5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (2024)

Pain Management

From skinny jeans and body shapers to way-too-tight neckties and that itchy wool sweater, some of what we wear isn't just uncomfortable — it's unhealthy. Find out what the designer labels and fashion spreads won't tell you.

Can Your Clothing Choices Hurt Your Health?

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (1)

The right clothes can make you feel better about yourself, even smarter, but the wrong clothes can — in some cases — make you feel pain and even make you sick. Read on for some ways your clothes might be hurting you.

Skinny Jeans, Tight Pants and Digestive Issues

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (2)

Tight clothing that pushes into the abdomen, everything from jeans to belts and compression undergarments, can be problematic, "particularly and especially when somebody overeats," says Jamie Koufman, MD, a reflux specialist and author of Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook and Cure based in New York City.

Pressure on the stomach, known as intragastric pressure or intra-abdominal pressure, can trigger acid reflux — pushing stomach acid back up through the lower esophageal junction, where the esophagus and the stomach meet, causing heartburn.

Acid reflux is common, and not just for older adults, according to Dr. Koufman, who says about 37 percent of the 20 to 30-year-old age group gets it. Even someone who isn't prone to acid reflux can develop reflux if they wear a tight article of clothing often over a two-week period, she says. Snug-fitting corset-style shirts can have a similar effect, says Koufman.

"It's not a good idea to wear something tight to a dinner, particularly if it's late in the day as well." And if you must wear compression undergarments under a dress or a tight belt with a new pair of pants, Koufman suggests eating smaller, less fatty meals to reduce the risk of reflux, and trying to loosen things up after you eat, if you can.

Compression Undergarments and Nerve Pain

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (3)

Designed to smooth out flab and bulging tummies, body-shapers like compression undergarments and control-top pantyhose have a downside. "Tight garments on the lower abdominal region and the upper thigh can cause a condition called meralgia paresthetica, irritation of the nerves in the front and outer aspects of the thigh," says Orly Avitzur, MD, a neurologist and medical adviser to Consumer Reports who practices in Carmel, N.Y.

"We've known about this for many years and used to see it in women who wore girdles. Now we see it in other compression garments, which have become quite a common fashion accessory. So we're seeing more and more of that in this generation of women who are trying to look sleek in their clothing." Symptoms include burning, pain, tingling in the thigh area and hypersensitivity to the touch, according to Dr. Avitzur.

Tight Ties, Tight Shirts and Poor Circulation

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (4)

Men can have issues with tight-clothing, too, Avitzur says. Although she hasn't seen it in her practice, literature suggests tight neckties can lead to circulation problems in the neck. A study published in the journal Stroke Research and Treatment, in which researchers used a necktie apparatus to mimic the effects of a tight tie on 40 healthy males, found modest changes in cerebrovascular reactivity, which relates to the dilation ability of arteries in the brain — a potential marker for stroke. The study's authors theorize that the changes likely aren't enough to influence stroke risk in healthy adults but could potentially affect risk in adults with other stroke risk factors.

Irritating Fabrics and Allergic Reactions

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (5)

Certain kinds of fabrics are more likely to cause irritation and allergic reactions, says Neeta Ogden, MD, an adult and pediatric allergist in private practice in New York City. "Interestingly wool fabrics in particular can cause allergic reactions in people, typically called contact dermatitis," Dr. Ogden says.

"It's an itchy rash that can sometimes even have bumps on it and seems chronic." People who have sensitive skin or a history of eczema are at a higher risk of irritation from these fabrics, Ogden says, as are people who have allergies in general.

Synthetic Materials, and Irritation and Infection

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (6)

Clothing dye is a common cause of allergic skin rash, says Ogden, "especially blue and orange dyes in clothing and other items." Elastics on socks, underwear and bras can also cause rashes in some people because of the rubber, she says. Particularly if you find you react adversely to these dyes, Ogden recommends washing new clothes before wearing them for the first time.

Synthetic materials like nylon and Lycra can also cause problems when used in underwear. Unlike breathable cotton, these fabrics keep in moisture and heat — providing a breeding ground for yeast infections.

5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick (2024)


5 Ways Clothing Can Make You Sick? ›

From tight-fitting clothes to itchy, irritating fabric, the clothes we wear can affect our health by giving us digestive issues, acid reflux, skin rashes, pain, and even sometimes anxiety.

Why do some clothes make me feel sick? ›

This problem is increasingly common as more chemicals are added to our clothing when they're dyed or treated with additives that make them resistant to stains, wrinkles, and odors. Some of these chemicals are irritants that can cause breathing problems or skin issues.

Are clothes making us sick? ›

Likely a lot. It is the hidden toxic chemicals and dyes applied to fabrics (even natural fabrics) we should worry about. More than 8,000 synthetic chemicals are used in textile manufacturing. Some of the most harmful are polyfluorinated substances or PFAS (frequently used for stain-and-water-resistance).

How does clothing affect health? ›

Wearing comfortable clothing can make you feel good and improve your mental well-being, while wearing uncomfortable or ill-fitting clothes can lead to stress and anxiety. Influence on exercise: Wearing the right clothes for physical activities encourages better performance and reduces the risk of injury.

What can clothes do to your body? ›

Tight clothes restrict the blood flow to parts of the body, meaning that your heart has to work harder. You may also be vulnerable to the development of varicose veins, where the veins swell and often ache.

Can you get sick out of clothes? ›

Place the clothing in the washing machine and set the water temperature to the hottest recommended for the fabric. Add heavy-duty laundry detergent and 1/2 cup white vinegar to the wash water. The vinegar helps to neutralize odors that can be left in the fabric from the vomit.

Why do I feel sick when I wear jeans? ›

Wearing clothing that is extremely tight against your stomach can cause a certain level of gastrointestinal upset. If your pants are too tight, for example, it can push stomach acid back up through the esophagus and cause uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux.

What is a negative impact of clothing? ›

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

How does clothing affect how we feel? ›

Our clothing becomes a reflection of how we are feeling on the inside. Furthermore, different types of clothing can also impact our behavior. Studies have shown that what we wear can affect our confidence levels, decision-making abilities, and even physical performance.

How does clothing affect the brain? ›

The idea is that certain garments can trigger a release of dopamine in our brains when worn, making us feel good and even more confident. Clothing with bright or bold colors is thought to be especially effective because they have been proven to attract attention and boost self-esteem.

Can clothes affect body temperature? ›

In warm environments, additional clothing increases thermal insulation causing more rapid increases in temperature during exercise and imposes a barrier to sweat evaporation. However, clothing can serve a protective function by reducing radiant heat gain and thermal stress.

Can clothes affect weight? ›

Clothing. Wearing clothing while weighing yourself can add up to two pounds—more if you're wearing shoes. Again, this isn't a big deal if you consistently weigh yourself wearing the same thing, but since our clothes vary with our moods and seasons, it's best to go without when you step on the scale.

How should clothes make you feel? ›

"Green tends to be soothing so wearing green may make you feel more relaxed and less anxious," Albertson says. "Blue tends to be peaceful so wearing it might help you feel less stressed. In contrast, red is stimulating. Yellow can boost energy."

Why is my body sensitive to clothes? ›

Any kind of fiber can bring on a rash, but you're more likely to get textile dermatitis from clothes made with synthetics such as polyester, rayon, nylon, spandex, or rubber. They don't breathe as well as natural fibers, and they make you sweat more. Often the source is the dye or other chemicals in the clothing.

Why do certain patterns make me nauseous? ›

Trypophobia brings on feelings of disgust or fear when you see patterns with lots of holes. Sunflowers, honeycombs, sponges and seedy fruits can cause this response. Trypophobia is a type of anxiety disorder.

Why do I feel uncomfortable in all clothes? ›

It could be that the climate where you are makes the handfeel of the fabric less comfortable, or you may have an oversensitivity to certain textures. Either way, wearing clothes made of materials that make you feel itchy or scratchy are a recipe for certain discomfort.

Can you wash toxins out of clothes? ›

Multiple washings are needed if clothing was worn when using highly toxic or concentrated pesticides. Clothing worn while using low toxicity products may be laundered effectively in one machine washing.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.