When And How Men Should Wear Rings (2024)

Most guys don’t have a lot of experience with the finer points of ring wearing etiquette.

That’s not a problem – because if you’re reading this article you’re about to learn more in 5 minutes than what 95% of the population knows.

There are many traditions regarding jewelry in general, and rings in particular.Use them to make a statement without opening your mouth.

Now be aware – it’s not a statement everyone willget— but like a lot of fashion choices, they’re there for the people who notice, and being part of the elite club that “gets it” is part of the fun.

So if you’re someone who’s considering wearing a ring purely for the style of it (rather than just a wedding band), here are a few of the traditional associations for rings on fingers.

When And How Men Should Wear Rings (1)

Real Men Real Style

First – Right Hand vs. Left Hand

For the most part there aren’t any steadfast rules about which hand you wear your ring(s) on.

Engagement and wedding rings are exceptions — there are a lot of specific cultural traditions —but at the end of the day there are somanycultural traditions that it becomes an anything-goes situation anywhere that’s not completely hom*ogeneous.

Just for example, most American men will wear their wedding band on their left ring finger, but a man married in an Eastern Orthodox church could end up using the right hand instead (I do this – watch my videos and you’ll see!). And engagement rings are rare enough on men already that there is no set tradition.

Some schools or organizations may have rules about how to wear their rings (in which case you’ll be told), but most will leave it up to their members.

So for pretty much any ring, don’t worry about right hand vs. left hand rules. As far as symbolism goes, the right hand is generally seen as the “physical” hand — the active, dominant one that makes most of your gestures. The left is thought of as the “mental” hand, representing your character and beliefs.

When And How Men Should Wear Rings (2)

Real Men Real Style

Those are based, unsurprisingly, on a right-hander’s view of the world.A left-handed man might personally find it appropriate to reverse the whole thing. At the end of the day we’re talking about some very general concepts here — don’t be afraid to go your own way.

1. The Little (Pinky) Finger

This is often the first choice for a man who wants to wear a “statement” ring.

Pinky rings have a couple of advantages: they don’t have religious or cultural associations in most cultures (unlike the ring finger), and, like rings on the fourth finger, they don’t touch or interfere with the index/pointer finger at all.

It also isolates the ring from your body a bit, making it more of an eye-popping statement. As a result, pinky rings tend to be among the “busiest” or flashiest of designs. It’s where you wear things when you want attention paid to them.

People who like astrological or palmistry-related symbolism will associate the littler finger with intelligence and persuasion. It represents Mercury, which was (for obvious reasons) associated with the element of mercury, so you’re not going to have a ring made of the relevant metal here — mercury is liquid at room temperature, and highly toxic to humans.

2. The Fourth (Ring) Finger

In the US and much of North & South America, the ring finger is most commonly associated with wedding symbolism: a band on the right fourth finger indicates engagement, while a band on the left fourth finger indicates marriage.

When And How Men Should Wear Rings (3)

Real Men Real Style

That said, nearly all men opt for a simplegold or silver bandfor their wedding/engagement rings. A large ring with a jewel or a three-dimensional design on it is far less likely to be taken for something related to your marital status.

That’s not to say that people don’t wear some very strange and artistic things as wedding bands, from time to time, but it’s not the cultural norm. A distinctively decorative ring on the fourth finger probably won’t beassumedto be a wedding or engagement ring, while a plain metal band or one with minor, same-tone etchings or designs probably will be.

Symbolically, the ring finger is associated with Earth’s moon, creativity, and beauty, as well as its obvious associations with romantic relationships. The moon’s metal is silver, making silver rings a natural choice for non-wedding-related rings worn on the fourth finger.

3. The Middle Finger

Apart from the obvious hand gesture, the middle finger is your largest, boldest finger.

Rings worn on the middle finger are surprisingly uncommon — in part, that’s because it’s adjacent to the index finger, and anything bulky can be quite a hindrance to fine manual tasks. It’s best to keep things small and simple if you’re wearing them on your middle finger.

That said, a lot of first-time ring-wearers might feel more comfortable with the middle finger, purely because if feels so central, sturdy, and frankly, “manly.” If the idea of a pinky ring weirds you out, and you don’t want any confusion with wedding/engagement symbolism, the middle finger’s a safe default.

Because of its central location, the middle finger is held to symbolize balance and responsibility, and is associated with Saturn. Since Saturn’s metal is lead, simple gray metals like steel are common middle finger choices.

4. The Index or Pointer Finger

There’s a natural instinct to keep the pointer finger clear, since we use it more than any other digit (except the thumb), but it turns out that aringon the finger doesn’t interfere with it as much as one on the fingernextto it.

When And How Men Should Wear Rings (4)

Real Men Real Style

If you go back hundreds of years the index finger was the most common location for a man’s ring (generally a signet or a crest — in some parts of Europe, people below a certain rank were actually forbidden from wearing rings, because they denoted specific family status).

That makes the index finger a good place for things like class rings, fraternal rings, or family and membership crests, although many men (especially younger, unmarried men) opt for the ring finger out of habit instead.

Anything that you want to be used frequently and emphatically in your gestures can go on the index finger. It’s not as dramatically isolated as something on the outer digits (thumb and pinky), but its prominence in our basic manual dexterity makes it noticeable.

The astrological association for the pointer finger is Jupiter, which symbolizes power, leadership, and authority. The metal association is tin, which you won’t find many rings made out of, but bright silver tones are a normal choice for the index finger.

5. The Thumb

Thumb rings have a slightly outlandish feel to people who come from conventional North American culture, but they’re actually reasonably common world-wide. In most societies a thumb ring on a man is a sign of wealth or influence, and they tend to be broad or bulky to reflect that (also to fit comfortably on the thumb, of course).

A thumb ring is also often the natural choice for men who want to wear multiple rings on the same hand, since it’s at least somewhat distanced from the others. A wedding band plus a pinky or middle finger ring can get quite crowded, both visually and physically, whereas a thumb ring gives everything some space.

Thumb gestures are associated with interaction and friendship (think “thumbs up”). Wear a ring that you want people to like — big and chunky is fine, but nothing incredibly gaudy or expensive-looking. It’s already going to be bigger than most rings, so if the design is extravagant as well it just becomes this massive anchor dragging your hand down. Keep it bold but simple.

When And How Men Should Wear Rings (5)

Real Men Real Style

The thumb doesn’t have an astrological association, but in classic mythology (and pre-scientific medicine) it was believed to be an indicator of character: strong, straight thumbs meant an authoritative personality, while crooked ones were seen as a sign of wickedness or dishonesty.

How Many Rings Can a Man Wear On His Hand?

What’s the maximum number of rings a guy should wear?

It’ll depend on the rings. Generally you won’t wear more than one on any given finger, but then you’ll run into things like clusters of four or five wire-thin bands that are meant to be worn together.

But assuming only one ring per finger, two or three spread out across both hands is usually a safe max. Even that’s going to be very striking — go too much beyond that and you’re just a caricature.

Oftentimes, you’re best off with a single bold “statement” ring on one hand and nothing else, or nothing more than a plain wedding/engagement band if it’s relevant.

Quality matters more than quantity, at the end of the day — no matter what finger you’re displaying your rings on.

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When And How Men Should Wear Rings (2024)


In which finger should men wear rings? ›

In the Anglophonic world, men usually wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand, although this tradition did not take hold until after World War II; earlier, the wedding ring was often worn on the pinky finger.

How many rings should a man wear at once? ›

How many rings should a man wear at once? Even though you have 10 fingers, we recommend no more than 3 rings per hand. Of course, you can wear more, but as a general rule (and one that won't hurt your wrist) stick to three.

When a man wears a ring on the right hand? ›

What Does It Mean When a Man Wears a Ring On His Right Ring Finger? Wearing a wedding ring or engagement ring on the right ring finger is often done by men in certain cultures. Rings that are worn on the right ring finger are often associated with ideas of love and relationships, creativity, beauty, and romance.

Where should an unmarried man wear a ring? ›

The Index (Pointer) Finger

That makes the index finger a good place for things like class rings, fraternal rings, or family and membership crests, although many men (especially younger, unmarried men) opt for the ring finger out of habit instead.

What do ring fingers mean for men? ›

The Ring Finger

The left ring finger symbolizes marriage and engagement for men. In North and South America, men usually put the left ring finger for marriage and the right ring finger for engagement. Before medical science evolved, people thought there is a direct vein from the ring finger to the heart.

Which finger means single? ›

Both the left pinky finger and right pinky finger wear rings to be single. The ring on the left pinky finger also reveals that a person is unmarried. Wearing a ring on your right pinky finger indicates that you don't want to fall in love.

What does a ring on right hand mean? ›

In many cultures, the right ring finger symbolizes love and trust. In countries including Germany, Russia and India, wedding and engagement rings are worn on the right ring finger. This finger can also convey self-love and is often used for rings that celebrate a milestone or accomplishment.

Where do husbands put their ring? ›

Yes, traditionally wedding rings, at least in America, go on the left ring finger (the second finger from the left) for both women and men. This tradition stems from a belief that goes back to the Tudor era in England in the 1500s that there's a vein that runs directly from the left ring finger to the heart.

Are guys supposed to buy both rings? ›

Tradition has it that each person pays for the other person's ring. So in a traditional wedding, the groom or his family would pay for the bride's ring, and the bride or her family would pay for the groom's ring.

Why do some men not wear rings? ›

Comfort is also a factor. "There are some men who are very tactilely sensitive and the wearing of a wedding ring drives them to distraction," Smith said. "This is different from the newlywed who plays with his ring just because he is not used to wearing it yet."

Can a man wear 2 rings on one finger? ›

It's very common to wear two or more rings on the same finger. What matters is how they fit together. If they fit awkwardly together they aren't going to look right. A ring with a large central stone usually doesn't look right next to other rings, whereas some rings are intentionally billed as being "stackable."

What does a black ring on a man's right hand mean? ›

A black ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand is an infrequently used symbol of asexuality. Please avoid wearing your ring on this finger as a courtesy to that community. (See below.)

What does a ring on a man's right pinky mean? ›

Should I wear a pinky ring on my left or right pinky? Traditionally, a pinky ring worn on your dominant hand, which for most men is the right hand, represents things you have accomplished personally, while a pinky ring worn on the other hand indicates family accomplishments.

What does it mean if a man wears a ring on his left little finger? ›

Left little finger

Wearing a ring on the little finger of the left hand is said to date back to the 19th century. Some men wore a signet ring on the little finger of their left hand - as well as their wedding ring on the left hand - to show they were very happily married.

Do men wear rings without being married? ›

Some men are more than comfortable with the engagement terminology, and call these rings what they are, while others prefer to refer to them as “commitment rings” and wear them around their necks. Either way, the sentiments are the same – “I can't wait to be married!”

What does a black ring mean on a man? ›

Black can signify power, courage, or strength, as well as show conviction or belief. In relation to marriage, a black ring can symbolize the power of love. Wearing black rings can be a way for a couple to show that they are dedicated to their marriage and that they believe in the strength of their union above all else.

Can single men wear ring on ring finger? ›

There are no hard and fast rules about wearing a ring in a specific hand except for the wedding ring. This too varies from culture to culture. While some traditions mandate a man on wearing the ring on the left hand, others insist on the right hand instead.

Which ring finger means dating? ›

What finger is a promise ring worn on? A promise ring can be worn on the ring finger of either hand. If it is given and accepted as a symbol of future commitment, it is typically worn on the left hand.

Why not wear ring on thumb? ›

In his book "Mystic's Musings", Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has warned women to never wear any metal rings on their thumbs as it "will lead to attracting occult forms".

Which finger is the divorce finger? ›

Especially when open to new relationships, removing any question of marriage from the left ring finger is ideal. But in general, divorce rings can be worn on any finger that feels right index finger, pinky finger, middle finger (ahem!) – whatever works best for the divorcee.

Which finger means love? ›

The fourth finger of the left hand, believed to possess a vein that runs securely to the heart, is the finger we here in the US wear our wedding rings on. The vein of love or more amorously called the Vena Amoris, is from ancient times and is thought to originate with Eqypt.

Which finger is most connected to the heart? ›

The 'ring finger' got its name from the ancient belief that a vein directly connected it to the human heart, and that wearing a ring on that finger might alleviate ailments.

Can I wear a ring on my right ring finger if I m not married? ›

Absolutely! The choice often comes down to personal or cultural preference. Some opt to wear their wedding ring on the left ring finger and their engagement ring on the right ring finger. Whether you choose to uphold a time-old tradition or create your very own is entirely up to you.

Why does a married man wear his ring on his right hand? ›

This is because it is believed that the right hand represents virtue and honor, just as the Bible mentions Jesus sitting at the right hand of God. In Jewish tradition, during the wedding ceremony, the wedding ring is placed on the index finger of the right hand.

Where to wear a ring if you are in a relationship? ›

Popular options are the ring finger or the middle finger of the left hand or the middle or fourth finger on the right hand. Some people also wear a promise ring on a chain around their neck. Couples who marry will often switch their promise ring from their left hand to their right hand after their wedding.

Do guys where rings when engaged? ›

Many men choose to wear their engagement ring on the ring finger of the right hand. Others may even choose to wear it as a necklace strung from a simple chain. However you may want to wear it, the consensus is that there are no rules - you can be as traditional or unique as you want.

Who picks the husband's ring? ›

When it comes to men's wedding bands, traditionally the bride does the shopping and purchasing. However, tradition is becoming a thing of the past and different couples have different preferences. What might work for one couple, might not do well for another.

Who holds the groom's ring? ›

In a traditional ceremony, the ring keeper is the Best Man, and he holds the rings until called upon for the Ring Exchange in the wedding ceremony. But it doesn't have to be the Best Man; anything goes here. I've had couples choose one ring to go to the Best Man and the other to the Maid of Honour.

Do straight men wear engagement rings? ›

Yes. They're a thing. In many parts of the world, both men and women wear a ring on their ring finger to symbolize their engagement. In Iceland, engagement rings are exclusively sold as sets of two.

Do most married men wear rings? ›

While it may not have always been the case, there's no denying now that in today's world, men wear a wedding ring more often than they do not. Though a lot of it may stem from pop culture and what's in style, there are other reasons men choose to wear a wedding ring too.

What percentage of men wear rings? ›

Does the Man Wear an Engagement Ring? About five percent of guys wear an engagement ring, but those numbers are increasing. For same-sex couples, 50 percent of men say that they prefer to have an engagement ring, and 40 percent opt for a diamond engagement ring.

Can a man wear a ring before marriage? ›

Yes, of course, any man can wear an engagement ring so long as they're comfortable doing so. Due to traditions, some men may not feel comfortable, however, they're perfectly entitled to do so, and shouldn't feel embarrassed about this display of love and commitment to their partner.

Why would a married man not wear his wedding ring? ›

Him not wearing it usually means something other than a lack of commitment. Some men have occupations and hobbies that would make the ring uncomfortable and possibly even dangerous. Add to this that most men are quite active and fear losing it.

Does wearing a ring on your middle finger mean anything? ›

The middle finger represents beauty, responsibility and self-analysis. It is a little uncommon to find someone wearing a ring on the middle finger. Rings worn on this finger are highly noticeable because they commonly symbolize power, balance and stability.

What is an ace ring? ›

“This is my ace ring. I wear it – it's a black ring, goes on the middle finger of my right hand and it signifies asexuality.

Why do rich men wear pinky rings? ›

During the Victorian era pinky rings became fashionable among British nobility thanks to Queen Victoria's sons, who took cues from the Germans and began stacking their wedding and signet rings on their left pinky, starting a long royal tradition that has continued to this day (see: Prince Charles).

How tight should a ring be? ›

Rule of Thumb: A proper fitting ring should slide over your knuckle with a little friction and fit snugly on your finger, but not too tight. You should feel resistance and need to apply a little extra force to remove the ring backwards over your knuckle.

What does 2 pinky rings mean? ›

It was popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries for men to wear two rings on their pinky finger to show they were married. One would be a wedding ring and the other a signet ring. Wearing rings on the left or right pinky could also be associated with the Mafia.

Is it OK for a man to wear a ring on his middle finger? ›

The Middle Finger is Masculine

As such, it's a great finger to wear men's rings on as it does all the talking for you, without saying a word. The boldest type of men often wear their rings on the middle finger.

What is ring rules? ›

Assuming only one ring per finger – two or three spread out across both hands is generally a safe maximum. Go beyond a few rings and you are in danger of looking like a caricature. It's best to wear one bold, 'statement' ring on one hand and nothing else. A plain wedding band is generally all a man needs to wear.

Why do guys wear rings on their left ring finger? ›

The western tradition of wearing your wedding bands on your left finger goes further back than you might have previously thought- all the way to the days of Ancient Rome. At the time, the Romans believed that a vein ran directly from the fourth finger on the left hand to the heart.

Do you wear rings facing you? ›

If a ring has sentimental meaning or it features significance that is clear only to you, then its best to wear it so it faces you.

What does a ring on a man's right index finger mean? ›

In some cultures, wearing rings as symbols on your index finger symbolizes marriage. Thus a ring on the index finger of the right hand conveys engagement, while one on the left hand means matrimony.

How many rings should a man wear on each hand? ›

How many rings should a man wear at once? Even though you have 10 fingers, we recommend no more than 3 rings per hand. Of course you can wear more, but as a general rule (and one that won't hurt your wrist) stick to three.

What is the 3 ring rule? ›

One of the things I shared was my “3-Rings” rule. It goes like this: When your phone rings, and it's a potential client who's calling you, the first three rings are on the house. BUT — if someone doesn't pick it up by the end of the third one, each additional ring costs your firm $1,000.

What are the 3 modes on ring? ›

That's why we developed Modes -- a new feature in the Ring App that lets you choose with just one tap how your Ring Alarm, Ring Doorbells and Ring Security Cams operate using three different modes: Home, Away, and Disarmed.

What does a pinky ring mean on a man? ›

Traditionally, a pinky ring worn on your dominant hand, which for most men is the right hand, represents things you have accomplished personally, while a pinky ring worn on the other hand indicates family accomplishments. However, you are free to wear your pinky rings as you choose today.

When should you not wear a ring? ›

While swimming or exercising. Salt water and chlorine can be damaging, especially for sterling silver jewelry. And sweat can make sterling silver jewelry tarnish quickly.

Should ring sit at base of finger? ›

A ring that is fitted properly should be able to slide over your knuckle without too much struggle. A little bit of friction is good, since this will prevent the ring from falling off of your finger. The ring should fit snugly at the base of your finger and there shouldn't be any pain or unusual tingling.

Which way should you wear rings? ›

But don't panic, it is quite simple: when engaged, wear your engagement ring on the fourth finger of your left hand. When married, wedding ring should go first so it is closer to the heart, followed by the engagement ring.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.