101 Things to Do When Your Parents Take Away Your Cell Phone - Half-Scratched (2024)

  • Dayinera

    I suggest,that you guys,publishers,tell,us teens,how to GET our phones back,not WHAT,to do when they are took away. Because life is hell without a cell phone, I mean,you don't know what is going on in life. And sometimes,your not up to date on things, so yeah......


    • Dayinera

      Also,we get to watch our friends have fun and do all these things,(musical.ly,Insta,Facebook,FaceTime,etc) and then there we are. The teen without a phone. I mean, do you publishers even understand what it's like not to have a phone? I mean,you get a phone,then you get took away. It's like the world is took away from you,and you can live or get it back. I mean,it's ok to have your phone took away,but for a reason that is reasonable. Parents shouldn't be allowed to take their kids phone away whenever they want. That's not fair. What did the kid do to get the phone took away? Why did they deserve to get it took away? And you guys want to know the worst part about not having a phone? Having your friends ask why you got it took away.


      • Mariel

        Ohhhhhh, so true. And also that you are going to a party that same day where everyone will have their phones and you don't even get to borrow your brother's measly GoPhone.


      • Avel

        Well, I think they wrote this article specifying "what to do when" instead of "how to get back" because there is an enormeous ammount of lists of the latter. Their job *is* to make original content, after all


        • Ellen

          yea agreed


        • BUSI

          but I need help bcz I need my phone plzzz help anyone I have really learnt from my mistakes


          • Ali

            For real I need to know how to get your parents trust back because I got caught with my tablet when I wasn't supposed to have it and I need to know what to do. Like people make mistakes and if I apologize I say sorry and other stuff and they say "oh you saying the same thing" or "You say sorry too much and you aren't being genuine. I got my phone taken away because of my grades but because I got caught on my tablet when I wasn't supposed to be on it they are taking it to the extreme they want to switch my schools because I said I don't lie the kids and the stuff they do. They also may not give me back my phone for a few months. They said i lost all maturity and trust. They also wanna ask the school if I can do stuff on paper and not my Chromebook they wanna take away everything. Also, they wanna give my tablet to my little sister and my mom is deleting my accounts. I wanted to go see someone but I totally blew it and they don't know what is going on in my life they only know the little stuff I tell them. I am so stressed about stuff and they say that my life is perfect and have nothing to stress about UM YES I DO. They don't know how sorry I am and that I learned my lesson and they won't believe that I am genuine. I'm sorry for this little rant but this just happened.

          • Adele

            Annoy her until she says ok you can have it back

          • lilly k

            me too i bought robux with 1 dollar and i have learnt it and ill never do it again but my dad wont belive me ive had no phone for 6 weeks now ya ik and i feel like my friends are texting likecrazy and the other my grandpa said "why arent you facetiming me i said my dad took away my phone" it made meso sad

          • Lily

            My mom took away my phone because i didn't have it on the charger at 9pm. The next day i found where she hid it and used it when she wasnt home. she found out and i lost it again for tomorrow. im not allowed on my chromebook other than for school and im not aloud to listen to music through it and my mom took my radio (which plays basic music i dont like) and she says i can use that even though i have no idea where it is. they get mad when i read fanfic on wattpad and tell me to read an actual book but then my mom says that i read to much and i have to find something else to do. she wont let me write either (which is one of my hobbies) (also on my chromebook) and when i try to write on the pc she gets mad.

          • Jade

            I feel your pain. My phone got taken away because my parents found out that I had a boyfriend. They don't know that I found a way to make contact and broke up with him cause they didn't approve. I've learned my mistake. I just want my phone back, it helped me deal with my anxiety and now that its gone I have nothing. My parents are VERY strict btw

        • Stiven

          I need help on getting my phone back
          I got my phone taken away just because i said why I didn't give her attitude or anything and my dad Just said give me your phone and your sisters and the next day my sister gets her phone back and my mom takes my phone and hides it like bruh you can literly see who her favorite is and she says she loves all of us the same like no you dont


          • Exotic Skittlez

            My parent are the same way, I hate it so much.

          • Emiko

            Bro like fr my mom babies my little brother but when i download an app on my phone she gets all mad and everything and then she took my phone away for a year. I do online school and my grades are an F because she wont give it back and makes me do school 'till 8:00.

          • Alexis Mendoza

            At least you live with your parents I don’t live with them and they don’t live together

          • Katheine S

            Thats my mom everytime and she took my phone yesterday because i was on facetime with my boyfriend and she always tells me that i dont do anything in the hosue and that always be on my phone which is so no true and i just hope i get it today after school or tomorrow because i have stuff their that nobody can see but i just hope i get after school and i really need help on getting it back or how can i convince my mom to get my phone back.

          • potterfan

            I have the same problem. I will speak my mnd which my stepmom says I can do btw and then get grounded and on our bus my sis tried to choke someone and she barely got grounded for 2 weeks. it was going to be two months but they let her off early an I will do 1thing wrong and get an "openended" grounding which basically means they keep all of your electronics for 2 weeks but they manage to make it feel like 2 years.

        • arpit nautiyal

          Bro i can't do even one of these because i have no time to play i just have some free time in night what should i do its pain full for me. I only get it while studying and I'm secretly writing this comment


      • Kenna

        preach sister


        • BUSI

          I lived 3months without my phone but my dad id still beging my mom to give it back to me;but my advise is to learn from your mistakes


          • Alana

            My phone was taken away for 1 and a half months just because I didn't play piano for 2 hours a day, my dad says i have to play for a month, 2 hours a day to get my phone back. but i still had to continue practicing piano. it sounds so dumb to play piano 2 HOURS a day!!! i would only agree to play for 1 hour and 30 minutes OK. but i learned that i have to go on my phone JUST FOR IMPORTANT THINGS!!!

          • Kelly:}

            well my advice well not advice more like plans are first plan A: ask if I can talk to my cousin/anyone. plan B: get good grades, be good at school, get a hoppy that not requires your phone or maybe join a club at school. plan C: apologize for what you did and promise to never do it again. plan D: beg for your phone back.

        • BUSI

          preach sister


          • Non ya business

            My dad took my phone away last night after going through it. But I have two screenshots of texts from my ex (that my dad doesn’t know about) saying how much I miss him. But my dad has my phone and I’m scared he is going to find the pics. Please help. I’m so scared that my stomach hurts and I keep throwing up. Please help me.

          • lily:]

            like i agree my mom was smiling at my siblings then she gave me a mad look like wtf why then i get my phone took away. for what like am not robot like she cant spend a day without hers like vids and pics

        • phonetakenforlife

          i had my phone taken for life over my assiments so i am refusing to eat or drink abecause everyone i know has a phone and it a supposed good kid this artical is trash we need to know how to get it back after its been taken for life i cant even use it at school and no food or water is hard your insides start to hurt idk if my plan is going to work but over a few missing assiments that its not my fault that they did not get graded and parents are like you depend on your phone to much i refuse to go out of my dark room everyday so i dont get sunlight and i am the diffrent and oldest child in my family so im going to get in trouble more then my so much loved siblings get all of my busy dads attchen he gave me a nentendo switch just to takeit from me i only have one game while my brother has an exbox in his room and he does much less than me i do everything and yet im stuck grounded for life i never get to hang out with friends because they always on there phones at school we get free time on our phones i dont i have add and adhd and an EUP so when i get in truble it suddly goes hard for the disabled this artical says draw your phone my phone helps with my depression


          • Misty

            Your phone may very well be the source of your depression. I'm speaking from experience. I got all of my devices taken away - I'm using a school computer right now. It's actually really helped with my depression. When I still had my phone, computer, etc. I thought those helped me, but they just made everything worse. Again, I'm just speaking from experience.

          • Charlie

            Looking at these comments, I refuse to believe that these are actual people. Perhaps you are all lying about your age as well but whats the point? Honestly I can see why they took your phone away. This behavior is proving their point and I am in complete awe that you would comment this hoping that someone would understand your struggle. I'm not saying that its not a big problem, we all live our 2nd life on our phones and getting them taken away is like loosing a life but seriously this is the dumbest thing you can do. I'm not writing a hate comment, I just hope that you decided to stop being immature and actually ate some food, dangit. Man, I've been grounded for a year before and if I did what you did I'd be dead like what the heck do you think your parents are gonna do other than get you help that isn't your phone??? I have ADHD and honestly the phone wasn't helping me at all. I just needed to go outside and literally climb a tree because it reminded me to calm down and stuff. Honestly I don't even know how this helps me, it just does. Also its difficult to decipher the last part due to your horrifying (and might I add ungodly) sense of grammar. Linking back to my statement at the beginning, I refuse to believe an actual human being would act in such an impulsive way. I am 15 years old and I feel like I'm 10 years older than most of the people here considering how strange and alien your actions are. Do not hate on me for saying that this is completely unhealthy and your depression doesn't justify hurting yourself in this way. I hope you got actual help that wasn't your phone because its obviously a bad influence by this point.

          • Dhanya

            I just get mad at my parents and and cause if u r 18+ u cant take it away cuz you're an adult and you have your own possession and Why you shouldn't take away your child's phone?
            “When you remove a teen's lifeline to their friends, there will be a major emotional backlash, a breakdown of the parent-child relationship.” When phones are taken away as punishment, Dr. Peters says, kids tend to withdraw from the parent. “They don't try to solve their problem. And i am a teen but not 18For real I need to know how to get your parents trust back because I got caught with my tablet when I wasn’t supposed to have it and I need to know what to do. Like people make mistakes and if I apologize I say sorry and other stuff and they say “oh you saying the same thing” or “You say sorry too much and you aren’t being genuine. I got my phone taken away because of my grades but because I got caught on my tablet when I wasn’t supposed to be on it they are taking it to the extreme they want to switch my schools because I said I don’t lie the kids and the stuff they do. They also may not give me back my phone for a few months. They said i lost all maturity and trust. They also wanna ask the school if I can do stuff on paper and not my Chromebook they wanna take away everything. Also my mom is deleting my accounts. I wanted to go see someone but I totally blew it and they don’t know what is going on in my life they only know the little stuff I tell them. I am so stressed about stuff and they say that my life is perfect and have nothing to stress about UM YES I DO. They don’t know how sorry I am and that I learned my lesson and they won’t believe that I am genuine. I’m sorry for this little rant but this just happened.

          • angel :)

            Bro i got my phone taken away ... do they even know the type of stress us teens go through? like the way social media pressures us? Like without my phone i am miserable. Ive had anxiety attacks and i would break down at different times a day. i had to go to jersey to stay with my uncle and he told me the same thing everyone else has told me "You dont need social media focus on school" Im going to be honest my grades started slipping ever since i got my phone taken bc tht was the only thing on my mind. I would use my pc and log into insta to talk to my friends and when i got caught my mom took away all the computers in the house and all i have now is my chromebook from school. like i really want my phone back and im honestly seeing no point in living bc i feel like theres nobody here for me to support me. I just want my stuff back like how hard is it. and the worste part is. she took my tv chord too so i cant watch tv anymore and they removed my netflix account. they dont realize how much this is wrecking us and its crazy. i miss my life.

      • Brijesh

        Oh really i agreed u its like a non-sense things going on all around the world n its illegal!! Parents are shameless are those who does these


        • Parents are annoying

          Ikr. My parents just took away my phone cuz I was using it during BREAK on my online class. Like wtffff???!!? It's not like I even used my phone for a long period in general. I use my phone for almost 3½ hours daily, sometimes less than 3 hours and the say I'm "addicted" I had my phone taken away for over 2 months cuz I was using my phone for 5-7 hours daily. I don't even fail in school, I got all A's and 2 C, yet my parents scolded me for getting 2 C's saying "they'll only congratulate me if I get all A's" like fr..we aren't robots, we aren't machines, we are all human beings with limits ffs. So I don't see any reason to why they should take away my phone for no reason. No one enjoys having what they enjoy being taken away. Nowadays they give me the phone so they can take it away for weeks just to hurt me and they claim to "love me". They say we teens are all addicted to our phones when they can't go a day without theirs. This is actually really unfair and I really hate my parents for this. I doubt anyone will see this comment but if you do, know we're in this together. Bye and hopefully we all get our gadgets back.


          • branae

            right i got my phone back yesterday then i forgot to call someone because i had al of stuff to do tooday and my mom took my phone because she says i dont listen to what she says

          • Lily

            my mom does the exact same thing! so i only spend like 2-3 hours on my phone per day. my mom always says i spend too much time and im like "most ppl my age spend like over six hours!" and she always scolds me when i get a ninty-five% on a quiz or test and says "what happened to that other 5%" and thats SO not encouraging. my dad does the opposte, but he works monday-friday and my mom stays at home idk why cause im 14 and have no siblings....

          • imanub838

            im with u cuz my phone got taken away and im just waiting till tomorrow so i can get my phone back.

          • parents arent sh*t

            same. but mine was taken cuz i was talking to this guy and we sent each other innapropriate things. like i understand i shouldnt have sent it but i was pressured into doing it. i felt as if i would lose him if i didnt. i learned from my mistake and i want my phone back. Like it was the only thing i had and the only thing i had that i could vent on. its so hard with strict parents. they say i can talk to them about anything but i really cant cause all they know how to do is judge me and then say "you dont need a phone focus on school" like bruh I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO FOCUS ON ANYTHING BECAUSE IVE ONLY BEEN THINKING ABT MY PHONE. like when this happened i would use my moms old phones and use them or i would use a pc and log into insta and talk to my friends from there. they keep saying theres so many things you can do other than using your phone like this generation of teens and people is built on technology. we cant survive without it. and honestly they dont understand a thing. my uncle said that i need to focus on school and stuff and become something great like man you are 45 working in a factory and cant get off your phone for sh**. dont tell me how to run my life. i feel like parents are hippocrites that need to watch their ego. I jus wanna have my phone back like how hard is it to give me back my phone. i wont make the mistake again ever. they are jus looking for an excuse to make me miserable. its not love. its control. its needs to stop

      • liz

        sameee lmao i really thought this was going to tell me how to get my phone back. My mom hid it and I have no idea where it is.


        • Evey

          My mom took my phone, and then she lost it. She told me i could "have it back", but i have spent 2 and a half days just looking for it. She lost my phone, and now im losing my mind. My phone holds the only support i have for my anxiety- and now its all gone. I need it back as soon as possible, because i have been having more and more anxiety attacks without it. The only people I trust, and the only people that help my mental health are on my phone.


          • Eden

            Me too. I have anxiety but by mum doesn't take mental health seriously and she thinks that people with anxiety are faking it. She took all my instruments, and all gadgets away almost two weeks ago so I had no method to too any of my homework and she finally gave me my laptop for two hours today because I have to catch up with my work now but I have too much work now its going to be impossible to catch up and I've been having more panic attacks and my anxiety is .getting so bad to the point I cant concentrate in school and i feel like i'm going to faint. I'm really losing the will to live because all I do is go to school then come home and just lie in bed until I fall asleep because shes taken away every source of entertainment I have. My relationships with my friends are falling apart because they play games and talk to new people on their devices after school together and that's all they talk about in school and i'm just sitting there left out. I feel like all I do is get in trouble because I get in trouble in school for not being able to focus and they call home which makes my mum shout at me i feel like such a failure and no one knows i'm falling apart.

          • micheala:parents are so ugly and mean

            i get you because my mom took my ipad away like wtf!!!!!!!!!! then she gives it to my little brother beacuse i play roblox all day even in class but i don,t fail all straight A,s like my mom is so mean my dad is way much cooler and fun like i goit like 21 hoverboards like hes the best dad ever

      • Carl

        They took my phone and my bike away, They took it away because i go mountain biking and because i dont want to talk. They annoy me by bombing words on me to have a reason to take something from me, for fun. im gonna take my dads money and waste it as fast as possible just for revenge


        • jo

          Thats most likely a bad idea cause your parents may take more than just your phone and your bike and just think about the horrible things you parents can do if they found out that you wasted their money. This can end up even worse and if you keep doing it, you possibly get stuck in a hole that you can't get out of.


        • kr

          Yeah not the best of ideas as your dad might end up broke and have to sell your phone - not the best of situations to end up in.


      • stressedstarfish

        OMG THAT IS SO TRUE. THE WORST PART IS TOTALLY WHEN YOU TELL A FRIEND AND THEY'RE LIKE WHY?? that's why i just avoid the topic or don't tell them. my phone is taken away and i just told my best friend and she understand but i don't tell anyone else or bring it up bc what's the point? it just makes me sad when i think about it
        good luck mates!
        don't worry you'll get it beck. what i like to do is just day dream about when i'm 18, because i'll have all my rights and my parents can't do anywhing with my phone. i'm 15 so 3 years left!! rip.


        • Taylor

          I am 15 too and thats all I daydream about life without parents I do not have my phone and I am clueless in everything I have no clue what to do.


        • nicole

          im 14 and i got my phone taken away for whole day i get my phone taken away everytime after dinner or earlier


        • stressed out

          I feel you here. I'm 17 and I have already graduated high school. My parents still take my phone from me. I haven't done anything, nor do I have anything to hide. They take it simply because they don't want me to listen to music as much as I do. Music has proven to be the biggest stress relief I have had. The only thing that calms me down and puts me in a better mood. I don't have any other sources for music. It's usually spur of the moment and almost every time, I break down in tears (who wouldn't though) and they get mad that I cry because they are taking my only source of joy AND randomly. Anyways hope everyone in these comments is doing better now.


      • y/n

        yeah like I was thinking about taking my other computer out of her room because my is suppose to go somewhere today


        • Aney

          great advise to all you teens and our sad stories.
          if u us to have a phone before ur current on jus take the sim card of ur current phone and put it in ur old phone. I saw itin a different program since this one isnt much help!
          And with all do respect, to the pupblisher/s ( the maker/s of this program), take note of what I said and then improve


      • Ben Wilkinson

        Who is here in Quarantine!

        Got my phone, bike, Xbox taken away and I'm grounded so now when the rules have been relaxe, i still cant c my mates :(( rip! just on my school laptop and i have no idea what to do. Man i hate my life ugh

        Add my snap ( wilko_bp) so my phone pings n stuff that be appreciated. Thanks ppl and if ur phone been taken way i wish u all good luc, we in this together <3


        • Lily

          This is really random but my mom was being really annoying and took my phone for no reason so i got some ice cream out of the fridge and im eating it out of the carton. my dad just walked in and saw me eating the icecream and i thought he was going to tell my mom or tell me to stop eating it but he didnt he was just like "oh hows the ice cream" and im like "its good" and then he just walked out and DIDNT tell my mom :)))


      • David

        taken not took


        • Moriah

          I got my phone taken away for a week because my mom found out I was using Instagram (and she doesn’t allow me to have any socials). I’m 15 years old, and all of my friends have socials and it’s not fair. So how does she expect me not to go behind her back? I’m an only child so it’s just me and my parents teaming up on me when I go home, and my mom doesn’t let me go over to my friends house when I’m grounded because she thinks I’ll just use their electronics. Thinking about buying a burner phone lol. So I literally have no one except my friends at school who make me jealous because they all have expensive phones and
          Instagram and never get in trouble ((:


          • skye

            I can totally relate to the only child thing.... they always team up against me... like wheres my team :(

          • Mag

            Exact same thing with me except it’s been 9 months and I still don’t have it back yet.

      • Lunar

        When you said "when your friends ask you why", I was like EXACLYYYY!!!! you get me girl/boy


      • me

        The amount of times you had to correct yourself, and you still used the word "took" instead of "taken." And also, it's not that bad so stop being dramatic. There are other people going through much worse situations. And you may think that I don't understand, but I'm 13 and have my phone taken away at the moment. Grow up.


        • maturity

          Out of everyone who disclosed their age, you are the youngest (13). And yet, I think you might be the most mature person here. I'm 16, and I recently got my phone and chromebook taken away for just over a month. It was really terrible and I hated it, but it wasn't the end of the world. There were still books to read, games to play, food to eat, and nature to have fun in. Of course, I'm not struggling with anxiety or depression or only childness, as a lot of the people who commented are. But even for people who are going through that, I think there are more effective ways than a cell phone to get through it. Also, please stop hating on parents. I know, they mess up sometimes, but they're trying their best. They just want what's best for you, but they don't always know what that is. While I think my parents weren't entirely justified in taking my electronics, I can see their reasons for doing it, and it wasn't out of cruelty or anything like that. Oh, and please stop saying mean things about this website. There are plenty of websites that say how to get your phone back. Frankly, I was really happy to see one that gives a list of fun things to do instead. It's more entertaining to read, and I think it's actually more practical to make the most of the time you're grounded rather than trying to get the phone back.


      • Lilyanna

        All of u are only looking at the bad side. That is the problem why your phones and such are being taken away. Maybe appreciate and act better since you still get your friends. Phones are important but to a point.


      • Eadaoin O’ Malley

        Yes I hate when I get my phone taken away too. I feel like I have nothing to do when I don’t have it only be mad at myself for the fact that it’s gone. It’s sad.


      • Hailey

        exactly. my parents took my phone because they didn't like the music I was listening to smh


      • John

        We DO know what it's like not having a cell phone. I grew up in the 70's and 80's before they invented them. Life was awesome. But we can't go backwards. If your life revolves around your phone and being in constant contact with everyone you know with the need to know whats going on at every moment, that is a problem. The simple thought of NEEDING your phone is a problem, and its one that I recognize in myself at times. Thats when I force myself to put it down and go do something else for a few hours to prove that I'm in control, not my phone and the need to know whats going on. I would suggest giving it a try sometimes.


        • Chris

          True that my guy. Videogames are what I've been addicted to and its actually bad for my mental health so now I go to the gym every week day for my mental and physical health.


    • Noel

      I have the exact same issue but the thing is, I am 12.


      • Unfair Life

        Same here.


      • Nerissa

        You sed it I am 12 too but when ever things get ruff and my mom wants to take away my phone I just run out out the door and the dog follows me so it looks like I am talking him for a walk


        • fml

          bruh I'm twelve too, dealing with the same problem, but your spelling is horrendous
          instead of moping around about your phone, go take some online classes please


      • Evey

        Same. I promised my boyfriend i would talk to him today because i get my phone back today... but the thing is my mom LOST my phone while she kept it from me. I don't wanna lose him just because my mom wants to do this crap to me- (and she took it away cause i asked her why she was looking through my photos)


    • Riss

      Really though like I haven't had my phone for since July and I'm over here bored out of mind like I don't even know the trends anymore all I know is basketball and that isn't bad but still like I don't even know the new music and I'm a sophom*ore in high school. 😭💯💯


      • Billie's Avocado

        My mom changed the password to my phone 6 months ago. She let me use it sometimes about 2 months ago, but then she stopped letting me use it. I'm 14, and I think that I deserve to have my phone back by now. The reason that she took my phone away was because my cousins were coming over and I had forgotten to pick up my sister's clothes from the corner of the room before they came. Take note that the clothes weren't even mine! I tried explaining that it wasn't my fault, and I was going to do it but I was busy making dinner for all of us and all that she said was "I don't want t hear it." Like come on! My sister was asleep on the couch and I had just gotten back from a volleyball game, just chill! Anyway, nobody is probably going to read this or reply, but if you read this, please help me get my phone back. Byeeee <3


        • Tina

          sounds like my mom. if what u say is true, i feel for you bro


        • Gamer

          ok dude listen heres some advice i did this once and it worked perfectly just be the best you can be at school for like two or three days and then your parents will be so happy they will think your a good person and will give your phone back :D


    • Ellen

      yea that's true. I just got my phone and iPad taken away for 2 80's in my freakin grade book! On top of that my mother is grounding me because of my grades. She thinks I have to be some perfect straight-A student / a mini version of her. SHe always explains how she always got A's in every class and that she always did school stuff first and friends are a second priority. As she always treats my Golden boy brother like a king! I hate her so much


      • jkim

        imagine having korean parents like me where you can't text or talk with anyone during quarantine. like me :(


    • WHyme

      Same I am on a school chrome book at this exact moment but i am 17 not 18:(.


      • Jaimee Stewart

        I just got mine taken off me tonight :(
        I don't know when I'll get it back either


        • BUSI

          I got mine taken on the 22nd of july


        • Nicole Chin

          OMG!! i just got my phone taken yesterday!!! My dad gave it back today, then took it back a hour later!! like wtf?!?! idk when ill get it back, so.. i found my phone yesterday. my dad sucks at hiding my electronics. i always find them, and i hate him so muchhhhh!!!!!!!!! why? i got in trouble for bringing my phone in the bathroom. people!!! ughh. can yall ht me up cuz i want my notifactions to ring loud af cuz they were upp. Follow me on tiktok: @thetealcheeseburger
          and add me on snap: nchin_1712 like some of my vids so the notifacations go off.


    • siera

      this is really late but im in your same shoes rn nd i use google voice on my chromebook to text my bf nd bsf


    • Brijesh

      Yes give it its a huge worse things ever for taking phone away!! U can call police too


    • sad carrots

      so i have a strict ass step dad and i have to do so much crap so i can be as close to a perfect child as i can be but lately i haven't done all my crap like taking out the recycling and the trash and cleaning and doing my room every day and helping my mom with my younger siblings and helping to cook dinner. so a week ago my step ass dad took away my phone FOR GOOD he said he was gonna return it( keep in mind i just got this and it's only the second phone i have ever had and it still hasn't even been three months so he can still return it and get his money back) i'm also on my school chromebook right now so like everything is restricted. i have had at least 5 mental breakdowns since i got it taken away :/ please help. :((((


      • Gamer

        dude if your home alone report him duh like if hes putting to much stress on you then just call the police or something but its risky if you parents catch you your dead meat so uhh ye


    • Somebodyy

      lmao. But my parents really did the most cause my parents said i was being rude when i said that my spanish teacher breath stinks (lmfaooo) and so they took my phone... idk when i get it back :( hopefully i get my phone back next weekend :/. and then my mom thinks im depressed cause of something that probably happened at school.. im not depressed im just bored.. ive been in my room all day.. listening to music.. on my school computer.. and playing a boring game.. and she wonders why im acting all sad..


      • Bre the sad person

        lmaooooo same here but not the spanish teacher part


      • T

        Okay literally she takes it away for no reason(after I just got it back after having it taken away for two months) and when I show that I'm sad bc I'm literally cut off from everyone she gets even madder and I'm like askjkdksj what am I supposed to be HAPPY??


      • Alana

        same my mom always ask me what wrong, i'm like can you talk to dad pls


    • Fparents12

      advice is to move tf outta there Im 17 and I'm moving out in January because of the same thing your talking about right there you don't have to listen to them your a whole adult my birthday is December so I'm living with my girlfriend at her apartment until I finish high school and get a better job


      • Layla :)

        Im 12, planning to run away soon. No phone, no money or anything. Tips anyone?


        • Katelyn :)

          haha. I got my phone taken 3 days ago for my grades. if you really have a bad life at home then do it but you wont have no phone and youll starve!!! im 12 too so I understand and im thinking about not eating until my phone gets back, May 10th. you seem cool tho :)


        • Roxannee

          just realized how old these comments are @-@ anywho, if you still havent run away you can go to a friends house and ask them if you can have some stuff. find a place youre going to and BOOM youve run away


        • skye

          i would run away but like i only have like two friends and they're families are both friends with mine :///// i just realized how sad my life is


    • phonetakenforlife

      i feel you im 15 and depressed and my phone helps with my depression and i got it taken for life so if you got tips and willing to share how to get it back please tell me im all ears


      • Exotic Skittlez

        I'm 14, and the same thing heppened to me. I finally found someone who helped me and made me laugh, but my mom found out and took my phone. I found it a few days later and started playing it at night when she was asleep. Now I'm grounded for life because she caught me, but my dad just died and it's like she expects me to sit around all day and do homework. I've finished my homework 3 weeks before it was due and now have nothing to do. I ignored my mom, didn't talk to her, and stayed in my room all day. I still did what she asked but didn't talk to her. I haven't got my ohine back yet, but she told me recently that she's thinking of giving it back to me.


      • ResponsibleFruit

        First, ask yourself what your phone helps with. How does it help? And also, phones are important and very fun, but they are not the first priority. You should ask your parents how you can be mature to get it back. And if they don't answer then SHOW them. Do more chores. Find other hobbies like knitting, singing, and other things you can do at home that won't bother anybody. If you can, start a little garden. Plant some flowers or something. It is very satisfying to watch something grow. Pets help a lot too. Spend more time outside, exercise. You'll feel better, I promise! And remember, your phone is just metal and wire designed to be addictive. Good luck! ❤


    • Alasha Lachney

      did you do something wrong and how did you do it ? and when did you do it


      • Anonymous

        Everyone should do this just help you’re parents to get things done and be nice and respectful to them


    • Kayleigh



      • Aney

        I fell like we all understand eachother


        • Katelyn :)

          100%. yall should frr add me snap ~ Katelynt_48


    • Lian

      cant you guys survive without a phone for a month?


      • FreshAvocado12

        yea but im not getting mine back ever


      • Estefani

        um i have but know no its so hard


      • kenia

        No, lmao se llevaron mi teléfono ayer, pero yo sabía dónde escondían mi teléfono, así que cuando fueron al trabajo comencé a buscar mi teléfono y lo encontré, ahora lo uso en la noche lol


    • SaNai

      I agree because us as teens need to stay updated with friends, celeb news and drama, etc.


    • Jazmine

      omg my phone got tooken away for a whole year i misssss it plz help meee!!!!


    • Jazmine

      sometimes i think my parents are crazy they think im addicted but i only like, use my phone 7 hours a day... and they take it away like everyday!!!!!!


    • Nadia

      Is there a way one can just request for it


    • Miss K Blaauw

      Ikr its quarantine and my mum took away my phone...i caant even do most the things on the list


    • Adriana Devi

      I actually agree, i didn't even do anything wrong and they just took my phone away, and my parents would like try to look through my phone like what the heck


    • Adriana

      Relatable, im 17 and they took my phone bcs they said me n my sister played with my phone too much. And that freakin annoys me cause we're in quarantine and what do they expect us to do? Like my dad plays his phone, his laptop, and the tv at the same exact time why can't he gets his phone taken away instead


    • Sanaa Clark

      BRO FR!!! Ive had my phone taken for 10 weeks and my friends really thought i was dead.


    • Facts

      pardon? I am the boss of me. Your job is to influence your child in the best way possible and set an example for them. Not be their boss and so controlling. Their not your employee. They are a person too. And if I have something to say I'm going to say it in the most respectful way that I can. You're telling your kid to keep their mouth shut. Guess what they'll do 10 years from now when they know their right. Keep their mouth shut. You don't know whats going on in other people's lives so don't speak on it. Please and thank you.


    • Nagito Komeada

      It’s actually illegal for them to take the. If your 18 or older. Tell them it’s illegal, as your an adult and you can have possessions now.


    • emily

      THANK YOU, i completely agree, its basically a living hell...


    • Evie Rose

      i know right


    • Brandon

      Lol exactly I'm not even a teen and I know that


    • Madds

      Or you could tellyour little sister that she has to give you her iPad or sirenhead will get her at night then explain him to her


    • Savannah

      That is on some period! My mom and dad took my phone without a reason and didn't say anything. I have all A's and a C in math. I don't know whats going on with my friends and can't chat with them. I asked my mom if I can have my phone back and she said I don't know what your talking about. And I'm like what the flip. It is annoying and I have meltdowns and I'm listening to Adele, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande and many more artists. I can't LIVE without my beautiful phone. I will always remember it. RIP phone #untiligetyouback.


    • jojo

      tbh i dont know why parents took my phone just because i always defend my self in their abusive fights and they think its atitude lmao


    • em :)

      It actually isn't that simple- you will have to find a place to stay, work jobs to pay rent, buy a car, etc. if it is that bad with your phone, get a job and buy one yourself. They can't take it if YOU bought it. My grandmother bought my iPhone 11 7 months ago. My parents try to take it away sometimes and since my grandma bought it, they can't take it away. I am 12 years old, and I try my hardest to please my parents. I have all A's and B's. They don't really get me. You see, I need my phone for personal purposes. Mostly because I want to socialize with my friends. I know this sounds childish, but I play Roblox. I have Tik Tok. They are telling me to delete Tik Tok because I said "lmao". They took my phone away a few weeks ago, and I have been really depressed since then. I haven't been on any socials and right at this very moment, I am using my school Chromebook, which has blocked most sites. I usually watch YouTube, but it's not as good as having my phone and texting my friends.


    • i aint finna tell u my name

      me too i got it taken off me earlier and im trying to amuse myself on the computer


    • Eadaoin O’ Malley

      Beg them to give it back to you or tell them that you didn’t do anything bad to get it taken away from you in the first place, even if you did do something bad 😂


    • millie

      OMG you guys are all so lucky to just get your phone taken. My mom SMASHED MY FREAKING PHONE its been 2 months and i saved up enough money from shovelling snow and birthday money to afford a new iphone. BUT MY MOM SAID NO TO DRIVE ME TO BUY ONE!!!!!!!! i am going insane without a phone im using my school computer my mom doesnt know about. (help) i feel so left out like i just wanna text my friends!!!!!!! my mom is crazy!!!!!! im gonna try to bike to the best buy but its 2 hours away drive.


    • Robin Kichnet

      Revision: I suggest that you guys (publishers) tell us teens how to GET our phones back, not What to do when they are "taken" away. Life is hell without a cell phone. I mean, you don't know what is going on in life and sometimes you're not up to date on things. (Leave off the "so yeah". This doesn't mean anything in the context of what you are trying to say. This is a type of meaningless phrase put there because the writer doesn't know how to end the phrase. Keep with proper tenses. That is, "took" is the wrong tense in this sentence..it would be "taken". Don't begin a sentence with the word "and" unless you are a seasoned writer. Just continue the sentence .....going on in life, and sometimes, you're not...... "Your" shows possession. You want to use the contraction for "you are" which is "you're". Often times, students play on cell phones in class and miss a lot of instruction.


    • Amna

      Yes, they should, my parents take my phone away for no reason and when I ask them they don't answer or are like ' Exactly" like wtf? It's my phone I haven't done ANYTHING wrong, I'm a good student like A's and B's, I have literally never gotten in trouble at a school and yet they gave me a phone just to take it away and then they wonder, why I'm sneaky? So like can somebody please give me advice on how to get my phone back I can't do more than half the stuff on this list because either I don't have everything I need or my mom thinks I'll make a mess


    • Luca

      i told my mom sorry and cleaned the dowstairs area and she gave it back she said ¨fine ok you can have it back¨


      • Notabbie

        im not allowed my phone upstairs and have to come off my phone at 9!! and im 16 years old it is so annoying, they say i cant be trusted and i dont get what the difference to being on my phome downstairs to upstairs is. ive had many backup phones of mates and stuff so that i could still talk and call my friends at night but always been caught. i got caught again last night without warning so i couldnt tell my boyfriend or friends what happened and there gonna think ive died or ignoring them when im not. and the other problem is i havnt been able to get any sleep bc i usually sleep on call to my boyfriend or talk to him on call until really late and i cant and ive just been non stop crying bc i miss him sm. and im nokt allowed out to see my friends so ive had nothin to do bc my phones,ipad,laptops and firesticks have been taken, i have nothing left. i justf want to be treated like a teenager. i want my life back. my mum wont even talk to me and idk when im gonna get my phone back or to evenconvince her to let me have a phone upstairs bc im nearly 17 and its not fair . sm1 pls help me. i just want to talk to my boyfriend :((


    • Smith

      You all are so ridiculous. You cannot even understand the solid reasons that your parents took away your phones because you are all only focused on getting that phone back, vs. accepting that what you did was wrong and you won’t change your behavior. You’d rather tell little lies or beg to get your phones back, but you will do the same wrong things over and over again. And you just want to blame it all on your parents instead of taking responsibility for your own wrong doings.

      You complain that your parents want you to read and do something productive that doesn’t involve your phone? Well many of you need to because you cannot even write intelligibly not spell correctly.

      Parents understand the need to communicate and socialize. But you’re not using your phones just to communicate. You are viewing so much social media that you lose sight of reality. You live your lives based on a thumbs up or down- a sign of low self worth and low self confidence. Getting your information based on what a celebrity says and does is so “fantasy”. It’s unrealistic for you to think you can live in a way that you can’t afford to …. without being able to read and write, without an education, without a proper career.

      If your parents bought your phone and your under 18, they most certainly have a right to take your phone away. Follow the rules. And once you get your phones back, stop viewing so much social media. It’s not the real world. Grow up believing in your own self worth and not living your life through other peoples’ lives. Own you mistakes then change.


  • laire

    Even if I did anything my siblings would snitch on me (if I tried to go and find my phone)
    my life is miserable without a phone.My mom took it away because my other sibling was over using hers. lmao...I dont have my phone for 14 days! helppppppppppppppp o.o my other siblings have their supply tablets and ipods but I got my phone and everything else taken away!!...if I had my phone why the hell would I be here writing a whole essay lmfao... i think im gone physco


    • Lina

      I had iPhone 5S taken away for god knows how long, well, actually 2 weeks now. When I ask for my phone back, I get ignored and my mom goes on to talk to my brother, who has a phone, a computer and a good set of headphones and could do whatever he wants! Outrageous is what I say to my mom taking away my phone because I was suppose to go outside and meet someone and they went to their house, and I couldn't see them anymore....I even asked for my phone back for hw, not even games or anything, and my brother snitches me saying that I will only use it for games, I can't even read a book for hw without getting my things taken away, I hate how parents take away your stuff for no reason, then claim to say "We did it for reason". I hate it so much.......... ;-;


      • Kelly

        did you get it back


        • Lina

          I did, then got it taken away again, and I've resorted to me finding it.


      • Sun

        I've got my Iphone 5s taken away just because I forgot my water bottle at school and i really wasn't constantly playing games I didn't even bring my phone to school at that day I also wasn't playing games the weeks before


    • Does it need to be censored?

      yo I feel. I’m a junior n I have had no phone since Easter last year, so bout 11 months. They also took my phone that my friend gave me to by locking me and and raiding my room lol. I’ve had friends arrested, jumped, put in the hospital and sh*tand I didn’t even know until weeks later. I asked for my stuff back n just like u my mom made up some sh*tnot letting me use it. I’m guessing u moved to a new place? So I see how ur situation cld b tough especially w the quarantine. 4 me, the hard part is really just the loneliness kinda, I only c my friends at school or at Walmart or something. Just, try ur mom at some point. Bring up that without a phone ur gonna struggle more to meet people, stay in contact with people, and just be “normal”. Make sure she’s in an okish mood though, gives u a better chance. Once quarantine is over it’ll b easier too. Anyway hope this helps, and if it doesn’t, 18 isn’t too far away, and if worst comes to worst u cld emancipate. I don’t really recommend it cuz it’s hard on the fam but, it’s up to u.


    • sniperwolf_A

      anonymous, this wasn't/isn't a WatsApp group we don't swear. if u guys get ur phones back plz follow me on tiktok.
      Sniperwolf_A is my user name. By the way, my phone was taken away and I can't talk to my bf :(


    • abby

      LMAOO same :(( bro we can run away together :(


    • Lily

      At least you have siblings! I just have my two cats and bunny and my annoying parents. Also go add my snapchat if ur under 17 cause like i CAN text my friends on snap on my chromebook, but the quality is HORRIBLE anyway go add me: @lil-y16


  • James Vasquez

    I agree with you! I just only argued with my siblings ( and I called one of them a swine because he was rude) but my parents took away my phone AND my video game privileges for a week and arguing with them or reading on 101 things to entertain yourself without the phone ain't gonna work. I'm writing this on my secret old nearly-not-working iPad. Please can someone give us a solution please? I am trying my best but it just won't work. I need HELP ( I might sound slightly spoiled but I love my phone as much as any kid does and I am a boy but I still like being a bit of a athlete even though I depend on my phone)


    • Someone

      Steal something of ur parents and ask for a trade


      • Izabella

        Omg why have I not thought of this...


      • FreshAvocado12

        i would but then they will just force me to give the thing i stole back and take my phone for longer


  • Anonymous

    Im so mad that i got my phone taken away. Im african btw which makes things 100 times worse. Im 13 almost 14 and i dont do anything bad on my phone. I live with my mom only and we aren't close so im on my phone a lot. Even if its to do homework, my mom gets mad at me saying im staying up late texting people. First of all, i have volleyball after school and practice sometimes ends late so whats the point of a 6PM curfew. She always says shes watching me wherever i am. This creeps me out like i have no privacy. If i have my phone in the bedroom she thinks im taking nudes. Like wth??? We always argue every day over little things and she always brings up things i did in the past. Im going crazy in this house i swear. Im a freshman in highschool rn and she wanted to put me in a all girls Catholic school but i wanted to go to one of the best highschools. She said the only reason i wanna go there is because of the boys which is a lie. I actually feel challenged in that school and the only boy i talk to i met in Massachusetts 2 months ago. He's the one person plus my friends who keep me sane and the only way I talk to them is through my phone. I hate my life rn, I dont know what to do.


    • anonymous

      Im not close with my mom either. I feel your pain.


      • Parents are annoying

        I feel your pain..not close to my dad either btw and my mom usually makes things worse by either her taking away my phone or making my dad take it away longer smh


  • Lily

    Why is everyone in the comments here complaining? Just because your phone is taken away, It's not the end of the world, and if you're leaving a comment like, "I got my phone taken away and It's like Hell," then you have access to the internet, otherwise you wouldn't be able to write that comment, now would you?


    • Arya

      well some of us can't use our computers except for school.... I'm not really allowed to do this. shh


    • unknown

      Bruh shut up this is what were here for like stop telling ppl how to feel bc they got their phone taken im pretty sure thats what its all about-


    • Lily Ann

      omg bc we are sharing our pain together and also we all seem to be teenagers and we are able to relate to one another. also dont be rude and its not hell but like it sucks im on my chromebook rn pretending to do the math im supposed to be doing rn

      (also we have the same name :))
      (also if youve seen some of my comments above im changing my name to Lily Ann incase there are other Lily's my snap is @lil-y16 so go add me)


  • hazel

    what if you lost your ohine becasue you did not bring a pillow and stuff animal to school for pajama day


  • laney

    its almost been two months without my phone. all i have is this stupid school chromebook that i can only use at school. i miss instagram,texting my friends, making plans, snapchat... idk what i did either to get it taken away... its not like i was always on it, i was always with my family and doing stuff with them, doing after school activities, i have a great social life but nooo they had to take my phone, its not the worst thing in the world but i hate not having google at my fingertips whenever i need to ask a stupid question or something like that. whatever. i just want my phone


    • oscar

      IKR my parents take away my phone for the stupidest reasons ever, like for example if i dont read a book before i use it they will litteratly take it away for like a week or 2 months. reply if you have the same proplm

      ps im 11 turning 12 this august and im in 7th grade


    • @Sauceylaces - Insta

      Honestly, it has been a long minute since I had my phone and I didn't do anything I'm a good student and child I'm involved in sports and all of that and they still took it away and this is hell because I can't ask Siri for help or anything.


  • Nameless

    I got my 3Ds, Laptop, and Phone took away because I didn't take out the trash before my dinner, but I thought I could take it out after dinner cause its still light out and I could take it out when I leave for a martial arts class but my parents never told me we weren't that day and I got yelled at for not managing time and I cant keep track of time even tho I was never told of a schedule change or what time dinner was.Now I have nothing to do, literally................. I need help from my parents who NOTE WENT TO COLLEGE and IS "SMART" but when it comes to common sense it flies out the window.I'm now stuck on this stupid school Chromebook that has almost everything blocked and can hardly do anything.Any suggestions?


    • Emily Hill

      My suggestion is to stick with the Chromebook for now, without complaining, and find extra ways to help around the house. Go above and beyond what's expected of you and see what happens.


    • emily

      ik im like 2 years late but did yall know that if ur not on the schools wifi but u have a chromebook for them if u go on browse as guest everything is unblocked


  • lowkey_tingx

    I recently got my phone taken away for being rude to my mum and like generally not putting in any effort with the housework and stuff, now she's not talking to me giving me dry replies idk what to do I honestly feel so bad but I also feel upset because I know I'm not looking to get my phone anytime soon, please help me what do I do?


    • Emily Hill

      Perhaps you should put in a ton of extra effort to help her around the house. Be extra thoughtful and kind. Kindness is magical.


    • millyia

      you should do more work and be nice to your mother .


  • Poppy

    I have depression and anxiety and so I hate being left alone to my thoughts. My parents know im going through a difficult time. My anxiety has gotten so bad that i cant get up and go to school. Well anyways I have been writing a novel and i got my parents to check the first chapter for me and they said it was really good. I thought i could have my ipad to continue writing my story but they took it away from me cause i havent been going to school. its not that i dont want to go to school its just everything has been so overwhelming and they know that. I understand that they think i will go to school if it means i will get all my devices back but ill only go to school if i get them back before. i need to text my friends at school to tell them what's happening. theyre getting really worried about me and angry at me and i want to ask them about homework but nooo i cant even do that. this weekend is a long weekend and im not sure how i wil make it through. i finally found soemthing i enjoy doing and that made me relaxed and they took it away from me. ive already had 5 mental breakdowns because my thoughts were getting so loud. i feel so isolated because i cant text my friends and catch up with them. my parents keep telling me to read a book but i dont want to do that all weekend. it also just reminds me of how much i want to be writing my book. I don't understand why i cant just write my book. its productive and its something i have an interest in. im really struggling and i know my friends are confused about whats goin on. but the more i feel isolated and lonely, the more i feel unmotivated to go to school. Im getting realy bad anxiety and my depression is getting worse. If I was writing and talking to my friends i would feel ok to go to school. do you think i should tell my parents this. They probably wont listen though.


    • Emily Hill

      I think you should have an honest conversation with your parents about how you feel. If you need to write down talking points, do it! That way you will make sure you say everything you would like to say and won't forget in the moment.


      • leslie

        im having the same problem ... idk what you used to type that butt there is an app called ( Flume) on apple computers wich you download online and itss an instagram for computer itsss so good and it saveddd my life bcuzzz i could talk to my friends that way... also on a micrsoft computer you can installl a regular intagram on the appstore ..... if your super desprate to use social media youll find a wayy trust me , im 13 and i got my phone taken away 2 years ago and im not aloud to have social mediaa anymore or anything... but ive found ways after ways to use it .... good luck, but if your parents are chill i would just tell em tbh!


        • user133

          you saved my life omgggg im 15 and im moving, parents took my phone, deleted all contacts and deleted all social media so no one can contact me. I have one boy still on my phone but i have no way of contacting him right now. He's the closest friend i have and it is sooo hard oof.


          • Lily Ann

            that reminds me of when my mom searched through my whole phone when my ex-best friend told her i was suicidal (i wasnt and im not now). she deleted all the boys from my contacts including one of my close friends just bc she didnt know them and i cant contact him any other way and its not like i have his number memorized. luckily i signed in on snapchat on my chromebook before she could read the stuff on my phone snap or else i would be DEAD if she saw all my texts with *strangers who are really middle aged men who want to stalk you* (their words not mine) but i actually know these ppl so f off

    • Lennon

      Hey, hope things are better for you now, But if anything else like this happens, I'd say just tell them the honest truth. Even if it means you in tears. (i learned it makes things more believable) Life sucks, parents sometimes can be pains. I got my phone taken away for, well, personal reasons. It happened about two days ago, and my parents said that most likely won't give my iPhone back until summer break. (It's March here,) Hopefully, time flies by next time if a similar situation happens to you again. Hang in there, Leslie.
      -a freshman in high school


  • Mavey G.

    I saw Studio C, and I was soo happy!!! I have seen every single one to this day, and my favorited are the Ann Withers, Scott Sterling, The Crayon Song gets Ruined, and the Kyle ones!!!! What're yours?


    • Emily Hill

      We love them all. It's too hard to decide!


  • Mavey G.

    Omigosh!! Ask her why. BTW, I know im late


  • Anna

    I've had mine taken away for 9 months


  • niquitta

    I literally got my phone taken due to the fact I was so called ¨lying¨ . So basically I woke up late to go to chruch. My dad said I stayed up on my phone.(which is not trure) and then said he is going to take away my phone. I come home and i began to claean my room and I was like maybe I should play as song before I get my phone taken. MY dad comes into my room and I put down my phone and he asked what I was doing. I was like I was cleaning . He said what are you doing on your phone and I was just like Oh I was putting on some music , but then he asked so what were you doing and I answered honestly again and siad I was cleaning my room. Then he just takes my phone. He goes to my mom and said I was lying. Fact is my sister did something similar ,but she lied and she kept her phone. God my dad is just extra and I have african parents . :Lord help me oh. I just wrote a whole paragraph about my dad wow. Should do this more at school, ( note im using a school chromebook ,...... everything is basically blocked. FML)


    • I have an african parent as well

      Okay literally they are so paranoid. There is absolutly nothing wrong with putting freakin music on but because theyre so extra i dont want to even be seen checking the time on my phone. the anxietyyyy


  • Riss

    I feel like I should get my phone back because I'm a student-athlete and I am honestly a loner if I have my phone so if I have my phone I listen to music and it would make my life better I rarely use social media because I'm busy at practice and outside of practice I'm practicing so I barely use my phone for social media but I got it taken in September and its October going on to November so when I don't have my phone and I don't like people talking to me if I don't know them like outside of school being nice yeah that's okay but just coming up to me is bogus but if that ever happens I would have my earphones in but I can't cause my mom took my phone behind a stupid reason now she forgot where she put it so I can't have it what do I do because this don't make any sense to this and plus I come home at 10 pm from games and 7-9 from pfractice and they are never there so I have to walk or wait for them to come ????


  • chantelle

    omg you won’t even believe what my parents did to me it makes all of your guys stories look dumb. so i got my phone taken away because at 5:37 pm on december 23 I didn’t shred the cheese correctly. so naturally my psychotic parents decided to take my phone for a whole whopping 2 weeks and they brought my dog to the pound. what even ughh. but i had a school project due and we were on a winter break and it was due the first day back and i had a question i NEEDED to text my friend about so i asked for my cellular device back and you won’t even believe what my parents said !! they told me to write her a letter. how would i even go about writing a letter. . i’m a 13 year old how do they expect me to write it. it’s total crap. anyways pray for me because my life is h*ck !!!!!!!!!!!


  • Layla

    SO I literally got my phone taken away today...you know why I got it taken away? BECAUSE I KEPT IT IN MY ROOM OVERNIGHT. BECAUSE I FREAKING DID'T PUT IT THEIR ROOM! SERIOUSLY! my dad has this mycircle app on it too so literally after 8:00 I can't do anything. I'm not getting it back until 1/28/19. this sucks. I didn't do anything awful. plus I'm homeschooled, so the only way for me to talk to my friends is through my phone. I literally just got my phone too. So this is so stupid, nobody understands.. I really just wish I could go back in time and put it on the charger. My dad also used the Disney circle to block facebook and he deleted my phone, read my texts, and other crap. I hate my life.


    • Lily Ann

      i really felt that. my phone has to be up at 9pm, but stupid downtime goes from 10pm - 8pm but theres also app limits AND im not allowed to have my phone during school (online ofc) which i have from 9am - 6pm. so i only have two hours max on my phone and but im not allowed to have it until AFTER i eat dinner, but i dont like eating until 7pm so then i get it for less than and hour and my mom says i spend too much time on my phone/devices. im not allowed to have it in my bedroom during night either and listening to music (but not actually being on the phone) counts as screentime to her like UGHHHH


  • Layla

    I got my phone taken away today just for not putting it on the charging station in their room. I couldn't even use it due to it being paused after 8:00PM. I'm not getting it back until the 28th of January. Which for me is an eternity. Considering the fact that I'm homeschooled and this is the only way for me to communicate with my friends. THIS SUCKSSSSSS. I'm so lonely.


  • Layla

    You've done everything right. You should tell your dad how you feel. tell him what you told us. that you feel like he's making you do everything around the house, that you feel he is really strict, and that he isn't listening to what you have to say. Also tell him that you feel he is trying to break you and your boyfriend up. (I hope you got your phone back.)


  • Layla again..(sorry)

    Okay so I get my phone back in 7 days. but the past week was the longest week of my life. I HATE THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSs


  • Layla

    Okay so whenever you want to text just go to your room. (pretend to be like playing with dolls or some baby toy) Then put your phone on silent and text your friends. Maybe put on some Disney music that you don't completely hate. Just act like a child and text your friends. Then your parents will be like "aw look our daughter is still a child."...hope this helps.


  • Anonymous

    My parents took my phone away for a month because i gave my phone number out. Well the person gave me their phone number. But I really don't know what to do without my phone,. What are things i should do to keep me occupied.until the month is over? Bw i don't have money and i don't drive. Ia am sort of a pre-teen so make some options and things that a preteen would do.


  • dennice

    february 5th marked 7 months without my phone. ive lost alot of friends becuase i havent talked to them online and they thought i had ghosted them. to those who say its not that bad- it really is. we're growing up in an age where everyone is on their phones 25/8. for me, i havent had my phone all school year. ive cut my hair in the school cafeteria, brought bleach to school and bleached me head then and there, used whole packs of bobby pins in my hair at once, dumped cans of tomato sauce and green beans in the hallway, etc.. i do so much, just so i wont be unknown. everyone is on their phones, including adults. adults wouldnt be able to survive deprived of their phones.. how are we supposed to cope, when thats all we have been exposed to? we were raised by phones, taught by phones, entertained by them etc.


  • kenzy

    why do parents always go for the phone like theres other things they can take away or punish us with i so hate my life and wort part my mom is MEXICAN and yll dont know the struggle of having a mexican mom


  • Anonymous

    I do know why I got my phone taken away, but It wasn't my fault. I really don't want to say why but I need some advice to "APOLOGIZE" for something I DIDN'T do. Please give me some advice to talk to my parents.


    • Anonymous

      Honestly that is my entire life. I have to suck it up though because it doesn't matter. If they I did it and I don't have an alibi then I have to fess up to something I didn't do. What you should do is gather your information and create a "case" to present your facts and make sure your parents know the truth. UNLESS the truth is something you don't want them to know, in which case you must either do your time or apologize.


    • Ava

      My mom got mad at me the other day because she told me not to wash my hair and a did :) That irritated me, but on top of that, she "caught" me on my laptop at 2 AM last night (btw it's a rare occurence) and she says "you can't have that in your room anymore". I hate playing games or watching videos in front of everybody. I don't even know why it's such a big deal.


  • yay

    I’m 13 and I get my phone taken away every night. Most of the time i get it back in the morning but at the moment i think it’s taken away for the rest of the day because i overused it for another hour.


    • Daddy

      Yes same! Finally someone with the same problem! I get my phone taken away all the time for no reason, I have to “turn” it in every night or I’ll never get it back.


      • user133

        sameeeee i dont even have my phone right now!!!! they took it away and wont give it back until we move away. im 15 but once im 16 they said they wont take it away because ill need it to drive


        • Parents are annoying

          We have the same problem. Every night they take away my phone at 9pm, sometimes even 8 and give it back the next day. Sometimes they take it away for a few days for NO REASON. I'm 15 jalmost 16)I don't see why I still have to drop off my phone in their room


  • anonymous

    trust me it is easier to be single and not have your phone than be in a relationship and not have your phone. ughhhh.


    • Rizyah

      pfft, that's so true. It's honestly the worst to be in a relationship and have your phone taken away. Especially if your parents don't know about you and your S.O, that would make things baaad if they find out.


      • Unfortunate child

        I'm stuck in the middle of being single and taken. I asked a guy out, he said he'd think about it and text me back when he's decided. Then what? My phone gets grabbed off of me. My mum says that 'all homework must be done and checked by me first' try having a mum whose a teacher. It's actual hell.I need my phone right now or I will actaually kill someone. My friends probably think I'm dead.


  • Anonymous

    Yeah...I know why I got my phone taken away. Rightfully so, I did an awful thing and idk how to fix it. I'm moving away, I have to leave everyone, I'm homeschool, and school is ALSO stressing me out. Now I have to deal with the things I did. Luckily it's only going to be taken away for one week, I'm so stressed and I'm staying home all week. I'll get it back on sunday (I hope.) Though my mom isn't living with us right now so that adds even more stress. I mean I live around 3 boys...we watch male dominated tv shows and the male voice is REALLY getting annoying. My phone is the one place I can go. I have a filtered internet so I cannot do anything bad but I cannot text 24/7 like I have been doing. I just to make things right. Please give me advice on actual things to do ;-;


    • user133

      Im going through the SAME thing omg!!!!! except im not homeschooled. they took my phone and erased all my contacts so i can not talk to anyone when i move ughhhhh


      • anonymous

        Exactly I just got it taken away AGAIN. For 2 weeks and then I didn't do anything but my family thinks I did so I got it taken away for another week. SO I download Instagram onto my computer so I can DM. I decided that it would be a great idea to use my computer overnight and DM people and my parents looked at my DMs saw the time and yeah. So also I can't talk to anyone and I miss my friends so I found a way to talk to them and got caught AGAIN. So my parents said that they don't see themselves giving me my phone bac EVER. They also said that the next phone I get will be one that I get myself AFTER I MOVE OUT. WHAT THE HELL.?.?.? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO STUFF WITHOUT A PHONE.?>????? if I get a job then they can't contact me and I can't contact them. I have to make plans to move out and how I supposed to do that without a phone to make calls? Literal bullcrap. So there is no way in this day and age without a phone.


        • ...

          Ikr. I have not had my phone for almost 4 months and for some stupid reason, my parents won't give it back to me. It sucks, especially during this time of quarantine and I have no one to talk to and feel so isolated since I'm not able to see them. I also feel embarrassed when everyone else has a phone to go one except me. I have to go on the school chromebook where the district blocks everything off of. I can't even chat to my friends on Snapchat, etc. I haven't talked to them in so long. My dad is setting restrictions on my phone when I don't have it. I literally did NOTHING wrong on the internet. I hate them. I don't trust them anymore. I know its not the end of the world but I feel extremely isolated and sad not having one in today's world.


  • Alex

    so true like i got my phone taken away from me for no reason and being in school without a phone sucks when your class isn't doing anything you are just stuck on a computer that the schools blocks everything on. why is it that everyone else can bring there phones its not fair and i cant Evan use it during the weekends like what am suppose to do my friends cant Evan text me to go outside to hangout. if i actually had my phone i wouldn't be here writing a whole paragraph i miss when life was good


  • Daily Dose of Dolans :3

    I literally got my phone taken away for a week by my mom because I threw my notebooks on the table...hehe I'm using my computer now but since I can't text my best friend for a week...she'll probably think I'm dead or that I'm mad at her. Thanks, mom.


  • player yuna

    ok,so first,i got sunburned during an outside party,so when i got into my house,my mom said to put on this spray(which was SUPPOSE to help me)and i did,but it was wet on my back,so i to stay in my bedroom.and what would you do while you wait for something to dry? be on your phone,right? i mean like,there's nothing else to do,so be on your phone.i was drawing and edit my artworks that i did on my phone,when all of a sudden,my mom just BARGES IN MY ROOM WITHOUT KNOCKING and just scream at me for being on my phone. i tried to explain her the situation as NICELY as i could,but she was mad. she just ignored me and just said"give me your phone." i was confused,but mad. i still don't have it back and i'm literally bored. :P


  • Ellen

    At least most of y'all didn't get your phone taken away because of an 89 and a 86 in the grade book


    • Lina

      I was so close to beating you in the unfairness level. I got it taken because of an 86 and an 88.


    • Gracelyn

      I have a 99 and I got my phone taken away because i didn't have a 100


  • Kloud

    listen i got my phone taken away cuz i didn't do 2 assignment in a retarded class for photography note that i don't live with my parents these are random people.... FOSTER He said U can get it back after the 2 HW are done... did that goes back to ask for phone has nerve to say no and i have to bring it downstairs (been doing that 13 yr old) and takes wifi password can't text gf she thinks im ingnoring her leaving her on open and now i have to fix it all again HELP


  • Sedona Stachowiak

    I got my phone taken away for 2 weeks, and I'm an 8th grader who is 14.


  • WHyme

    My mom just come in my room and was like give me your phone. I did nothing she just took it and i am almost 17 years old . i have a job, i have good grades but she still takes my phone. and now im stuck on using these dumb school chrome books. until school is out which is in a week. i honestly just think my mom is mad because she went through my room and didn't find anything. im just over it i got 376 days until i am 18 and can move tf out !


    • yhs

      do you go to YHS?!?!?!?!


  • Lina

    I totally agree. I got my phone taken and I'm bored beyond comprehension. Like what parent takes their kids phone for getting a B!! It's not fair. Also my name is Lina also. :)


    • Lina

      Hey its me almost a year later


  • Kloud

    Also it sucks not knowing anything going on in the world when u have one tv and thats in the living room.i can't wait to move with my aunt.AND If u want to break ur parents from taking ur phone try this.How am i supposed to call 911 when i n=actually need it.If my phone is gone how will i tell u where im going u didn't say i couldn't go to my friends house.What if i really need to text u or call u about an emergency.Stuff like that should work if ur parents aren't in the moment of ruining ur social life and ur SAFETY


    • Lily Ann

      I went to my friends house and before i left i told my mom that and shes like "you can just ask your friend/her mom. and then when i was home alone yesterday for three hours i was like what if someone tries to kidnap me/break into the house/what if theres a fire/emergancy and she said "you can just go to the neighbors and ask to borrow a phone" and im like uh no if im being kidnapped theres no time for that and she said "not gonna happen" and i said it could- she ignored me and left


  • Sam

    Im 14 and same thing here mate. Dw about it. It takes some time. Also, if ur getting a new computer, make it a chromebook that supports Google Play. Then u can keep up with social media.


  • Eva

    My mom took away my phone 1week ago (I think ts one week) it was taken away because she nd out me and my bff we have been talking about bf and boys a lot and my mom ended up finding out that I have a boyfriend,she took the phone from me immediately and suffering right now,and btw I’m African and my mom is really strict and I’m only aloud to go to parties only if I have good grades,I don’t think one of you would like to have a mom like me,she treats me like a child,she always want to see every messages I send to my friends,I DONT HAVE PRIVACY AT ALLL!!!!! Please give me an advice on how to get my phone back


  • Sasha

    My parents take my phone away every single day. My parents went through my phone and okay, i do know that i had some bad things but they literally got mad bc i was swearing. Yes, they don't let me swear but like im so annoyed they don't let me go outside and hangout with my friends or anything. My life sucks rn i'm like depressed and everything. I haven't been happy for few weeks,,,, i literally cry everyday. No, i'm not an attention seeker but i can't hide all my emotions . But like i need help to get my phone back or does anyone know how to text with my friends? i'm using my school chromebook rn and i can't download anything:(


    • Gabe

      Imagine first not having any friends cause you go to an extremely small private school with 2 kids in your class one a introvert and the other annoying as possible. Then going to a church (keep in mind I am a Christian) and finally making some friends that are good influences on you. And having an Xbox so I wouldn’t bug them 24/7. Then (and yes I was very much in the wrong here) watched something I shouldn’t have because it is something zi struggle with. I personally believe some form of this punishment is fair. My mom took away everything including my Xbox except for my super dumb flip phone. I have friends who like me, but it feels like I am being ghosted when they are probably just doing the stuff I used to do stuff myself. So not much of a social life obviously. Mom and Dad don’t even want me on computer to even watch tv. My mom told my super strict dad but he forgot. So he is still on the assumption I play video games all the time and I am kind of hoping my mom won’t bring it to his attention again so I won’t have to have “the talk”. I might if I play my cards right not get my Xbox back but play video games again this summer. Anyways, any tips for how to gain my parents trust again?


  • Quinn

    literally my mom snatched my phone because she was in a bad attitude and my sister isn't home so i am bored off of my fing mindddd. SEND HELP


  • Billie's Avocado

    At least u have a dad....


  • Faye Sopi

    I got an iPhone 5 when I was 13. It got taken away as i was using it at night to watch stuff and i had gone to the cinema when my mum thought i was doing homework with friends. It got taken away exactly 2 months ago, it's hard i agree, but i have insta on my computer so i can dm ppl. When i need to text someone for hw, my mum lets me borrow her phone and use her whatsapp., but she watches what i do. She told me she made a mistake of trusting me and giving it to me when i was young so she says il have it back when im 16!!


    • Emma

      Trust me, you will survive...


  • Gracelyn again

    I was a straight A student but my mom and dad took away my phone because I had a 99 in Gym class that's because I had to borrow clothes because my mom 4got to wash the clothes so he was like give me ur phone I told her it was UR fault she was the one who 4GOT to wash my gym clothes TBH I my parents are really dumb like bruhhhhhhhhh!😒🤨😥!


  • Kenzie

    Getting your phone taken away is hell, especially if your grounded along with it so I'm are stuck in the house with my annoying ass 3 year old brother, and if I tell him he's being annoying I get and extra day added to my grounding time. It feels like my customized hell. But at least my dad doesn't care really about anything other as he eats, bathes,can watch his football games, and can play his video games he's good so I can at least watch Vampire Diaries.


  • Annoymous ..

    My mum has decided that because i went on my sisters phone im getting my phone taken away for today im gonna loose my streaks but i cant tell her that because im not even allowed snap chat now im using her work computer to do "Homework"ughh.



    So to all of you guys who have freaked out about their phones I have a solution that’ll work if you have an IPhone. Okay so first introduce downtime to your parents, show them that if there’s a password then the apps will lock and they won’t have to bother to take your phone away..they can just set the limit to like 1 second per app. But before you do this select a couple of your favorite apps and set them for “always aloud” then you can have those apps whenever your parent decides to punish you and set your screen time very low. Another thing you can do (especially if they already have downtime and you can’t add always aloud apps because you don’t know the password) is figure out the password. Before you freak out let me tell you how easy it is. One day that your phone was taken away, ask your parents to use Snapchat (it needs to be snap or it could be camera or gallery) make up an excuse and beg them to set the time for at least 15 minutes if they agree then before you hand them the phone hit the screen record button they’ll type in the passcode and you can go into your camera roll in snap gallery or camera and the screen recording of them pressing the password will be there. Just use it to either turn off downtime (I wouldn’t recommend that because your parents could see but you could) or just do the always aloud hope this helped!


    • Emma

      That’s actually a good idea. :)


  • Lol

    My parents took my phone because I didn't pick up. But I'd always call back literally 5 minutes after they called. Anyway, I have no sense of time 99% of the time, and I wake up at 7, when school starts at 7:50. We use our phones at school everyday to note down some quick things, and I don't do that. I'm 13 soon to be 14 and hopefully by then I'll have a phone. Oh also, they took my phone away November 26th, 2019 at around 07:15am EST. They complain that there's literally no way to contact me when I'm out, which is regularly. At least I have a laptop, where I use instagram and twitter for my source of entertainment. Well, anyway my parents don't like me as much as they like my older sister because she's honestly so perfect. Sad life.


  • Yana

    my phone gets taken away at many times bc im always on it says my parents LIKE literally even they check their phones more then i do like WTHHHH and they dont believe i did my homework so they text my teacher and ask them if i did my homework ;-; plus my siblings r annoying and never wanna hang out :/ so i literally have nothing to do :/


    • sad4ever

      Omg thats my same story right there they never believe i do my homework im like WTFFFFF


    • ;(

      SAMEEE like i be trynna annoy my sister or ask her to hang out with me bc i got my phone taken and she hasnt and im sOOo bored and ian got nun to doo


  • carter

    haha same im 13 cant wait until im 18 i will have my own house and everything but ye good luck


    • emilyy

      me all the wayyyyy


  • Emma

    Try being nearly 30 and paying for your phone yourself and your older sister (who pays your parents less rent than what you do) has a phone too - guess which one of you has the phone taken off of her at night so that you ‘go to sleep’?

    I use my phone for my music and to upload my art that I draw online; I haven’t really got a social life, so my phone’s it!

    Good luck, though, everybody...


  • Hehehehe

    OR try to do all of these on the same day your parents take your phone to the point where the are begging you to stop


  • lia petterson

    nun of those things worked I cant live without my phone and mi bsf is callin but I cant get mi phone and eerytime I get mi phone tooken I cry :(


  • kammy

    I'm 12 years old and I had a fight in high school with these girls I go to an all girls school. The teacher dealt with it and said there was going to be sanctions. this all happened in November. I told my mum about the fight. now in FEBUARY SO ITS BEEN 3 BLEAMIN MONTHS the teacher gave me an isolation for the issue she gave me a letter to give to my mum but I didn't I'm scared of her I knew it was going to end up bad. I'm an Asian. My mum got a call from the school and was called in for a meeting the teacher told her I got an isolation and obviously expected punishments from my mum. I think my mum took it way too far. She took my phone okay expected but I thought it was going to be taken away for a week or two not a year! So okay I don't have my phone. I go to school alone. My mum goes to work early. So when I go to school my friends they all live near me come with me. We all go to school together. Sometimes we explore for example find different ways to go to school. We are always early to school though, never late. Now 'just because I got an isolation' I can't even go to school alone. I seriously feel like a dog trapped in a cage. My mum claims that she did this just because Asians never got into a situation like this before. Um excuse you honey someone from my school not even the first month in school got excluded from school for doing something. MUM ITS NOT DEEP. I already have a punishment from school I don't want to be punished at home. I really want my phone back. I really want something called freedom and privacy do I have that no. Also is it bad having friends I don't think so. Because according to my darling mother having friends is a bad thing. I don't know what to do I really need help I don't know what to do please reply and tell me what to do. Please I beg you.


    • nicole

      maybe try to tell her im so sorry mom i would never do this again can you give me my phone back


  • Derrick

    I just stayed up night at 11:00 and my parents just took it from me now i can't even use it for the rest of my life unless i grow up and buy my own.


  • Advice

    Just say:
    Before I didn't exactly understand the extent to what I did wrong. I thought that you hated me but really you were just trying to correct me and show me right from wrong so I can do the same for my kids when I grow older. I am so sorry that I have done this. I didn't mean to make you feel ashamed to call me your daughter/son. I am not sure what I was thinking and I hope that for the next few days I can show you that I am really and truly sorry.


  • notsayinggg

    i literally just act like i don't care that i get my phone taken away at this point and its so funny because it kills my parents. i fie everytime bc they're like "give me your phone" and im like "ok" and its like they expect me to fight back and theyre like "this is a punishment" and im just over here like, "Oh, ok." it's so funny at this point that i literally dont care fr real anymore. they honestly don't even take my phone away that much anymore bc of this.


  • dead inside

    yea but u cant snap online, so if someone has any ideas as to how to solve that problem i would love to hear it


  • Anonymous

    Im so pissed off My mom too my phone just because i told her i had a cough i like wtf Let me be, ive been the whole day in my room doing this stupid ass homework and they dont believe me until they see im doing it, im so pissed off i feel like breaking this stupid ass school chromebook, also another thing, My parents gave me the phone to find friends and now that i found friends and im talking to them through the videochats my parents always come in my room without knocking and there like who are you talking to? i dont have any privacy at all, i wish they could leave me at home for ONE day alone but of course they wont.. they treat me like a 12 year old and im 17!! they are like you cant take care of your self plus that Dang phone might have a tracker for kidnappers im like nothing is gonna happen, PLZ HELP if you have any Way How i can get my phone back because im really REALLY pissed Off.


    • Anna

      myabe because your up at four on technolagy


  • Aney

    That is so true. I came to this program to get 101 ways on how to get my phone back but this is what I get. With all due respect I say this. life is hard, not even a crying or angry emoji can explain. I am currently in this situation. that is why I am here. I looked everywhere for my phone and yes I've tried begging. This program would be the centre of attention if it was about ways on how to get your phones back and if the ways worked well. Seriously though, come on now.And I bet there are way more teens than adults on this planet, so imagine this program going viral, trending. If you take my advise, you'll'thank me.
    If i were you I would take my advise.


    • shyo

      Sorry. this article is probably meant to give you stuff to do other than social media and stuff. Read books, make art, play an instrument and so and so. If you are going to try to sneak your phone back, your parents will lose trust in you, and probably put more restrictions. I'm learning the piano right now. What are you doing?


  • Person

    I know everyone is stressed under quarantine, including me.... But one thing my mom wouldn't get, is that im quarantined from leaving the house, which sucks already, but now, I LITERALLY HAVE NO FRIENDS TO TALK TO since my mom took my phone away... I feel like im a prisoner!! ;C


  • Kate

    Ok this doesn’t really make sense we want our phones back not doing anything else. Like what’s the meaning of life without my phone. I’m kidding I have a life but seriously how do we get them back. Plus I hang with friends and chat with them just not maybe in person all the time. I mean IM LOSING MY SNAP STREAKS!!! Plus I need to catch up on Instagram, Facebook, and when I do get it back my phone is always blown up the wtf!


  • anonymous

    I just got my phone taken away last night because I disobeyed my parent's restrictions on said phone. I'm not allowed to have any male friends, which I think is stupid. Sean, (my only friend, happens to be a male) I got caught talking to him. But tbh, without my friend, I don't see a point in living. He keeps me happy. ya know?


    • your fellow phoneless sister x

      my mum doesnt approve of my best friend just cos hes a boy. like its 2020 get over it!
      im currently phoneless (ish) im left with a samsung s3 mini and not allowed on any socials due to an incident that happened last week :(
      she said i'll get it back after my gcses (big exam in the uk) so tbf i've got to wait another 10/11 months but im gonna get it back soon hopefully
      shes taken it before 4 months and i did REALLY good in school during that period so this will hopefully benefit me
      and its my birthday in 2 weeks in lockdown without my phone


  • Anna

    I am 12 and my parents are letting me have my phone for 2 hours a day like whatt and they say it's because I might be a bad influence to my sister.


    • Selena

      2 hours a day isn't that bad you'll live, I was only allowed 30 minutes until 8th grade.


  • Maia

    SO my parents take my phone away all the time and when I do have my phone I try to make the best of it by catching up with all the things I missed but then because of that my parents think that im addicted so GUESS WHATT they take my phone away ;((


  • idek

    Okay, so I usually don't comment on this type of stuff but whatever. So on Sunday night, rn it's Tuesday, my dad took my phone and laptop. Why? For no reason. My brothers are the one who gotten in trouble. It might be because I'm on it too much? One, we are literally in quarantine so there is nothing to do and two, I have a lot of homework so if I'm on my computer it is because I'm doing homework *I'm 16 yrs old (for almost a month, my birthday was during quarantine)also I am in early college high school which is double the work*. He doesn't even realize the stresss. Also, I have a boyfriend. I only get to use my laptop and phone for hw early. I actually don't know when I will have it back because I never really got my phone taken away. I have found a way around it *I text my bf through google hangouts* but only him. I don't text my other friends or nothing. I had a couple of mental breakdowns yesterday but I'm doing better today. I'm hoping to get my phone back soon and laptop back for good before Friday because that is me and my boyfriend 8 months and I was planning to videochat him and its been 48 days since I seen him in person :(


  • Jassie

    I got my phone taken bc I had my phone in the bathroom and my mom doesn't like it when I have my phone in the bathroom she came into the bathroom I lied to her and said it wasn't she saw that it was she yelled at me and told me that I wasn't goin to get it back she looked through it and found stuff that she didn't which my sister has done the same thing and she got her phone taken for like 3 months it been a week already and I'm so bored all I do is sit in my room and listen to sadboyprolific all I have is this school chrome book and everything is blocked I have no other electronics I have a boyfriend that lives 2 hours away and I never get to see him every day I just think about if he leaves me I already have anxiety and depression and I think having my phone makes it better bc I get to talk with my friends I always get my phone taken and when I get it taken its gone forever like at least 4 months my mom usually hides it and usually I can find it but I tried looking the only things i can do is watch dvds bc my mom disconected my netflix and listen to music on my alexia and i cant even pick the music so i just listen to bad music and hope it makes my mom made bc whats she gone do give me a woopin LMAO ok but someone PLEASE HELP !!!


    • one sad bean

      felt, cuz im also in a long distance relationship, my girlfriend lives 7 hours away from me, and my mom found out i was dting her, and now im scared that shes gonna leave me, cuz we cant talk. its been almost been 2 weeks since i got my phone took and im going crazy, i miss my gf soo much


  • JAY

    girl i feel you my dad does the same thing he doesnt even apoligize i dont want to talk to anyone about it bc i dnt want to get bullied for i dnt want everyone to know my mom took my phone and im pretty sure she sold it idk tho i really miss the guy im talking to and i feel like hes goin to leave me bc i cant talk to him and we live like 2 hours aways it sucks :( all i have is this school computer and my mom doesnt even want me on it but idc


  • idk

    ik how you feel g i got my phone taken a week ago and im aready wantin to be gone rn im tired of my parents i honestly just stay up all night thinking what it would b like it i was 18 or if my parents were different ... i just miss my friends and i cant see them it sucks


  • ava grams

    Right like oml parents dont understand how much we need our phones kinna annoying


  • reply to this lowkey bored :(((

    Can someone please reply to this. Ok, so I met this guy his super sweet and funny and were talking or wtver. I don't know him in person but he lives 2 hours away. I got my phone taken and now I can't talk to him. I got someone keeping my snap streaks and he doesn't open them. he knows that I got my phone taken but I'm scared. I think he's goin to end it with me bc I can't talk to him and I think its goin to be a while b4 I get my phone back. Its been like 2 weeks and I already miss him like crazy. anytime I think of him I get a bad feelin in my stomach. I have learned to trust my insides bc I have gotten my phone taken so many times while I was talking/in a relationship and thought they would leave and they did. Idk if that makes sense even when I did have my phone he would take so long to text back and I told him how I felt about it and I told him that I have been broken so many times and he said he has to and that he wouldn't wanna put me through it and I believe him. I think. BUT PLEASE SEND ADVICE ON WHAT SHOULD I DO OR WAYS TO HELP ME STOP THINKIN ABT HIM !!!


    • idek

      In my opinion, I think whenever you get your phone back just text him what you are feeling, Just be honest with him and hopefully he will be too. Ways to stop thinking about him, if you haven't done so already, distract yourself? I really don't know and I don't even know if I was helpful lol.


      • ^^^

        iv already tried that listening to music and talking to friends i just cant i already tried expaining my feeling to him and he always tells me to trust him and i do but idk im just scared i really care about him alot


    • Miss K Blaauw

      Tell him everything you feel after and if hee doesnt respect that then hes not the one for you. also i recommend mixing some random food combinstions together. \_/( )\_/ idk though


    • A bored, and depressed gal

      Well, first of all if you were only just talking to him "or wtever" then I wouldn't freak-out over it so much. It's only a guy. Don't waste your heart on some random dude. Trust me on this one, In a few years you're gonna fall head over heels for somebody completely new. Love can feel really complicated, but in reality he could just be a small crush. Tons of people make the mistake of confusing crushes with lovers. Another thing to note: if your Mom didn't know that you were contacting this guy, she's probably going to be pissed. Take it from me, I've been in several relationships, and, to be honest love isn't very exciting if you truly love them. Think of it as the type of love you might feel for your Mom, or your pet. True love means that your comfortable with the person, and enjoy their company. A crush, however generally feels like a shot of adrenaline rushing through you every time you speak to a certain someone. I hope this helped distract you from the feelings your experiencing for this person over Snap Chat.


  • ava

    girl its okay i feel u i havent had my phone for a while im scared to ask for it lmfao


  • katelyn

    i have had a parental lock on my phone since February and my mom can control what i have access to on my phone whenever she feels like it. i found a way around it in settings with my password but she found out so i don´t know my password anymore and i have an iPhone so if it dies i need the password if it turns off i need the password so its become really annoying i use to have a time restriction om it so it locked at 8 pm and turned on at 5 am which wasn't bad because i still had access to Netflix and messenger but a few days ago she gave me 2 hours on my phone a day i still had messenger so i was still fine with it. but today she blocked everything and i now only have 2 hours a day on my phone... i don´t really know what else to do...i´m going crazy plz send help


    • someone random

      2 hours?? thats HEAPS of time my dad only gave me half an hr on my phone each day. which sucked,


  • Amaya

    These were some good tips on "What to do when you don't have a phone" but i need to know how to get it back because OMG it's hard for most people to lose their phones. i tried to beg but it didn't really work so i need more ideas. PLSSSSSSSSS HELP ME


  • broken_ pines

    i can't even. i get 2 hours a day then it shuts off until 7. have to give my phone over everyday. bed at 6 and yet im 13
    Oh and no social media, has app that controls my phone. hlp me


  • Milan

    I know I'm a fourth grader and I have an ipad and my mom took it away because i slept in


  • Lynnique

    Carl go waste it i'd do the same thing lmao


  • ^

    ahahhahah bruh fr tho


  • T

    That is such a difficult situation and it sucks you have to go through that but tbh I find this kind of funny. Our parents generation is not it. I think we're gonna be SUCH better parents.


    • Roxannee

      way better then our parents right now! who knows, maybe some of us will actually meet in real life :o


  • Liteina Toutai

    Hi um how do i get my phone back i really need to know because i have people texting me on social media and other stuff but i really wanna know how to get my phone back from my mom


    • ^

      sneak it if you can depends what you did if you did sum bad she prolly want give it to you if u ask but if it wasnt that bad then just ask orrr you could act like you dont care be like "its okay i dont need that anyways and act like your having fun with sum else and she would be like "HMHMMmMmHhHmMM" that what i do but g i feeel youu i got mine taken for 3 months alr


  • Merritt Payne {Xx_Lil-Merritt_xX}

    I've gotten my phone taken away for nine days. Only electronics I can use until I get my phone back are my computer, my 2011 iPad, and my tv. What should I do in my free time. I have to survive from now (Monday) until next Wednesday.
    I am busy on Tuesdays, Thursday's Saturday afternoons, and Sunday afternoons. I stay with my grandparents during the summer. I have a basketball goal. If anybody reads this, please comment/reply to my post and please tell me what all I can do in this time without my phone. Thanks.


  • keslen

    bruh play outside watch netflix or annoy your parents about it go to your friends house or sneak yur phone back it wont be that bad


  • Kaishen

    I like how 70% of stuff i have to do with another form of electronic, I'm the kid with the mom that always restricts all electronics, 100% of the time she knows about them, she wouldn't buy a video game console, i had to buy a 300$ gaming console myself, do you seriously think if i don't have my phone she would let me have anything else? I guess i like the rest though, creative and gives nice links to stuff. I don't care for socials, so


  • jasmine

    same but when your mum takes your phone of you just say yes guys and maybe do something that they have been asking you to do for weeks that cpu;d always be good


  • Alyssa

    Charlie, I totally agree. I've had my parents take my phone before, but i would never decide to stop eating. I'm not trying to be rude, but Come on now, There were people in 2007 who didn't have phones or any stuff like that and they were fine. If you get your phone taken away, you'll survive. but if you do stuff like refuse to eat or drink, it'll make your parents not want to give it back because of that immaturity.


  • 69

    ok so i have a long-distance relationship with this guy its not really long distance he lives 2 hours away but i never met him and its none of our faults if it was up to me we would have already met but i got my phone taken for sending you no (only top w/ a bra tho haha im a girl btw) and i got it taken since april which is dumb bc im 16 bout to turn 17 and moving out in dec to go to college so honestly its not that bad bc im boutta move out i need something to keep me company iv been so bored and like im alr depressed and shi i just want to do sum so bad tht it would pss my mom off ik that sounds dumb but like why not what she gone do wop me bruh i prolly sound like a bratt i promise im not im actually a good kid i mean HELLO im going to college i get all as and bs so yk but i did this one bad thing and i get my phone taken for 3+ months like MMMMMmMmmMmMm anyways sum1 reply to this an give me ideas on what should i do abt this and dnt be a sb and tell me im a bratt thank you very much ! oh also my sister has done worse and my mom dont care


  • journeymcbride

    so like I got mine taken away because we heard a noise in the house and my mom said to be quiet and I turned off my phone and said is this what you hear and she said Mabey so she kept looking for the noise and so I turned off my phone aging and she got really mad and so now my phone is taken away and I don't know when I a getting it back


  • journey

    so like I got mine taken away because we heard a noise in the house and my mom said to be quiet and I turned off my phone and said is this what you hear and she said Mabey so she kept looking for the noise and so I turned off my phone aging and she got really mad and so now my phone is taken away and I don't know when I a getting it back


  • 365 boat scene

    do you have like a back up phone i got mine taken to but i have a backup phone im using it


  • Selena

    Chile, so anyways I got my phone taken away. very suddenly may I add. They didn't tell me I was doing anything wrong.( I wasn't) but I guess they get mad that i talk to my friends a lot because they keep taking my possessions and I was "banned" from drawing. But they don't understand that they're not interesting enough to talk to so I keep to myself. I guess I'll have to wait it out.


  • charlie

    y'all this is some depressed teen bullsh*t, I haven't had a phone for like a month and a half now and it sucksssss. my school starts in like 3 weeks so I'm missing out on everything with my friends and summer. dude I'm just over it nd my parents are making me go to therapy bc they are convinced I need help. lmaoooo and im on a school computer


    • kiku jones

      ughh what a mood
      i go to therapy a ton and it barely helps
      my therapy are my homies
      they understand me and make me feel much better


  • What is this.

    My dad always tells me what to do and I have to do all of his jobs and one day which is today my dad took my tablet and threw it in the recycling bin so I sneaked out and went back inside cleaned my tablet with anti bacterial wipes and turned it on luckily it was okay but I am still soo angry


  • Anvesha Hurket

    You know i have a tablet that i was useing it around 6 mounths and my mom got very angry and brokes and the front screen of it cracked and i am asking them to give me a new tablet but no please help someone and suggest me some way to get a new tablet and i am 10 years old.


  • TiredAllTheTime

    Istg, their reasoning is 'i don't need it'. Like???
    Apparently, it's a distraction and soon they'll take away my laptop.
    I'm 16, i think i should have a say in this matter.
    I'm a good student- great grades and a part of the student council- but I still need to ''work harder" and "StUdY mOrE".
    Do they really expect me to just drop everything and study? Studying takes it's toll on students and most of them need a release or break, which is generally our phones.
    I'm in quarantine to make matters worse, so i don't really have much to do besides study and stress out
    Pray for me, y'all. :')


  • Lucia

    My mum said I wasn't replying her messages on time so there's no need for me to have a phone.Come one like who does that😢.So annoying..


  • one sad bean

    okay so heres my issue, my phone is currently took for a year, AND im on punishemnt for talking to an 11 year old (BY THE WAY she acts 14) and im 15, so 3-4 year difference, while my crackhead mom and dad are like 9 years apart form each other but, yeah. and i feel like my gf is the ONLY frikkin person in the world who can calm me down with my stress, self harming and anxiety, but since shes gone and i dont have NO accsess to talk to her again, which sucks. ive even tried things that kept me company, drawing and stuff, but drawing and EVERYTHING else in the world reminds me of her, which makes me sad cuz ik how much she loves and cares for me :c AND I MISS HER SO MUCHHH. but you know, i have to wait a yeAr to get my phone back. and get this..my mom had gave my phone to my older brother who is 24`and she had me delete my main account on insatgram, but i have like 3 fanpages where i can talk to emely (my gf) there. but for now, i gue i have to keep dreaming and pretending im talking to her again.


  • one sad bean

    hey im bak and i misspelled some words so ima re write it lmao. okay so heres my issue, my phone is currently took for a year, AND im on punishemnt for talking to an 11 year old (BY THE WAY she acts 14) and im 15, so 3-4 year difference, while my crackhead mom and dad are like 9 years apart form each other but, yeah. and i feel like my gf is the ONLY frikkin person in the world who can calm me down with my stress, self harming and anxiety, but since shes gone and i dont have NO access to talk to her again, which sucks. ive even tried things that kept me company, drawing and stuff, but drawing and EVERYTHING else in the world reminds me of her, which makes me sad cuz ik how much she loves and cares for me :c I MISS HER SO MUCHHH. but you know, i have to wait a yeAr to get my phone back. and get this..my mom had gave my phone to my older brother who is 24 and she had me delete my main account on insatgram, but i have like 3 fanpages where i can talk to emely (my gf) there. but for now, i guess i have to keep dreaming and pretending im talking to her again. and wait for next year, (and im in school and the school yer JUST started a few days ago, so yeah, and im on a school computer and everything is blocked)

    -PS...lets all pray that my gf remembers me in a year, and my school gmail is @j.tucker7@lodiusd.org so if you wanna get into contact with me, thats the only way. good luck :D)


  • zak

    thats true i don't wanna miss out on the fun


  • one sad bean

    okay so a lil update my mom had me do graphs (phararaphs) on what i did and how i can get my phone back, she really liked my answers and i might get it back around december if im lucky :)


  • someone

    I screwed up every chance of getting my phone back but at least I still have my computer


  • Nans

    Ok so I'm 16 and my phone got taken away from me recently. Also, i only even had it for 6-7 months. The reason- they read inappropriate chats with my boyfriend. Like I have the right to privacy, don't I? And now they keep telling me that I've broken their trust and don't deserve a phone. The guy is from my society and they won't let me out of my house.


  • teehee

    ppl parents usually take away something that u love and use a lot (like phones) so why dont u put the phone down for a bit and do other things like draw, cooking, watch tv they keep u occupied


    • one sad bean

      i get sad sometimes cuz i be so bored


    • one sad bean

      you got your phone taken too-


  • kiku jones

    ugh i hate that my parents took away my phone but i can understand why
    i´ve had a large history of talking to people online and i honestly cant control it, it just happens
    of course they took it away right in the middle of something
    i found a group of friends on instagram and they are the best tbh
    i miss them so much and life has been miserable without them
    my best advice is to get a notebook and write down all your friends so you dont forget them
    btw i am 13


    • one sad bean

      yeah same, i have an ¨issue¨ talking to people online, like jeez sorry it not my fault people in real life are bad friends XD lets talk cuz yeah lol


      • fairy

        omg i have never related to something this much- irl friends suck, and this pandemic has shown all of their true colors towards me. none of my friends text, or call me. i'm always the first one to start conversations, no matter what and i KNOW they're probably on their phones because we got nothing better to do. when school started (in August) suddenly, all of them started texting me again, but for the wrong reasons. they said they missed me, but then would straight up after ask "hey btw, do u have _____ assignment done? can i get the answers?" /: even my sister does this ! she acts just like my friends, yea, her and i still talk, but when it comes to school she's exactly like everyone else. when i ask her or others for help they either say no, or ignore me. it hurts, and it sucks because they're just using me and not willing to help me out even though i have for them. the fact i want to talk so bad about this to my mom too, but i know she'll feel bad and i don't want her worrying lol. anway- if you have discord, you can send me your tag c: i wouldn't mind becoming friends with you !!!


    • kiku jones

      how bro
      do u know me
      please tell me you're from bottom ludwig gang or you know someone from there
      this sounds like nonsense i promise it's not


      • kiku jones

        nvm, ykiyk. it's an ig gc from a while back, i think it got closed down due to some drama, my friends were making a season 7 of our favorite show but a bunch of weird ppl got on board sooo chaos ensued, but we're getting an official season 7 so i think it's all good


  • yuh yuh

    I brought my phone into my room. thats all i did. my parents went through all my texts and everything on my phone. i was so used to them doing this that i wasnt fazed. im 15 (and 1/2 next month) and just started sophmore year. my parents only give me 3 hours on my phone A DAY. so watching all my friends on their phone i was used to it but honestly it makes everything worse for me. they dont know when ill get it back but i know if i act good without a phone they will see there is no need for one whereas if i act bad they think i dont deserve a phone. i have no way to contact any of my friends. so i eat go to my room come back when i need the bathroom or water and then keep repeating that. i just want my phone back lol


    • one sad bean

      at least you could even be on your phone


  • Why do you ask

    I just need my phone to contact the love of my life Jenna because she means the world to me and she is the only thing that keeps me alive


  • yuhyuh

    omg feltttt i probably wont get mine back until senior year (2 yrs)


    • jay

      dk when ima get mine back, but its been 3 months since its been taken chile-


  • yuhyuh

    chile felt. i prolly wont get mine until senior year (2 yrs from now)


  • Roxannee

    smash hers. if she says "thats disepectful" or hits you say "now we're even. i smashed yours and you smashed mine. END OF STORY"


    • angie

      Do you honestly think that smashing her phone is going to do anything? I wouldn't live to see the light of day if I even consider doing something like that.


    • Lily Ann

      lol lovin these comments (i'd insert the laughing emoji but im on my chromebook so....)


  • A girl who needs help

    Can you help me please. I have a screenshot of a text I was going to send to my ex but I forgot to delete it and my dad has my phone. I’m so scared that he is going to find it.


    • jay

      How long has it been?


      • person

        oml i got my phone taken away for doing my homework too late, it was 8:00 smh...my dad walked in my room while i was on my school chromebook and just said UR NOT ALLOWED TO DO HOMEWORK THIS LATE YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE IT EARLIER GIVE ME YOUR PHONE! see the thing is i was gone all day and had no time except for now. he said that he wont give it to me until i learn not to do my homework during bedtime, like ummmm i dont go to bed until like 11 or 12. AND im a straight A student...


  • nanniiiii

    i feel you, my mom took my my phone away about a week ago im on this school laptop right now. i literally only said i hated my life and obviously that only caused me to get my phone took. but on top of that, she found my diary talking about how i wanted to die and how i wished death on her. even tho i didnt really mean it. then she told my aunt about it and i got yelled at by her and im pretty sure she told the whole family by now, so for that reason im probs gonna get yelled at by everyone else in my family so yeah. MY LIFE IS GOING WELL. but not only that!!! im on punishment for the rest of the month and im probably never gonna get my phone back so oh well she might give it back to me on christmas, who knows. and thank goodness for this laptop, the only thing keeping me sane right now


    • Naniii one year later

      Update, got it took AGAIN. Literally because my cousin and brother were fighting and I tried to break it up but because I’m the oldest I got in trouble. So now I don’t have my phone for a week and I can’t do any school work and I won’t be in the thanksgiving parade. Fun


  • Lily Ann

    I went to my friends house and before i left i told my mom that and shes like "you can just ask your friend/her mom. and then when i was home alone yesterday for three hours i was like what if someone tries to kidnap me/break into the house/what if theres a fire/emergancy and she said "you can just go to the neighbors and ask to borrow a phone" and im like uh no if im being kidnapped theres no time for that and she said "not gonna happen" and i said it could- she ignored me and left


  • Camm

    I got my phone taken away because of bad grades, which I can understand. I have a D because of quarantine and am not good at staying focused, but he saw that I hadn't made much progress, which I have, but the teachers just haven't put it into the grade book and threatened to take away my fish (who I love so much) because he saw me giving him attention. Is that even allowed? I got him a new tank and was setting it up, and he said, "if you don't get your grades up, I'm taking away your fish next" he can take away my phone, my switch, sell my car, and make it impossible for me to get a job, but my fish goes too far.


  • pErSoN

    Camm that sucks:/ hopefully he doesn't take it. But the same thing happened to me except I had a C. Just wait until ur teacher upgrades them and then show the grades to him-I'm sure it will be soon.


  • Xavier

    My mom took my phone because I had TikTok like what am I supposed to do, have no social life or something just because she doesn't. I don't get bullied or anything I get to show o my talents and they actually like me like everybody. TikTok has actually helped me oret about my depression and anxiety. And all of my family members are always on their phone 24/7 and were the ones who get scolded for being on it for 15-20 minutes with 5 hour breaks in between them. Like my cousin spent 200 dollars o his dad's money for Fortnite but he STILL has his phone, iPad, and still gets to play Fortnite like I'm beyond PISSED rn.


  • Samirah

    Exactly I need help getting my phone back my mom took it over a c so basically she said I have to have a B or better she be saying we don't do C's like that's annoying I was about to get my phone back then my auntie gone tell her something that we talked about and it was old so my mom said I have to wait until first quarter end to see my grades if it's a B or better I can get it back but she said even if I get a B or better I steal can't get it if I keep having a attitude cause she mad when I told her something easier I could do with my clothes cause she told me to do something with my clothes then I said I can put it in my drawers instead then she said I was talking back well at least the first quarter about to be over in a week and plus my grades are a B or better.


  • Kalea

    You guys won't even believe how long I've had my phone taken away, 3 YEARS. Literally. and this was during my high school years like the reason I got it taken away was because back in my 9th-grade year, at that time I was immature and still learning from my mistakes yea yea but 3 years?!?! I am a senior now and I still don't have a phone, each time for my birthday I hoped and prayed I would get my phone back and never did, My birthday was yesterday and my mom had a big surprise for me, I thought it was going to be my phone but NO. Next year I'll be going off to college and it REALLY SUCKS because like the feeling of being that only person in the room that doesn't have a phone, it's a really sad feeling and it sucks! My mom even let me go to Washington dc for the first time without her and I didn't even have a phone!!! Like what if something bad happened, how am I suppose to contact you?? use someone else's phone because my mom doesn't want to give my phone back?? It's so not fair and you other teens are lucky, I don't know anyone else that has had there phone taken for years and I even plan this year to save up money (I'm trying to get a iPhone 11) to get a new phone because my mom took away the iPhone 6 plus I had and when I told her this she was like, "you don't need to buy another phone, you will get your's back soon" and that was literally 3 months ago. It's so unfair because in my old phone I only have pictures of my high school year in 9th grade and don't have any from 10th, 11th, or 12th grade! I feel like I miss out on so much like I'm a teen! in this gen z generation it's sad because EVERYONE has a phone and then you see me. I'm afraid to ask for it back but when I think about it I'm really close to hitting my goal for saving up money and when the time comes I'll be ready to buy my phone. You guys don't understand I've change sooo much like, I have a LLC for my baking business now, I have all A's, I'm graduating early, I won 2 pitch competitions, I plan to go to college, I'm not the kind of girl that goes out or cuss or smoke or drink at all, I believe in god, I think I deserve to have a phone right??? Plz wish me luck, I want to either have my phone back and not have to get a phone OR not get my phone back and just buy a new one. Literally I'm just too scared to ask for it back so wish me luck and all of luck to you teens out there! Don't worry, if you can't find a way to get it back, make another way for yourself to get it back, grow some balls and ask( very brave of you lol) or like me, save up money and buy a phone yourself! :)


    • fairy

      aa i belive in you ! i can relate on that being really tough, from personal experience just different school times. i got my first phone for my 15th birthday, so i've only had it for about a year, and my mom is so overprotective she has this app called MMGuardian on it. i basically can't do anything, but that's okay. she's slowly letting up things. anyway, i think you should definitely continue saving up for a phone yourself, just make sure you have extra money for the data and network bills. if your mom gets mad at you buying your own phone, maybe you should tell her you're old enough, and that buying your own phone was probably the only option or something. just don't burst out at her ! you're old enough to know that, but just a reminder c: good luck again, and i believe in you c:


  • Deysi?>?

    welp hello, I am 14 and yes I have those problems too and today my mom saw me with a phone and yes I can't have a phone when I am 18! and me be like bruh WHY my friends have their phone when they were IN ELEMENTARY and MIDDLE AND NOW IN HIGHSCHOOL....and me be jealousy cuz they have phones and yes my PARENTS ARE STRIC cuz the Hispanic and I have no electronic-only the schools Chromebook... and it's blocked and follow me on Roblox =3 name Socutebleh2001 follow me, please
    and I hope yall get your phones back (:


  • fairy

    you guys are complaining about your phones being taken up, but with the times going on right now you should put your hate towards them aside and try making some happy memories before it's too late. i'm not saying "give up on your phone!!! it's not worth it, go spend time with your family before they all disappear!!". i'm just saying, cherish the moments you DO have with them, even if they took away your phone. you never know what might happen and even though you might get your phone back then, you'll feel the guilt seep in and realize how crazed you were to get your phone back instead of spending time with your siblings and or parent(s). i'm not speaking this from experience, i'm speaking this because people need to know about this. my mom actually only lets me have my phone 5 hours a day after school, and about 7 hours during weekends. sure, i complain. and yea, i would wish for more freedom, and to have no time limit to talk to my discord friends but every time i do, i realize how controlling my phone is. sometimes i wish my mom never got me a phone, but other times i do because i'm so grateful to have trustworthy online friends during this pandemic. i know it's hard, but even i have realized my own phone controls my life. i'm always excited to get it and when i do, i'm on it till the minutes i have to turn it in for the night. just be grateful you can detox from your toxic socials, and friends. sometimes being alone with your family is better than communicating through text all day. i know this was like- all over the place but if you read all of this, i apologize for that, as well as good luck ! i know you can beat the sadness, or madness of not having your phone (:


  • Hooman

    ugh I got my phone taken away last night bcz I accidentally called my bro a name and then my parent's like "youtube affected the way you talk" and I felt so guilty. now I don't have it and I'm so lonely without it T^T (I love watching bts on yt and im like, NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU) TwT P.s (are there any ARMYs here? lol)


  • Ashley

    My mom took away my phone and only will let me get on it for 2 hours a day and i cant take it to my dads when i go see him over the weekend my dad has a spare phone for me to have over the weekend that only stays at his place. the reason why i got my phone taken away and i can only be on it for 2 hours a day because i took the ps4 back to my dads because my mom and step dad wouldn't stop playing on it and i cried because they wouldn't let me stay up the night before the first day of school a few more minutes to talk to my boyfriend.. They called me a ungrateful son of a b%$#! and called me a lying conniving son of a b$#@!. the only thing i have now is my moms old laptop that she gave to me for virtual school its seven years old and still runs pretty fast. I can only be on my phone from four to six pm everyday during the week after my phone time is up i have to watch tv, read a book which i love reading, and the last choice i can do is study. Me and my boyfriend are upset about it because we were used to talking five hours a day and we wished we could talk longer it breaks our hearts but we will stay together no matter what. I've been working my butt of getting my grades up for them to unground me and ive been doing chores to, this is been going on since September its now november almost december i hope i get ungrounded at the end of this year so i can talk to my boyfriend longer like we used to and be on my phone longer.


  • louise

    im 12
    and my mum took my phone of me for saying a swear word (cussing) i know its stupid but my mum is really annoyed when i say swear words. She shouted at me until i started crying because it scared me that much. im actually scared right now bc im sneaking my computer in my room and writing this! wish me luck


    • toby

      good luck!


  • toby

    Life actually isn't that bad without a cell phone trust me. If you think that life without a cell phone is hell then check out the Bubonic plague because that was worse.


  • random girl ig

    yesterday my phone got taken away for having bad grades and its been so hard for me to keep up with school. I know why my mom took it and I understand but i've been talking to this boy for some time now and I told him about my school situation and he even offered to help me but I never told my mom that so hopefully she believes me and trust him enough to help me. I really hate disappointing my mom or letting her down, she doesn't know what im going through and I never told her because I have a hard time opening up and I just breakdown whenever I do. I just want her to know that I am trying my best to make her at least be proud of me :/ having no motivation for school really sucks.


  • Nadia

    Yeah, it’s the worst! I had my phone taken away in The last couple weeks of some for pretty much no reason. 2 months later I got it back.. I got it taken away AGAIN because my mom and me got in a HUGE fight just cause I stayed up late on my phone and was late for online school🙄 then I got it back a couple weeks ago.. but just got it taken away for talking to a person I don’t personally know on Instagram.🤬🤬 I swear, it’s almost Christmas.. and if I don’t get it back I will I crazy since this is my SCHOOL iPad and I can even simply watch YouTube. I mean honestly... I’m in 6th grade, and people are starting to “grow up”. Being that one kid with strict af parents is HORRIBLE. my mom wouldn’t understand cause she’s the youngest and her mom let her do pretty much what ever she wanted. OMG I’ll shut up this ain’t a place for me to go for venting 😶🤣


  • Tulli Sheria

    I literally don't know what to do my mom took away my phone mostly she hides it and forgets about it but I took it away and found it 2 days ago now she said I'm failing with my grades and she said until your grades come back up, tbh I thought I was doing better at online but it's just a distraction at home, can anyone lend me some advice and help me? my mom notice I took it away maybe after Christmas back which this week is our last week and then Christmas break I might get it back because I'm starting a new quarter and classes plus I did well at my classes last semester I think no one will see this but can you help a girl out?


    • Hello! I am the unknown.

      So, I am having the same difficulties as you...
      I have distractions all around me, and being a child, it's so damn hard. My parents took away everything and now I have like nothing to do.
      Try asking your mom to block your wifi or, put screen time. If you would like to change.
      I'm trying.
      Don't give up!
      Good luck!


  • missing my gf again

    okay so my phone has been taken for about 4-5 months cuz i was talking to a girl (now my gf) i dont really know personally...i only get to talk to my gf ONLY at my grandparents house (they have an extra phone) and i just recently left their house AGAIN...(i hate it at home) and it was SOO FRIKKIN hard for my gf nd I because i left again..and she knows that we cant really talk unless im at my grandparents.and my mom told me i cat even be on the internet cuz of that..but idc. and she said im not going back to my grandparents house..DUDE I JUST DONT WANT MY GF TO BE ALONE FOR SO LONG WITHOUT ME AGAIN. but chrismas is coming up and i have a pretty good feeling that im going back this week or next week..(i hope its this week cuz i dont wanna go back on chrismas then go back home) but my instagram (if you wanna talk to me i might not answer but ima try its williams.hostage)


  • missing my gf again

    okay so heres what happend: i was (and still am) dating this girl named emely, who is 3-4 years younger than me, and i guess my mom went through my phone like back in august (im not supposed to be talking to strangers but idc at all) and shes upset because of our age gap is 3-4 year apart. (im 15, shes like 12?) and when all that happend my mom said i cant go back to my grandmas house (i go there often) and she took my phone, so for 4 months? i havent talked to emely but 2 months ago which was october i was sent to live with my grandma, i came back because i had school finals and i had to get mY hAir dOnE (and christmas break is soon) and recently my mom said im not going back over to my grandmas house (she said that multiple times before and i still went back there) so now, its been almost a week since the last time ive talked to emely and im getting kinda depressed about it. shes gonna be alone- AGAINN DUDE,, she sent e dms everyday when i was gone...she cried everyday for me.. and im getting sad, so now i guess im waiting for friday or saturday (mostly saturday because im getting my hair done friday) ;w; also sorry if this makes no sense, it sounds better when i say it. *UPDATE* i have a feeling im gonna go back to my grandmas house THIS saturday because, chrismas is coming up and i always go over to my grandparents house around christmas, so either this week, or next week ima go there, i hope i do AND, my winter break for school is this friday, and i live at my grandmas house. i have instagram tho my user is @williams.hostage please dm me i will try to respond when i go to my grandparents house very very soon. (possiably this saturday)


  • Mad person

    I'm doing this off my Chromebook. I was using my IPad when she took it away. I had gotten perms. I only get 2 HOURS A FRICKING DAY!!!! This is so unfair. It is MY IPad, right? If its MY IPad then you're stealing it from me. Someone send help.


  • Myracle

    Bro. I haven't had my phone for 5 months, well I have. I had Instagram when I should not. I really learned my lesson, but my mom will say I didn't. I've had my phone for a few weekends and thanksgiving and Christmas break. Does this mean I'm getting my phone back soon? Or is my mom just being nice. Please help and give me tips on how I can get my phone back. Please provide really smart ways bc my mom knows all the tricks in the book.


  • arson

    ok so i have been failing my classes since the beginning of the year and that is because of my mental health,my mom took my phone away and deleted all of my apps,she is also making me clear out my room and is taking all of my stuff except stuff i need for school,she is even taking the stuff that I PAID FOR BY MYSELF,and the worst part is that i struggle with suicidal thoughts and the only reason im still alive is because of my love and trust in my parents and my mom just took that away,i no longer have ANY trust in my mom due to obvious reasons.


  • Boilint

    some of out of those 101 ideas suck a quarter of them are for girls cause ima boy some idk if not or if too and a couple i can do


    • Boilint

      last one is idk if i can do it cause the thing that got me in trouble for taking it away im having a hard time tryin not to do it but im making progress


  • brocken bork bark >:(

    My mom is always accusing me of being depressed and having anxiety because I don't enjoy talking to my family members. Now, I don't like self-diagnosing myself, so in my opinion, I'm not depressed nor anxious. It just makes me feel some sort of way when I'm reminded that my parents won't accept the way I am. I'm a part of the lgbtq+ community and my family is constantly reminding me about how boys should like girls and girls should like boys. This has been going on for the past 4 years, and I, already being a shy person, am terrified of the amount of humiliation I'll get if I out myself to them. My mother who left me to go live in an entirely different state when I was 4 years old, recently came back to live with my grandparents and me, and now, she thinks she runs everything. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother more than I love myself, but sometimes I get so angry at her. She almost never associates herself with me unless I need to be 'disciplined' as well. Usually, she's spending time with my adoptive sister whom she pays more attention to than she's paid attention to me in my entire lifetime. But, enough of that background information. When my mom is mad at me for doing something I'm not supposed to do, even if it's a minor mistake, she'll take my phone. I didn't use to see this as a big deal, but I'm not a child anymore, and during this quarantine, my phone is the only thing keeping me sane. Monday through Friday I'm not allowed to have my phone because school is in session, and because my mom also diagnosed me with an attention span disorder, she doesn't allow me any communication during this time. This honestly makes me feel isolated, and angry at times. Causing me to feel sad, and alone, lIke I have no one to talk to. But, if she really is concerned about my mental health, why doesn't she think that it's necessary for me to have my phone? For at least a little while out of every day? That is a question I'm too afraid to ask her because I'm afraid if I do, she'll start taking my phone on weekends as well. So now I have this busted ass Chromebook my school gave me :')


  • Luna

    Parents are really annoying okay so one day I was in my class and I was doing school work well my meeting was on because that's what we were supposed to do and my mom comes in my room and she literally takes my phone from my hand because I needed to search up something because my teacher asked me a question and my mom said no phones during school hours which I was very upset about and it's been two weeks from that and I still haven't gotten my phone back and my mom is very smart and she knows a lot of things I don't know how to get my phone back but these are not lot of helpful. Things that can help me while I'm bored because most of them I can't do for my age 14 and I was dating someone at the time so our relationship was gone and I don't know what's happening now i have my phone one time without getting caught and my girlfriend cheated on me and my best friend is with my girlfriend I need help


  • jay

    please luna- your gf cheated on you with ur bsf?- im kinda in that situation for the past 8 months or so- but my gf didnt cheat on me ;-; instaed she wrote to me so when i could talk to her again ik whats going on.


  • Katie

    Oh my god, I can relate to ya'll so much. My parents are so strict and I clearly know that what I did is totally wrong. I made a secret YouTube channel with my friend without my parents knowing. But it absolutely isn't my friend's fault. I want to ask when I'm going to get my phone back from my parents but they will probably start lecturing me again about what I did was so wrong and I'm not getting my phone back till I get married, and blah blah blah. (Also note that my parents are super duper strict, especially my father.) It has been a month since the night my parents found out about what I did. Want to know what happened? Well, I was doing my phone in bed on a school night and my mom came in my room to come check on me, she saw me doing my phone and then she took it away after lots of yelling. My dad then woke up and yelled at me. Then my mom was disrespecting my privacy and then randomly went on my phone and started looking through the whole thing. (This was at 2:00am btw.) Then my mom went on YouTube and she found the YouTube channel. They got so mad at me and gave me a whole 2 hour speech about it. Now I still don't have my phone back and my parents clearly don't show any forgiveness for me yet. I hope it all gets better soon.


    • Katie

      yeah its a long story...


  • Adam

    Yeah, ig this kinda helps. I've done a couple of these things to keep my mind off what was "taken" from me. You see, I have a job and worked for a solid 4 months to save up for my own pc which I built and everything myself. Seriously, I payed for literally everything including a new chair, desk, monitor, everything. However, a month later, me being the dumbass I am, started to wake up later than expected and was skimming off a few minutes of my first period here and there. The worst part about my online learning is that the school checks what time the teacher marks you present and what the computer puts down as the time. So if the teacher doesn't enable the class code till 4 minutes after the "bell," then you're marked absent by the computer. That's right, not even tardy, just straight absent. So, my mom would get like a phone call every other day because I was "late." And yes, the computer even calls the parents to let them know you were absent. It doesn't tell the parents by how much, just that the student was straight absent and ditched class. I do admit I have a bit of an internal clock problem when it comes to waking up and all, but as soon as I find the right solution, it's too late. I told my mom what I planned to do, which was set my alarm a little closer to when school started rather than way earlier than needed, but shed decided that my methods weren't appropriate anymore. I'll also admit I do have a bit of a "boy cry wolf" complex as well when it comes to what I say compared to what I do. So, the consequence is that I myself and going to pack up my computer, I bought, and simply store it in my closet. It's the ultimate smack in the face considering it's not even in her possession. I can manage still, I do have a phone and laptop, but I feel like I'm so spoiled to the point where that computer was my "lifestyle" in terms of being online and going on the internet. It's been about a week, and I believe I've learned from my mistake and am making the necessary adjustments, and I know my parents are seeing that, considering there are no more phone calls about absents. lol. However, something keeps telling me a week isn't enough time to ask for what's mine, THAT I BOUGHT WITH MY OWN MONEY FROM MY JOB I WORKED AT FOR 4 MONTHS AND CONTINUE TO WORK AT 6 HOURS A DAY, isn't enough time yet. What do you guys think? Should I wait another week in hopes of being seen for overcoming my problems? Should I ask my parents for what's mine back or wait for them to come to me? I'm kind of in a slump because my friends and I would talk to each other online and play games, however this laptop doesn't really meet those standards, so I feel like I've been cut off from my regular social life. I don't know, what should I do?


  • Adam

    After reading more of your guys comments, I gotta say we all have something in common. We all know we've changed to get back our items, however, the parents decide not to see it. It's really a shame when you hear your mom or dad say, "What do you mean you're doing better? I don't believe you for one second." It really kind of hurts to be completely honest, When you know inside you've changed and healed but your parents decide not to see through your "lies and deceptions." I think it's due to the fact they think we're trying to find the quickest way out of our hole as possible. W/which means they think to back when they were kids and what they would do in the same situation. And one of those things was saying you've changed and that you won't do it again. Parents don't want to hear you talk or hear you've changed or you won't do it again. As sad as it is, it's true. They want results, they want to see in action you're doing better and doing the opposite of what you did to get your phone, computer, xbox, whatever taken away in the first place.


  • idk

    yall just try saying that u have some school project or suttin n say the teacher asked u to do it on the Notes app , say its for 1 day only buh keep doing this a few times til she gives it back fully


    • Ra'Miyah

      on the notes app? LOL that doesn't sound legitimate at all, maybe just saying how you have a project with a partner and yall need to communicate but you don't have their email so that's why u need the phone.


  • Alana

    Ik my dad keeps making me exited cause im about to get of punishment and then he says "no phone you were bad" but my sister just threw a wet paper towel at me and started screaming that i threw it now i've been on punishmet for a month and two weeks and I also got my best friends contact and she thinks i am giving her the silent treatment but i am not at least i see her at school


  • oliwia

    like i fewl you guys pain and that because my parents took my phone away from me for six months and i was so mad so i used to ask a lot to get it back and that never worked. and then when i got it back about three months later it got taken away from me so even still now i dont have it anymore but like i found out where my mum was hiding it so i would go on it when she wasn't there but she kept changing the place where she would hide it and now i have no idea where it isssss.


  • Ra'Miyah

    My parents are somewhat like that but I just grew out of being scared and did the things I wanted, stuff that I wanted t d was regular stuff like what u said or just hang out. Luckily you have one more year to deal with your parents ya kno?


  • Amelia

    Literally, I just made some online friends that caused my trouble. Like, I didn't even do anything! Because of the things that I have done in the past with my tablet, my parents (especially my mom) don't even trust me anymore and my mom said that I lost all of my opportunities on having a phone.
    I think now I have to wait until I get a job where I have to buy my own phone because whenever I at least try to get my phone back, my parents say; "Oh, you're just trying because you just want your phone back." like; yes! I want it back. You think I'm doing all of this because I want to?! Yea.. you wish.
    Although I am lucky to have access to my school Chromebook and the family computer.


  • Anonymous

    I got my phone taken away. Its been months now and i feel lonely with quarantine and stuff but my parents say i shouldn't be lonely because i have them but i don't think they know that the times have changed and things aren't the same. I want to talk to my friends and all but they think that the only thing i do is watch youtube but i don't . I don't feel like school is helping either. I feel so left out and i have nothing to do. I am gonna get my phone taken away for even longer if my teacher doesn't respond to my email to reopen a assignment. In conclusion my life sucks rn and i want to die.


  • lia

    chile i just got my phone back after a month and now i get it taken away again? sis pls i suffered way to long without it, and now they're saying i get it taken away forever. i have no way to contact my online friends because my crappy school blocks EVERY way of bypassing blocked websites. yall help me find a website that lets me use roblox or discord, or find a way to convince my parents to give my phone back- i lost my phone bc i kept taking it in the middle of the night to play on it. if i act good they'll say "oh she acts good without the phone so dont give it back" but if i act bad they'll say i dont deserve a phone. im tired of this tbh like h e l p me i wanna cry like im probably gonna get it back on my bitrthday if im lucky but im still rlly upset all this homework make me even more upset like oml. ignore my terrible grammar, im typing this at 11 pm :/


  • Dajha Penn

    UGHHHHHH! my mom took away my phone my tv everything electronic all because my Dumbass math teacher said I was failing her class and my spanish teacher said I was missing one assignment I'm so F*cking mad at her like parents always take away the things that make us happy it only makes us more depressed when they do this Sorry I just needed to vent .But may I add that she doesn't know about my backup phone and my tablet that I have hidden HEHEHEHEHE.


  • mad at parents

    Hey everyone, same. Literally my mom took away my phone for being "too loud" outside when our neighbors were outside BUT THEY WERE NOT no one was around us. I was pissed about something i kinda forgot but anywayyysss yea they took my phone for a whole week...and ive been crying every day in my room alone when my parents arent around because I have friends and my best friend and my best guy-friend on my messages on my phone that I WANT TO TEXT BACK!!!! i feel like imma lose them if i dont get ahold of them for like a week and Im so mad and depressed....pls help


  • ayo.

    oh my god everything was working out perfectly with my trap phone but i forgot to use a vpn when i connected to the wifi this one time, and it showed the device i was on are you joking . and my bank account allows my dad to see what i buy on my apple account and i been knew i dont know why i didnt think about it at the time im so stupid. allthough, i have a lie for one of those, how could i be so stupid to where 2 small mistakes could mess the entire thing up. now i have nothing again he just had to be some crazy secretive computer guy huh



    Aight everyone beat this, my parents took away my phone because i couldn't hear her in the bathroom. And that was 6 days ago and I still dont have my phone, and also my younger sister who is 9 years old can cuss all she wants and my mother dont even seem to care. And all my mom does is call her friends while im in school and use her facebook. While im minding my own bussiness on my phone AN HOUR AFTER I WAKE UP, MY MOM GETS MAD AT ME AFTER SHE USES HER PHONE ALL MORNING.


  • NoName

    The Last One Was The Best😞but sadly I already dried that and it didn't work..


  • Emerson

    My phone has been taking for quite some time, 4 months. I got my phone from sneaking out ( I have done this many times and still didn't learn from my mistakes). So my mom takes my phone but even when I had the phone taken away I sneaked out 3 times while I was grounded so that didn't really help me with the whole phone thing. I found my sister old phone and was using it while I was grounded but my mom found out I had that and it got taken away, and then recently it was my younger sisters birthday and I went on the app "Offerup" and traded her birthday gift for a iPhone. My mom found out and that's when everything fell apart. When my mom and big sister ( I have 3 sisters, the older one is 23 the one im talking about) looking through the phone they seen me talking to people who were 18 and just called me a hoe even my grandma did. I have did bad stuff that i'm not supposed to and this wasn't my first time sneaking out so I understand everything but i'm just really missing talking to people. I haven't had human contact with my friends in 2 weeks and it's so stress full. I know my mom has a reason to take away my phone but she knows I have depression and even used to take pills for it ( i stopped taking them in march because I had a mental breakdown because I didn't want to take them anymore). I feel like my mom and dad should come to a mutual agreement about something, I need to talk to people and everyday its getting worse and worse. My mom and dad are not together so every 2 weeks I go with my dad, yesterday was his weekend and when I got in the car he ask's me "oh did you get your phone back?" like he know's I don't have my phone why would he even ask that question. My birthday is in July which is in 2 months. I just hope I get a phone because I miss taking to friends, I have definitely learned from my mistakes in the past and won't make the same mistake again. I just hope my mom and dad sees it


    • justkeepinitreal99

      tbh, sis ian even gonna front you dont deserve yo phone back frfr thats alot, ow i understand sneaking your siblings phone ( guilty of this ) but selling they birthday present nahhhh aint no way. and ian never sneaked out.


    • Leah-Angelina Harris

      I know how you feel girl that happened to me too. I just sneaked out one time and they acting like I did it mutiple times and I haven't had my phone for 3 months but I have also learned my mistake. All I wanted was a little freedom from my 'prison home'. You know what I mean?


  • Cal

    I got my tablet taken away a few days ago and i hate it!!!!!! I had online friends and my boyfriend on instagram and i cant even talk at all to them. My foster parents hid all my electronics from me and im sure all my friends are worried that i just dissapeared on all my social! I cant get my tablet back for more than 2 months and my bf's birthday is in 9 days and im sure he thinks i dissapeared also! I just wanna cry in my room all day and hope that my parents give me back MY tablet sooner than 2 months.


  • finna kms but hey lol

    i give up im never getting my phone back its been what 5 months whoooooooooooo lordddd.


  • Rory:)

    I got my Phone taken away a couple months ago because I sent texts to my mother saying she can be the change she wishes to see. I have tried looking for it and I failed. I have not stopped yet. I suggest having an old phone that works and use it as a backup phone. The same thing for an iPad. I have an iPhone 5s that I use for backup and an iPad air 2.


  • Jemia

    I don't have a phone cause my dad won't even allow me which is soo unfair and I am already 16!!!!


  • Carlos

    I got my phone taken away for no reason like its cause i was getting ready for school and she was screaming for no reason and i told her wait in the car i'll be out in a few and she doesn't listen shes hardheaded so i go to the car and she tells me wheres the mask and my School ID i didn't know so she started screaming and we got into a argument and we are going to school and shes like give me ur phone u dont need it and im like but i need it cause its my second day. i know its like the last month of school but i joined late. so i see my classes on my phone and my sister picks me up and they'res always alot of cars so idk where she gonna be so im basically panicking. i also been texting this girl i think she knows but idk and i don't wanna leave her on read i think im addicted to my phone tbh and im rly mad because she took my backup i think i have one more backup but no charger i was planning to go to her birthday party in july so im scared because if i dont get to text her for a month its gonna make her think im ghosting her. i know noones gonna read this but ima just write this anyway before the period ends. I rly like her tho we always send each other tiktoks and we talk about vampire diaries and chris wood and i talk to her everyday i havent gone a day without texting her but i know that gonna change and im so sad. alright the bells gonna ring cya yea i was walking to my class and i messed up and forgot which class it was cause i need my phone to remember the room number so i became late and its all my mom's fault. i´m kinda mad that i need a email to send this but its whatever alright hope whoever reads this has a good day bye.


  • Carlito

    i can't believe so many people really searched this up i thought i was the only one


  • tiadndreadytogetmyown

    Bruh I had my phone for one day yesterday, uhm im cutting K off lmaoo sorrry (if you read my other comment you would know) i was otp with M all night yesterday when i tell you loveeeeeeeeeeeee! an i been liking M soo yeah thats the story pray i get it back.


  • Abby

    you really wont know what its like to have strict parents until they go through your phone every single day no matter what like they dont even have to have a reason i lost my phone for a year and a half and i wasnt allowed to have anything connected to the internet like they took my tv and my door away. I finally got my phone back about a month ago and they took it again about a week or 2 ago and life isnt anything without a phone. like say one of my friends wants to hang out ha forget it i aint even allowed to walk down my street when im by myself like if i wanna go to my friends it takes abt 2 weeks of begging and then they have to meet they parents and everything else like they rly needa chill. my parents split up and my mom used to be rly strict but then my dad got with his gf and now she acts like she runs my life when she not anything to me( i kinda hate her) like my dad switched up on me i was allowed to do whatever like he aint ever care(when he was around, ya he left i aint have a dad most of my life) but now he acting like he was around forever and like he can control my life. idk yall pls tell me someone relate to at least part of this cause im rly gonna lose my mind

    btw sry for the rant


    • Shay

      First of all…”life ain’t anything without a phone”? This is disturbing and I’m going to guess this is part of the reason why your phone has been taken away from you. I also suggest you really look at your behaviour and attitude and see if you are being honest with yourself and the role you are playing in the relationship. It’s never one sided. You also have to understand that your parents pay for the phone and have a right to make decisions that are for your best interest, and you won’t agree because you are too young and not open to trying to understand. I suggest you get a job, save your money, move out on your own and see how you manage in the real world.


    • Tash

      Honestly same I try my best to keep my parents happy by studying but whatever I do it's just not enough my phone is the one thing I look forward to after studying and my part-time job I'm 16 yet I feel like they don't trust me or anything they won't even listen to you if you try to explain how you feel. After a while, you feel like you can't talk to anyone and you feel like you're being selfish if you ask someone for help. I just feel so alone and my phone was that one thing that I felt listened on just texting my friends about my day and how I feel made me smile after. Now it's just all gone and I'm alone trying to please others with things I'm mentally not ready for. I'm alone, tired and just overworked. I come home from school to then going to work till 10 pm. My one full day of rest is Sunday. I do everything for them to make them happy and listen to people because I want to see others smile and be happy. The one thing I had is now gone I don't feel loved I feel like an empty person who isn't allowed to have her own feelings.


  • Aani

    Hey Taylor just hang in there. Don’t give into them. Believe in yourself. They are not taking away ur stuff for a good reason. Next time u feel very sad don’t hide it. Ball you eyes out in front of your friends ur teachers anyone. Your parents will realise the effect that they are having on you.


  • Jilian

    Dear people here,
    I never knew I would find people who are more relatable to me! I've gotten my phone taken away for many times. I hope that one day my parents can understand what it means o always something that makes you happy taken away. And it's not just my phone, it's also TV, Nintendo switch, and literally any other gadget you can think of. The reason they took my phone away was because I was not focusing on online classes but taking away my phone makes it worse! Now the only thing I can think of is my phone. Also, it's not fair at all that when my younger sister's phone gets taken away, she gets it the net day. And I haven't gotten my phone since last week. I am very worried that he will give it to me only when I turn 18. If you are wondering, I am typing this on my laptop while my dad is busy watering the plants. If no one believes me, well I am 11 years old and live in South East Asia Reading the comments have both hurt me but also made me .feel not alone. Turns out, there are many people who don't have their phones and they are sometimes worse than me! You also might not believe me on this one, but I have had depression for about 3 years already. And no it's not because of my phone, it's because of my dad. Almost everyday he calls me dumb and stupid just for doing 1 mistake. And when he has had enough, (just like yesterday) he slaps or punches me in the face. If you still do not believe me in anything, well I am sorry there is nothing else I can do. If you made it to the end of this comment, do not worry because we are in this together and let us all hope we can get our gadgets back



  • Jameez Jamehan

    I did some horrible things on Social Media and now I cannot go on my socials, as my dad took the accounts and locked me out of them. He also banned them from the network for the time being. I plan to convince them to let me get it back, as all my contacts and friends are there. I am legit getting panic attacks because of this whole mess. I do not know how long I will be grounded for. If someone reads this can you answer on what I should say?


    • Jameez Jamehan

      . I am continuing from above. Like I am not with the I cannot live without the phone attitude but the thing is what should I do as I cannot talk to anyone, as Discord and Instagram are off-limits, and those were my go-to places to talk, but my behavior there has been considered bad. What should I do to convince them to let me get it back like two-three, maybe four, five, maybe even six months. This is the first time I have gone without social media in a long time, and it is scary and boring. I was here to look for activities to do so I can lose focus on the socials and focus on my school. Right now I am doing my schoolwork more and trying to be a better person and never repeat my behavior again.


  • HourTime

    Oh my god, I can relate to ya'll so much. My parents are so strict and I clearly know that what I did is totally wrong. I made a secret YouTube channel with my friend without my parents knowing. But it absolutely isn't my friend's fault. I want to ask when I'm going to get my phone back from my parents but they will probably start lecturing me again about what I did was so wrong and I'm not getting my phone back till I get married, and blah blah blah. (Also note that my parents are super duper strict, especially my father.) It has been a month since the night my parents found out about what I did. Want to know what happened? Well, I was doing my phone in bed on a school night and my mom came in my room to come check on me, she saw me doing my phone and then she took it away after lots of yelling. My dad then woke up and yelled at me. Then my mom was disrespecting my privacy and then randomly went on my phone and started looking through the whole thing. (This was at 2:00am btw.) Then my mom went on YouTube and she found the YouTube channel. They got so mad at me and gave me a whole 2 hour speech about it. Now I still don't have my phone back and my parents clearly don't show any forgiveness for me yet.


    • :'(

      So, I got my phone taken away yesterday. Only because I was grumpy when my dad was tutoring me on my homework last night! And he blocked out all my apps on screen time until 11:59 pm. Forever! But it's so unfair, my average screen time usage before was only 2 hours or less. A few years ago my parents also banned me from roblox... and I've been sneakily playing for 3 years already, luckily I've never been caught. So if you have a phone be thankful! And I'll probs lose all my friends because they call 'n stuff... :(


    • Astro

      you did nothing wrong by making a youtube channel with your friend. you have every right to express yourself in the way you want so long as it isnt hurting anyone, the fact that your parents clearly dont respect that dissapoints me greatly.


  • Veronica

    Not having a phone does play a downfall, but I do have a tip for people who are reading this to have your phone while it is taken away. With how dangerous the world is today, it;s more important to have 911 called right away when something happens. I would try talking to your parents or guardiens about having your phone during school/work/after school activites and see what they say. Make sure that you also understand their reasons too. An if that doesn't work just try your best to get use to life without a phone for how long it is.


  • russell

    this is how it is actually done you keep annoying them till they give it back. it works for me


  • Sejal

    My parents are very very strict. I can only use my phone for 45 minutes on weekdays and 1 hour on Saturday. Sunday is the only time I get to use it unlimited. Even then, my phone locks at 9 pm and unlocks only at 7 am. That is so unfair to me! I try not to negotiate because I always know the answer will be "no, you're on your phone too much". Like, 1 week ago though, I brought it up again and after they said, "Why do you need your phone so much? It's not like you have lots of important stuff on there". And proceeded to go through all of my texts. Then, they took it away. I just find it so annoying and sad that they can't accept that I am trying to cope with everything. (I am in middle school) I have lots of friends and they think I am ghosting them because of these boundaries. They aren't in our place, why make it so hard?


  • Fie

    HAH! Wow...reading these makes me laugh a little. Im honestly surprised on how many other peeps got their stuff taken away. I got my phone taken away for TWO YEARS. TWO WHOLE YEARS- I mean...Most of you got a month or two...BUT GOSH DANG- it was super hard for me. I felt so lonely...But at the same time, i was finding myself. So....My advice to you guys is that, YEAH- not having your phone totally sucks- but its also kind of good...because it gives you time to think and take time for yourself instead of endlessly scrolling tiktok.


  • Capris

    I hate this phone taking stuff. I got my phone taken because I lost my apple watch and I really didnot its at my dad house and tbh I don't know where at because I CANT FIND MY PURSE I really hope I can get my phone back bc I'm now in highschool and everyone has there phone.... I hate this so much but yeah I'm on my computer and it's really boring without a phone I hope I get it back before my birthday October 8th. I'll update and these story's are crazy btw my phone is off and she won't turn it on so I don't think I had a phone anyway. The top says "no service" wherever I do so idc anymore and I hate my life so much I'd rather kms that get my phone taken that's how bored I am and yeah good luck to everyone.


  • Sakina :)

    Hey everybody so I'm just gonna give you some tips on how to get your phone back, and how to never get it taken away again. So I have gotten my phone taken away before. It got taken away for like 3 months. When I couldn't use my phone, it was so stressful and I had MANY mental breakdowns. What I suggest is in school, try your best and try to get grades good enough for your parents to be proud. Another thing to do is to tell your parents WHY you need your phone back. For example say, "Hey Mom/Dad, I fully think I should get my phone back because what if something happens at school or when I'm not with you? I can't call 911 because I won't have my phone. I need my phone for safety and I will use it rarely, only for emergencies. Also, what about my friends? How will I feel happy? By texting them or calling them. So this is why I, (Your name here) needs to get my phone back." Also make sure you only use your phone for as long as they want you to. Like for example my parents want me on my phone for only 2 hours. But what if you really want to do your phone a lot without getting caught? Well here's what I do, so when you go to bed try to sneak your phone (Like put it in your shirt or pants, it might sound weird but trust me it works.) Then when you get upstairs or wherever you sleep you put your phone under your bed but put it far enough where they can't see it, but you can reach it. If you have earphones, put them on so they can't hear your phone. If you don't have earphones, just mute your phone. If you hear your mom's or dad's footsteps, either put your phone under your bed, under your pillow, or under your blanket. When they come into the room and they ask you, "Where is your phone?" Just say, "It's downstairs/somewhere you don't sleep.". Just hope they don't try to find it. Also when they leave, don't do your phone right away, they might take another look in the room. So make sure they aren't near you, THEN you can do your phone. Hope these tips help you! :)


    • jalynn douglas

      WOW good advice i'll use it wisely :)


  • Cheerleading4life

    I got my phone taken away just for drinking coffee behind my parents back. Tbh I don't even get get my dad is so strict. He's no that strict with my brother and I can tell my brother is his favorite because 1. My dad lets him have friends phone numbers even of the opposite gender. 2. When my brother gets it trouble by my dad he gets his phone taken away for one day. 3. My brother is just like him and I am just like my r-mom and he doesn't like my r-mom. 4. My brother is in football, which my dad loves. 5. My dad is always proud of my brother for no reason. Another reason I got my phone taken away was because I was lying about going to morning tutorials in the morning. I could understand why I got my phone taken away but the main reason was because I was drinking coffee at my r-moms house.


  • Connor

    I kinda understand this. My mom is really strict and has a bunch of rules for me to follow. When I break the rules or do something wrong in her eyes, I get grounded. I sometimes end up with my phone being taken. She took it because I was watching YouTube and couldn’t hear her yelling my name.


  • big cheez-it energy

    Thanks to the team at HalfScratched, this was so helpful for the dreaded times! I've saved it! (on my phone though...)


  • Make My Kid Star

    When cell phones weren't invented, I remember my friends playing all the time in our childhood, but these days kids are always looking at their phones.


  • i need my phone grrr

    My mum isn't as strict as everyone else but she took my phone away just because of my 'bad behavior' for a week now, which will continue to 2 weeks. I don't believe i was being mean, i was only telling how i felt. For example: I didn't come downstairs when she called me down even though i had my headphones on, i didn't want to go out with her because i was tired running around all day and finally, i called her a liar because she promised she would give my phone back the next day which she did not.. I know taking care of kids is hard, but taking their phones away for a long period of time is not really a good thing. If your'e a parent/adult who is reading this, i want you to understand that if you take your child's phone away, you will lose, not only their trust, but their love from you and find someone else to love. Why? Because the internet helps kids/anyone who have social anxiety live a life where they don't have to be extremely scared about life/ social interactions, like me for example. Maybe thats not the reason why they might be so attached to their phone, but thats one of the main reasons. I don't think taking their phone away and forcing them to go out more will change anything.. it might make it worse. Anyways, i really need my phone back because i have so many things on there that i need to take care of.. I'm on my laptop right now but i sadly cannot text anyone on here- AHHH help..


  • sarah

    Everyone who is complaining under this post because they got their phone taken and now has "no social life" or "depressed" because you don't have your phone for a bit, is overreacting. Please realize that life is more than a screen. Go outside with your friends, read a book (I'm serious about this one.), clean your room, do homework instead of moping on the internet, blaming your parents and saying they're terrible. (You hate the people who gave birth to you, feed you, buy you clothes, bought you a phone, spend time with you and love you?) Honestly, I'm 12 and have gotten my phone taken millions of times due to "silly" reasons, but you need to take a look at THEIR perspective. Not having your phone is not the end of the world. You should continue searching things to do when not having a phone INSTEAD of searching "How to annoy parents until i get my device back". Enjoy and spend time with people close to you, because when you lose them you'll regret it and there's no going back. byebye


  • 101 Things to Do When Your Parents Take Away Your Cell Phone - Half-Scratched (2024)
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