19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (2024)

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A stylish woman is not someone who “just” has a good fashion sense. I’m talking about the type of fashion sense that can pick out cute/trendy items and everyone says, “Oh that girl is so stylish!” Though good shopping sense is a great skill to have, in my opinion, genuinely stylish women are fashionably elegant and sophisticated. They look effortless because they have developed routines and customs over time that have transformed them from being a woman with good fashion sense to being a woman of style. Want to know what those routines, customs, and habits are? Keep reading.

1. They Take Care of Their Items

Stylish women not only take pride in their appearance, but they take pride in their clothes as well. This means they don’t let mud stay caked on their shoes and they address shoe scuffs as soon as they find them.

If a shirt is missing a button or pants have developed a hole, then they stop wearing these items until they’ve been repaired. Taking care of clothes also means not throwing the finest sweaters in a heap on the floor when they’re done being worn, but instead, doing everything possible to treat clothes nicely from beginning to end.

2. They Embrace Neutrals

Stylish women don’t believe the lie that “every outfit needs a pop of color.” Colors can be great, but they know that neutrals are timeless and for the majority of their looks, they embrace the simple colors and designs.

3. They Don’t Rush To Get Ready

What good comes out of rushing? No good! When you rush to get ready you could have an outfit that doesn’t quite go, makeup that’s only half done, and hair that’s still in last night’s pony. Stylish women plan and set aside the proper time to get ready so they can show up where they need to be feeling and looking put together.

4. They Plan Out Their Outfit the Night Before

On the theme of not rushing in the mornings, stylish women know that having their outfits planned out ahead of time will most likely result in a better outfit and make the mornings go much smoother.

Related: 6 Tips to Make Getting Dressed in the Morning Easier

5. They Err on the Side of Less Is More

Wearing a simple outfit is never a wrong move. There’s a time and a place for “more”, but when in doubt, always go with less. Whether that means fewer colors, pieces, prints, or accessories, the end result is timeless and classic.

19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (1)
19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (2)

6. They Dress for the Occasion

A stylish woman shows up with grace and dresses for the occasion, taking the event into consideration to plan her outfit accordingly.

7. They Pay Attention to Little Styling Details

Little styling details like tucking in the top or rolling the sleeves can make an outfit. Stylish women have a vast knowledge of styling details and use them when appropriate. On the note of paying attention to the details, stylish women won’t forget to iron or steam clothes if needed – and have made friends with a lint roller!

8. They Study Classic Fashion

Looking at the past can help you dress well for the future. Stylish women will study classic fashion icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly to get style ideas that would still work for today.

9. They Weave Trends Into Their Wardrobe Carefully

Fashion is what you’re offered. Style is what you do with it. Trends are fun and have their place, but that place is not taking up your entire wardrobe! A stylish woman will pick and choose what she wants to accept out of what’s being offered to her and make it her own in moderation. There’s nothing wrong with being inspired by the world of fashion. Just don’t get consumed by it!

10. They Rewear Their Favorites

A stylish woman is a smart woman. Why create an amazing outfit and wear it only once? Keeping track of the winners, stylish women will rewear their favorites and have fun enjoying the wheel, instead of trying to recreate it each time.

11. They Elevate Their Look With an Accessory

Depending on the look, not every outfit may need an accessory, but stylish women know the power of adding something to their looks, whether it be a scarf, hat, watch, or earrings.

19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (3)
19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (4)

12. They Like To Be Comfy, but Skip Full-On Athleisure

Everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and clothes, of course, but gym clothes outside of the gym don’t exactly scream chic. Stylish women like to be comfy as much as the next woman, but they prefer to do it in sophisticated yet flexible fabrics, instead of wearing spandex head to toe.

Related: 7 Ways to Elevate Your Style (And What You May Be Doing Wrong)

13. They Save Outfits They Like and Want To Recreate

A stylish woman knows that there is inspiration and style all around her! She saves outfits she likes and puts her own spin on recreating them. She’ll find sources of inspiration and find new ways to wear what she has.

14. They Take the Time To Groom

Head to toe – but especially nails, because chipped and cracked nails are something that everyone notices and they never say the right message about who you are.

15. They Stay True to Themselves

In a world where what’s hot is constantly changing, a stylish woman is going to stay true to herself and to her style, even if it’s not what’s “in” or trendy. And even if other people don’t like it.

16. They Put Their Clothes Away

How are you supposed to know what you have and what to wear if your clothes are scattered throughout your house? Stylish women will take the extra minutes needed to put clothes away instead of letting them accumulate in other rooms – and on the floor!

19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (5)
19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (6)

17. They Know What Looks Good on Them

A stylish woman is aware of her body and dresses to impress who? Herself. She’ll easily pass on something if she knows the color or style just doesn’t suit her or her lifestyle.

18. They Know What They Own

Stylish women are not drowning in giant wardrobes. Their wardrobes are intentional, curated, and filled with things they love and know they have. They also make it a habit to routinely go through their wardrobe and clean out anything that’s not meant to be there anymore.

19. They Have Fun With Fashion

Yes, you can love classic fashion and love trying out new outfit combinations! A stylish woman knows that fashion is meant to be fun and original, so they enjoy trying out new outfit combos and looks to put together something unique.

Do you want to be a stylish woman? The best way to do this is to create a classic wardrobe. I have a free wardrobe shopping list that you can get by signing up here.

In the meantime, keep reading on How to Always Look Timeless!

19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (7)
19 Habits All the Stylish Women Have (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.