What is considered broad shoulders on a woman? (2024)

What is considered broad shoulders on a woman?

If the shoulder of a female is perpendicular to an angle of 900 and instead of rounded has a bony prominent profusion. It means that she has broad shoulders. Furthermore, a female with a V-shaped torso almost for sure has broad shoulders.

(Video) What is considered broad shoulders for a woman?
How do I know if I have broad shoulders female?

An easy way to tell is you have broad shoulders is to look at your shoulder width relative to the rest of your body's proportions. Take a look at your upper body without a top on, if it looks like your upper body is a well-defined V silhouette then it's likely you would be considered to have broad shoulders.

(Video) Shoulder (Female)
(Gibson Barnes)
How broad should Womens shoulders be?

For the average 18-year-old female, the bicacromial or shoulder width is about 14 inches or 35 cm. For comparison, the average biacromial width is about 15 inches or 39 cm. for males of the same age.

(Video) Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing for Dressing Broad Shoulders
(Rachael Ray Show)
Is 16 inch shoulders broad female?

Here's how broad 16 inch shoulders really are, according to US anthropometric data. Since 16 inches is on the upper end of the average female shoulder width (when measured from the back), you could say that you're fairly broad if you're a woman with 16 inch shoulders.

(Video) Flaunt Those Shoulders! How to Style Broad Shoulders without Hiding Them
(Natassia Coelho | Learning to Love Yourself)
Is 14 inch shoulders broad female?

No, 14 inch shoulders aren't broad for a woman. In fact, 14″ shoulders are a relatively normal size for a female and perhaps slightly smaller than average.

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(Crystal Cave TV)
What is the average female shoulder width?

Based on their measurements, the average shoulder width for American women was 14.4 inches (36.7 cm). Based on the shoulder measurements of 7,476 men aged 20 years and older taken during the same time period, the average shoulder width of men in the United States was 16.1 inches (41.1 cm).

(Video) Being a "Broad shouldered body type" as a female
(Tanis Leonhardi)
Are 19 inch shoulders broad female?

What is this? Are 19 inch shoulders broad for a woman? Yes, 19 inch shoulders are definitely broad for a woman. Specifically, 19″ shoulders are 3-4 inches wider than average for an adult female.

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Are 22 inch shoulders wide?

Yes, 22 inch shoulders are definitely very broad because they're 3-4 inches wider than average for an adult male. So if you have genuine 22 in shoulders, then you're certainly much broader than most men.

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Are wide shoulders attractive on a girl?

A study by Cambridge University of more than 700 women found broad shoulders were the most attractive male asset. Why? Not only do big shoulders make you look strong but the wider you are up top, the thinner you appear at the waist, creating that V-shape that drives her wild.

(Gloria Song)
Do hourglass have broad shoulders?

Both the Hourglass and Trapezoid are fortunate to naturally have broad shoulders and chest, which means you don't need any of the extra embellishments or construction details like shoulder pads and wide V-necks to strengthen this area. Doing so could over extend this line, making you look top heavy.

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(Glamor Girl)

Is 17 inch shoulders broad for female?

Yes, 17 inch shoulders are quite broad for a female, but they're by no means too broad for a woman to be considered feminine or anything like that. Indeed, if you're a fairly tall woman, then your 17″ shoulders will likely look proportionate to the rest of your body.

(Video) Do Girls Like Broad Shoulders? - Masculine Shoulders - Body Language
(Everyday Superpower - Body Language)
Are 18 inch shoulders wide?

Anyone—male or female—with an 18 inch clavicle width is very broad indeed. But in terms of overall shoulder width, 18 inches is still a bit broader than normal for a woman and is likely an indication that you're fairly tall or just happen to have a larger than normal build for a female.

What is considered broad shoulders on a woman? (2024)
Is 13 inch shoulders broad female?

One thing's for sure; 13 inch shoulders are definitely smaller than usual for an adult. But depending on how you got your 13 inch measurement, your shoulders may not actually be that much narrower than the average female shoulder width.

What is the average woman hip size?

What is the average hip size for a woman? According to anthropometric reference data taken from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which measured the hips of 8,068 females, the average hip size for women is 40.2 inches or 102.2 cm.

How wide is the average person shoulder to shoulder?

The average shoulder width for a woman aged 40-49 and 50-59 is 14.5 inches or 36.9 cm. The average shoulder width of a human female aged 60-69 is 14.3 inches or 36.4 cm. For women aged 70-79, the normal shoulder width was found to be 14.1 inches or 35.7 cm.

Are 21 inch shoulders broad?

Yes, 21 inch shoulders are definitely quite broad for a man because they're around 2-3 inches wider than average. You can definitely consider yourself wide if you have 21 in shoulders.

Is 17 inch shoulders broad?

17 inches is a slightly above average across shoulder measurement for women and slightly smaller than normal for men.

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