Zeke Landon (2024)

Ezekiel "Zeke" James Landon is a character on Manifest. He debuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Matt Long and co-star Colin Critchley.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Before Flight 828
    • 1.2 During Flight 828
    • 1.3 After Flight 828
    • 1.4 Season Two
    • 1.5 Season Three
    • 1.6 Season Four
  • 2 Appearances
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 References


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Before Flight 828[]

In 2006, when Zeke is fifteen, he and his family go camping near Tannersville, New York. Zeke is supposed to be watching his younger sister Chloe, when he gets a phone call from a girl that he barely knows. An hour later, Chloe's dead body is pulled from a ravine and for a long time afterwards, Zeke blames himself for Chloe's death and he numbs the pain with drugs and alcohol ("Upgrade")

After his father, Gordon, left the family, leaving Zeke and his mother, Priscilla, by themselves. Zeke doesn't see his father for years afterwards. ("Unaccompanied Minors")

He and a woman named Courtney become a couple and plan on getting married but never do as they are very high and never manage to sign the legal paperwork to make the marriage legal. ("Return Trip")

During Flight 828[]

In December of 2017, Zeke takes a trip to Tannersville to find closure from Chloe's death. He visits a bait shop where the he and the owner have a conversation about Flight 828 after Zeke purchases a magazine that remembers the passengers. On the front cover, is a small picture of Michaela Stone, and her picture draws Zeke towards her.

While on his hike, a monster blizzard comes out of nowhere, forcing Zeke to take shelter in a cave. While in the cave, Zeke is forced to burn everything that he had in order to stay warm. While ripping out the pages of the magazine, Zeke sees Michaela's picture again. Her picture gives Zeke the strength to live and to get out of the cave. An earthquake soon strikes the cave, giving Zeke the opportunity to escape. Unknown to Zeke, he actually froze to death and like the 828 passengers, was resurrected with Zeke coming back to life a year later.

After Flight 828[]

After Zeke has escaped the cave, he goes on the search to find Michaela. He walks through a blizzard and kept saying "Find her." This triggers a calling that Michaela and her nephew, Cal Stone, experience. ("Crosswinds")

Soon afterwards Cal goes missing because he leaves to meet Zeke. Cal knows Zeke is suffering from hypothermia so he brings the necessary supplies to help Zeke. Cal had left a map behind for his parents, Ben and Grace and his aunt Michaela. Grace and Ben find Cal safe in the cabin and are ready to take him home but Cal refuses to leave as Zeke is about to arrive. Zeke makes his appearance, bursting into the cabin and immediately passes out from exhaustion. ("Vanishing Point")

Eventually Michaels joins Grace, Ben and Cal upstate and when she sees Zeke for the first time, she recognizes his coat from the Calling. Later on, Zeke wakes up and he immediately recognizes Michaela as well.

Zeke explains to Michaela and Ben how her picture gave him strength to live during the blizzard, but he can't comprehend the fact that Michaela and Ben are alive, since he believed that they all died on the plane. When Michaela realizes that Zeke didn't hear about the flight's return, Ben asks to look at the magazine page and sees that the magazine was published in December of 2017. Michaela tells Zeke that it's now December of 2018 and both Michaela and Ben are shocked to learn that Zeke is a time jumper just like them.

Michaela uses her detective skills to learn more about Zeke and what happened to him in his cave. They both have a shared Calling under a starry night sky and they hear Zeke's voice say "Go back!" Thinking that they need to go back to the cave, Michaela sets out to get supplies and finds a missing persons poster for Zeke at the bait shop. Talking with the bait shop owner, Michaela learns what happened to Chloe and that the shop owner thinks Zeke might've killed himself because of the pain of Chloe's death.

When Michaela returns to the cabin, she finds Zeke gone and she sets out to find him. When she does, she convinces him to trust her on the Callings and that they need to do it together. Zeke agrees to come with her to the cave. When they get to the cave, Michaela takes pictures of it for Ben for his research and while inside the cave, Zeke and Michaela get the shared Calling again and Michaela asks Zeke if stars mean anything to him, as they were standing underneath a starry night sky. Zeke then pulls out the gold star necklace that he had bought Chloe for her ninth birthday. He tells Michaela that Chloe loved that necklace so much and after her death, he's worn it ever since. Michaela realizes that the Calling was about Chloe. Zeke tells Michaela about the 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and how he was stuck on Step Five. "Admit to a higher power, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” Michaela asks Zeke what he came here to admit and he tells her that he had killed Chloe. Zeke explains to Michaela what had happened and how for years, the pain and guilt still haunted him. He never told anyone what had really happened that day and that no one could understand that sort of pain. Michaela tells Zeke that she too, was also responsible for her best friend Evie's death from a car accident. Zeke tells Michaela that there was a memorial built for Chole in her honor but he never had the guts to go see it. Michaela thinks that the "Go back" Calling was telling them to go Chloe's memorial. Zeke agrees to go with her.

At her memorial, Zeke gets emotional when talking to Chloe and says that he can't do it, so Michaela asks Zeke to tell her about Chloe instead. Zeke tells Michaela about the good memories that he had with Chloe and he asks Michaela if she would like to build a cairn with him. He told Michaela that he used to build them with Chloe and that she called them "fairy towers." She agrees to help and when they finish, Zeke says that he feels a bit better but it still hurts. Michaela tells him that pain isn't easy to recover from but it gets better as time goes on. Zeke thanks her for helping him find closure from Chloe's death and the two of them embrace. They have the shared Calling again, but this time, they hear Michaela's voice say "Go back!". Zeke agrees To go back with Michaela to New York. Zeke takes off the gold necklace and puts it on Chloe's memorial and tells her that he loves her.

Later that night, while the two of them are hiking, they come across a petrograph of two people standing under a starry night sky, holding hands. At that moment, Zeke and Michaela are holding hands when lightning flashes above them in the night sky. ("Cleared for Approach")

Michaela takes Zeke to her apartment where she convinces him to stay after she tells him about the petrograph symbolizing them. That night, while asleep on the couch, Zeke has a Calling of a growling wolf and Cal also had the same Calling as well. The next day, Michaela and Zeke head over to the Stone's house to see if they could get answers about the Calling, as Zeke was still new to them. Cal at first wasn't ready to share what he saw, as he told Zeke "If I draw it, it'll happen." Zeke tells Cal that his drawings don't cause things to happen, but predict what might happen. Eventually, Cal draws what appears to Michaela standing outside of a van with the wolf. In reality, Michaela is down at the waterfront where the armored truck was being lifted from the river. She goes to open the door when all of a sudden, the driver, James Griffin, lunges at her and growls like a wolf.

In Hard Landing, Zeke and Ben join Michaela at the hospital and Zeke and Jared meet for the first time. Jared is immediately suspicious of Zeke and doesn't trust him. Zeke later on in the day tries to break into his mother's house but is arrested for it. At the precinct, he tells Michaela that he was going to see his mom and she tells him to knock on the door next time. Zeke asks her to believe in him that he did come back for a reason and she lets him go, much to Jared's displeasure. Jared ran Zeke's fingerprints from the cup that Michaela had given him to drink out of. Zeke goes and visits his mother, but it doesn't go the way he had hoped, as she said terrible things to him.

In Estimated Time of Departure, Zeke had gone to a liquor store and bought a bottle of bourbon and was about to drink it when Michaela had come back to the apartment and he hid it. Michaela asks him how the meeting with his mom went and he said that she didn't want to see him. Michaela tells him that they could fix this together but Zeke tells her that not everyone deserves her compassion. She then asks him about the assault on his record and he was surprised that she ran his sheet, but she tells him Jared did. He tells her that he was at a bar and saw a guy beat up his "supposed" girlfriend and Zeke, who was pretty drunk himself, punched the guy in the jaw. Zeke didn't want to tell her about it, because he was worried how it would change things between them. Michaela says that nothing has changed between them and they embrace.

Zeke, along with Ben, Michaela and Saanvi, get the "Stop him." Calling. Zeke had gone to an alleyway to buy a gun to stop Griffin at the news conference. Unbeknownst to Zeke, Jared had him followed to prove to Michaela that Zeke was using drugs again. At the news conference, Zeke was about to pull the gun to shoot down Griffin when Griffin unexpectedly starts spitting out water and later dies.

Later that night, Jared confronts Zeke in Michaela's apartment, asking him where he hid the drugs he had supposedly bought. Zeke denies that he bought drugs, but eventually, Jared finds the bourbon. Zeke tells Jared that he didn't drink any of it and Jared tells Zeke to stay away from Michaela, as Jared believes that he and Michaela belong together. Zeke tells Jared that he doesn't think that and the two get into a fight where Zeke pulls out the gun and shows Jared that this was what he had bought to stop Griffin and to protect Michaela. Jared and Zeke fight over the gun and when Michaela walks into the apartment, a gun shot goes off and hits her in the stomach.

Season Two[]

In Fasten Your Seatbelts, Zeke applies pressure to Michaela's wound and begs her to hold on. Michaela tells Zeke to run from the scene and at first, he's afraid to, but she encourages him to go and he does, much to Jared's disgust.

Two months have passed. Zeke had gone into hiding at his mom's house and he grew out his hair and beard to avoid detection from the NYPD. Zeke had a buddy send Michaela a postcard from Canada to let her know that he escaped. Cal eventually finds Zeke at his mom's house and tells Zeke that he needs to be with Michaela and that she doesn't have much time left and neither does he. Zeke learns from Cal that he too also has the Death Date as well.

Knowing that he needed to do the right thing, he turns himself in to the police, but before they come, he finds Michaela and tells her that he knows about the Death Date and that he is turning himself in to own up to his actions. Michaela tells him that the shooting was an accident but Zeke doesn't agree. He tells her that he wished that he had met her some other way, some different time and who knows what could've been. The cops come and take Zeke away.

In Grounded, Zeke pleads guilty to his crimes, much to Michaela's dismay. While in prison, Zeke experiences a shared Calling with Michaela and Cal on Flight 828 in which the plane was crashing. The Calling was so intense that Zeke had started shaking and he was then taken to a special cell where he was given drugs to stop the shaking. Michaela eventually finds him in False Horizon and vows that she will get him out of prison. She gives her testimony in court, exposing Jared for what he did to Zeke and convinced the judge that Zeke was innocent and that the shooting was an accident. After getting released, he and Michaela share a hug outside of the jail and he tells her that no one had ever done anything like that for him. She offers to take him to the Stone's for dinner and he agrees to come with her and he and Cal are reunited.

In Black Box, he and Michaela get the "Bring him back!" Calling which led them to a bank where they help stop a bank robbery and help the robber, a Flight 828 passenger named Logan Strickland, reunite with his brother Frank. Frank gives Logan the compass that their dad had meant to give to Logan and on that compass was a peaco*ck. Logan had explained to Zeke and Michaela that the compass saved both his grandfather and his father's lives. Logan gives the compass to Michaela for safe keeping.

After the robbery, Michaela took Zeke back to her apartment to take care of the head wound he had gotten from Logan when Logan had hit Zeke's head with the barrel of the gun. Zeke asks Michaela why she is always trying to save him and she tells him that he is a good man, whether he believes it or not, he'll come around. He tells her that he only has eight more months left to live and Michaela tells him that he shouldn't say that, as the compass could be a clue to save him. Zeke tells Michaela that she already has saved him. After a brief moment of silence, Michaela tells Zeke that "A good heart goes a long way." Zeke is confused by what she meant and she leans forward and kisses him on the lips before pulling back, slightly embarrassed. Realizing that she had felt the same way as he did about her, Zeke leans forward and kisses her back. They spend the night together.

In Coordinated Flight, Zeke goes through rehab and says during the meeting that he had found Michaela and that she believed in him and accepted him with open arms. His sponsor tells him that he should start making amends with the people he had hurt in the past. Zeke tells his sponsor that he isn't sure if the people he had hurt would ever forgive him.

Zeke meets his ex-girlfriend Courtney at a cafe where he tries to make amends with her but fails but later that evening, while he and Michaela are making dinner, Courtney pops up at their door, asking if she could stay. Courtney introduces herself to Michaela as Zeke's wife.

In Return Trip, Zeke helps Courtney pay off her debt that she owed to Lucas, a drug dealer. He and Courtney had gotten into a fight with Lucas's men at Michaela's apartment and Michaela decides to help them out. She and Zeke go and make a deal with Lucas, but before anything could happen, Lucas tells Michaela to shoot up but Zeke offers to do it for her, but doesn't after their cover is blown due to one of Lucas's men recognizing Michaela as a cop. Zeke and Michaela help take down Lucas and his men along with Drea, Michaela's partner at the NYPD.

After getting home from Lucas's place, Zeke and Michaela discover that Courtney left and Zeke tells Michaela that Courtney had gone to move into a sober house. Even though he made his amends with Courtney, Zeke tells Michaela that he can't live her life for her, he can only live his and that he really liked this life with Michaela. The two share a kiss.

In Emergency Exit, Michaela confronts Zeke about the pills she had found in his razor. Confused, he asks her why she was looking there in the first place and she explained that Courtney had told her that Zeke used to hide pills as a safety net just in case if sobriety didn't work out. Hurt by her accusation, Zeke leaves the apartment.

When he comes back to the apartment, he almost takes the pills but he gets a shared Calling with Grace and Cal, in which they saw the nightclub fire. They go to the nightclub and Zeke goes inside to see if he can find Michaela. He finds her struggling to pull out Bethany, the flight attendant from Flight 828, from a burning beam. Zeke lifts the burning beam with his bare hands, allowing Michaela to pull out Bethany. The three of them manage to escape the building and Michaela looks at Zeke's hands which don't have burns.

Later at the hospital, Saanvi is inspecting Zeke's hands but discovers instead of burns, he is developing frostbite. Zeke realizes that he is slowly freezing to death.

That night back at the apartment, Zeke confesses to Michaela that he loves her, that he is all in, no matter what life throws at in their way. Michaela admits that she loves him too and they share a passionate kiss.

In Carry On, Zeke goes and visits Saanvi to see if he can get help for his frostbite. He tells Saanvi that he only has six months left and he admits to her how much Michaela means to him and how he doesn't want to lose the happiness he found with her to the Death Date. Saanvi tells him that she has gotten rid of the DNA anomaly and she tells Zeke that he needs to pass tests in order to try out the treatment which he is willing to do. Later that night, when Michaela comes home from work, she tells him how Jared betrayed her by joining the Xer's and that she is glad that she has Zeke and that they can trust each other. Zeke then shows her the frostbite and that Saanvi may have a cure for it.

In Airplane Bottles, Zeke and Michaela begin to think about what they should do if Saanvi's cure works. Michaela suggests taking a year off to see the world and Zeke asks her where she wants to go and gives her Chile, Greece or Thailand as three options. Zeke goes and gets the treatment, but rejects it after he saw what it did to Saanvi. He gets her ex, Doctor Alex Bates to help her. Saanvi thinks that they still have a chance of beating the Death Date after she tells Zeke that she will work on fine tuning the formula.

In Course Deviation, Zeke visits Michaela at the precinct after he learns that Jared arrested her for arson. Zeke doesn't trust Jared but he knows that Michaela always sees the best in everyone.

Later on, the Xer's kidnap Zeke and hold him captive and Jared saves his life by turning on the Xer's revealing to them that he was undercover. Zeke and Michaela are grateful to Jared for his actions and they are now on good terms with each other.

In Unaccompanied Minors, Zeke's Death Date is approaching with each coming day and the frostbite has gotten worse. He gets treatment from Saanvi to slow the affects of the frostbite but its no cure. At the hospital, he and Cal are playing chess when Grace begins to sing the lullaby that Zeke's dad had written for him and Chloe when they were kids. Zeke asks her how she knows that lullaby and tells her that no one else would know it because his dad had written the lullaby and had a music box. Ben realized that he and TJ had found Zeke's dad at the subway station where he tried to commit suicide. After some encouragement from Ben, Zeke pays a visit to his dad, getting emotional after not seeing him in years.

When Michaela visits him later that day at the hospital, Zeke tells her that he saw his dad and it gave him clarity that he should stop the treatment. This greatly upsets Michaela as she was hoping for a cure to save Zeke.

Later that night, at their apartment, Zeke tells Michaela that though he is stopping the treatment, he wants to make one more memory with her. To her surprise and delight, Zeke proposes to her and she says yes.

In Call Sign, Zeke and Michaela get married, as Zeke only has two more days left to live. The wedding was everything he and Michaela could've wanted and more. He finally tells his parents that he is dying and he asks his dad to be there for his mom while he is gone. Zeke asked Cal to be his best man for the wedding and the two have a very sweet bachelor party, playing Monopoly and eating way too much sugar. While on their way to their honeymoon, Zeke and Michaela learn that Cal was kidnapped by the meth heads, Jace, Pete and Kory.

In Icing Conditions, Zeke gets a Calling showing him where Cal was, but the Calling also showed Zeke's death. Zeke convinces Ben and Michaela to let him come with to find Cal in upstate New York. Zeke shows where they have to go to find Cal, but it's clear that Zeke's time was coming to an end. He and Michaela spend their final moments together in the car. He tells her that he had gotten everything he wanted out of life and more than he deserved. Michaela begins to sob as she realizes that Zeke's time is running out. He asks her to tell Cal when she sees him to tell him that he loved him.

Later that night, Zeke is looking at his wedding photos in the car when he gets the Calling again and sets out to find his nephew. Stumbling along the way, he finds Cal on the frozen lake with the three meth heads. All of a sudden, a lightning bolt hits the lake, causing Cal and the meth heads to fall in. Zeke jumps in to save Cal, despite Michaela telling him not to. Zeke eventually brings Cal to the surface, but Zeke is pulled under by one of the meth heads but eventually resurfaces. But, the Death Date had done its work. Zeke stays dead until a glow of light appears from his body and he is revived, with no signs of frostbite. Cal, Ben and Michaela are overjoyed that Zeke is alive and they reunite with Grace and Olive, who are shocked and happy to see that Zeke is alive.

Ben and Michaela conclude that the only way that Zeke survived in the first place was that he followed the Callings and that was the only way to beat the Death Date.

Season Three[]

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In "Tailfin", Zeke and Michaela are on their honeymoon in Costa Rica when it gets interrupted by Michaela having a Calling of her, Ben, Cal and a mysterious young woman. Zeke and Michaela learn that the young woman is Angelina Meyer, a Flight 828 passenger. The two of them learn that Angelina's parents have a house that is only two hours away from where they are staying at. While talking to Angelina's parents, they learn that Angelina supposedly went back to New York after feeling unhappy in Costa Rica, but Michaela thinks that Angelina is still in Costa Rica. They visit Angelina's friend Elena Rojas and she tells them the same exact same thing that Angelina's parents told them earlier. Zeke and Michaela return to the house and Michaela gets dizzy from the Calling and she asks if there is a bathroom where she could use. While Angelina's mother leads her to the bathroom, her father is with Zeke and Zeke starts feeling faint and eventually collapses on the ground and Angelina's father calls for help. This is the first time Zeke uses his new found empath abilities but is completely unaware of it until Michaela tells him that it helped her buy more time for her to locate Angelina, who was being held captive by her parents. Zeke and Michaela take her back to New York with them and Ben and Emmet divert their plane to Costa Rica to pick them up.

In "Deadhead", Zeke visits Saanvi, who is curious about how Zeke's body changed after surviving the Death Date. He and Saanvi learn that Zeke no longer has the blood marker which means he no longer has Callings. When Ben visits Saanvi, he tells Zeke that Michaela was trying to reach him to tell him that the meth heads were back. Zeke tells Ben that his phone battery died while he was looking for apartments for him and Michaela. However, during his appointment with Saanvi, he starts getting a feeling that something is off with her. He comes back later and tells her that he can't stop thinking about her and that he thinks she's pushing herself too hard. He tells her that he thinks she's doing all of this in order for her to beat the Death Date and he tells her that following the Callings is the only way to survive. Saanvi snaps at him, telling him that she got rid of the Callings and she asks him how she can beat the Death Date if she no longer gets Callings. He tells her that she needs to keep helping people and that she can't let it eat at her. Saanvi then asks how Zeke knows that it's eating at her and he is confused by what she means. She explains that no one in the clinic has even noticed and he has only been there for five minutes and she asks how he can see what no one else is seeing.

In "Wingman", Zeke is working at Saanvi's clinic when he learns that Evie's father, Glen has died from a massive heart attack. Jared, who was at the clinic seeing Saanvi and asking her questions about the Major, takes Zeke to Beverly's house so he can be there for Michaela. When Zeke gets there, he gives Michaela a hug and tells her that he is there to help and he tells her that his mom went through this with Zeke's grandad's dementia. He asks her what he can do and Michaela tells him that him being there is enough.

Zeke cooks Beverly a grilled cheese and soup and Michaela gets the heartbeat Calling again which leads her and Zeke to a box of old DVD's that contain old videos of Michaela and Evie. However, Zeke sees a DVD that is marked for Michaela and he shows it to her and she puts it in the DVD player. In the video, Glen tells Michaela if she is watching this, it means he has died and he explains that he made arrangements for Beverly to go to an assisted living facility. Glen tells Michaela that getting Michaela back was like getting a part of Evie back and as a small token, he gives Michaela the house.

Later on, Zeke and Michaela are helping Beverly pack for her to move into the assisted living facility when Beverly has a panic attack. Zeke senses Beverly's anxiety and helps her calm down by having her take deep breaths in and out and giving her an old necklace that Evie made for her. It works and Michaela is shocked by how Zeke managed to do it. He shrugs it off, says that it was just a feeling. After getting the heartbeat Calling when the facility coordinator who is there to pick up Beverly, Michaela announces that this is Beverly's home and she can't leave. She says that Zeke and herself will take care of Beverly and that they will hire an aide to help them out. Michaela explains to Zeke that this is what the Calling wants her to do and he agrees with her.

In "Tailspin", Zeke discovers a new ability with his empath skills. When Zeke sees Michaela stressing out about what to cook for Beverly after she was dissatisfied that there were no raisins in her oatmeal , he gets a connected sense with Beverly, seeing himself in her place. After he snaps out of it, he finds an old picture of Michaela and Evie and introduces himself as Michaela's husband and tells her that Michaela went to school with Evie. This brings back old memories for Beverly and Michaela notices something is up with Zeke. She asks if he's a mind reader now and he tells her something strange has happened to him. He explains that he felt confused and he didn't know who he was or why he was in the house. Michaela then realizes that Zeke was feeling what Beverly was feeling. Later that morning, Angelina visits them asking for Michaela's help. She explains that Pete has gotten a Calling but he can't follow it because he is in jail. Zeke and Michaela agree to help Pete and Zeke tags along to help prove to Pete that following the Callings is the only way to survive.

When they are at Rikers, they learn about Pete's Calling which leads the two of them to go to Pete's old high school to meet his old football coach, Coach Hannity. Hannity tells them that he had to kick off Jace, Pete and Kory off the team after one of their teammates, Derek Hanson, dies from a overdose. With this information, they ask Pete about Derek and Michaela tells Pete that the Callings can get one to confront the most painful parts of their past. Zeke then sees himself in Pete's place, feeling like a scared little kid. When he snaps out of it, Zeke presses Pete about who he's so scared of. Pete then tells them that Coach Hannity made them deal drugs in order to stay on the team. After Derek's death, Pete wanted out and Hannity beats him and Pete tells Michaela that he couldn't rat on Hannity because Hannity would've killed him and Jace. Michaela notices that Zeke had that same connected feeling and he tells her that it felt more raw and stronger than with Beverly. Michaela and Drea eventually apprehend Hannity at his house and find the drugs in a vent, thanks to Kory who was there to stop Jace from killing Hannity, but he ends up getting shot by Jace. When Michaela returns home, she sees that Beverly and Zeke are playing with a puzzle that has a rainbow and a dove on it.

In "Water Landing", Zeke and Michaela visit Kory in the hospital where they learn that the meth heads got a Calling about Jace killing Michaela. Zeke connects with Kory the same way like he did with Beverly and Pete. Kory tells Michaela that she needs to hide but she and Zeke have an argument about that. Their argument is interrupted by Drea who calls Michaela to tell her that Jace went to Michaela's old apartment and he stabbed a young woman there. Michaela tells Zeke what had happened and she has to stop Jace before he hurts anyone else. Later that night, they learn from Ben that Jace is at the lake and they head up there. She gives Zeke a gun and she tells him not to shoot her this time and they set out to find Jace. They find his campsite and Zeke discovers another new ability; he can sense if someone is nearby based off their emotions. He tells Michaela that Jace is close, since he can feel Jace's anger all around him. While looking for Jace, Zeke is knocked out unconscious and falls into a ravine.

In "Graveyard Spiral", Zeke wakes up and searches for Michaela. When he sees her car coming towards him, he thinks it's her but then he sees Jace and he gets off the road before Jace could hit him. He keeps searching for Michaela and he finds her at the bottom of the cliff, where she tells him that Jace is going after Cal and they have to warn the others. He climbs down the cliff and when he gets to her, he hugs her but he learns that she dislocated her shoulder and he helps her up the cliff. When they reach the top, Michaela tells him to go and warn the others about Jace since she thinks that she is slowing them down. Zeke tells her to throw her arm at him, but when she does, she cries out in pain and they both realize that Zeke can feel actual physical pain as well. Zeke pulls her up and when they get to the top of the cliff, Michaela screams "They need to know!" and suddenly, they create a Calling of a basketball bouncing.

Later on, Zeke tells Michaela that she needs to take care of her shoulder and she tells him that Cal is their number one priority and she tells him to not put his "voodoo empath stuff" on her. He asks her if she wants him to know what she's thinking at every moment but she tells him that she doesn't want him to feel the physical pain of when her shoulder pops back to place. He tells her that he can take it and he pops her shoulder back into place, and he feels the same pain as her. They then set off to continue to find Cal and also cell service. They eventually find Jared and they drive to Tarik's house where they find the dead body of Pete's escort and they try to find the others. They witness Jace die from drowning and they also witness Pete and Kory's deaths as well.

In "Destination Unknown", Cal takes Zeke to a book fair where Zeke meets a girl who later is revealed to be Cal’s crush. later Cal asks if Zeke sensed anything from her which obviously means he wants to know if she likes him. Zeke tells Cal that his powers shouldn't be used for personal matters. Cal agrees and apologizes.

In "Bogey", Zeke and Michaela double date with Jared and his new girlfriend Sarah during the evening however Michaela gets a strong calling and has to follow it leaving Zeke to deal with Jared and Sarah and Beverly who’s still living at their houses. When Zeke is close to Jared he accidentally senses his feelings for Michaela which is understandably awkward.

In "Compass Calibration", Zeke helps the Stone family minus Ben to clear up from an earthquake. During the earthquake Angelina claims Eden saved her from a falling fan by making her come over to her. She calls Eden her guardian angel. Later whilst grace and Zeke are talking Zeke senses Eden is scared. They both run up the stairs and when they open a door see Angelina on the floor with candles and baby Eden and the curtain is on fire. Zeke watches as Grace yells at Angelina and kicks her out the house to Cal's dismay.

Season Four[]

In "Final Boarding", after beating the Death Date, the passengers are sent back in time to April 7, 2013, which was when Flight 828 was originally supposed to land. Deciding to take advantage of this second chance, Michaela finds an alive Zeke, who is working as an airport taxi driver and looks forward to forming a new relationship with her husband, although the 2013 Zeke of this new timeline has no memory of her. Despite this, Zeke had an instant interest in this odd woman.


Manifest: Season One
"Pilot""Reentry""Turbulence""Unclaimed Baggage""Connecting Flights""Off Radar""S.N.A.F.U.""Point of No Return"









"Dead Reckoning""Crosswinds""Contrails""Vanishing Point""Cleared for Approach""Upgrade""Hard Landing""Estimated Time of Departure"









Manifest: Season Two
"Fasten Your Seatbelts""Grounded""False Horizon""Black Box""Coordinated Flight""Return Trip""Emergency Exit"








"Carry On""Airplane Bottles""Course Deviation""Unaccompanied Minors""Call Sign""Icing Conditions"







Manifest: Season Three
"Tailfin""Deadhead""Wingman""Tailspin""Water Landing""Graveyard Spiral""Precious Cargo"








"Destination Unknown""Bogey""Compass Calibration""Duty Free""Mayday (Part 1)""Mayday (Part 2)"







Manifest: Season Four
"Touch-and-Go""All Call""High Flight""Go-Around""Squawk""Relative Bearing""Romeo"








"Full Upright & Locked Position""Rendezvous""Inversion Illusion""Final Descent""Bug Out""Ghost Plane""Fata Morgana"








"Throttle""Furball""Threshold""Lift/Drag""Formation""Final Boarding"








  • He shows Michaela the gold star necklace that he gave Chloe for her 9th birthday, ever since her death he wears it around his neck.[1]
  • Zeke loves pork rinds.
  • Zeke and Courtney never got married.
  • Zeke is an empath, he can feel people's emotions and also physical pain. This ability surfaces in Season Three after he beats the Death Date.
  • In Season 4, he gained the ability to absorb the emotions and pain of anyone he touches. He absorbed Cal's cancer, dying in his place. Zeke was meant to save him.
  • Zeke's death date was confirmed in Tailspin to be December 28th 2019, Given Zeke was married Micheala the night before his death date that would place the wedding day on December 27th 2019, Given that Micheala and Zeke are seen celebrating their third anniversery in Rendezvous that would place Zeke's death shortly afterwards in Late December 2022/Early January 2023


Zeke Landon (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.