How to build an old fashioned clothes line? (2024)

What are old clothes lines made of?

A clothes line or washing line is any type of rope, cord, or twine that has been stretched between two points (e.g. two sticks), outside or indoors, above the level of the ground.

(Video) Old Fashioned Amish Clothesline DIY
(Rooted Wright)
How do I build my own washing line?

To make a clothesline, start by making two 8-foot wooden posts with a crossbeam on top of each one. Then, install eye hooks into the crossbeams, which you'll use to hang up your clothesline. Next, dig a 2-foot-deep hole for each post and drop the posts into them, making sure the posts are level.

(Video) Building Ourselves A Good Old Fashioned Clothes Line For Our Off Grid Homestead
(Off Grid Homesteading With The Skinners)
What is the best material for a clothesline?

Our top choice is basic cotton clothesline.

It's about the same price as nylon, which is about $7 to $8 per 100 feet. In theory, it is weaker (only 280-pound test in our sample), but unless you're hanging out pots and pans to dry, it should hold up fine.

(Video) Old Fashioned Clothesline
(Harmon Homestead)
How do you build a clothesline pulley?

Setting Up a Pulley Clothesline - YouTube

(Video) BUILDING A CLOTHESLINE + The BENEFITS of Using a Clothesline! | The Galloway Farm
(The Galloway Farm)
What kind of rope is best for clothesline?

Cotton Rope(slipperiest cord on the market, good for high-humidity areas where nylon would stretch too much and so forth.) The most common type of clothesline is made out of twisted cotton or nylon strands, which keeps it strong while allowing it to be flexible.

(Video) Making a Clothesline Prop
(Her Infinite Variety)
How thick should clothesline rope be?

For a proper clothesline, what you want is an appropriate thickness. With this clothesline, you get a thickness of ¼ inch, which is rather impressive for a cotton rope.

(Video) Our Amish-Swedish Clothesline
Which hitch is used to make a clothesline?

According to Hunker, the two knots that are most useful for hanging a clothesline are the bowline and taut-line hitch. The bowline is a knot that, when tied properly, will not become undone. Use it for one end of the clothesline rope. For the other end, use the taut-line hitch.

(Video) Making your own Clothes Line
(Sage Hollow)
What height should a clothesline be?

The general guide is to place the clothesline about 100mm -150mm above the primary users head height. Do NOT place the clothesline too high either as this will make closing the clothesline too hard as most fold down clotheslines need to be pushed up in order for them to close down. Wall mounting pitfalls.

(Video) Quick and Easy Clothesline
(Green Acre Homestead)
How far apart should clothesline posts be?

How far apart the posts should be will depend, of course, on how much wash you need to dry at one time. The distance between posts should hardly exceed 40 to 50 feet, or the line will sag too much or get too heavy to prop up easily. The prop is a necessary addition to the line.

(Video) DIY Clothesline
How do I keep my clothes line from sagging?

If the clothesline begins to sag while you are hanging laundry to dry, consider purchasing a spreader pulley. These are small, C-shaped metal or plastic pulleys meant for the middle of a clothesline. Insert them halfway through hanging your load of laundry if you notice that the load is getting too heavy.

(Video) How to make - build a Clothes Line by Jon Peters
(Jon Peters - Longview Woodworking)

How does a clothes line pulley work?

The pulley clothesline is a simple concept. With a pulley, you (with your laundry basket) can stand in one place as you hang out, and later take down, your wash. The ideal pulley clothesline runs off a high porch or deck and connects at the other end to something equally high or higher.

(Video) How to Build a Clothesline
(Under Three Acres)
How do you tie a clothesline knot?

stringing a clothesline with three knots - YouTube

How to build an old fashioned clothes line? (2024)
How thick should a washing line be?

Comparison Table
Steel CoreIndoor
LengthUp to 50mUp to 50m
6 more rows

How long should a clothes line be?

The length of the line depends on the size of your back yard, but 20 to 25 feet is average. You'll need two strong supports, such as trees or a post of your porch. Choose an area of the yard where the clothesline won't get in anyone's way.

What is the strongest clothesline?

SUPER STRONG - Smith's Steel Clothesline is the STRONGEST washing line in the world. Each clothes line has a pulling force of 200kgs, making it stronger than any other brand. LENGTH & DIAMETER - The length is 30m (100ft), and the diameter is 4.0mm.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

Last Updated: 02/03/2024

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.