How do you set the verge on a clock?
Clock repair for beginners: Setting the verge lock tab - YouTube
The verge (or crown wheel) escapement is the earliest known type of mechanical escapement, the mechanism in a mechanical clock that controls its rate by allowing the gear train to advance at regular intervals or 'ticks'. Its origin is unknown.
There is a simple fix for this issue if your grandfather clock is striking the wrong hour. 1) When your grandfather clock strikes the next hour, count the number of strikes. 2) Move only the shorter hour hand to the number on the dial that you just counted when the clock chimed.
The adjustment nut is a large nut at the bottom of the pendulum just below the large disk or weight called the bob. To slow down the clock, loosen the adjustment nut (turn it toward your left). The bob will settle lower, making the effective length of the pendulum longer. The clock will run slower.
Grandfather Clock Pt 1: Leveling the Clock - YouTube
Pendulum too low or too high: The lower the pendulum the slower the clock will run. Many pendulum clocks can be adjusted either by a set screw at the bottom of the pendulum or by an inset screw on the pendulum. In the absence of an adjustment on the pendulum, there is a regulator on the clock face.
A verge is what engages with the escape wheel in clock repair and comes in an assortment pack of 9. Bend and cut them to fit your application. These are for escape wheels that are outside of the clock plates only.
Stop the pendulum and bend the crutch near its middle slightly to the right with the needle-nose pliers if the stronger "tick" is to the right. Likewise, if the stronger sound is on the left, bend the crutch slightly to the left. Set the pendulum back into motion and continue listening.
Ensure the clock hands are not touching each other. When the hands are touching it usually means they are stuck and your clock will not run. Look at the hour and minute hands closely. If they are touching the "time train" may be jammed which prevents the pendulum from swinging.
If your chimes were out of sync, move the big hand back to 9 and wait for the sound of the spring. Then, move the hand forward to 11, listen for the spring again, and move the hand to 12. Keep moving the big hand back to 9, then forward to 11 and 12 until your chimes are in sync with the numbers.
Why does my clock chime the wrong hour?
The Simple Mantel Clock Adjustment
Make sure that the hour hand shaft is not too tight or else it will not turn. Most mantel clock hands are friction held. DO NOT BEND YOUR HOUR HAND, loosen the shaft if it will not turn freely.
How to adjust your clock hands so it strikes on time. - YouTube
- A power source; either a weight on a cord or chain that turns a pulley or sprocket, or a mainspring.
- A gear train (wheel train) that steps up the speed of the power so that the pendulum can use it.
The pendulum stops eventually because of air resistance. The pendulum loses energy because of friction. Only in a theoretical situation when there is no friction the pendulum will oscillate forever.
The science behind the pendulum is explained through the forces of gravity and inertia. The Earth's gravity attracts the pendulum. When the pendulum is hanging still, the wire and weight are straight and at a 90-degree angle to the Earth as gravity pulls the string and the weight to the Earth.
Often a pendulum clock will stop when it has been moved, bumped or even a too aggressive push to restart a pendulum. It is not broken, only out of beat. This only takes a few minutes to readjust and all pendulum clock owners should learn how as this will happen eventually.