In what way is your family important to you ielts? (2024)

In what way is your family important to you ielts?

My family members know me better than any other person and they will always be with me no matter what. They are the people who had always been with me and supported me every way possible. I believe that family comes first and that's why my family is the most important aspect of my life.

(Video) IELTS Speaking 8.5 SAMPLE ANSWERS | Part 1 - FAMILY
(Fastrack IELTS)
Is family important in your country ielts?

1: Is family important in your country? Answer: Thank you for this question. Well, people in my country believe that family comes first and they put their family ahead of anything else. They would do anything for the family and I am proud that family bonding in my country is quite strong.

(Video) Talking About Your Family in English - Spoken English Lesson
(Oxford Online English)
How can I answer my family in ielts?

To answer the question 'how important my family is to me'- I would say my family is the whole world to me. I love my parents and my siblings more than anything in this world. They have done (and still doing) a lot for me.
Describe your family.
  1. what type of family it is.
  2. how many family members you have got.
  3. what they do.
Feb 7, 2017

(Video) Collins Speaking for IELTS Unit 1 Track 1-7
(Bambibook - English Books - Sách Tiếng Anh)
Which is more important to you friends or family ielts speaking?

A. I believe family comes first. No doubt, my friends are very important to me but family means something more special. They are like the same soul living in different bodies while friends are like fresh air who make our life more meaningful.

(Video) How to answer questions related to family | IELTS speaking
(Manjita Osta)
In what ways are your friends important to you?

Boost your happiness and reduce your stress. Improve your self-confidence and self-worth. Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one. Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise.

(Video) IELTS Vocabulary | Upbringing and Family
(English Pro Tips - IELTS Preparation)
Why is your family important to you?

Family will tell you what you do not want to hear, but they do it out of love to help you grow. Another reason family is so important is because they can teach us to know our family history, which can shape our persona into something positive and give us a sense of direction.

(Video) IELTS Speaking Test | Topic Family with answer
(One Believer)
What is family short essay?

A family is a social group of people who stay together under the same roof in a society. It comprises two or more adults like parents and grandparents and young children who are bound in a relationship by birth or blood. They are collectively known as family members.

(Aman & Avtar Styles)
How has your family influenced you ielts?

How has your family influenced you? My parents taught me to become a good man. After I got married, I had motivation to work harder, because I want to make more money and give them a better life.

(Video) IELTS SPEAKING TEST Topic FAMILY - Full Part 1, part 2, part 3
How can I describe my family?

Rule #1: While you're describing a member of your family, be clear in describing the role played by that particular member in your household. Rule #2: Spell out the personality of the person you're describing. Be descriptive and analytical. Rule #3: Talk about that person's interests and hobbies, likes and dislikes.

(Video) Band 9 answers for Family Topic in IELTS Speaking Test, 2022
(Ross IELTS Academy)
Can you tell me about yourself and your family in short ielts?

I am Ravindra Kumar from Mumbai, India. I am a university student and live with my family. I am the youngest child of my parents and my father is a retired police official while my mother takes care of the household. I have three siblings and all of them are married and have their own family.

(Video) 12 Idioms for IELTS Speaking Test
(Cambridge IELTS School )

What is your full name in Ielts?

IELTS 2022 Highlights
Exam NameIELTS
IELTS full formInternational English Language Testing System
Official Website
Most popular forStudy, work, and migration to English speaking countries like Australia, New Zealand, and the UK
Also accepted byCanada and USA
5 more rows
Aug 9, 2022

How can I introduce myself in ielts exam?

It is always good to say “I live in (name of the city)” then “I hail from (name of the city).” It is good to be as formal as you can be. Do not say anything that might look awkward. You can say, “I am 21 years old” but do not say as follows: “I am in my early twenties.”

In what way is your family important to you ielts? (2024)
What do you like most about your family?

Expert-verified answer

1. one thing that I like the most about my family is they always helps me and togetherness and strength of my family. 2. My family help me by helping in my homework and by giving things which we want etc.

Why is family and friends important?

It is important to surround ourselves with family and friends for support and comfort in both times of joy and distress. Studies have shown that having supportive relationships is a strong protective factor against mental illnesses and helps to increase our mental well-being.

Do you think friends are important in your life ielts?

Friends and friendship are a vital part of our lives, as well as for IELTS Speaking. Just like talking to friends makes us stress-free and comfortable, talking about friends also makes us equally excited or rarely angry.

Who do you live with ielts?

A. I live with my family including my parents and siblings. I have two sisters and a younger brother who is three years junior to me. Besides, our grandmother also lives with us.

Why is family important in ielts?

My family members know me better than any other person and they will always be with me no matter what. They are the people who had always been with me and supported me every way possible. I believe that family comes first and that's why my family is the most important aspect of my life.

Why family is the most important thing in life?

“Just like few of our basic requirements to live life. A human being also requires several other emotional needs like love, which is essential for mental happiness. “Families are important because they give us unlimited love, laughter and a feeling of belonging,” writes Chintan Jain.

Why family is important in our life essay?

Family provides psychological security to its members and ensures that they are well-taken care. The satisfaction of basic, intellectual, and spiritual needs always starts with the family. No individual can become self-sufficient and survive in this world without the guidance of the family.

What family means to you?

Families provide guidance and love. They provide emotional support, care and encouragement. They take care of our well-being, add balance to our lives and ground us.

Why is family 10 sentences?

Ten Lines on Importance of Family in English

1) Family is the primary source of learning. 2) Family provides enormous positive energy and can make you conquer many things. 3) A family gives us stability in various ways. 4) A family makes us responsible for our duty.

What family really means to you?

“Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones.

What are the values of family in your country ielts?

What are the values of family in your country? The think the main values of family in my country are respect for elders and prioritizing the needs of the family over our individual needs. That is why, in my country we think in we rather in I, for example we own a house, we own this car.

Why family is or is not important for society?

Family is considered as one of the most important units of society because it contributes to child-rearing and your place in adulthood. Also referred to as anuclear family, itprovides necessary forms of support that are significant to your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

Are people in your country close to their families ielts?

Are people in your country generally close to their family? India is a very homely or you can culturally rich country. So, we have the culture of children living with their parents and celebrating festivals together. To an extent all of this, makes people of our country close to their family.

How do you think family life is changing in your country?

Families in my country have changed in many ways over the last years. Women used to stay at homes taking care of children and doing house shores while men work outside to feed the family and take care of it. Now a lot of women choose to work outside the house and follow their own career path.

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