What AXE do they use in Stihl Timbersports? (2024)

What axes are used in timbersports?

The tools of TIMBERSPORTS®: The Axe - YouTube

(Video) The tools of TIMBERSPORTS®: AXE-TREME
What Chainsaw do they use in Stihl Timbersports?

The short answer is a lot. The stock saw event starts with a matched pair of STIHL MS660 chainsaws, the second most powerful saws that STIHL builds.

(Video) The tools of TIMBERSPORTS®: The Axe
What kind of axe do they use in competition?

Hults Bruk Atran Felling Axe

In axe racing competitions, they generally use softwoods, and Hults Bruk axe models excel at chopping through softwoods.

(Video) Stihl Timbersport Axe Interview by Joe Flowers, Equip 2 Endure
(Equip 2 Endure)
Where are Stihl axes made?

In addition to the overbuilt handle and steel sleeve, the head of the Stihl Pro Universal Forestry Axe is manufactured by Germany's oldest axe forge, the Ochsenkopf company.

(Video) STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® Rookie World Championship 2017
What timber is used in timbersports?

What Kind of woods are used in Timbersports? The competition uses sustainable Poplar wood grown for the industrial sector in almost all of the disciplines for the competition. The only exception comes in the discipline of Single Buck, where competitors are asked to use Pine wood instead.

(Video) Axe Chopping - Stihl Timbersports
Where are ochsenkopf axes made?

Ochsenkopf-axes: synonymous for perfection

The axe heads are mostly made from robust C60 steel and sharpened to end up with the sharpest results. The axe handles are also made in Germany from a type of wood from selected forestry areas.

(Video) Axe Chopping - Stihl Timbersports
Who won the 2021 Stihl Timbersports?

Official Results
1.Jason LENTZ Pro68
2.Marcel DUPUIS Pro64
3.Martin KOMÁREK Pro63
4.Ferry SVAN Pro53
8 more rows
Oct 2, 2021

(Video) Axe Chopping - Stihl Timbersports
Who won the Stihl Timbersports?

From Deloraine, Tasmania to the world stage in Marseille, France - Aussie Daniel Gurr, 21 years old, has been declared the World Champion at the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® Rookie World Championship overnight in front of thousands of fans from around the world.

(Video) Axe-ion packed highlights from the 2019 Timbersports Team World Championship
How do I get more power out of my chainsaw?

Chainsaws can be modified to boost their performance and increase power. The basic idea is to increase the airflow through the engine. The most common method is muffler modification. This involves widening the muffler's exhaust ports to improve the airflow at the exhaust.

(Video) TESTING The Most Expensive Axe on AMAZON
Can any axe be a throwing axe?

Venues and events associated with the National Axe Throwing Federation have these requirements that any axe thrown at a competition has to meet: The axe head must weigh between 1.25 and 1.75 Lbs. The axe handle must be made of wood. Handle length must be at least 13 inches (eye of the axehead included).

(Video) STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® Axe & Springboard Discipline | STIHL GB

How heavy should a throwing axe be?

Weight: The head of the axe must weigh at least 1.25 pounds but not exceed 1.75 pounds. Officials or referees determine an axe's weight by referring to its advertised or stamped weight, but if this is not available, the official or referee may weigh the axe with the handle to find out its combined weight.

(Video) 1990 STIHL TIMBERSPORTS Series - Stock Saw and Axe Throw
Does Stihl make an axe?

Professional-grade axe for felling, light splitting and limbing. For heavy-duty forestry work, you need an axe that's built to last. The STIHL Pro Universal Forestry Axe features unique 5-piece head attachment system that's up to 2.5 times stronger than a traditional axe head connection.

What AXE do they use in Stihl Timbersports? (2024)
What makes a good splitting AXE?

A splitting axe should be kept sharp. The blade edge needs to penetrate the wood to allow the axe to drive in and start splitting. A sharp edge is also useful for cutting through stringy and twisted wood fibers that can hold tough pieces together. This is often overlooked with splitting axes.

What makes a good splitting AXE?

A splitting axe should be kept sharp. The blade edge needs to penetrate the wood to allow the axe to drive in and start splitting. A sharp edge is also useful for cutting through stringy and twisted wood fibers that can hold tough pieces together. This is often overlooked with splitting axes.

How do you use a double bit axe?

A double-bit axe is one with a cutting edge on both sides of the head instead of one side. Usually, one side is kept sharp for cutting and chopping, while the other side is kept duller and more rounded for splitting. Using this method, a double-bit axe can be used for almost any purpose.

How do you get into timbersports?

How do I get into TIMBERSPORTS®? TIMBERSPORTS® is an international and action-packed extreme sport. In order to train and compete in TIMBERSPORTS®, you must have completed the training courses provided by STIHL TIMBERSPORTS®. TIMBERSPORTS® trainingcamps are divided into beginner's camp and continuation camp.

Is Timbersport a sport?

1. The STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® Series is established worldwide as the major league of lumberjack sports, with a massive global fan-base following competitive events live and on TV. The sport originated in Canada, the USA and New Zealand, where lumberjacks held local competitions to determine the best of their profession.

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