What makes cake soft and fluffy?
Most cakes begin with creaming butter and sugar together. Butter is capable of holding air and the creaming process is when butter traps that air. While baking, that trapped air expands and produces a fluffy cake.
Cake flour, which is more finely ground and contains less protein than its all-purpose counterpart, is a major contributor to how soft and the overall weight of a cake. Since cake flour has less protein, less gluten is formed. Without all of that gluten, the cake becomes less dense, airy, and smooth.
Most cakes will call for a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda. These create the bubbles you need for the cake to rise. If the flour you use is self-raising, it already has a leavening agent in it. Make sure your butter is room temperature, and beat the butter and sugar together until properly creamed.
Oven Temperature. The oven's heat can cause baking powder to react further and cause more air bubbles while setting the cake's structure. Correct oven temperature is necessary to allow the cake to rise before the structure sets. If the oven is too hot, the cake will set too fast before the air bubbles have formed.
(a) Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda and tartaric acid. When mixed with water the sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with tartaric acid and carbon dioxide gas is liberated and trapped in the wet dough. Then the bubbles escape out slowly making the cake soft and spongy.
- Brush with simple syrup glaze. Velez recommends adding a simple syrup glaze to your cake layers if they end up coming out too dry. ...
- Soak your cake in milk. ...
- Fill the cake with mousse or jam. ...
- Frost the cake. ...
- Stick it in the fridge.
Making a moist cake starts with the cake mix. If a recipe calls for all-purpose flour, opt for cake flour instead to create a more moist, tender crumb. Additions like sour cream, buttermilk, or applesauce can also infuse moisture and prevent a dry cake.
The cake layers are underbaked. The oven door was opened and slammed while the layers baked. There's too much leavening agent in the batter (baking powder / baking soda). Your oven temperature is off.
When added to cake, cookie and shortbread recipes, cornstarch helps create a crumbly and tender dessert-like texture. Commercially, cornstarch is often used as an anti-caking agent.
- Use buttermilk as a substitute. ...
- Use oil as a substitute for butter. ...
- Beat the eggs slowly. ...
- Temperature is the key. ...
- Do the sifting. ...
- The right time to frost. ...
- Let the sugar syrup do the magic.
Why don't my cakes rise enough?
Cakes that don't rise properly or have a surface covered in little holes are often the result of not getting the cake into the oven quickly enough; a common mistake that happens because you forgot to turn the oven on before you started, or you get distracted with something else mid-way through mixing.
- Follow the Recipe.
- Add a Leavening Agent.
- Cream the Butter and Sugar.
- Fold Ingredients Together – Don't Mix.
- Fill the Cake Pan Properly.
- Avoid the Batter Setting Too Quickly.
- Check the Oven Temperature.

Yeast proves a batter or dough by converting sugars into gas, carbon dioxide (fermentation). This gas creates the little air bubbles in your bread or cake. You need patience when working with yeast, most doughs you make at home take at least an hour to rise, if not longer.
It is a chemical-raising agent that helps your cakes and bakes increase in volume while cooking for a fluffy, light rise.
When whipped egg whites are folded into a batter, they help the cake to rise. Angel Food Cake is a perfect example of the power of egg whites. Egg yolks add a really lovely richness and thickening power to custards and ice cream bases.
You can't achieve light, fluffy texture in a cake or cupcake recipe without baking powder working to create tiny air bubbles during the baking process.
Complete answer:
When it is mixed with water, the sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with tartaric acid and carbon dioxide gas is formed as a result of this reaction. This released carbon dioxide gas is trapped in the wet dough and bubbles out slowly making the cake soft and spongy.
Eggs yolks makes richer and softer baked goods, while egg whites give you a lighter and airier product. Most recipes call for a traditional large egg in baking. However, you can change the egg size to still get a rich final product, but reduce or increase moisture.
A dry cake is usually the result of one of the following pitfalls: using the wrong ingredients, making mistakes while mixing the batter, or baking the cake too long or at too high a temperature. Once you understand how to avoid the common cake-baking blunders, you'll bake a moist cake every time.
An effective way to soften cake edges is to create a simple syrup or glaze to brush over hardened edges. Soak particularly hard parts with more solution in order to create a softer texture. Heat up the cake in the microwave for 10 seconds for the moisture to absorb into the cake edges.
Why is my cake dense and not fluffy?
A cake that is overly dense typically has too much liquid, too much sugar or too little leavening (not excess flour, as is commonly thought).
In addition to their nutritional value, eggs can provide structure, leavening, richness, color, and flavor to baked products. The height and texture of baked goods is determined by the balance between eggs and flour which provide strength, and sugar and fat which add tenderness.
Baking with Sour Cream: The creamy texture of sour cream makes baked goods more moist than if you used milk. This makes sour cream an excellent choice for recipes that are known to have drier results, like sponge cakes.
If your batter has turned out thicker than needed, don't risk and bake it as the cake may come out too dense and heavy. Instead, add any of the liquid ingredients you have used in the batter. You can also add a small amount of water to thin out the batter.
For example: Adding too much milk, could make a cake super dense, but not adding enough will leave it too dry and it'll come out crumbly. Milk in cake recipes, generally makes the texture lighter and stronger (thanks to the protein and lactic acid),. Adding the right amount keeps the cake from being dense.
If you've added to much oil or water to your mix then you'll need to compensate with extra dry ingredients. You'll need to add some additional flour to even out your mix. Just eyeball how much you need or add it by tablespoons to be cautious until the texture is right.
Sifting adds air and makes the mixture lighter. Therefore, it is advisable to sift the flour and baking soda before adding them to the mixture if you need a make your cake spongy and super fluffy.
Unless you bake a lot, all-purpose flour is the one to keep in your pantry. This flour provides satisfactory results for almost any cake. If you can't find cake flour, use all-purpose bleached flour in delicate cakes, but omit 2 tablespoons of the flour for each 1 cup in the recipe.
Baking soda becomes activated when it's combined with both an acidic ingredient and a liquid. Upon activation, carbon dioxide is produced, which allows baked goods to rise and become light and fluffy (1).
Key roles cornstarch plays in baking
- If you add cornstarch directly to a liquid, it can get clumpy, especially if added to a hot mixture. ...
- Cornstarch doesn't react well with acidic ingredients.
What's the difference between baking powder and soda?
Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, whereas baking powder also contains an acid, such as cream of tartar, and cornstarch. Baking soda is a raising agent that contains one or more acid ingredients, such as cocoa powder or buttermilk. Baking powder is better for recipes that contain little or no acid ingredients.
Carbon dioxide is released when baking soda is added to cake and this makes the cake to rise making them soft and spongy.
Fluffy cake means what? A cake is said to be fluffy when it's light and soft to touch, it is made by mixing butter and sugar together quickly and thoroughly so that a lot of air is mixed with it.
Too much baking powder can cause the batter to be bitter tasting. It can also cause the batter to rise rapidly and then collapse. (i.e. The air bubbles in the batter grow too large and break causing the batter to fall.)
Make sure you follow the recipe's instructions carefully. Cakes typically bake between 325 to 450 degrees F (see chart with Tip #9). Most convection ovens require lowering the temperature by 25 to 50 degrees F, as well as turning off the fan.
Anywhere between 2 and 6 minutes should suffice. The time necessary for mixing will vary with recipe but this should help give you with a ball park idea of mixing time. I hope this information helps as you go forward experimenting with mix times in all of your batter-blending adventures. Happy baking!
Get as much air into the cake as you can
Cream butter and sugar until the mixture lightens in texture and colour. This increases the air and volume of the cake, giving you a lighter result. Sift flour and other stated ingredients together to mix, add air and make them easier to fold in.
Some recipes call for both baking powder and baking soda. These recipes contain some sort of acid (yogurt, brown sugar, etc), however the carbon dioxide created from the acid and baking soda is not enough to leaven the volume of batter in the recipe. That's why baking powder is used as well– to add necessary lift.
How much baking powder to use in cakes and other recipes: rule of thumb. To avoid adding too much baking powder to your cakes, start with this rule of thumb: add 1 to 1+¼ teaspoon baking powder (5 to 6.25 mL) for every 1 cup (125 grams or 250 mL) of all-purpose flour.
- Use buttermilk as a substitute. ...
- Use oil as a substitute for butter. ...
- Beat the eggs slowly. ...
- Temperature is the key. ...
- Do the sifting. ...
- The right time to frost. ...
- Let the sugar syrup do the magic.
What makes a cake more moist?
Making a moist cake starts with the cake mix. If a recipe calls for all-purpose flour, opt for cake flour instead to create a more moist, tender crumb. Additions like sour cream, buttermilk, or applesauce can also infuse moisture and prevent a dry cake.
Vegetable oil contributes moistness far more reliably, a result of the fact that oil remains liquid at room temperature while butter solidifies. Liquid contributes to the sensation of moistness, and therefore cakes made with oil often present as moister than their butter-based counterparts.
When water is added to this flour to make dough, baking powder undergoes a chemical reaction during which carbon dioxide gas is produced. This carbon dioxide gas gets trapped into the dough and bubbles out which causes the cake to rise making it soft and spongy.
Formally known as sodium bicarbonate, it's a white crystalline powder that is naturally alkaline, or basic (1). Baking soda becomes activated when it's combined with both an acidic ingredient and a liquid. Upon activation, carbon dioxide is produced, which allows baked goods to rise and become light and fluffy (1).
Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, whereas baking powder also contains an acid, such as cream of tartar, and cornstarch. Baking soda is a raising agent that contains one or more acid ingredients, such as cocoa powder or buttermilk. Baking powder is better for recipes that contain little or no acid ingredients.
Baking powder is used to increase the volume and lighten the texture of baked goods. It works by releasing carbon dioxide gas into a batter or dough through an acid–base reaction, causing bubbles in the wet mixture to expand and thus leavening the mixture.
In addition to their nutritional value, eggs can provide structure, leavening, richness, color, and flavor to baked products. The height and texture of baked goods is determined by the balance between eggs and flour which provide strength, and sugar and fat which add tenderness.
- Use milk instead of water. ...
- Add extra eggs. ...
- Add sugar and flour to the dry mix. ...
- Use coffee instead of water for chocolate cakes. ...
- Sour Cream is perfect for adding moisture and rich flavor. ...
- Pudding adds moisture and flavor.
A dry cake is usually the result of one of the following pitfalls: using the wrong ingredients, making mistakes while mixing the batter, or baking the cake too long or at too high a temperature. Once you understand how to avoid the common cake-baking blunders, you'll bake a moist cake every time.
Should I use milk or water in a cake? First, it's always best to use what the recipe calls for, otherwise, milk is usually a better choice over water. Milk contains things that water doesn't, like sugar and fat, which can also help with the taste and texture of the cake.
What does milk do in cake?
Milk is a nutrient-rich white fluid secreted from the mammary glands of female mammals. In baking, it moistens batter or dough, and adds protein, color and flavor to baked goods.
Can I Use Both Butter and Oil in Cake? Oh yes, you sure can. This recipe has a combination of butter and oil to give off that nice buttery taste while keeping it soft and moist at the same time. Cake using pure butter tends to be more dense and dry compared to adding oil into the batter.
Baking soda is most commonly used in cookie and muffin recipes. Baking powder, however, already contains an acid and a base and has a more neutral taste, which works great when baking cakes and bread.
Too much baking powder can cause the batter to be bitter tasting. It can also cause the batter to rise rapidly and then collapse. (i.e. The air bubbles in the batter grow too large and break causing the batter to fall.) Cakes will have a coarse, fragile crumb with a fallen center.
Some recipes call for both baking powder and baking soda. These recipes contain some sort of acid (yogurt, brown sugar, etc), however the carbon dioxide created from the acid and baking soda is not enough to leaven the volume of batter in the recipe. That's why baking powder is used as well– to add necessary lift.