5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (2024)

How do you know a person is married? You look at their hand for a ring. That's the power of that small circular object – it signals to the world information about you.

Unfortunately, most guys don't know how men should wear rings though.

Sure, we know what a wedding ring is but that's about it. So how can you control the message you send? Today we are covering the five rules every man needs to know about wearing rings:

  1. Understand that every ring sends a message
  2. Pay attention to your ring's proportion
  3. Balance the number of rings across both hands
  4. Match the metals of your rings
  5. Wear your ring with confidence
  6. The symbolism of rings on different fingers
  7. How many rings is too many?

Rule #1 Understand That Every Ring Sends A Message

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (1)

The rings you wear send subliminal or direct messages. Whether you served in the navy or in the marine corps, a ring easily identifies your association.

Rings used to function as a signifier of wealth and power. The size of a precious stone and the clarity of the gem would indicate superior quality and therefore, a person of substantial wealth.

Think about the placement of a ring. They occupy a prominent place on the hands. It's hard to miss.

When it comes to the question of how men should wear rings, readers often ask me why I wear my wedding band on my right hand and not the left, as is the custom in North America.

People do notice your rings. They may not say anything, but they pick up subtle cues based on the rings you wear. Be careful about what messages you are sending out through your choice of rings.

By the way, if you were still waiting for an explanation… the custom in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (where I got married), is to wear the wedding band on the right hand. This is a common practice in most parts of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

Rule #2 Pay Attention To Your Ring's Proportion

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (2)

Now, that takes us to rule number three which is proportion.

If you have large hands, feel free to wear larger rings. Men with smaller hands should maintain proportions by wearing smaller rings.

By the same token, if you have slim fingers – keep your bands thin and compact. Bands that are broad will look better on men with fuller digits.

There are some occasions when you are given a ring – a class ring at graduation, for instance. These tend to be a little larger than typical men's rings like wedding bands. Just make sure that you go for one that is going to be in proportion to your hands.

Smaller hands, smaller rings. Larger hands, larger rings. Pretty simple.

Rule #3 Balance Your Rings Across Both Hands

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (3)

Now, let’s get to balance – it's different than proportion. Balance is wearing pieces and wearing jewelry in a way that looks even.

So, don't crowd your jewelry together, balance it across both your hands. If you are wearing a wedding band and a watch on your left hand, balance it out with a bracelet on your right wrist.

If you’re going to bring in a second ring then go for the right wrist again. The visual weight of your watch plus your wedding band will balance it out.

Gents, there's an element of experimentation here. You might need to try different combinations to find one you're happy with. Just make sure you avoid having your watch, five rings and a bracelet on one hand…while your other hand is completely bare.

When men wear rings everything should look harmonious and that takes us to rule four which is matching metals.

Rule #4 Match The Metals Of Your Rings

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (4)

Most men are content to choose between silver or gold. The choice should be determined by whether your skin has a cool or warm tone.

  • Wear silverif you have a cool tone. Your skin has a cool tone if your veins are visible.
  • Wear goldif you have warmer color skin. In this case your veins wouldn't be visible.

Should your belt buckle match your jewelry? Yes, to look as coordinated as possible, try to match as many accessories as possible. Everything from the metal on your belt buckle, watch and rings should be in a similar tone.

You don't have to match the metals exactly. Stainless steel and white gold will blend together. Try to maintain as much uniformity as you can though.

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Rule #5 Wear Your Rings With Confidence

How confident are you wearing additional rings? If you're not confident, don't try to fake it 'til you make it.

Gain confidence quickly by wearing the ring around the house until you get accustomed to the weight and feel of it. Next, start wearing your ring around people you trust and see if they notice. Get used to their comments before you start wearing it out in public.

Be ready to answer questions about the ring. Is there a story behind it? Maybe it's a family heirloom that has been passed through generations. Was it a ring that you bought from a craftsman on a European summer holiday?

Your ring has the potential to be an amazing conversation starter. Make sure you ‘understand the why' behind it.

How Men Should Wear Rings: Symbolism On Different Fingers

Now you know how to look stylish wearing rings, you need to understand how men should wear rings on each finger. People use rings on certain fingers to work a certain type of energy. Most ancient texts and cultures advocate the wearing of rings on particular fingers to induce a mood.

For example – wear a ring on your thumb if you need to express your individuality. The positioning of the rings reflected the personality of the wearer.

Right Or Left Hand Rings?

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (11)

Your dominant hand usually has more significance in displaying parts of your personality than your non-dominant hand.

If you are right-handed, then the right hand is your active or giving hand while the left is your receiving or passive hand. The reverse is true if you are left-handed.

Rings on your dominant hand relate to a conscious thought process. Rings on non-dominant hands could related to a person's personality – things he may not even realize about himself.

The Thumb Ring – Neptune

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (12)

The thumb symbolizes character. A straight thumb indicated an upright character, while a crooked thumb sent a negative message. The thumb is also separated from the other four fingers – showing an alienation of sorts. Rings on the thumb are rare.

In Asia, the thumb ring was worn on the left hand as protection after releasing an arrow from a bow. The thumb ring was later associated with bravery and high status in society.

Neptune was the water god. A ring on this finger represents change and flow. A transient and quick-moving personality is associated with creative personalities. A thumb ring on the active hand indicates an assertive personality.

The Pinky Finger Ring – Mercury

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (13)

Associated with intelligence. Family crests are often worn on pinky fingers. Although there is some connection between mafia leaders and an affinity for pinky finger rings, there isn't substantial evidence to prove that wearing a ring on this finger bears any relation to conflict.

Worn on the active hand – it shows great negotiating skills along with an excellent ability to express yourself. Worn on the passive hand, it shows a strong intuition and great listening skills.

A ring on the pinky finger will be on the edge of your hand and is bound to get more attention as a result. Wear a subdued tone and relatively slim ring to escape unwanted attention.

Index Finger Rings – Jupiter

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (14)

People of high rank – kings, dignitaries, wore an index finger ring. It symbolizes power and authority.

Jupiter was the head honcho – the king of the gods. Men who wear a ring on this finger are generally unapologetic and confident in their leadership. You're the kind of person who is adaptive – to most situations. You take charge but can easily anger people.

Wearing a ring on the index finger indicates leadership qualities, self-esteem and a high level of confidence. Lacking self-confidence? Slip on a finger on this finger on your dominant hand. The index finger is also a sensible choice to wear a class ring or a family ring.

The Middle Finger Ring – Saturn

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (15)

Associated with balance. Also called the identity finger. Saturn was the father of Jupiter.

The middle finger is associated with wisdom and dealing with responsibility and our role in life. This is the finger with the most strength and balance. Ironically, the middle finger provides the mid-point or the point of balance on your hand.

Wearing a ring on this finger points to an individual who honors responsibilities and values. A middle-ring indicates a serious outlook on life – the wearer has a strong moral compass and distinguishes between right and wrong.

The Wedding Ring Finger – Apollo

5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (16)

Apollo was associated with poetry, music and romance. This explains why we wear wedding bands on this finger. A ring on this finger reflects creativity and sense of well-being.

People who wear a ring on this finger are usually drawn to romantic love stories, romantic comedies and picnics in the park.

The reason western culture promotes a ring on this finger? It is the only finger that has an unbroken artery that leads straight to the heart, essentially creating a direct connection to the heart to signify an eternal bond.

Should You Limit The Number Of Rings On Your Fingers?

Are you a prolific ring-wearer? How many rings can a man safely wear without looking like a sleazy car salesman?

Men who wear a ring on every finger at once may be exhibiting a personality that has difficulty being decisive or getting organized. Apart from being eccentric, such men usually enjoy being in the spotlight.

What’s the maximum number of rings a guy should wear?

It depends on the types of rings. Assuming only one ring per finger – two or three spread out across both hands is generally a safe maximum. Go beyond a few rings and you are in danger of looking like a caricature. It's best to wear one bold, ‘statement' ring on one hand and nothing else.

A plain wedding band is generally all a man needs to wear. Wedding bands are always acceptable. But wear other rings with caution.

Class rings. Fraternal rings. Championship rings. Decorative rings. Signet rings…how men should wear rings is flexible. Whichever ring you choose to wear though – bear in mind that quality matters more than quantity. Just be sure you understand the symbolism behind men's rings.

Click below to watch the video – 5 Rules For Men Wearing Rings | Ring Symbolism & Significance:

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5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism (2024)


5 Rules To Wearing Rings (How Men Should Wear Rings) | Ring Finger Symbolism? ›

A man should wear a ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. This is traditionally considered the most appropriate place for a ring, as it is believed to have a vein connecting directly to the heart. However, it's also recommended that men only wear one ring at a time to keep their look clean and classic.

How men should wear rings? ›

A man should wear a ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. This is traditionally considered the most appropriate place for a ring, as it is believed to have a vein connecting directly to the heart. However, it's also recommended that men only wear one ring at a time to keep their look clean and classic.

What does it mean when a man wears a ring on each ring finger? ›

The left ring finger symbolizes marriage and engagement for men. In North and South America, men usually put the left ring finger for marriage and the right ring finger for engagement. Before medical science evolved, people thought there is a direct vein from the ring finger to the heart.

Which finger is the ring finger for a man? ›

Yes, traditionally wedding rings, at least in America, go on the left ring finger (the second finger from the left) for both women and men. This tradition stems from a belief that goes back to the Tudor era in England in the 1500s that there's a vein that runs directly from the left ring finger to the heart.

What does it mean if a man wears a ring on his left middle finger? ›

Because it's in the middle of your hand, wearing a ring on your middle finger symbolizes balance. It also commands attention, since your middle finger is your largest and most noticeable finger.

What does each finger mean spiritually? ›

Your index finger represents your sense of Self; your middle, ring and little finger represent the three gunas, three fundamental energies and their representation within us. Middle finger represents sattva, ring finger represents rajas and little finger represents tamas.

What does it mean when a man wears a ring on his thumb? ›

In most cultures, a man's thumb ring is a symbol of wealth or power, and they are typically large or thick to reflect this and to accommodate your thumb comfortably. Because it is farther away from the others, a thumb ring is typically the natural choice for men who want to wear numerous rings on the same hand.

What does it mean when a man wears a ring on his pinky finger? ›

The significance of a ring worn on the pinky varies through different times and cultures; at one point, many men wore their wedding rings on their pinkies! Today, however, a ring on a pinky finger often indicates personal status and achievement and is a way to celebrate what you've accomplished.

What do rings symbolize? ›

Throughout history, rings have been used been used to symbolise everything from devotion, fidelity and eternity, to the representation of a deity. However, the most common use of rings today is the denotation of love in engagements and weddings.

What does the right ring finger mean? ›

In many cultures, the right ring finger symbolizes love and trust. In countries including Germany, Russia and India, wedding and engagement rings are worn on the right ring finger. This finger can also convey self-love and is often used for rings that celebrate a milestone or accomplishment.

Why do guys wear ring on right hand? ›

This tradition was likely inherited from the Romans, who preferred their right hand because they associated their left hand with untrustworthiness. In other countries, like Russia, it's believed that wearing the ring on the right hand was inherited through the Orthodox Christian Church from the Romans.

How many finger rings should a man wear? ›

How many rings should a man wear at once? Even though you have 10 fingers, we recommend no more than 3 rings per hand. Of course, you can wear more, but as a general rule (and one that won't hurt your wrist) stick to three.

Why does a married man wear his ring on his left hand? ›

The western tradition of wearing your wedding bands on your left finger goes further back than you might have previously thought- all the way to the days of Ancient Rome. At the time, the Romans believed that a vein ran directly from the fourth finger on the left hand to the heart.

Which finger is for luck? ›

For good luck, Monday people should wear a ring with a smooth and thin band or a ring with a small head on their right ring finger or right pointer finger.

What finger holds for emotions? ›

The fingerhold practice is a simple technique that combines breathing and holding each finger. Practicing fingerholds can help to manage emotions and stress. It is a useful practice for both adults and children, and you can use the technique for yourself and/or with another person.

Which finger is the finger of power? ›

Index finger ring meaning

A ring on the index finger reflects confidence, self-esteem, and leadership qualities. It's the most dominant finger, it symbolizes power or authority.

Do men pay for both rings? ›

Who Buys the Wedding Bands? Tradition has it that each person pays for the other person's ring. So in a traditional wedding, the groom or his family would pay for the bride's ring, and the bride or her family would pay for the groom's ring.

Why do single men wear rings? ›

Conversely, some men wear rings of personal significance on their ring fingers to show that they are happy being single, while other men who have embraced celibacy and abstain from romantic affection choose to wear rings on their ring fingers to reflect their choice.

Do single guys wear rings? ›

Which Finger Do Most Single Guys Wear a Ring on? As a single guy you'll probably want to wear a ring on your right hand, either on the ring finger or pinky finger, but any finger is acceptable. If you like the look of multiple rings, you can wear them on both hands. See advice below about wearing multiple rings.

What's the thumb thing guys do? ›

For those of you who don't know, the thumb thing is a phenomenon where a male will place his hand on a person and subsequently start grazing his thumb back and forth on said person in an absentminded fashion.

What ring finger means married for guys? ›

Traditionally wedding rings, at least in America, go on the left ring finger (the second finger from the left) for both women and men, although you will find many exceptions based on cultural and personal preferences.

What finger do you wear your divorce ring on? ›

Wear It Proud for Closure

Since divorce rings are still relatively rare, you can wear this on any finger, although many people put it on the ring finger of their left hand to take the place of the marriage band.

What do rings symbolize in the Bible? ›

In the instance of the Prodigal as with Jacob, the inheritance was transferred to the youngest son. "Put a ring on his hand" - Long ago, presenting a ring to someone was a sign of great affection and also a symbol of being placed in an office of authority; among the rich it was a sign of wealth and dignity.

Why do rings symbolize power? ›

Because the middle finger is the longest and also in the center of the hand, it is common for people to wear rings on this finger as a symbol of power or even dominance. It can be a personal reminder of motivation and confidence or an outward symbol of power to others.

What do 3 rings represent? ›

Traditionally, the three stones in a three stone ring tell the story of a couple's past, present, and future together. The ring's center stone, usually the largest in the trio, symbolizes the couple's present, while the ring's side stones represent their past and future.

What is the left ring finger for? ›

In many Western countries, the tradition of wearing an engagement ring on the fourth finger on the left hand, (the left ring finger on the ring finger guide below), can be traced back to the Ancient Romans. They believed this finger had a vein that ran directly to the heart, the Vena Amoris, meaning 'vein of love'.

Can a single man wear a ring on the right hand? ›

There are no hard and fast rules about wearing a ring in a specific hand except for the wedding ring. This too varies from culture to culture. While some traditions mandate a man on wearing the ring on the left hand, others insist on the right hand instead.

Does it matter which ring finger you wear? ›

Absolutely! The choice often comes down to personal or cultural preference. Some opt to wear their wedding ring on the left ring finger and their engagement ring on the right ring finger. Whether you choose to uphold a time-old tradition or create your very own is entirely up to you.

What does the length of a man's ring finger mean? ›

Research suggests that having a longer ring finger compared to index finger reflects greater exposure to male hormones during an individual's time in their mother's womb. There are differences between and within sexes in finger lengths associated with relatively more masculine versus feminine development.

Is it OK to wear 2 rings on one finger? ›

It's very common to wear two or more rings on the same finger. What matters is how they fit together. If they fit awkwardly together they aren't going to look right. A ring with a large central stone usually doesn't look right next to other rings, whereas some rings are intentionally billed as being "stackable."

What does a black ring mean on a man? ›

Significance Of A Black Ring

That belief has been carried into modern times, and black wedding rings for men and women are worn to signify power, courage, and strength. Legend has it that wearing a black ring represents the power of love, making black wedding ring bands extremely popular.

Which finger has a vein connected to the heart? ›

The fourth finger of the left hand, believed to possess a vein that runs securely to the heart, has traditionally been ringed. This Vein of Love, or more amorously called the Vena Amoris, 1 originated in ancient Egypt, where it was first described by Macrobius in 395–423 AD.

Where does the ring go on a man? ›

Traditionally in most countries worldwide: the USA, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, men wear their wedding rings on the left hand. Some people try and explain the concept by claiming that the wedding ring is worn on the left hand's fourth finger because a vein runs from the finger to the heart.

What side should men wear rings on? ›

Traditionally in most countries worldwide: the USA, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, men wear their wedding rings on the left hand. Some people try and explain the concept by claiming that the wedding ring is worn on the left hand's fourth finger because a vein runs from the finger to the heart.

How many rings should a man wear at a time? ›

How many rings should a man wear at once? Even though you have 10 fingers, we recommend no more than 3 rings per hand. Of course, you can wear more, but as a general rule (and one that won't hurt your wrist) stick to three.

Do men wear rings on their right ring finger? ›

There are no hard and fast rules about wearing a ring in a specific hand except for the wedding ring. This too varies from culture to culture. While some traditions mandate a man on wearing the ring on the left hand, others insist on the right hand instead.

Do boys wear rings on right or left? ›

Although the left hand is considered inauspicious for religious activities, a ring (which is not called a wedding ring) is still worn on the left hand. Men generally wear the rings on the right hand and women on the left hands.

Why do men wear ring on right? ›

This is because it is believed that the right hand represents virtue and honor, just as the Bible mentions Jesus sitting at the right hand of God. In Jewish tradition, during the wedding ceremony, the wedding ring is placed on the index finger of the right hand.

What does a pinky ring mean on a man right hand? ›

Should I wear a pinky ring on my left or right pinky? Traditionally, a pinky ring worn on your dominant hand, which for most men is the right hand, represents things you have accomplished personally, while a pinky ring worn on the other hand indicates family accomplishments.

What does a man's thumb ring mean? ›

In most cultures, a man's thumb ring is a symbol of wealth or power, and they are typically large or thick to reflect this and to accommodate your thumb comfortably. Because it is farther away from the others, a thumb ring is typically the natural choice for men who want to wear numerous rings on the same hand.

Why do people wear 3 rings? ›

The engagement ring represents the promise to get married, the wedding band represents the actual union and the third ring represents another large milestone for couples. The third ring is given after one of two events: an anniversary or the birth of a couple's first child.

What does a ring symbolize in the Bible? ›

In the instance of the Prodigal as with Jacob, the inheritance was transferred to the youngest son. "Put a ring on his hand" - Long ago, presenting a ring to someone was a sign of great affection and also a symbol of being placed in an office of authority; among the rich it was a sign of wealth and dignity.

What is the symbolism of a ring? ›

A ring is a circle, after all, and the ancient Egyptians considered the circle to be a symbol of eternity. Since a circle has neither beginning nor end, it symbolised eternal love and the never-ending bond of marriage.

Does it mean anything if a man wears a ring on his right hand? ›

What Does It Mean When a Man Wears a Ring On His Right Ring Finger? Wearing a wedding ring or engagement ring on the right ring finger is often done by men in certain cultures. Rings that are worn on the right ring finger are often associated with ideas of love and relationships, creativity, beauty, and romance.

Who wears rings on right hand? ›

"Today, wedding rings are most commonly worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. But some countries including India, Germany, Spain, Norway, and Russia traditionally wear their wedding rings on their right hand." Overall, it seems cultural traditions and norms set the standard for this custom.

Which finger do you wear a ring for luck? ›

This beautiful ring should be worn on the middle finger to activate its powers. The position is suitable because this ring connects the middle and the index finger where the wealth line runs. As it touches that part of your skin, it energizes it, thus, creating a seamless flow of wealth in your life.

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.