6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (2024)

Influencer Outreach Tips

The influencer outreach process sets the tone for your partnerships. Use these DM and email templates to make a positive first impression when you pitch a collaboration!

Kristen Wiley

Jun 16, 2023

Influencer Outreach Tips Instagram Influencer Marketing Social Media Influencer Marketing Campaigns

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (1)

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (2)

We get it: influencer outreach is a huge hurdle for brands.

Because you only have one shot to make a fabulous first impression.

You don’t want to sound clingy or desperate in the DMs. You also don’t want your emails to get buried in a “spam” folder or left unread.

That’s why it’s so important to level up with a proven pitching strategy.

Not sure how to nail influencer outreach or make your messages land? We’ve got you covered!

Below are six pitching templates to set a positive tone for your influencer partnerships. We also break down best practices for outreach and examples of successful brand pitches.

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Read This Before Sending Emails or DMs to Influencers!

  • General Collaboration and Product Feedback Pitch Templates
  • Brand Ambassador Pitch Templates
  • Giveaway Collab Pitch Templates

16 Real Influencer Pitches That Actually Got an Answer (and Some That Didn't)

Sample Subject Lines for Influencer Outreach Emails

FAQs and Best Practices of Influencer Outreach on Instagram

Email vs DMs for Influencer Outreach: Read This Before Pitching!

Is it better to email influencers for collaboration or DM (direct message)? Short answer: it depends!

Depending on which format you use, you’ll likely craft your messages differently.

Emails can be longer and more detailed than DMs. Use emails to give a more in-depth explanation of your brand or products. Explain the campaign you’re running and why you think the influencer would be a good fit.

Instagram DMs allow you to be more casual and direct. DMs should be short, sweet and to the point. Be clear about your intention to collab. Brevity can grab the influencer’s attention and reduce needless back-and-forth.

Keep in mind too the way the creator wants to be pitched. Creators who frequently collab with brands will often list a contact preference in their Instagram bios. If they specify wanting a DM vs an email request for collabs - take your cue from that.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into the templates!

General Collaboration Pitch Templates

These templates are for general outreach to creators about products. This includes requests for product feedback and reviews. These templates are intentionally on the shorter side so you can get to the point faster.

1. General Collaboration Email Template

Subject line: [Name], we love what we’ve seen on Instagram! 👀

Hey [insert influencer name],

We've been following your Instagram account and really love your post(s) about [insert topic]. [Insert personalized compliment about their content].

My name is [insert name here] and I'm the [position] at [insert brand name]. We [insert summary sentence of your product/service and unique selling proposition].

Since [insert what the influencer is passionate about or how their content aligns with your brand], I wanted to see if you'd be open to doing a collaboration together. We'd love for you to test our [insert product] and share your thoughts.

Let me know if you are interested and I will send more details!


[insert your name]

General Collaboration Email Template in Use

Subject line: Julie, we love what we’ve seen on Instagram! 👀

Hey Julie,

I have been following your profile on Instagram and really love your inspirational posts showing your fitness journey. Not to mention your dog, Waffles, is sooo cute!

My name is Kristen and I work for Flex. We sell organic protein powders and shakes created by women, for women.

Since you are passionate about sharing your fitness journey, I thought I would reach out to see if you would be open to testing our product and doing a collaboration together!

Let me know if you are interested and I will send more details!



2. GeneralCollaboration DM Template

Hey [insert influencer name],

My team and I loved your post about [insert description of related post]. At [insert brand name here] we [insert summary sentence of your product/service and unique selling proposition].

We’d love to send some of our [insert product(s)] your way so you can give them a try and share them with your audience!

Let me know if you're interested and thanks! - [insert your name here]

GeneralCollaboration DM Template in Use

Hey Erica,

My team and I loved your post about your favorite pre-workout essentials. At Flex, we make organic protein powders and shakes for women.

We’d love to send some your way so you can give them a try and share them with your audience!

Let me know if you’d be interested. Thanks! - Kristen

Brand Ambassador Pitch Templates

These templates can help you recruit influencers for your brand ambassador program. Be sure to review your program’s perks and benefits before reaching out.

3. Brand Ambassador Email Template

Subject line: [Name] — Want to be a [Brand Name] VIP? 💎

Hey [insert influencer name],

My name is [insert name here] and I’m with [insert brand namehere]. We've been following your Instagram and love your posts on [insert topic].

I wanted to personally invite you to join our brand ambassador program! We think your [insert a reference to a topic they post about] really aligns with our company’s mission to [insert sentence about your brand’s purpose].

As a brand ambassador, you’d partner with us for [insert summary of your program's goal].

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more to go over the perks of our program and how it works.


[insert your name]

Brand Ambassador Email Template in Use

Subject line: Lauren — Want to be a Flex VIP? 💎

Hey Lauren,

My name is Kristen and I’m with Flex.

We have been following your profile on Instagram and love your posts on health and wellness. I wanted to personallyinvite you to join our ambassador program!

We think your belief in using organic products to live a healthy lifestyle really aligns with our company’s mission to help women reach their wellness goals with products made just for them.

As a brand ambassador, you’d partner with us for social media campaigns and content featuring our organic protein powders. We would provide you with your own affiliate code for your followers to get 20% off their first Flex order!

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more to go over the perks of our program and how it works.



4. Brand Ambassador DM Template

Hey [insert name here],

We’re launching a brand new campaign for our [insert product here] and would love for you to be a brand ambassador for [insert brandname here]!

Since you're also [insert a reference to a topic they post about], we’d love to talk more in-depth with you about our mission and how we see you being a part of it.

If you’re interested, please email me at [insert email here].

We’re so excited to have you join our team!

[insert your name]

Brand Ambassador DM Template in Use

Hey Mariah,

We’re launching a brand new campaign for our “Shake It!” organic protein shakes and would love for you to represent Flex as an ambassador!

Since you're also focused on healthy living, we’d love to talk more in-depth with you about our mission and how we see you being a part of it.

If you’re interested, please email me at kristen@flexupyourlife.com.

We’re excited to have you join our team!


Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Templates

These outreach templates can help you promote your next Instagram giveaway. Make sureyou’ve chosen your giveaway prizes and rules before you hit “send!”

5. Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Email Template

Subject line: [Name] x [Brand Name] collab? 🤝

Hi [insert influencer name here],

My name is [insert name here] and I work for [insert brand name]. I really loved your recent post about [insert topic] and think your followers would be interested in a chance to win our [insert product here].

We would send you a set of our products to try and also a few to host a giveaway for your followers. The rules to win would be simple, [insert giveaway rules].

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more with you about the details!


[insert your name]

Giveaway Collaboration Pitch Email Template in Use

Subject line: Gina x Flex collab? 🤝

Hi Gina,

My name is Kristen and I work for Flex. I really loved your recent post about your favorite post-workout snacks and think your followers would be interested in a chance to win our Flex organic protein powders and shakes for women!

We would send you a set of our products to try and also a few to host a giveaway for your followers.

The rules to win would be simple: they would just need to follow both of our accounts and tag 3 friends in your Instagram post about our product.

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat more with you about the details!



6. Giveaway Collaboration Pitch DM Template

Hey [insert name here],

We love your [insert topic] content and think you’d enjoy our [insert brand name and products].

We want to send you a bundle of our products for you to try and host a giveaway for your followers! Let me know if you’re interested and I’d be happy to chat to go over the details!


[insert your name]

Giveaway Collaboration Pitch DM Template in Use

Hey Emma,

We love your fitness content and think you’d enjoy our Flex organic protein powders and shakes for women.

We want to send you a bundle of our products for you to try and host a giveaway for your followers! Let me know if you’re interested and I’d be happy to chat to go over the details!



16 Real Influencer Pitches That Actually Got an Answer (and Some That Didn't!)

Need more inspiration for your messages? Don't sweat it!

We've put together a list of sixteen real influencer outreach pitches that can help.

This includes emails and DMs that resulted in successful collaborations. Oh, and we also break down a handful of pitches that fell flat. Based on these messages, you'll have a better idea of what you need to say to win influencers over.6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (3)

Sample Subject Lines for Influencer Outreach

Subject lines are crucial when it comes to email outreach.

Consider that most recipients will see your subject line before they can review your pitch. Fact: one-third of recipients will open an email based on the subject line alone. This small snippet of text can determine whether or not your messages get seen.

That's why it's so important to put your subject lines under the microscope. The goal of your subject line is two-fold:

  1. Grab your reader's attention ahead of other emails and collab requests in their inboxes
  2. Make your recipient feel like your message is personalized and written just for them

Below are some sample influencer collaboration email subject lines you can swipe.

  • [Name], we love what we’ve seen on Instagram! đź‘€
  • [Name] — Want to be a [Brand Name] VIP?đź’Ž
  • We want you to be [Brand Name]’s featured creator! ✨
  • Loved your latest Instagram post, [Name]! ❤️
  • [Name] x [Brand Name] collab? 🤝

Personalization is key here. Consider how referring to the influencer by name or using emojis can have a positive impact. These details give your collaboration emails a much-needed sense of authenticity and personality.

FAQ for Brands Conducting Influencer Outreach

Figuring out how to ask an influencer for a collaboration goes far beyond what you write. There are so many other factors that impact whether your pitches actually land.

To wrap things up, we’ll answer some of the most common outreach-related questions we get.

“How Do I Decide Between Emails and DMs?”

Again, the "right" answer here isn't one-size-fits-all.

Let's say that an influencer on your radardoesn't state a preference between emails and DMs. What should you do? Refer to the table below:

Email OutreachDM Outreach

  • Ideal for cold outreach and longer messages
  • More convenient for sharing resources such as images and links
  • Requires a compelling subject line

  • Ideal if you and the influencer are mutual followers on Instagram
  • Convenient for the influencer if they’re super active on Instagram
  • Good for shorter, direct outreach

Most creators have a preference in terms of how they’re contacted. Then again, some don’t.

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (4)

Source: @pixelhearts

Consider that you might end up using emails and DMs during outreach. That’s okay!

In fact, relying on both makes sense if you need to send a follow-up message. Covering both channels ensures that your messages are can’t-miss. This is also a good second line of defense in case one platform sticks you in the spam folder.

“How Long Should My Collaboration Messages Be?”

When in doubt, keep your messages short and sweet.

Research says that emails up to 100 words receive the highest response rate. Based on successful influencer pitches we’ve seen, most are between 100 and 150 words.

There’s a good chance your outreach message is going to be read on a smartphone screen. This is another reason why brevity is important. Messages that require recipients to scroll are too long.

Below are two examples of the same influencer email outreach template in use. The left was sent via email and the right was adapted and sent via DM.

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (5) 6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (6)

For reference, this message is ~150 words. This is pretty much the max word count before your message cuts off.

“What Should I Do if an Influencer Won’t Respond to My Messages?”

There are plenty of potential reasons why influencers don’t answer your emails.

Don’t assume the worst, though! Just because an influencer doesn’t message you back doesn’t mean your partnership is doomed. Not by a long shot.

Remember: many creators treat influencer marketing as a side hustle. Some might set aside a certain time per day or week to reply to brands. In that case, you’ll just need to be patient.

Wait a week or two after your initial outreach message. If you haven’t received a reply, follow up with a short check-in message. Response rates during outreach campaigns can vary wildly. That’s why brands should try to cast a wide net of relevant influencers.

“Where Can I Find Influencers’ Email Addresses?”

So much of how to ask about a collaboration on Instagram is doing so on the creator’s terms.

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (7)

Source: @absoblondie

Want to message a creator but don’t know their email address? You likely don’t have to look hard. Here’s our recommended order of operations:

  • Look at their bios. This information is often found front and center.
  • Review their bio links and social media landing pages (like Linktree)
  • Check to see if they have an active “Email” button on their profile (see below)

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (8)

Source: @itsellawalton

Influencers typically aren’t shy about sharing their email addresses. If you can’t find one, stick to DMs.

"How Many Influencers Should I Reach Out To?"

This really depends on your bandwidth and goals.

Do you want to reach a few specific influencers? Or do you want to send PR packages to dozens of creators? Assuming you’re personalizing your emails (and you should be!), pitching will take time.

If you’re committed to running a DIY influencer campaign, start by setting a weekly goal. For example, “I’m going to reach out to 20 creators this week.”

Then, see how long it takes you to craft your messages. Even using outreach templates, you’d be surprised at the time commitment evolved. Chances are you’ll reasonably be able to reach out to reach anywhere from five to ten creators per day.

We also recommend keeping track of your outreach efforts beyond your inbox. This makes it easier to understand who you’ve reached out to and who you’re still waiting to hear back from.

Here’s an example of how to track messages and follow-up emails in an influencer spreadsheet:

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (9)

Again, you should only be emailing influencers that you’re serious about working with.Research their profiles and content instead of pitching them totally cold. Spending that extra time will increase your chances of earning a positive reply.6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (10)

Ready to Nail Your Instagram Influencer Outreach?

Reaching out to influencers can be daunting. Using a template can give you a solid starting point for ramping up your outreach.

That said, reaching out to influencers one by one isn't exactly the best way to scale if you want to earn hundreds of posts from authentic and relevant influencers.

That's where Statusphere can help, though.

Our micro-influencer marketing platform eliminates the need to send outreach emails. That's because we match brands with influencers from our vetted creator community using 250+ first-party data points. Our software helps brands earn authentic content at scale with no outreach required.

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (11)

In fact, we've already generated 75,000+ posts on behalf of 400+ consumer brands.

Want to learn more about how our platform works? Chat with one of our experts to see how we can help your brand get rights-ready content at scale in a fraction of the time.

This article was first published in July 2019. It was last updated June 16, 2023.

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of influencer marketing with extensive experience in developing successful influencer outreach strategies. Over the years, I've closely followed the evolution of social media and its impact on brand collaborations. My knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding, as I've actively implemented and refined influencer outreach programs for various brands, ensuring positive outcomes and lasting partnerships.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article on influencer outreach tips:

  1. Influencer Outreach Process:

    • This refers to the systematic approach brands take to connect with influencers. It involves crafting compelling messages, whether through emails or direct messages (DMs), to initiate collaborations.
  2. DM and Email Templates:

    • Templates are standardized messages designed to streamline and enhance the influencer outreach process. They provide a structured framework for communication and help maintain a positive and professional tone.
  3. Pitching Strategy:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of a well-thought-out pitching strategy. This involves tailoring messages to resonate with influencers, avoiding common pitfalls like sounding clingy or desperate, and optimizing for positive first impressions.
  4. Email vs DMs for Influencer Outreach:

    • The choice between using emails or direct messages for outreach depends on factors like the influencer's preference, the content of the message, and the desired level of detail. Emails allow for more in-depth communication, while DMs are concise and direct.
  5. General Collaboration, Brand Ambassador, and Giveaway Collab Templates:

    • The article provides templates for different types of influencer collaborations. These include general product collaborations, brand ambassador programs, and giveaway collaborations. Each template is tailored to suit the specific nature of the collaboration.
  6. Sample Subject Lines:

    • Subject lines play a crucial role in grabbing the influencer's attention. The article offers sample subject lines that are personalized and attention-grabbing, increasing the likelihood of influencers opening and engaging with collaboration requests.
  7. FAQs and Best Practices:

    • The article addresses common questions and best practices related to influencer outreach, providing valuable insights for brands navigating this process. Topics include deciding between emails and DMs, the ideal length of collaboration messages, dealing with non-responses, and finding influencers' email addresses.
  8. Scaling Influencer Outreach:

    • The article acknowledges the challenges of reaching out to influencers individually and suggests using platforms like Statusphere for scalable influencer marketing. This platform connects brands with influencers, streamlining the process and facilitating authentic collaborations at scale.

By combining these concepts and strategies, brands can enhance their influencer outreach efforts, establish meaningful partnerships, and navigate the dynamic landscape of social media influencer marketing successfully.

6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.