4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (2024)

I’ve been in marketing for about 10 years now, and the field is constantly evolving. Marketing has to evolve with technology in order to keep up, but it can be tough when you are not equipped with all the tools you need.

Where do marketers start? With a product. Product plays a crucial role because your customers want something that they will use regularly, which can make them happy enough to promote your brand or purchase more of your products out of habit. Promotion plays an important role too, especially if there isn’t much competition in the area or niche market where your business operates at its prime performance level. Price may matter less these days because people don’t really care about price unless it’s a big difference. Place has an effect on the success of your business because it is important that potential customers know where you are located and what services or products you sell.

This article will tell you all about the 4 P’s of marketing and how they work together to make a successful company.

Table of Contents

What are the 4 P’s of marketing?

Here are the 4 P’s of marketing:

– Product

– Price

– Place

– Promotion

Let’s see what these are and how they fit into your marketing strategy.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (1)


The 4 P’s of marketing is a marketing strategy that includes product, price, place, and promotion. The most important thing for businesses to focus on when creating a product or service is what the market wants.

Companies should have plans for how to deal with products at every stage of their life cycle. For instance, when a product is reaching its end-of-life (when the demand for it has decreased), companies need to streamline resources and find ways to repurpose resources or sell them off.


Price is the amount that consumers pay for a product. Marketers must link the price to the product’s perceived value and real value while also considering supply costs, seasonal discounts, and competitor prices. Business executives may raise or lower the price of a product in order to give it more prestige.

Sometimes you might want to give a product away for free, such as a free trial. If the users like it, then you may receive a monthly fee or one-time fee depending on your product.


The 4 P’s of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. When a company decides to sell their product in certain places, they are trying to get their products in front of the people that would most likely buy them. The goal of business executives is always to get their products in front of consumers. Placement may refer to the act of including a product on TV shows, films, or web pages. In some cases, placement may refer to placing a product in certain stores.

To reach a wider audience, one should consider the distribution channels they use. In addition to that, it is important for sellers to differentiate themselves from competitors as well as learn from what their competitors do.

These days, you should use search engines and social media as a required place for your product. Among those, you have to research which platforms your users visit the most.

Do they tend to search more or hang out on Facebook? If you know that, then you can go all-out on that platform.

For search engine optimization, you can use Outranking’s AI-powered features which will help you easily reach the #1 spot.


A marketing plan includes the promotion of a product, which is the way companies reveal to consumers why they need it and why they should pay a certain price for it. Promotion in the digital era is all about search functions that tie into promotional strategies.

In this digital era, it is mostly about content marketing, in which you aim not to sell to your customers but rather to educate them about the product and how it helps them.

This approach seems to work for most products, whether they are physical or digital.

Outranking can help you craft detailed blogs that solve your users’ problems and guide them to your product. Outranking is great for creating content for promotion and for researching the niche which might help you with product, price, and place as well. The Questions feature gives you insights into what your customers have been asking online, allowing you to create content that answers their needs.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (2)

Do these four marketing principles still apply?

The 4 P’s of marketing are a useful model for companies to use, but they don’t cover all of the complexities of doing business today. As you will see below, instead of 4, now we have 7 P’s, but the first 4 P’s are still the most referred to and simple marketing principles.

New types of marketing have been added to the mix since the 4 P’s were created, which include social media marketing, mobile marketing, and content marketing.

While these new tools have been a boon for marketing, the 4 P’s still apply in today’s market. Companies must think about what products to provide and how they will sell them at a reasonable price. They also need to consider where their products are distributed and whether or not that location is accessible for consumers who live in different areas of the country.

The 4 P’s framework has not changed much from when it was created. It remains applicable across all industries because people care about quality over quantity.

Despite the changing landscape, marketing principles still apply. The four core principles are product differentiation, pricing flexibility, promotion of brand awareness, and positioning in the market. These have been proven to be effective through time because they work on a psychological level that people can’t resist.

Significance or importance of the 4 P’s of marketing

The 4 P’s of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. The importance of these 4 P’s is in the balance that they require in order to produce results. The product must be marketed in a way that will appeal to your target audience. Prices must be structured appropriately for what you’re selling. Promotions should be tailored to your market segment. Finally, placement (location) needs to be chosen with care.

In a traditional marketing mix, the product was usually at the top of the list. However, in the B2B space, product is usually considered along with price, promotion, and then place.

The marketing mix is a set of tactics that can be applied to grow companies. This includes the 4 P’s: product, price, place, and promotion. This helps ensure that the right product is in the right place by addressing customers’ needs on an individual level while positioning your company as being unique from competitors.

The marketing mix addresses the 4 P’s of marketing: price, product, promotion, and place. These are extensively added to and expanded through additional P’s as well as the 4 C’s concept. The 4 P’s serve as a great place to start planning for or even evaluating an existing product offering due to their extensive use in developing products from scratch based on market research data that has been gathered up until now.

This term was first coined by Philip Kotler who first introduced it to the marketing world in 1976. As a digital marketer, you should read books by Philip Kotler.

The 4 P’s of marketing are the key components that companies need to be aware of in order to have a successful business. When businesses decide what they want their product and place to look like, they can determine what is needed for them with these four important elements.

Promote teamwork and collaboration

Marketing in an organization is about promoting the mission and vision. Marketing can promote this by reminding employees of your mission and vision through creative solutions, encouraging brainstorming and creativity in general, and collaborating with others. The 4 P’s offer a common framework for collaborating teams to understand what drives marketing success.

Collaborative companies are more productive than individualist companies. Leaders who know this invest in creating the right environment for collaboration to happen, which includes building trust and shared knowledge across all levels of employees.

Within Outranking, you can add your writers and SEO team so that they can collaborate on a single content piece.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (3)

Improve brand loyalty and value

Brand loyalty and trust are earned through the 4 P’s of product, price, place, and promotion. Brand value is far more than a number; it’s about an experience. Your content operation must be strong as well.

Brand loyalty and value are the most important factors in marketing. To gain the upper hand, put forth engaging content marketing to your audience. Make informative blog posts, how-to guides, webinars, videos, and white papers with data based on real stories to share with consumers so they can understand what you’re offering them.

The 4 P’s of marketing are important because customers want value, and they want to be able to connect with the company about their success. It is also important that companies create a brand that resonates with the customer, not just one that has an attractive name or logo.

Wishing customers a happy birthday or anniversary, standing up for a social cause, and other authentic actions might help you improve your brand loyalty and value.

Increase sales volume

Sales volume is linked to all the 4 P’s of marketing.

The sales volume is important to marketers. They compile valuable information about the market, which helps them plan their marketing campaigns. This includes advertising, personal selling, and public relations promotions in order to target customers for more effective business practices.

Market research is important to know who you should be targeting. It helps in deciding where and when your promotions should be placed, what design style would best suit the product, and whether a certain target market segment will benefit from using this product or service.

All of the 4 P’s affect sales volume. Here is how price might affect the sales volume of your business: If you charge too high of a price for your product, no one will buy it. If you charge too low of a price for your product, people will think that it is cheap and inferior.

The opposite strategy is market skimming pricing, selling at the highest possible price consumers are willing to pay, then decreasing prices over time as technology advances.

If your product is more specialized and expensive, like solar panels, you will have a limited number of distribution channels.

A jeweler might be in a high-end mall as part of a marketing mix that would help maximize profits for this type of product. Evaluate products according to the models presented by companies that offer opportunities to get into retail markets or other types of sales opportunities.

The first P of marketing: Product

The first P of marketing is product. What makes your product so great or unique? The 4 P’s are product, price, place, and promotion. These are the four key areas that need to be addressed when starting a new project in order to stand out from competitors and win over customers. My product focuses on usability because it’s important for my audience to feel comfortable using my products.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (4)

It’s important to think about what your target market wants. Building something that they want can be difficult in a crowded market.

Competitors may focus on big ad agencies and really advanced marketers who are able to do this for them. However, you might not have the resources or time needed to compete with these types of marketing tactics. By focusing on your audience instead, it will be easier for you to build something that is different than what competitors are offering.

The second P of marketing: Price

The price of your product is integral to the success of your business. Without the high price tag, a Ferrari would not be a Ferrari, and it would be impossible to build a business selling high-end cars. There wouldn’t be any customers buying it either. Pricing can be difficult because companies need to figure out how much they want to sell their products for while still making money off of them.

Price is the second P of marketing. It’s a key element in determining not just how much you’ll sell but also what your profits will be, and it affects the marketing budget.

When a pricing strategy is determined, marketers can have a greater impact on their overall effectiveness because they’ll know exactly where to spend more time and money if necessary, while knowing that this decision may affect all aspects of the company’s success, including future revenue models, customer engagement levels, competitive positioning, or even product development decisions.

Customers will click on a product more, and the conversion rates are higher when it’s priced lower. However, this does not mean that you should always price your products low to increase conversions. There is also no set point for what “right” pricing is because every product has its own needs and budget constraints.

For example: Click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rates decrease with increased prices for popular TVs, whereas for wall mounts, this may have negligible effects.

The third P of marketing: Place

The third P of marketing is place, which is essential to understanding where your customers are and what you should be doing. It’s important that businesses find the right niche for their product or service based on customer demand in order to bring them success.

Place will not only give you an idea about how successful a business would be but also help determine if it can make money by selling locally or through other distribution channels like online sales or direct-to-consumer sales.

Place refers to the geographical location in which a company sells its products and provides services. The target customers must be within this space. Otherwise, there would not be any potential buyers or customers who are interested in buying or using your product or service at that particular time and place.

A successful marketer should position their product where it can easily reach prospective consumers by way of advertisem*nt campaigns and other means such as word-of-mouth and social media.

Generally, companies like P&G demand their products to be prioritized in the planogram for stores. This is important for them because location, even within the store, is an important driver of customer decisions.

Some businesses use product placements as well as other forms of advertising on television shows, films, and even web pages in some cases to get attention for their products/services. Getting your product placed where people will see it first puts you ahead of the competition, without having to expend too much effort on your marketing campaign.

If you select the Google search engine results page (SERP) as your preferred place, then Outranking will get you ahead of your competition.

The fourth P of marketing: Promotion

The fourth P of marketing is promotion. It can be seen as a culmination of the first three P’s: product, price, and place. Promotional efforts include concepts such as brand awareness, influencers, social media marketing, and advertising.

Promotion allows for more creativity than any other P because it allows companies to expose their product to potential customers in active communication, which differs from passive exposure through traditional channels like TV or radio ads.

This includes advertising, public relations, and social media marketing, to name a few techniques used by the agencies.

It’s important for companies to understand what they want their brand to be known as and how it will stand out from competitors before they start promoting products or services through these methods.

The fourth P of marketing, promotion, entails all the activities that are done with the goal of promoting an item or service, like advertising and public relations.

There are different tools that can be leveraged for promotion depending on what’s needed, such as digital marketing, which focuses on online marketing; direct selling, which uses face-to-face selling; sales promotion, where products or services are given away in order to generate buzz about them (e.g., discounts); event marketing like trade shows and conferences; and personal selling, which uses traditional salesmanship to make the sale.

One or more than one tool of internet marketing is used at a time, depending on what’s needed for promotion.

Examples of the 4 P’s in different industries

4 P’s of marketing in the hotel industry

The marketing mix is a list of several marketing variables that are used to target certain guests or segments. In the hotel industry, these 4 P’s are product (facilities/services), pricing, place, and promotion. These 4 P’s will help hotel sales managers make sure their products & services are right for their customers’ needs.

For hotels, as with other products, promotion is the way they communicate with their target customers. Promotion can be done in multiple ways such as email blasts, social media posts, and website updates.

Marketing tools that might be used are direct methods, promotions, communications, and personalization. The director of sales & marketing should work out the most effective promotion and communication mix for their hotel. Promotions can be done through brochures or television commercials, while communications channels include websites or social media accounts like the Facebook page and Twitter channel.

Promotions and communication channels include the following: brochures, television commercials, hotel websites, Twitter, YouTube channel, Facebook page, Google business page, and local review directories.

Pricing is one of the most important aspects of the hotel industry. If you do not have competitive room rates, then your potential guests may reject services or choose to stay elsewhere instead. Room rates are defined by season; peak season is when demand for a hotel and service is highest, which can be determined through occupancy rate during that time frame.

Sales and marketing activities should be at the highest during this period.

4 P’s in healthcare marketing

The 4 P’s in healthcare marketing are patient, product, price, and placement. These four facets of your business help you to better understand the market so that you can improve your products or services accordingly.

Hospitals have a strong ambition for market-changing innovations to drive their long-term strategies, but they must focus on sustaining innovations around their current business model and solutions. They must understand the pain points of patients they are trying to reach with an audit of their offerings, which can help them create marketing strategies that deliver consistent results.

In healthcare marketing, the 4 P’s are important to consider. Conducting a close analysis of your products and services will allow you to identify gaps or missed opportunities in your offering. Price is determined by many factors with an industry like healthcare, which has different service tiers for each group of patients according to their needs.

In order to reduce the cost of healthcare, hospitals have been leveraging incentive programs. The average hospital stay costs $10,000, and there are three ways in which hospitals can lower their treatment fees for patients:

– Lowering test/procedure prices

– Incentivizing referrals by rewarding people who refer friends or family with discounts on their bills

– Providing free services like parking validation for patients with chronic conditions

Patient engagement is one of the top priorities in healthcare marketing. Social media can be used for communicating with patients, and 41% say social media impacts their choice of a specific hospital or doctor. To increase customer loyalty, new digital tools are being developed to help hospitals up their game.

Hospitals are now competing for patients based on cost and service quality. In order to remain competitive, hospitals must create a connection with their patients through storytelling that engages them in the hospital’s narrative. Storytelling is about creating an emotionally charged bond between the patient and hospital by focusing on the resolution of their discomfort or illness.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (5)

4 P’s of marketing in the fashion industry

In fashion, the design is the most important element of the product. Unique designs are always welcomed.

Communication is how a company reaches out to current and potential customers and promotes its product by advertising it. A large part of promotion in this context also includes how a company plans to roll out their product such that people have general knowledge about it before they see an ad for it or make a purchase. This forms what marketers call brand awareness.

Price reflects the image that a company wants to establish, which may target an upper-class image. Companies may procure less expensive materials to maintain their exclusive brand, while still achieving high prices due to popular demand from customers who want luxury goods with exclusivity on top of quality products.

In the fashion industry, marketing is used to drive sales and create a brand’s image. A professional marketer creates an image that will sell products, which includes both design and production.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (6)

4 P’s of marketing in the banking sector

The 4 P’s are the prime responsibilities of an organization in terms of the marketing mix. Marketing services and schemes contribute to profits by driving revenue. The personal care dimension becomes important in the corporate world.

In order to survive, banks must adapt and innovate. They have a variety of options for how they can do this, including changing their product mix or even restructuring their services entirely. The 4 P’s that the banking sector is focusing on are psychology, pricing, people’s expectations and lifestyles, and the personal needs & requirements of customers.

The 4 P’s in the banking sector also include helping consumers with services like loans and deposits. Banks must also be careful about how they sell their products to customers, as well as the type of product that is best for this industry.

In the banking sector, price is one of many variables that determine whether or not a customer will stay with you. The other three variables are expenditure-based rather than profit-based.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (7)

4 P’s of marketing in eCommerce

The 4 P’s of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. These are important to consider when running a successful eCommerce business.

You should think about what customers want and need when creating a product strategy for your company. Store websites must have interesting descriptions to entice potential buyers with detailed photos and videos that increase the attractiveness of their page.

Customers may have doubts before making a purchase, so it’s worth adding a FAQ section with popular questions and answers.

The general flow of marketing in eCommerce is as follows: position your product, keep regular customers, and encourage existing customers to use your offer again and make more purchases. A discount code for future purchases can also be included as one of the 4 P’s.

There are many factors that influence the price: the product manufacturing costs, advertising expenses, distribution costs, and affluence of customers.

Price and quality need to be balanced with each other. Pricing policy is important in the eCommerce industry.

The value of the brand is important for the sale of products. Choose the right place that offers visibility to your products. Place, in this case, can mean your own online store or a site like Amazon.

Choose the right place that offers visibility to your products. Promote your products with different channels of marketing such as email, social media, and search engines.

To ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and not wasting money, it is important to monitor and analyze return on investment (ROI) regularly. Remember that organic views, such as those resulting from ranking high in search engine results, are often the most effective. Outranking can help you excel with this.

Promoting your product or service is the foundation of the marketing mix for most eCommerce businesses.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (8)

How to use the 4 P’s of marketing?

There are 4 P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. The 4 P’s help you understand what consumers want, how to meet the needs of your target audience, where they will look for products that suit their needs, and how to create the perception of value.

The 4 P’s are a tool to help marketers consider everything about their product or service. The 4 P’s can answer questions like: What is your product? How much does it cost? Where is it sold and how will you be selling it? Lastly, what type of promotion do you need for this item’s target audience in order to sell the most products at maximum profit margin with minimum investment by maximizing ROI?

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix refers to the interplay of product, price, place, and promotion. The marketing mix is related to how a firm seeks to achieve its goals through the combination of these four components, which are often referred to as the 4 P’s. A unique position for the brand among the competition is one way that companies can use this framework in order to help them evaluate their product and promote it.

The marketing mix also involves templates that can be used for organizing and visualizing the 4 P’s of marketing.

The marketing mix is a way of categorizing the four elements that are necessary in order to successfully market any product. The 4 P’s are product, price, place, and promotion.

The marketing mix is a theory that describes the four forces that influence all aspects of brand management. In order to be successful in this industry, it’s important for marketers to have knowledge of these four topics and understand how they impact their business.

Four market forces that influence the marketing mix: Consumer buying behavior, industry and trade behavior, competitor positioning, and governmental regulation.

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The 4 P’s vs. the 7 P’s of the marketing mix

Although still in use, the 4 P’s model was developed in the 1960s and did not fully address all the needs of businesses that sell products and services. More recently, there has been the addition of three marketing mix elements to the original 4 P’s model of product, price, place, and promotion.

The expanded 7 P’s of marketing are now considered the foundation of marketing. Along with the 4 P’s, the new 3 P’s are physical evidence, people, and processes.

All these terms have been introduced to show how principles that were important at the beginning evolved over time. Things change with technologies becoming more advanced, which makes marketers think about different aspects of their job that need attention, just like you would expect new technology to do.

It’s important to revisit the foundations of marketing every once in a while to make sure your brand is on point.

Here are the new P’s added to form the 7 P’s:

Physical evidence

Physical evidence is about how your premises and other assets match your branding message. Service businesses need to “look the part.” Physical evidence starts with “physical,” which is a key concept in marketing.

People are more likely to eat in a street-level restaurant because it is less intimidating, for example. A good tool in marketing is physical evidence that encourages people to come back and spend money again. This type of marketing may not be appealing if the business does not have enough comfort or ambiance; it would make customers feel uncomfortable, for example, if there are too many stairs or they cannot easily peek inside.

Physical evidence is a cornerstone of your branding message. It should fit with pricing, promotion, and other elements of the marketing mix. Physical evidence fits into the overall concept of your business—imagine the business impacts of not having quality signs on your company vehicles.

In both these examples, creators would look to establish physical evidence to help them with their marketing.


People are the fifth P in marketing: the people who make the products, the management team, and everyone else. Companies should hire people with expertise and competence in their particular industry so that they can achieve success in the market.

The 4 P’s of marketing are a set of strategies that can be used to build and maintain a customer base. When companies focus on these four key elements, they will generate leads and attract more prospects for their business. The concept of people is an important addition because high-caliber staff allows businesses to create the best products or services for customers.

Additionally, companies should ensure that they have customer-friendly staff who are ready to meet their customers’ needs. Companies can make sure they offer exceptional customer service by providing a personalized experience for each individual and making it easy for them to do business with the company in general.

Furthermore, when you’re offering great products at affordable prices but also providing outstanding customer service, your brand will be able to attract new customers because of its value proposition.

In marketing, customer service is a crucial aspect. It’s important that companies have employees who are knowledgeable about the product and services they offer, as well as genuinely caring about serving customers.

Companies can also use this knowledge of how to improve their business practices with personal aspects such as being friendly, showing customers that they are working hard for them, and providing great benefits for employees in order to attract more customers through their positive brand image.

Great customer experience leads to patronage or loyalty.

Finally, the company is not complete without its own team, which includes leaders who take an active interest in employees. Teams should be fostered by giving them opportunities to speak as experts on their craft for success. Thus, in this case, “people” includes everyone, from the CEO to the team members to the clients.

The focus on offering work-life balance, taking time for self-care, and allowing employees to work remotely has been shown to retain top talent

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (9)


A process can be a manual or automated procedure that is used to deliver a product or service. Technology plays a key role in having a good process, and it can facilitate reciprocal relationships between the consumer and the organization or brand.

To gather data, marketers need to use technology and combine it with valuable consumer data gathered from surveys. The process is ongoing, as the marketer continues to collect information about customers’ desires and needs, which helps them tailor their marketing strategies more accurately than ever before.

Thus, you will need all 7 P’s when creating your marketing plan. Yes, you can use only the first 4 P’s, but in this digital era, it makes sense to use all 7 P’s.

They complement each other well and should help you understand your market, users, and internal structure to work accordingly.

Making of a marketing mix

Step 1: Defining your unique selling proposition

The first step in marketing is to define the USP, which is your unique selling proposition. This is followed by identifying key features and benefits of the product, as well as understanding how important those features are to consumers so that they will choose your product over others. The interdependence of marketing mix variables makes it useful to consider how they all work together.

The USP is what separates your product from others, and it can be used when pitching an idea to potential clients or investors.

For example, among all other AI/SEO tools, Outranking distinguishes itself with its USP of the Concepts feature and the ease of making SEO outlines.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (10)

Step 2: Understanding the consumer

A marketing mix is a combination of four elements: product, price, place, and promotion. The first step in making a marketing mix is identifying who will buy the product. Next comes understanding competition for the product. Lastly, it’s important to identify the need before deciding on what to make. Ultimately, the consumer will consider the subjective value of the product.

The second step of the marketing plan is understanding the consumer. Marketing mix variables are interdependent and must be planned together to ensure that there are not any conflicting messages in either implicit or explicit form. The four elements of a marketing plan include the market segment, target market, product definition, positioning statement, and company objectives.

To understand the customer, these four key elements are needed: your marketing plan, marketing objectives (business goals), target market, and product. Thirdly, there needs to be a clear understanding of what implicit messages customers receive from your company’s advertising campaigns and how you can influence those messages based on their actions or reactions. Finally, it would be helpful for you to look at this SlideShare presentation on the internet and the digital marketing mix by Adam Richards, who gives an overview of the four key elements of the marketing mix.

Step 3: Understanding the competition

The 4 P’s are the basis for marketing. Understanding how to use these 4 P’s will help you market your product or service effectively.

Step 3 is understanding the competition and what they offer that might be relevant to your business. You should also assess if their product is priced correctly with discounts, warranties, and special offers. The last step is understanding who will purchase it by identifying what they need.

It may be helpful for you to identify how the value of the product and marketing mix variables are interdependent and rely on each other as part of a strong strategy or at least to see how elements identified so far relate back to each other. Four key areas must work together in harmony if your business plan is going to succeed: financial resources (cash), human resources (employees), physical location, and market knowledge.

The marketing mix is composed of four elements: product, price, place, and promotion. Each element has a different function in the market, and they must be balanced to form a strong strategy. Be sure not to send conflicting messages about your brand through implicit or explicit messaging.

One way you can understand your competition is by using Outranking’s Keyword Gap tool. This gives you insights into your competitors’ organic traffic and what keywords you might be missing.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (11)

Step 4: Evaluating placement options

In marketing, there are four key elements that need to be in place. These include product, price, place, and promotion. In order to evaluate the placement options for a product or service, the marketing manager needs to consider how well it will meet these four criteria.

This includes understanding competition, consumer behavior, and product positioning. By identifying where your main competitors are positioned in terms of pricing or their target demographics, you can identify what kind of offer will work for you best.

Once the customer understands what is offered to them, their evaluation of your targeted product offering will depend on its placement.

Step 5: Developing a communication and promotion strategy

The 5th step of the marketing mix is developing a communication and promotion strategy. This includes identifying your target audience, determining price points, and finalizing promotional methods.

Promotions are often used to boost sales and profits. It is important when running a business that one has a strategy in place for marketing promotions. This way, it becomes easier to collect promotional data, analyze the information, and learn from it later on down the line.

Strategy makes it easier to take any marketing data, analyze it, and learn from it. Promotional goals help you stay on track and achieve progress. Keep your goals simple and break them down into smaller goals.

Step 6: Cross-check the marketing mix

The marketing mix is a set of variables that collectively form a company’s strategy. The four main components are the product, price, place, and promotion.

When creating your marketing materials, you must consider all of these variables in relation to each other and how they interact.

If one falls, the rest are bound to follow.

What one should aim for is to have a balance between all the P’s and keep testing. Use what works and discard what is not working.

The 4 P’s of marketing plan: Example

The 4 P’s of marketing plan is a way for companies to plan their marketing strategy. It consists of four parts: product, price, place, and promotion.

In the example given below, we will discuss the 4 P’s for Netflix.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (12)


Netflix offers movies and TV shows that are available for customers via an app on smartphones and other devices. In order to make sure as many people as possible have access to their movies and TV shows, they offer the content at a low price point, making it affordable for anyone who wants it, differentiating themselves from their higher-priced competitors. Netflix has placed their product in the hands of customers by offering an app that is compatible with both Android and Apple iOS devices, so anyone can access the content on their smartphone.


Promotion is the most important part of marketing. Netflix has been constantly promoting their services through different means like advertisem*nts on social media websites like YouTube that attracts teenagers as well as adults since they feature high-ranked celebrities in their videos to help promote them more efficiently.

The 4 P’s of marketing plan is an effective strategy that can be used to increase sales and audience. Netflix also references their free one-month trial, which helped them with increasing the number of subscribers, as well as targeting different seasons or events which has increased the company’s revenue.


Netflix has switched to a value-based pricing strategy in an attempt to keep subscribers on the platform. This strategy helps Netflix earn more profits with its three different subscription offers that cover different needs ranging from features, content, and price.

Each plan covers slightly different features; however, higher-priced subscriptions offer more features than lower-priced subscriptions. Users can choose their plan based on what they need most.


Netflix’s placement strategy is to have their content available anywhere, at any time. Operating worldwide, content produced by Netflix and other production companies is distributed across the globe. Netflix actively uses various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and video sharing platforms like YouTube to remind customers that almost any smart device can run their app. They also use email to re-engage their existing customers.

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Ethical issues and key challenges in marketing 4 P’s

The 4 P’s of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. There is a lot that goes into the planning and implementation of these four key factors in a marketer’s life. Ethical concerns arise when marketers don’t consider the existing needs of consumers or create new needs by offering materialistic products via dishonest promotion. Marketers should always try to benefit their target audience as much as possible while making sure not to promote anything that can be seen as unethical or cause harm to the consumer.

The four P’s of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. Potential ethical issues falling under these categories are as follows:

– Product: The quality should always have priority over economic concerns. Pre-tests should be conducted to ensure compliance of products to safety standards; marketers should refer to the maxim, “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”

– Price: Predatory pricing strategies that promote customer lock-in can be considered unethical.

– Place: The location and targeting of advertising may become ethically questionable if products are promoted to a target audience that cannot afford them.

– Promotion: Exaggerating packaging or misleading labels cannot be considered ethical. Packaging can also be a source of ethical concerns (e.g., bulky packaging catches customers’ attention, but may be wasteful).

Case study:

Deception in advertising is commonplace. It occurs when companies exaggerate products’ benefits and make unrealistic claims about performance. False eyelashes, for example, are commonly used to convey attractiveness, while real eyelashes may be seen as unnatural in advertising. The use of fake eyelashes in a TV commercial promoting a brand of makeup could be seen as dishonest.

People ask questions because they want honest answers that match their intent; it’s what makes people want to search in the first place.

Key challenges and ethical issues in marketing include:

– Deception in sales promotion

– Promises and promotions that cannot be kept

– Spam emails and other aggressive advertising

Price discrimination is illegal and unethical because it violates antitrust law. Consumers should not expect partitioned prices, which can also lead to issues with consumers’ expectations about the product and marketing.

Partitioned prices can be used to represent the total price as several sub-prices, such as 29.99 euros for a product plus other smaller amounts for different items or add-on services that are offered on a website or within a store. Confusing pricing is an often-unethical practice used by marketers, in which they make consumers think the price is lower than it really is.

Subliminal incentives may not be morally acceptable; consider whether consumers would have bought a product even if those marketing techniques had not been used.

“Forced purchases” are a moral concern; they can cause economic hardships by making shoppers buy more than they can afford.

Targeting and positioning can also reflect unethical attitudes. Efforts to target consumer populations can be questionable (e.g., particularly vulnerable consumer populations, such as children, the poorest minorities, and the uneducated). Marketing to children is also questionable due to ethical concerns.

Every marketing decision should undergo an ethics check before being implemented. Issues to consider include the following:

– Does the decision conform to regulations?

– Is it in the long-term interest of the firm?

– Would consumers consider the decision to be fair?

– Is buyer sovereignty respected?

Marketing projects should go through a sample check before being implemented. Asking consumers’ opinions before the effective implementation of marketing decisions seems to be the most appropriate way to ensure ethical marketing practices.

Lack of focus on services

The 4 P’s of marketing are production, price, place, and promotion. Services are also a vital part of the customer offering and should be planned for in much the same way as physical products. The expanded 7 P’s model includes 3 additional categories: physical evidence, people, and processes.

The company’s goal is to deliver a product that meets or exceeds their customers’ expectations. However, this doesn’t happen in every case, and the lack of focus on services may be one reason certain companies are not performing well. Product guarantees, customer support, and repairs are examples of key services that may be considered ethical requirements, depending on your product.

Customers need to be central to the whole process. It is important that businesses understand this and provide an extraordinary level of service for their products. Even physical goods like your house or car require exceptional services by companies, which can become successful if they offer lasting value with high quality at a low price point.

In order to ensure customer satisfaction, service marketers must consider the concept of prosumers—consumers who use a product to produce something else. This means that all activities must focus on providing a valuable and relevant experience for their customers, while also considering competitors’ positioning and creating a unique position in the market. Corporate decision-makers may neglect this because they typically don’t care about marketing efforts, instead focusing on the product’s features and benefits.

Lack of true customer focus

Companies must focus on the customer, as the modern buyer is better informed than buyers of the past. In order to do so, companies need to have a product-to-customer solution, price-to-customer cost, place-to-customer convenience, and promotion-to-customer communication strategy.

In order to be successful, a company must focus on the needs and desires of its customers. This means adapting your SEO digital marketing content strategy to meet those demands while also standing out from your competitors.

Adapt to the ever-evolving needs and desires of your customers.

4 P’s of Marketing: A Complete Guide to Four Important Parts of Your Marketing Strategy (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.