tool is a different size, so it gives you more control when pressing. Plus, it’s more comfortablein your handthan using a spoon.

Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter (3)

Squeezing the buttermilk out of the butter.

As the water separates from the butter, pour it off. If the butter happens to get a bit too warm while you’re working it, add a little ice-cold water to bring it back to the desired hardness. This will help preserve its buttery color.

Continue pressing until all the water has been removed. When you’re done, you will have a fine quality butter with a perfect grain and no foreign matter.

Now your butter is ready to be used or stored.Because the casein has been removed,there’s no concern that the butter might become putrid. When made using this method, butter never requires salt to help preserve it.

Normally, you can keep butter out for several days without it going rancid. It’s impossible to say how long the butter will stay fresh at room temperature because it all depends on the environment. Exposure to heat and light will make butter go bad faster. Wrapping butter helps it stay fresh longer.

Another effective way to helpbutter stayfreshlongerat room temperature is to keepit in a butter crock or a ceramic butter bell like our white porcelain butter keeper (seebelow). Adding about an inch of cool water to the base of the butter bell forms a seal that keeps out air.Because a butter bell keeps butter cooler and protects it from air andlight, yourbutter can stayfreshfor up to 30 days. Nevertheless, we recommend you keep out only as much butter as you’ll need for the next few days. Refrigerate the rest in an airtight container toensure optimum freshness.

Adding a little water seals out air, keeping butter soft, sweet and spreadable for up to 30 days.

You might want to form your butter into blocks before you store it. Our Sweet Mary’s wooden butter mold (see photo below) lets you press up to a pound of butter at a time. You control the size of the blocks by how far you pull back the press. Pull it all the way back to molda pound, or just halfway for a half-pound block. With our Sweet Mary’s butter mold, you can press room temperature butter over and over without having to soak the mold or freeze the butter!

Press and mold up to a pound of butter in our Sweet Mary’s butter mold.

For optimal freshness and flavor, and to keep it from picking up odors, the California Milk Advisory Board recommends keeping butter wrapped and stored in the coldest part of yourrefrigerator. The butter experts atLand O’Lakesadviseagainst storing butter in the butter boxon the inside of yourrefrigeratordoor because that spot iswarmer than other areasof the refrigerator.

Typically, refrigerated butter will keep for up to fourmonths. You can freeze it for up to a year without affecting the flavor or texture.

Some variation in the flavor of butter is normal and depends on the cow’s diet. The butter from a cow that ate alfalfa before she was milked willtaste different from butter from a cow that ate weeds. If two cows eat the exact same diet but are kept in different barns, their butter will taste different because the smell of the barn affects the flavor, as does the length of time since the cow last ate.

Despite these minor variations, fresh butter should taste sweet. If the butter is bitter or has apeculiar flavor that’s unpleasant, something is probably wrong.Streptococcus bacteria in the butter produces a malty or sour taste. Things like medications and pesticides canmake butter taste like chemicals. If the butter has a harsh, sour-bitter taste (like soap or blue cheese), it is most likely rancid. When butter is rancid, it turns a brownish color. If the butter tastes metallic or like cardboard, it has oxidized.

The flavor of butter can be affected by many other factors, like the age of the cream, improper handling or storage of the cream, overheating the cream during pasteurization, dirty utensils or equipment, growth of microorganisms or enzymes in the cream. If a cow eats a lot of weeds, the butter will often taste like weeds. If yourbutter tastes bad,don’t take any chances. Just throw it out.

Have you ever made homemade butter? Have you ever compared the taste of butter that was washed to that of butter that had the buttermilk worked out of it without washing? Please share your experiences with homemade butter in the comments section at the very bottom of this page.

(c) 2016 Homesteader’s Supply

Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter (2024)


Why You Need to Wash Homemade Butter? ›

Once the butter and buttermilk are separated, rinse the butter in cold water until the water runs clean. The more buttermilk you wash out, the longer it'll stay fresh; even so, homemade butter will have a shorter shelf life than store-bought — think weeks rather than months.

Why do you need to wash homemade butter? ›

Rinse the Butter

This step is very important, to keep the butter fresh. The final butter may have some lactose and milk proteins remaining in the liquid and if this is allowed to ferment, the butter may become rancid in a short time. The washing and folding is what removes most of this.

What is the importance of washing of the butter? ›

The purpose of washing butter after churning is to remove remnants of buttermilk. Some butters do leave the buttermilk, but it's down to a matter of flavour, because leaving the buttermilk in can change the flavour of the butter as it develops over time.

What happens if you don't rinse homemade butter? ›

Even after the butter has been drained and pressed, it's still holding onto a lot of buttermilk. You want to rinse out as much of this as possible as the buttermilk will contribute to early spoilage.

Why does butter need to be rinsed? ›

Unwashed butter always has a little buttermilk clinging it, which gives it a peculiar flavor–even when fresh, even before the casein has begun to putrify. Washing removes all this foreign matter and leaves the butter tasting fresh and pure.

Is homemade butter safe to leave out? ›

Should You Leave Butter on the Counter? According to the USDA, butter is safe at room temperature. But if it's left out for several days at room temperature, it can turn rancid causing off flavors. The USDA does not recommend leaving it out more than one to two days.

How to get water out of homemade butter? ›

Clarifying the butter removes water. Put the butter in a pot and allow it melt and simmer over low heat. The water will boil off, leaving clear butter fat and some milk solids behind. Skim off the milk solids and you'll have pure butter fat, clarified butter.

Why is it important to wash? ›

Thorough handwashing with soap and water can protect you and others from a range of infectious diseases. Liquid soap is better than bar soap, especially at work. Washing hands with soap and water is better than using alcohol-based hand sanitisers.

How to make homemade butter last longer? ›

Simply rinse it under cold water, kneading gently and taking care not to handle it too much as it will melt. This will extend the life of the butter. One antique cookbook even recommends washing as a way of restoring rancid butter.

What does butter wash mean? ›

Butter Washing is a proprietary softening process developed for basic fabrics by the YourCo. chemists to make an inexpensive garment feel equally soft if not surpass the quality of a tri-blend. Applying Butter Wash to a YourCo. garment gives you an unrivaled softness, and you can apply Butter to as few as 72 pieces.

Why is my homemade butter bitter? ›

Why does my homemade butter taste bitter? If you make butter by collecting malai (cream) from milk daily and storing it in the refrigerator for more than 10 days, it tastes bitter and develops a smell. Add a spoonful of curd to the malai (cream) on the first day and then store it for 7 – 10 days.

What happens if you over mix homemade butter? ›

When you over beat butter - I mean REALLY over beat it, the beating action does start melting the butter and melted butter does not hold onto air bubbles as well as a creamy butter.

Why is my homemade butter sticky? ›

Note, if you add ingredients such as fresh garlic or honey (“wet” ingredients), there may be some sticky “seepage” out the butter, as the water and oils do not always blend well.

Why do people wash homemade butter? ›

Did you know your butter was dirty? It isn't, per se, the washing of the butter is meant to clean the remaining buttermilk out of the butter to help with preservation of the butter. The more buttermilk you are able to take out of the butter, the less chance the butter has of going rancid.

Can bacteria grow in butter? ›

Although the butter is not a highly perishable food, it does undergo spoilage by bacteria and molds. The main source of microorganisms of butter is cream, whether sweet or sour, raw or pasteurized1. Yeast and molds are important spoilage microorganisms of butter and can result in surface discoloration and off-flavor.

When should you wash butter? ›

If you are using the butter right away you don't necessarily have to wash it. However, butter will not keep for long if it is not washed because the buttermilk will go sour. Don't discard the buttermilk! Fresh buttermilk is one of the most delicious things you will ever taste.

Do you rinse butter after churning? ›

You're rinsing off the residual buttermilk, and this is important because the more thoroughly you rinse, the longer your butter will last. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear, then let the butter drain in the sieve.

Why does homemade butter not last as long? ›

Because it's fresh, your butter won't keep as long as commercial butter, so make it in small batches and keep it in the fridge for a few weeks or freeze it for up to 9 months. Also, as a by product of making your own butter, you will have real buttermilk, which you can save for using in baked goods.

How do you keep homemade butter from getting hard? ›

Butter stored in the fridge is hard, making it difficult to spread and incorporate into recipes. You can avoid this problem by keeping your butter outside of the fridge in a cool, dark place, like a countertop or pantry. The process of storing butter outside of the refrigerator is called “room-temperature buttering”.

Why does my homemade butter smell? ›

What's happening is that the bacteria are consuming the lactose (milk sugar) from the cream, converting it into lactic acid. This is what makes raw milk sour, and similarly is what makes raw butter get "cheesy". Now, you can't stop this fermentation from happening, but you can slow it down.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.