Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (2024)

Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (1)

Wondering what the extended weather forecast is for the winter ahead? Will there be a snowstorm or three—enough snow to plow and play in? Will cold temperatures bring shivers to your backyard? Here’s theFarmers’ AlmanacWinter 2024 Extended Weather Forecast, including a winter weather advisory that you need to see.

Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (2)

The BRRR is Back!

Winter weather is making a comeback. After a warmwinter anomaly last year, traditional cool temperatures and snowy weather conditions will return to the contiguous United States. (Be sure to read our winter weather advisory below.)

When Will The First Snowstorm Come?

Winter officially starts onThursday, December 21, 2023.But that doesn’t mean the cold conditions and snow will wait until then. Did you know thatmeteorological winterstarts on December 1? December 2023 is forecast to start out quite stormy. Our extended weather forecast calls for some blizzard conditions blowing snow into areas over northern New England, the North Central States, and northern and central areas of New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

What about Christmas? What are thechances you’ll have a white Christmas?

Reason for the Return of the “Brrr”

There are indications that an El Niño (an unusually high-water temperature off the Pacific Coast of South America), will be brewing in the latter half of 2023, lasting into the winter of 2024. If we consider that alongside our tried-and-true forecast formula, it means that cold temperatures should prevail throughout the country and bring snow, sleet, and ice.

Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (3)

How Cold and Snowy?

Our extended weather forecast, which is based on amathematical and astronomical formula, calls for below-average temperatures and lots of snowstorms, sleet, ice, rain for much of the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Midwes areas of the country, as well as central and northern New England, especially in January and February. (Brrr…)

When will the firstsnowfallof the season be?

An unusually snowy and wet winter is also predicted for the Pacific Northwest. Should an El Niño materialize, it could direct the subtropical jet stream into California, translating into copious amounts of rain and snow across the entire Southwest.

Winter in the Great Plains and Rockies will usher in plenty of cold temperatures and occasional bouts of storminess, bringing widespread rains and snows.

Texans will need to bundle up, as unseasonably cold weather is forecast throughout January and February, with a possible major winter storm in mid-January.

The Southeast and Florida will see a wetter-than-normal winter, with average winter temperatures overall, but a few frosts may send many shivers to snowbirds trying to avoid the cold and snow back home.

For those of you living along the I-95 corridor from Washington to Boston, who saw a lack of wintry precipitation last winter, you should experience quite the opposite, with lots of rain/sleet and snowstorms to contend with.

Whatzonedo you live in?

Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (4)

Winter Weather Advisory

The following are a few winter weather advisory times that our extended weather forecast is suggesting you might want to bundle up, buy some extra hot chocolate, make plans to stay home, or plan a skiing trip.

  • The second week of January will be stormy, snowy, and wet for both the Pacific Coast and the Eastern States.
  • Lots of cold temperatures and some storms will keep folks in the South Central States busy during the middle of January.
  • Heavy mountain snows will cover the western US including the mountains on the Pacific Coast during the first week of February.
  • An East Coast storm affecting the Northeast and New England states will bring snowfall, cold rain and then frigid temperatures, during the second week of February.
  • Unseasonably cold temperatures will blow into the Southeast States mid-February.
  • Potential blizzards for this first week of March will remind folks in the North Central States that winter isn’t over yet.
  • Another East Coast storm will bring a wintry mess to this area during the first week of March.
  • A possible late-season snowfall over the high terrain of New England during the third week of April won’t be a fun “April Fools’ Day” prank!

Want to see the details of this winter weather advisory? Get the entire year’s forecast for your area of the country by signing up for aFarmhouse Membership(or logging in andheading hereif you are a member already).

Find out what zone you are in as well as see your month-by-month forecast.

When Will Winter End?

March will remind us that the Brrr is Back and won’t let go too easily. March’s extended forecast calls for wild swings in the thermometer, especially in the East. And March could go out like a lion, with stormy conditions nationwide.

Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (6)

About Our Extended Weather Forecast

Every year since 1818, we consult our time-tested weather formula to offer you an extended weather forecast not only for the winter ahead, but the entire year. Our goal is to help you plan ahead. Yes, predicting the weather that far in advance has its risks, and at a times, nature likes to remind us that she has the last word. But we do our best with the tools we have to offer you both these summary outlooks andzoned forecasts.

Stay updated on both our seasonal outlooks and updates – Sign-up for our Newsletter!

Join The Discussion

What do you think about the Farmers’ Almanac winter 2024 predictions?

Are you looking forward to a snowstorm or two this year?

Share with your community here in the comments below!

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Winter 2023-2024 Forecast - Farmers' Almanac (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.