Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (2024)

Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (2)

Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (3)

Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls

Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (4)

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

ByClara Olshansky/Oct. 5, 2020 3:03 pm EST

Shopping at Marshalls can be a great way to buy high quality products while staying within your budget, but not all Marshalls dealsare created equal. Turns out, there's a quick trick to find out whether or not you're getting the best possible deal: look at the tag or sticker color.

Usually, yellow means slow down. When it comes to Marshalls, however, yellow means go for it immediately. According toGood Housekeeping, there are three different color tags you'll usually see at Marshalls. A white tag means that a product is at its full price. That price is still typically going to be 20-60%below full-price retailers' prices according toMarshalls, but you may be able to do better. A red sticker indicates that an item is on clearance sale, so you could be getting a seriously good deal. If you'rereally into bargain hunting, you're going to want to keep an eye out for the yellow tags. A yellow-stickered item is on final clearance sale, so it's the lowest price it's ever going to be.

When should you wait for a sale, and when should you buy from Marshalls?

Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (5)

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Just because an item has a white tag, doesn't necessarily mean you should hold off on buying it. Stock is limited at Marshalls, so if you really like the product, buy it now, After all, if a product is selling, it's not going to go on clearance. There is one exception: if it's December or June, you may want to wait a couple weeks. Marshalls public relations and marketing director Sonya Cosentini revealed that items are initially marked down to clearance in January and July (via Rather-Be-Shopping), so if you want to get your pick of the red tag items, that's the time.

There is one more tag color you should know about, but it's rare. If you see an item with a purple tag, you may want to buy it immediately, because purple tags indicate that the item was featured on the runway during Fashion Week (via Deals Plus). You'll be getting a super high end piece at a majorly discounted price. So next time you're at Marshalls, keep watch for the reds, yellows, and maybe even purples to score the best possible bargains.


Why You Should Pay Attention To The Sticker Colors At Marshalls - The List (2024)
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