Women who ditch clothes they've worn just seven times (2024)

Modern women have adopted a 'barely wear' culture when it comes to their wardrobes, using items only a handful of times before considering them 'old', according to a new study.

A detailed survey of almost 2,000 women aged over 16 found that most fashion purchases see the light of day just seven times.

In addition, the study found that the average woman typically spends £64 per month - or £768 per year on clothes - most of which are left languishing in wardrobes unworn.

Good buy: Women spend an average of £768 a year on clothes but wear most of them just seven times

The research found that almost 33 per cent of women consider clothes 'old' after wearing them fewer than three times.

The main reasons given for ditching new purchases were changes in weight - 49 percent - and disregarding clothes bought on a whim - 23 percent.

But one in seven said Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were strong influences for the culture, because being pictured twice and 'tagged' in the same dress on different nights out was a fashion no-no.

The research also revealed the average woman's wardrobe is home to 66 items of clothing with 10 items of clothing that would never be worn again.

Dresses were most likely to be bought for a one-off event and then discarded, with wedding and holiday outfits topping the list.

The study also found the average woman purchases clothing every 89 days, and typically spends £64 per month - or £768 per year.

But of those purchases ten are either binned or taken to the local charity shop every year.

Of the women who said they regularly wore items on a handful of occasions before putting them away, one in three said they 'went off clothes after wearing them a couple of times'.

Just over one in four said they were unlikely to wear clothes again because they had put on weight.

Slightly less than that said weight-loss was the reason while 22 percent said they had purchased a piece of clothing in a sale, worn it a couple of times then consigned it to the wardrobe.

It also emerged typically women now spend £37.43 on a new piece.

Zoe Abrams, Director at Barnardo's, said: 'We're all guilty of wearing an outfit a few times and then forgetting about it, but we were surprised to find the average woman's wardrobe has at least 10 items that will never be worn again.

'That is why we have launched the £MyBarnardosDonation campaign to encourage women across the UK to donate those unworn items to our stores, which we hope will generate over £100,000 worth of clothing donations.

'The profits from selling the items will fund Barnardo's work with some of the UK's most vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people.

'So this Saturday, instead of going shopping once again for another outfit, we're asking people to put aside an hour to sort through their wardrobe and put those items they no longer wear to good use by donating them to their local Barnardo's store'.

Linda Blair, clinical psychologist and the author of The Key to Calm, is supporting the £MyBarnardosDonation campaign said: 'Having a clear out is a great way to help you feel more in control of your wardrobe, you're your life.

'People think they need lots of clothing, that they need to be surrounded by choices, however, psychological research shows that having more choices actually leads to indecisiveness and less satisfaction rather than greater contentment.

'Why not take a good look at what the clothes you no longer want or need you have, and give whatever you can to Barnardo's? Not only will you feel better, but your donations will make a huge difference to vulnerable children across the UK.'

Women who ditch clothes they've worn just seven times (2024)
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