Can I cut my Nexplanon out myself? (2024)

Can I remove my Nexplanon by myself?

Make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

The Nexplanon implant is located under your skin and a minor surgical procedure is required to remove it. Call your doctor's office and make an appointment to have the implant removed.

(Video) nexplanon removal at home "DIY"
How do you cut the Nexplanon out of your arm?

Grip the implant with forceps and gently remove it. If the tip of the implant is not visible, insert the forceps into the incision and flip the forceps. Using another forceps, carefully dissect the tissue around the implant and clutch the implant out. Ensure that the entire implant has been removed and is not broken.

(Video) Home Implanon Removal
(Stars And Moon)
How do you remove Nexplanon implant at home?

implanon removal - YouTube

(Video) My Nexplanon Implant Removal
(Jazzie Jae)
Can you remove your own contraceptive implant?

The implant can be removed at any time by a specially trained doctor or nurse. It only takes a few minutes to remove, and a local anaesthetic will be used. The doctor or nurse will make a tiny cut in your skin to gently pull the implant out.

(Video) Removing Contraceptive Implants (Health Workers) - Family Planning Series
(Global Health Media Project)
How can I remove my implant myself?

Removing Contraceptive Implants (Health Workers) - Family Planning ...

(Trophie Douglas)
Is Nexplanon removal painful?

You usually just feel a little pinch or stinging when you get the numbing shot. After that, it shouldn't hurt when they make the incision or take the implant out. If you want to continue using Nexplanon, you can get another implant put in during the removal of your old one.

(Video) #2 Nexplanon Birth Control Implant Removal Process || Warning!! Video Included
(Hailey Chanelle)
What are the side effects of removing Nexplanon?

Your arm may swell a little. There could be some bruising in the area that might last a couple weeks. But generally, you should feel fine after they remove your implant. Any side effects that you had with Nexplanon -- like weight gain, headache, acne, and mood swings -- might ease once the implant is gone.

(Video) implanon removal
(Family Planning NT)
What happens if you don't remove Nexplanon?

If the implant is not removed, then the effects of NEXPLANON will continue for a longer period of time. Other problems related to insertion and removal include pain, irritation, swelling, bruising, numbness and tingling, scarring, infection, injury to the nerves or blood vessels, and breaking of the implant.

(Video) Updated: Nexplanon or Implanon Removal
(Vu Truong)
What happens if the Implanon is not removed after 3 years?

Failure to remove (and if appropriate reinsert Implanon NXT) after 3 years may increase your risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

(Video) Nexplanon Removal
(Howard Herrell)
How big is the incision for Nexplanon removal?

The new implant may be inserted in the same arm, and through the same incision from which the previous implant was removed, as long as the site is in the correct location, ie, 8-10 cm from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and 3-5 cm posterior to (below) the sulcus.

(Video) Nexplanon Implant Removal. Dr Khaled Sadek. London Clinic
(Dr Khaled Sadek)

How much does it cost to remove Nexplanon?

Getting your birth control implant — also called Nexplanon — can cost anywhere between $0 and $1,300. Implant removal can cost between $0 and $300. But the good news is that implants are totally free (or low cost) with most.

(Video) Nexplanon Day 4 (Post Removal) || How is it Healing?
(Hailey Chanelle)
Do you need stitches after Nexplanon removal?

You may be able to feel the device under the skin but do not "poke" at it for the first week. The device can be removed at any point in your cycle and will take a tiny incision (no stitches) but must be removed at the end of three years.

Can I cut my Nexplanon out myself? (2024)
Does getting the implant removed hurt?

Just like when it's put in, your arm gets numbed before the implant is taken out. But that's the worst part and the whole thing usually only takes a couple minutes.

Do you need stitches after Nexplanon removal?

You may be able to feel the device under the skin but do not "poke" at it for the first week. The device can be removed at any point in your cycle and will take a tiny incision (no stitches) but must be removed at the end of three years.

What are the side effects of removing Nexplanon?

Your arm may swell a little. There could be some bruising in the area that might last a couple weeks. But generally, you should feel fine after they remove your implant. Any side effects that you had with Nexplanon -- like weight gain, headache, acne, and mood swings -- might ease once the implant is gone.

What happens if I leave my Nexplanon in too long?

Leaving the implants in place beyond their effective lifespan is generally not recommended if the woman continues to be at risk of pregnancy. The implants themselves are not dangerous, but as the hormone levels in the implants drop, they become less and less effective.

What happens if I don't remove my Nexplanon?

If the implant is not removed, then the effects of NEXPLANON will continue for a longer period of time. Other problems related to insertion and removal include pain, irritation, swelling, bruising, numbness and tingling, scarring, infection, injury to the nerves or blood vessels, and breaking of the implant.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

Last Updated: 24/06/2024

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.