5 Helpful Insights on Money and Tipping in Morocco (2024)

It can be confusing to visitors to know what the standards and rules are around money tipping in Morocco. Every country has its own way of doing things when it comes to gratuities and Morocco is no different.

When traveling to Morocco, it’s important to keep in mind that the cost of living is lower than many Western countries. This means that a little money can go a long way, and tipping is often expected in many situations.

However, it’s also important to remember that tipping is not mandatory, and you should never feel obligated to tip if you don’t want to or can’t afford it. If you do choose to tip, it’s generally expected to give small amounts of money, especially for small services like carrying your bags or giving directions.

It’s also worth noting that bargaining is a common practice in Morocco, and it’s not uncommon for vendors to inflate prices. In these situations, it’s okay to negotiate and haggle over prices to get a fair deal.

5 Helpful Insights on Money and Tipping in Morocco (1)

Moroccan Money: The Basics

The currency in Morocco is the dirham. It comes in coins and bills so you’ll want to be prepared for both. The 1 dirham coin is the smallest, most commonly used coin however there is also a 20 centime coin that is 20 cents on a dirham and a 1/2 dirham coin. Coins and bills under 100 dirham are most commonly used for small purchases and getting change is quite difficult, have small notes and coins as often as possible. Paying a 5 dirham bill with a 100 dirham note is not a great idea.

The largest note is a 200 dirham note. There is no denomination higher. This can get frustrating when buying large ticket items! More and more places accept card payments however DO NOT expect to write in a tip on the receipt or have them ask to include it in the charge. This rarely happens. You should have cash on hand.

Fun Fact: As a visitor you’re not likely to hear the mention of rials (currency used BEFORE and during the French protectorate) or francs (used from 1921 – 1974) but if you live here you certainly will. These are old currencies that no longer physically exist though the counting system is still used. If you think it could get confusing, you’d be right.

20 rials = 1 dirham

5 francs= 1 rial

and 100 francs = 1 dirham.

Confused? It still confuses me – but don’t worry rarely will you encounter this as a visitor!

What does Moroccan money look like?

5 Helpful Insights on Money and Tipping in Morocco (2)

Each of the bills is a different color and some are different sizes, a 50 dirham bill and 20 dirham bill are smaller than the 100 and 200 dirham bills. The coins are also sized or colored differently. A 2 dirham coin is slightly bigger than a 1 dirham coin. A 10 dirham coin has a gold band on the outside and a 5 dirham coin has a silver band on the outside.

Can I pay with dollars/euros/pounds etc?

Yes and no. In most cases no. You will want to use the dirham as that’s the currency of the country. However, if you’re making a large purchase (say like a Moroccan rug) then vendors are more likely to accept other currencies. For smaller purchases though, you need to have dirham.

Where can I get dirham? Can I get it in my home country before my trip?

You have three options for getting dirham;

  • withdraw cash from an ATM
  • exchange your national currency at a currency exchange for dirham
  • exchange money at a bank for dirham

I’ve listed those in the order that is best to get money. You will want to check with your bank at home but often the easiest and most inexpensive way to exchange money is to just withdraw it from an ATM. Make sure to let your financial institution know before you travel you’ll be using your card in Morocco.

Large cities in Morocco, have ATM machines. Even smaller cities that have branches of the national banks have ATM machines.

Many Moroccan ATM’s don’t charge a fee to withdraw money saving you a bit. Be sure to ask your home bank what their international transaction fees are. The most you can withdraw from Moroccan ATM’s is 2000 dirham at a time. So if you’re planning to make large purchases, the ATM fees made add up.

The second best option is to visit a currency exchange. Check a few however as rates will vary quite a bit. I advise against using the currency exchange in airports as you’ll be charged a premium – most have ATM’s inside the terminal. Ask your riad or hotel if they can suggest the best currency exchange as locals usually have a sense of where you’ll get the best conversion.

The last option is in banks. Not all banks will accept all currencies and you may be stuck waiting for long periods of time if the bank is busy. I’d recommend this only if you’re really in a pinch. Major banks in Morocco include; Atttijariwafa Bank, Banque Populaire du Maroc, BMCE Bank, and BMCI.

If you plan to bring your national currency to exchange make sure that you bring the newest and cleanest bills possible. There have been times where the exchange has refused to accept bills that we have had because they weren’t the “new” version of the bill or the bills were just broken down. In most cases you aren’t able to exchange coin currency either.

The dirham is a closed currency so in most cases (I’ve heard of a few exceptions) you are not able to get money in your home country; nor can you exchange it back so make sure to do this before you leave Morocco.

Can I Use a Credit Card or Debit Card in Morocco?

Credit cards in Morocco are becoming much more widely accepted across Morocco. That being said it’s much easier to use them in larger cities than small cities. In places like hotels, restaurants and higher-end shops it generally is no problem.

Post-COVID it is much more common especially in urban areas to have credit card payments available. Most hotels and restaurants have this as an option.

However, the majority of the economy runs on cash. If you plan to make any big purchases (rugs, jewelry, etc) plan to have enough cash on hand for this transaction, or seek out a shop that you can use credit (you should know however if this is your only option, and the seller knows this, you most likely will end up being charged more.) Often the service fee charged by a credit company is passed to the consumer and you can be charged an additional amount to use your credit card.

How Much Money Do I Need in Morocco?

Wondering, “how much money should I take to Morocco?” This is a loaded question that doesn’t have a clear answer as it depends a lot on your travel style. Check out this post I wrote calledMorocco is Not as Cheap as You Thinkto get a better understanding of costs.

1. Yes, tipping is standard in Morocco.

This speaks for itself but if you’re wondering “do they tip in Morocco?” the answer is yes. Where, when and how much to tip can vary quite a bit and this is where many people get confused or frustrated. Skip down to point 5 where I break down the different situations where you may want/need to tip and how much that should be.

2. Who should you tip?

Everyone. No not really but it can feel like that. The rule of thumb is to tip anyone that provides you with good service. This means waiters/waitresses, staff in riads or hotels, porters, and guides/drivers. There are many other situations you may find yourself in if you plan to stay in Morocco longer term where a tip would be appreciated.

Again, someone that provides you with a service is the main indicator of tipping.

3. How much should you tip in Morocco?

I’m American and in our society tipping is done often and in big amounts – up to 20% at times.

This isn’t the case in Morocco.

Tips are left for people that go above and beyond in the service they provide. For small bills round up to the nearest whole number (example a 172 dirham restaurant bill it would be appropriate to leave 200 dirham for good service). For a taxi driver if the meter is 13 dirham, leaving him with 15 dirham is appropriate.

In higher end establishments (hotels/restaurants) a larger tip, about 10% is standard.

In this section I’ll break down different scenarios for tipping. Aside from the restaurant situation you should consider that in some cases no tip is better than an insulting tip. For example if you took a tour that you paid 1000 dirham per person and you offer the guide 20 dirham as a tip, it’s more insulting to do so than to give nothing. Likewise tipping in coins can be seen as a slight. A good rule of thumb is put yourself in the other persons shoes and consider how you would feel.

How to handle situations where you don’t have small change or don’t want to tip.

If you don’t have small change, you can simply explain the situation to the person you would like to tip and ask if they have change. In many cases, they will be able to provide you with change so you can give a fair tip. If you don’t want to tip, it’s important to remember that tipping is a cultural norm in Morocco and not tipping may be seen as disrespectful. However, if you feel uncomfortable with the service or the situation, it’s best to handle it politely and respectfully.

One option is to simply say “no thank you” if someone offers to provide you with a service or help you with something. It’s important to be polite and respectful in your response to avoid offending anyone.

Another option is to provide a smaller tip than you normally would. While this may not be ideal, it’s better than not tipping at all and can help you avoid any uncomfortable situations. Ultimately, it’s important to be aware of the cultural norms in Morocco and try to be respectful of them, while also being true to your own values and beliefs.

Tipping in a restaurant

You’ll need to get the waiters attention to get your bill. Once you have it it’s customary to pay the bill directly to the waiter even if you’ll leave the difference as a tip (vs leaving it on the table). If you are paying the exact amount of the bill but plan to leave a smaller tip you can hand it directly or leave it on the table.

Tipping on a tour

There are a variety of tours. If you’re taking a city tour and you have a positive experience tipping 5-10% of the price of the tour is welcome and a good rule of thumb. If you did not have a good experience do not feel obligated to tip.

If you are on a multi day tour with a guide you should offer a tip at the end of the trip. This amount is contingent on how you felt the guide was. You shouldn’t feel obligated to tip if you have a poor experience though giving them a small amount may be one way to indirectly express your displeasure.

Tipping Drivers

It may be that you have a driver either privately hired or as a part of a group tour. You should tip the driver.

For a private car hire consider tipping 100-200 dirham per day depending on the distance driven and how often you use his services. If it’s getting from point A to point B it is one thing however if he’s also driving you to other places during the day it’s another. You need not tip at the end of each day but at the end of your service with the person.

In a group hire situation such as a mini bus or tour bus you can tip a bit less. 20-50 dirham per day is more reasonable. You may want to again weigh how much driving he is doing into your tipping.

Tipping in a Hotel or Riad

Another judgment call here! (I know, I know). The main people to consider tipping are the manager, the cook, and housekeeping staff. Who and how much you tip will depend on what your experience is. Often you’ll have one on one connection with the manager only. If he/she provides great service than by all means offer a tip at the end of your stay. How much to give depends how long you’ve stayed and the service rendered. For a 2 or 3 night stay we typically tip 100-200 dirham.

If you eat extra meals at the riad, for example, such as ordering lunch of dinner it’s nice to give the cook a small tip for the extra effort. 20-50 dirham would be appreciated per meal.

In a hotel situation if someone brings your bags to the room or there is a valet service a tip of 20 dirham is suggested.

The etiquette be of refusing to tip when you feel like you have received poor service or are being taken advantage of.

Refusing to tip in Morocco is generally not recommended, as tipping is considered a part of the culture and expected in most situations. However, if you feel like you have received poor service or are being taken advantage of, it is important to address the situation in a respectful and polite manner.

If you feel that the service was not up to your standards, it is best to speak with the manager or owner of the establishment and explain your concerns. Be specific and provide examples of the issues you experienced. It is important to remain calm and polite during this conversation, as being confrontational or rude will not help resolve the situation.

If you still do not feel comfortable leaving a tip after addressing the situation with the manager or owner, it is best to leave a small amount of money as a gesture of goodwill. This shows that you still appreciate the service provided, even if it was not up to your standards.

5. Cost Comparisons

This isn’t really a straightforward tip but is meant to give visitors a sense of what the average cost of goods (and wages) in Morocco are. I disagree with the notion that you should tip as much as you are able.

Living in a city with a lot of tourism I have seen the effect that a large influx of cash can have. It throws things off for people that live here who then have to contend with inflated prices paid by tourists (that aren’t equal to wages earned) for their day-to-day life. Be generous but also be aware.

The price of goods is going to vary depending on the city you are in and whether it’s urban or rural. This is meant only as a general rule of thumb and I’m using average prices (that means sometimes more or sometimes less depending on a variety of factors) paid in Marrakech.

I’m giving you a range of prices here, not because I think visitors are really going to go out to buy these things but so that you have a sense of the cost of living here.

Household Goods

  • loaf of bread – 2 dirham
  • liter of milk – 3 dirham
  • 1 kg of beef – 90 dirham
  • 1 kg of tomatoes – 10 dirham
  • 1 bottle of gas (cooking/heating) – 60 dirhams


  • Schoolteacher, police officer, administrative work – 2500-3000 dirham per month
  • Cafe server – 1500 dirham month
  • Janitor or cleaning staff – 1500 dirham month
  • Riad Manager – 2500-3000 dirham month (many foreign managers do earn more)
  • Riad Cook – 1500-2000 dirham month
  • Moroccan minimum wage for full time employment – 3000 dirham month

Costs Tourists May Incur

  • Taxi Ride
    • always ask for them to use the meter. You can tip a few dirham if desired. You’ll also want to have small coins/bills as they rarely carry or are willing to give change.
    • A small taxi from the airport to the medina is 70dh flat (it’s posted by the taxi stand)
    • Medina to the train station – no more than 20 dirham
    • areas outside of the center of the city like the Palmeraie are more costly and usually the price is set before you go.
  • Restaurants – the tip will depend on the type of restaurant.
    • Cafe or small restaurant – a few dirham for the server (round up to the whole number in most cases).
    • Higher end restaurants – 10% is customary to tip though adjust based on service.
  • Hotel or Riad Staff
    • at your discretion
    • if someone has been particularly helpful give the tip directly to that person.
    • many places have a “shared” tipping policy that I’m skeptical of. I always give a tip directly to the person who was helpful to me.
    • unsure how much to give? Usually 50-100 dirham per day of your stay is fair. If you’re staying in a more high end location, or the staff has gone above and beyond you may want to increase this.
    • Porters or bag attendants at a hotel/riad – 20 dirham

Tours and Transportation

  • Private Transportation Driver – 50 dirham per day/per person tip
  • Shared driver – 20-50 dh per day/per person
  • City Guide – judgment call. If your guide has given you a great tour and experience then tip them! If not, don’t. There is such a range of guides. For a good guide, tip 10% of the tour price.

Hopefully, this post has helped clear up some questions you have about tipping in Morocco. If there’s something I’ve missed, leave me a comment and I’ll add it in!

I come to you as a seasoned traveler with extensive experience in navigating the intricacies of cultural practices, particularly in Morocco. Having immersed myself in the local customs and having engaged with the nuances of tipping and currency use, I offer insights garnered from firsthand experiences and interactions.

Understanding Tipping in Morocco: A Comprehensive Guide

In Morocco, tipping is an integral part of the culture, but it comes with its own set of unspoken rules and considerations. As an enthusiast who has traversed the cities and markets, I've come to appreciate the subtle dynamics that govern gratuities in this North African country.

  1. Currency Basics: Dirham and Historical Context

    • The dirham is the official currency, with both coins and bills in circulation. Understanding the denominations and their values is crucial for seamless transactions.
    • Historical remnants like rials and francs, though seldom encountered, add a layer of complexity. Knowledge of their conversion rates showcases a deeper understanding of Morocco's monetary history.
  2. Physical Characteristics of Moroccan Money

    • Bills and coins vary in size and color, a distinctive feature that aids in easy identification. Recognizing these nuances is essential for everyday transactions.
  3. Payment Methods: Dirham Preferred, but Some Flexibility

    • While the dirham is the primary currency, there are instances, especially in significant purchases, where vendors might accept other currencies like dollars or euros. However, having dirham for day-to-day expenses is highly recommended.
  4. Acquiring Dirham: ATM Withdrawals, Currency Exchanges, and Banks

    • Practical advice on obtaining dirham, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, stems from personal encounters with Moroccan ATMs, currency exchanges, and banks.
  5. Credit Card Usage: Growing Acceptance with a Cash-Driven Economy

    • Insight into the evolving landscape of credit card acceptance, particularly in urban areas, provides a comprehensive view of the payment options available to travelers.
  6. Estimating Expenses: How Much Money Do You Need in Morocco?

    • A nuanced discussion on budgeting for a trip to Morocco, dispelling the notion that the country is uniformly cheap, draws on personal experiences and observations.
  7. Tipping Etiquette: Who, When, and How Much?

    • Delving into the specifics of tipping in Morocco, I draw on cultural norms to explain whom to tip, when it's appropriate, and the expected amounts. A breakdown of scenarios, from restaurants to tours, ensures clarity for travelers.
  8. Dealing with Challenges: Lack of Small Change or Unwillingness to Tip

    • Practical advice on handling situations where small change is unavailable or when one may feel hesitant to tip offers diplomatic solutions to navigate these potential dilemmas.
  9. Cultural Sensitivity: Refusing to Tip and its Implications

    • Acknowledging the cultural significance of tipping in Morocco, I emphasize the importance of respectful communication and gestures, even in situations where tipping might be challenging.
  10. Cost Comparisons: Providing Context to Tipping Amounts

    • Grounding tipping practices in the context of local costs and wages, I offer a glimpse into the average prices of goods and services in Morocco. This helps travelers understand the economic backdrop against which tipping occurs.

In conclusion, this comprehensive guide serves as a testament to my expertise in the realm of Moroccan tipping practices, blending practical advice with cultural insights to empower visitors with the knowledge needed for a seamless and respectful experience in this vibrant country.

5 Helpful Insights on Money and Tipping in Morocco (2024)


5 Helpful Insights on Money and Tipping in Morocco? ›

Tips are left for people that go above and beyond in the service they provide. For small bills round up to the nearest whole number (example a 172 dirham restaurant bill it would be appropriate to leave 200 dirham for good service). For a taxi driver if the meter is 13 dirham, leaving him with 15 dirham is appropriate.

What are appropriate tips in Morocco? ›

Tips are also appreciated in hotels and serviced apartments - and other places where staff may not be so well rewarded, like spas or salons. The amount you tip in Morocco will depend on where you are and what type of services you're buying. As a general rule, expect to tip around 10% of the bill.

How does tipping work in Morocco? ›

While tipping isn't mandatory in Morocco, rounding up the bill and leaving tips at restaurants and cafes is standard practice. If you're happy with the service provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

Is it better to use cash or card in Morocco? ›

Spending money in Morocco.

Card payments are usually possible in cities and tourist areas - but watch out for surcharges of up to 5%. Keep some cash on you for smaller purchases and to avoid the extra fees.

Is 100 dirham a good tip in Morocco? ›

Similarly, if you hire a tour guide, tip them at least 150 dirham. If you choose to stay in a hotel and the porter is helpful, 10-20 dirham would be a great help to staff who don't earn a huge amount. For a private hammam or spa, I would tip from 20 up to 100 dirham, depending on the service.

Is tipping common in Morocco? ›

The short answer is: most of the time, yes. In Morocco, when anyone does something for you – big or small – they'll expect payment. As a developing country many Moroccans live below the poverty line, so it's no surprise that tipping is a common practice.

How much money should you take to Morocco? ›

Depending on what you plan to do, you should probably aim to take around £40-£50 per person per day (£280-£300 per week) in Morocco. You can always head to the ATM if you need more cash for extra activities, plus most places accept credit cards.

Is it easy to get cash in Morocco? ›

You can easily exchange money in Morocco upon arrival. The best and most recommended place to do this is at a bureau de change. These exchange offices are located in most tourist areas of Morocco and there is also one at the Tangier airport if you prefer to have cash upon arrival.

What are 2 rules of food etiquette in Morocco? ›

In Morocco, eating in silence is considered rude. It is also bad manners to reach across in front of anyone else. It is important to take food only from right in front of you. If you are set on a particularly juicy looking piece of chicken or vegetable, you must ask someone to pass it to you.

How much cash can you bring into Morocco? ›

Taking money into Morocco

There is no limit on the amount of foreign cash you can bring into the country. You won't be able to change Scottish or Northern Irish bank notes. It's difficult to exchange travellers' cheques. The Moroccan Dirham (MAD) is non-convertible.

Can I use US dollars in Morocco? ›

Although you can pay in euros or U.S. dollars in most shops and restaurants, merchants will always try and convince you that the exchange rate euro/dollars to dirhams is favourable to them. Thus, we recommend paying by debit or credit card whenever possible, and if it is not, to pay in dirhams.

Can you leave Morocco with money? ›

Because Moroccan Dirham can't be taken out of Morocco, you will need to convert any cash left over at the end of your trip. Again, you can exchange dirham back into pounds at most banks, hotels and at the airport. It can be helpful to keep your receipts when changing money.

How much cash do I need for 2 weeks in Morocco? ›

According to Numbeo, the average daily cost of living in Rabat, Morocco is around $100 USD. This includes the cost of accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. For a 2-week vacation, you can expect to spend around $1400 USD, excluding the plane ticket.

Is it rude not to tip in Morocco? ›

While tipping isn't mandatory in Morocco, rounding up the bill and leaving tips at restaurants and cafes is standard practice. If you're happy with the service provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

How much do you tip a taxi driver in Morocco? ›

Petit Taxi Driver – Round up to 5 or 10 dh (Be sure the meter is running; some taxi drivers take advantage of tourists by quoting high fixed prices.) Tour Driver – Multi-Day – Car, Van, or Minibus – 100 dh per day per booking party (More if private driver; pay at conclusion of tour.)

How do you tip hotel staff? ›

  1. Daily Tip: $1-$5 per night is a typical range, with some recommending more for luxury hotels or longer stays.
  2. Leaving the Tip: Leave the tip in cash in a visible location on the nightstand or housekeeping cart each day. You can also leave a note if you prefer.
Jul 26, 2023

How much do you tip a maid in Morocco? ›

Be sure to tip your bellboy either 10 or 20 dirhams, depending on the number of bags handled. The maids should be tipped 20 dirhams per day, or at least 100 dirhams per week, with the money tipped at the end of the stay/week.

Should I bring toilet paper to Morocco? ›

Toilets in Morocco

The main issue will be the lack of toilet paper, most Moroccans use their left hand for bathroom hygiene so bring a roll of toilet paper wherever you go!

How much should I tip my tour guide? ›

About.com has a Tipping Guide for travelers that further suggests that the tour guide should receive a tip of 10% to 20% of the tour cost. As a last thought, the guide still needs to earn his or her tip. Just with any other profession, the tip should match the level of service. "

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