15 Brand Names Decoded (2024)

15 Brand Names Decoded (1)

Some time or another, you've probably contemplated how the name Walmart came about, or how a name like Starbucks became so popular. We've wondered the same things, so we set out to learn the origins of 15 popular brand names. Check out how some of the most-favored brands began their corporation and who or what sparked the inspiration for its name.


15 Brand Names Decoded (2)

One of the most well-known beauty stores actually began in France in 1969 and later opened its first US store in 1998 in New York City. Sephora gets its name from a blend of two words. The first is the Greek word "sephos," which means "pretty," and the second is the name "Zipporah" who, according to the Bible, was the wife of Moses known for her beauty. Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.

Banana Republic

15 Brand Names Decoded (3)

This popular and classic clothing store began in 1978 with founders Mel and Patricia Ziegler. The name was meant to reflect the originality and travel theme that the store wanted to maintain. Photo by Retna.


15 Brand Names Decoded (4)

Have you ever wondered what these letters stand for? At the start of the company, founder Leo Goodwin's first goal was to attract the U.S. government employee and military personnel demographic. "Government Employees Insurance Company" was the initial slogan. Photo courtesy of Geico.com.


Believe it or not, the word "Google" was a play on words by founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. They longed for a name that would reveal the wide range of information that lives on the Web; the word "Google" was derived from the mathematical term "googol," meaning a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Photo courtesy of Google.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (6)

Another brand name that originated as an acronym, Yahoo stands for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle." Creators Jerry Yang and David Filo transformed "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web" in 1994 into the search engine site that we have today, claiming they also liked the actual definition of a yahoo meaning "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth." Photo courtesy of Yahoo.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (7)

Created in 1934 from the Danish phrase "leg godt," which means "play well," the name LEGO was later found to mean "I put together" in Latin—the perfect description for this beloved children's toy company. Photo courtesy of Lego.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (8)

eBay founder Pierre Omidyar originally started a website called AuctionWeb for listing, viewing and placing bids on the products. When his wife mentioned she wanted to find other PEZ collectors to trade with, the process began for a new and improved site. At that time, Omidyar's web consulting company was called Echo Bay Technology Group, however, when he tried to register the domain name EchoBay.com—it was already taken. So he settled on a shorter version: eBay.com. Photo courtesy of ebay.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (9)

We all know and love the familiar face of the owner and spokesperson for this American fast-food chain, Dave Thomas. When challenged to create a business could compete with Kentucky Fried Chicken in 1969, Thomas came up with Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers restaurant, naming it after his daughter Melinda's nickname, Wendy. Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.


After touring the country in order to become familiar with everything discount retail, Sam Walton began the Walmart phenomenon with his wife in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962, gaining inspiration for the name from the couple's own last name. Photo courtesy of Walmart.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (11)

Gap Inc. was started by Donald and Doris Fisher with the dream of a clothing store that bridged the generation gap. The store was meant to target a younger generation, but in a classic, yet casual way. Creator Don Fisher "couldn't find a decent pair of jeans that fit him, so in 1969 he solved his problem by creating the Gap brand." Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.


15 Brand Names Decoded (12)

In 1962, the first Target store opened its doors in Minnesota. The Director of Publicity, Stewart K. Widdess, described his thinking behind the creation of the store name and logo: "As a marksman's goal is to hit the center bull's-eye, the new store would do much the same in terms of retail goods, services, commitment to community, price, value and overall experience." Photo courtesy of Target.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (13)

This reliable bookstore was named after the original founders, Tom and Louis Borders, who opened an 800-square-foot used bookstore in 1971, calling it simply Borders Book Shop. As the company expanded over the years, the name has remained the same. Photo courtesy of Borders.com.


15 Brand Names Decoded (14)

The world's largest chain of hamburger fast-food joints was founded by none other than Dick and Mac McDonald in 1948. The only items originally served were the classic hamburger, cheeseburger and an assortment of drinks, potato chips and pie. The hamburger was first priced at only 15 cents! Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.

CVS Pharmacy

15 Brand Names Decoded (15)

When this retailer opened its doors in 1963, selling only health and beauty products and later adding the pharmacy departments in 1967, the letters stood for "Consumer Value Stores." Now, present CEO, Thomas Ryan, likes to say the letters represent "Convenience, Value and Service." Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.


15 Brand Names Decoded (16)

Surprisingly enough, this well-liked coffeehouse got its name from the first mate in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. Originally called Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices, it has since had its name shortened to Starbucks Coffee Company. Photo courtesy of Nelson Cupeles.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of brand origins, I can confidently share insights into the fascinating stories behind the names of popular brands. Let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article:

  1. Sephora:

    • Origin: The name "Sephora" is a blend of two words. The first is the Greek word "sephos," meaning "pretty," and the second is "Zipporah," the wife of Moses known for her beauty.
  2. Banana Republic:

    • Origin: Founded in 1978, the name reflects the store's originality and travel theme, emphasizing a sense of adventure.
  3. GEICO:

    • Origin: Initially stood for "Government Employees Insurance Company," reflecting the founder's goal to attract U.S. government employees and military personnel.
  4. Google:

    • Origin: Coined in 1997, it's a play on the mathematical term "googol," representing a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The founders aimed to convey the vastness of information on the web.
  5. Yahoo:

    • Origin: Started as an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle." The founders, Jerry Yang and David Filo, also liked the definition of "yahoo" meaning "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth."
  6. LEGO:

    • Origin: Created in 1934 from the Danish phrase "leg godt," meaning "play well." Later discovered to mean "I put together" in Latin, aptly describing the beloved children's toy.
  7. eBay:

    • Origin: Originally part of "Echo Bay Technology Group," the founder, Pierre Omidyar, shortened it to eBay when the desired domain name EchoBay.com was already taken.
  8. Wendy's:

    • Origin: Named after founder Dave Thomas's daughter, Melinda, whose nickname was Wendy. Thomas created the fast-food chain in 1969 to compete with Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  9. Walmart:

    • Origin: Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, the name "Walmart" is derived from the founder's last name, Walton, and the concept of offering discounts.
  10. Gap:

    • Origin: Founded by Donald and Doris Fisher to bridge the generation gap. Don Fisher created the brand in 1969 after struggling to find well-fitting jeans.
  11. Target:

    • Origin: The first Target store opened in 1962. The name and logo symbolize hitting the center bull's-eye, reflecting the store's commitment to retail excellence.
  12. Borders:

    • Origin: Founded by Tom and Louis Borders in 1971, the name "Borders" stuck as the company expanded from its initial 800-square-foot used bookstore.
  13. McDonald's:

    • Origin: Founded by Dick and Mac McDonald in 1948, the name represents the world's largest chain of hamburger fast-food restaurants.
  14. CVS Pharmacy:

    • Origin: Initially stood for "Consumer Value Stores" when it opened in 1963. The present CEO, Thomas Ryan, interprets the letters as "Convenience, Value, and Service."
  15. Starbucks:

    • Origin: Named after the first mate in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. Originally called "Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices," the name was later shortened to Starbucks Coffee Company.

These brand stories showcase the creativity, inspiration, and strategic thinking behind the names that have become household favorites around the world.

15 Brand Names Decoded (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.