You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 11, 2024

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Financial Statements 101


Spreadsheet Software


Accounting Software


Financial Analysis Software


Online Courses and Resources


Here’s what else to consider

If you're an aspiring or early-stage venture capitalist, you know how important it is to understand the financial performance and potential of the startups you're evaluating. But reading and analyzing financial statements can be daunting, especially if you don't have a background in accounting or finance. How can you make sense of the numbers and use them to make informed decisions? In this article, we'll introduce you to some tools that can help you learn the basics of financial statements, visualize the data, and compare different metrics across companies.

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  • Deyan Ivanov Chief Risk Officer (CRO), Member of the Management Board at Raiffeisen Bank Kosova

    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (3) 13

  • John Sharp Founding Partner at Hatcher+

    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (5) 8

  • Dr. Abdul Manaff Chairman @ FIRST HOLDINGS INTERNATIONAL I Speaker I Mentor I Investor I Fundraising I Board Leadership

    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (7) 6

You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (8) You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (9) You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (10)

1 Financial Statements 101

Before you dive into the tools, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of financial statements that startups use to communicate their financial situation and results. These are the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement. The income statement shows how much revenue and expenses a company generated over a period of time, and whether it made a profit or a loss. The balance sheet shows how much assets and liabilities a company has at a point in time, and how much equity it has raised from investors. The cash flow statement shows how much cash a company received and spent over a period of time, and how it was used for operating, investing, and financing activities. Each of these statements has different line items that reflect the specific aspects of a company's business model and strategy.

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  • John Sharp Founding Partner at Hatcher+

    Advice to first-time founders: Ask friends or family members for an introduction to an accountant or financial advisor - and request an hour or two of their time. Ask them to explain the basics - cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, how to bring capital into your business, how to keep track of your expenses using software. This is not going to cost you much money -and may even be free. Many accountants will do this for free as a means of winning you as a client - or selling software.Then... sign up for a simple accounting package from Quickbooks or Xero... they will recommend one to you... and your business and investing career will start off on a very solid footing.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (19) 8

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  • Toyoyuki Ushioda 🇸🇬Experienced finance professional |Founder | Angel Investor | INSEAD GEMBA'24 | Columbia Business School (PE/VC)

    The income statement, balance sheets, and cash flow statement are fundamental. There is no difference between startups and large companies in this regard. A basic understanding of financial statements is essential, and there isn't a specific "tool" required for this purpose. Most of the time, you may see them in Excel, which is sufficient for an early-stage startup.The cash flow statement in a startup is particularly important to understand in order to estimate runways. It answers the question, "How many months can this company survive without additional external capital?" This is crucial during the due diligence process.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (28) You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (29) 20

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  • Deyan Ivanov Chief Risk Officer (CRO), Member of the Management Board at Raiffeisen Bank Kosova

    A thorough understanding of accounting concepts and financial reporting standards like IFRS or local GAAP and which one the financial statements are conforming with is essential. The financial statements are not only the three key reports - Balance sheet, Income statement and Cashflow Statement, but also the accounting policy applied by the entity and all accompanying disclosures (notes) to the key reporting categories. All these need to be interpreted in the context of the business model of the entity - e.g. service provider, light or heavy industry, retail or wholesale trader or a conglomerate of diverse business entities. Each of these business models often associate with specific patterns of some positions in the financial statements.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (38) 13


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2 Spreadsheet Software

One of the most basic and versatile tools for analyzing financial statements is spreadsheet software, such as Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers. With spreadsheet software, you can import, organize, and manipulate the data from financial statements, and perform various calculations and formulas to derive key metrics and ratios. For example, you can calculate the gross margin, the net margin, the return on assets, the current ratio, the burn rate, and the cash runway. You can also create charts and graphs to visualize the trends and patterns in the data, and compare them across different time periods, segments, or companies. Spreadsheet software also allows you to create your own financial models and projections, based on assumptions and scenarios that you can test and adjust.

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  • Mohammad Asif Outsourced CFO for businesses | Over 15 years in strategic financial planning, impacting 400+ businesses | Guiding entrepreneurs navigate challenges of running a business | CEO at JaZaa Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

    Completely agree with this.Spreadsheet software is a financial multitool.It's vital for versatile, efficient financial management.Spreadsheets are more than just numbers - they're a toolbox.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (47) 4

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  • Deciphering financial statements requires more than mere tools; it demands a critical approach to data. Microsoft Excel, while a staple in financial modeling, risks becoming an antiquated behemoth in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. QuickBooks and Xero, though user-friendly, can oversimplify complex financial realities, potentially leading to superficial insights. Tableau offers a visual feast of data but beware: stunning graphics can sometimes mask shallow analyses. Google Sheets, accessible and cloud-based, risks being the jack of all trades but master of none, adequate for basic analysis but lacking the depth for sophisticated financial modeling.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (56) You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (57) 3

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3 Accounting Software

Another tool that can help you analyze financial statements is accounting software, such as QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks. Accounting software is designed to help businesses record, track, and report their financial transactions and activities, and generate financial statements automatically. With accounting software, you can access the financial statements of the startups you're interested in, and see how they are organized and formatted according to accounting standards and principles. You can also drill down into the details of each line item, and see the source documents and transactions that support them. Accounting software also provides various features and functions that can help you analyze the data, such as dashboards, reports, filters, tags, and alerts.

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  • Romaric Ngambo HEC Paris MBA Candidate ∞ President of HEC Search Fund club ∞ United Nations Volunteer ∞ Venture advisor

    Delving into financial statements need not be daunting. Embrace accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks to demystify the process. These tools not only automate financial reporting but also illuminate the intricacies behind the numbers, aligning with accounting standards. They offer detailed insights into transactions, underpinned by dashboards and analytical features, making financial oversight both intuitive and strategic. Ideal for venture capitalists seeking to understand startup health, these platforms transform financial scrutiny into an informed strategy.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (66) 2

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  • This may come down to cost per user because most do the same thing. You should also use the ones with the interface and navigational ease that suits you best. Consider font size and how they integrate with the other software you use day to day.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (75) 1

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4 Financial Analysis Software

A third tool that can help you analyze financial statements is financial analysis software, such as Finviz, Stockopedia, or Simply Wall St. Financial analysis software is designed to help investors and analysts research, evaluate, and compare different companies and stocks, based on their financial performance and potential. With financial analysis software, you can access the financial statements of the startups you're interested in, and see how they are summarized and presented in a standardized and simplified way. You can also access various indicators and metrics that measure the financial health, growth, profitability, efficiency, and valuation of the companies, and compare them to their peers, benchmarks, and industry averages. Financial analysis software also provides various tools and features that can help you analyze the data, such as screeners, scanners, charts, maps, and ratings.

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  • Dan Rockwell

    Yes on these but also tools like Pitchbook and CB Insights. M&A activity may not be in your wheelhouse but anyone can follow those trends and apply them likely to whatever you are working on- influence is perception at the table with the mind of perspective. You will have perspective.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (84) 2

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  • Taylor Bench

    Distilling lots of data into actionable information or information and visualization that can provide easier analysis or pattern recognition is most helpful for me. The data and software won’t tell you all the answers but it helps me reduce the noise so a signal in the financials may be more apparent.


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5 Online Courses and Resources

A final tool that can help you analyze financial statements is online courses and resources, such as Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy. Online courses and resources are designed to help learners acquire and improve their knowledge and skills in various topics and domains, including accounting and finance. With online courses and resources, you can learn the fundamentals and concepts of financial statements, and how to read, interpret, and analyze them. You can also learn the best practices and techniques for using different tools and methods to perform financial analysis, and how to apply them to real-world cases and examples. Online courses and resources also provide various materials and features that can help you learn, such as videos, lectures, quizzes, exercises, and forums.

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  • Dr. Abdul Manaff Chairman @ FIRST HOLDINGS INTERNATIONAL I Speaker I Mentor I Investor I Fundraising I Board Leadership

    Explore online courses and resources focused on financial literacy. Platforms like Khan Academy, Coursera, and Investopedia offer comprehensive tutorials on understanding financial statements. Interactive modules break down concepts, and quizzes reinforce learning. Excel tutorials enhance spreadsheet skills for analysis. Engaging with forums and seeking clarification from instructors can provide valuable insights. Consistent practice, coupled with educational resources, gradually builds confidence and proficiency in deciphering financial statements.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (102) 6

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  • Al Anany 📔 Founder | Helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into cashflow 💸 | Portfolio clients include $120M-raised | Business Consultant

    The first time I saw a startup's financial statement, I was extremely confused. That was over ten years ago. I did something simple - I googled each and every item.Financials are not complicated; many models might look that way. But they're just simple equations and calculations. Follow the numbers, and you'll understand the whole thing.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (111) 4

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Mojtaba Kobari Advisor to the CEO, Bank Pasargad

    Business Intelligence Platforms: Tools such as Microsoft Power BI can help analyze financial data and making it easier to understand trends, patterns, and important information about financial statements.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (120) 6

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  • Maisam Zargarpour Fundraising Coach | Venture Capitalist | 💰 $15MM Investor | Co-founder of 3 VCs (so far) | Certified Management Consultant (CMC) | Business Development Strategist | Startup Lover | 🎙️Veteran Podcaster

    I think everyone in the Venture Capital industry should know the basics of financial statement analysis. So as a GP team member, you must be familiar with this topic. Please refer to the related sub-topic of the article to know which courses fit your conditions.One of the most crucial items widely discussed in the financial statement analysis is financial ratios. By these ratios, you can "diagnose" the financial health condition of the company. Luckily, ratios can show the financial health of different dimensions: from the ability to settle the liabilities to the debt structure of the company.If I were a newcomer to the industry, I would spend enough time to know financial ratios.


    You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (129) 4

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Venture Capital You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (130)

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You’re struggling to understand financial statements. What tools can help you make sense of the numbers? (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.