How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (2024)

If you’re on your way to becoming an influencer and you’re not familiar with the world of brand collaborations, then you’re in for a treat.

A brand collaboration is when a brand pays a content creator to create content using their product. It could be a product review or a simple video or image of an influencer using their product.

Even if you‘re a micro-influencer with a small audience, you can still get brand collaborations. We made this guide to help content creators just like you find collaborations that are aligned with your content.

The 4 Best Ways To Find Brands To Work With if You’re a Content Creator or Micro-Influencer

Here are a few ways to find brand collabs if you’re a content creator...

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (1)

1. Identify Relevant Platforms

First of all, some wonderful news for content creators all over the world is that there are platforms that are designed specifically for helping content creators and brands partner up!

We’re one of those platforms. Here at Insense, we help content creators find, manage and reap the rewards (including getting paid) of brand collaborations. All from within our site and app.

There are plenty of other platforms for finding brand collaborations too. A quick Google search will help you find some.

Do your research and decide which one seems best for your needs, and keep our platform in mind! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about our platform or about brand collabs in general.

2. Check Other Content Creator’s Feeds

Another awesome way to find brands that offer collaborations to content creators is to see which brands other creators are working with.

The easiest way to do that is to take a look at their social media feeds. Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are particularly ripe with brand collaborations.

Whether you’re a blogger, YouTuber or Instagram model, you’ll probably be able to find similar profiles that have gotten brand collaborations. Remember, micro-influencers get collabs too!

3. Identify Brands You Like

While using a platform like Insense will open up a world of brands to collaborate with, you should also consider which brands you really like.

If there’s a particular brand you want to work with, see which influencers are already working with them. Hopefully, there’ll be influencers relevant to your niche, but even if there aren’t, you can reach out to the brand to show them your work and see if they’re interested in working together.

We’ll share some tips on reaching out to brands in the next section.

4. Identify Brands That Already Engage With You

Even if you’re a content creator with a small following, there may be brands that are already engaging with your content. Check your list of followers, your likes, your comments and your DM’s to see if there are any brands that have tried to establish contact with you.

Tips for Working With Brands: How To Reach Out

You don’t need to be an expert writer or negotiator to reach out to brands, but there are some general tips that are good to know.

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (2)

Before Contacting a Brand

Before you reach out to a brand in hopes of scoring a collaboration, make sure you meet these requirements.

You’re a Content Creator With High-Quality Content

Plain and simple, brands don’t want to work with run-of-the-mill content creators. You need to make sure that your content is original and unique. The goal is to show the brand your unique offering to them.

You Already Have a Following (Even a Small One)

You don’t need to be a huge influencer to get brand collaborations, but you do need a following, even if it’s small.

If you have a community of at least 1,000 followers that engage with your content, you should be good to go!

Pitching to Brands

Pitching is the big moment where you reach out to a brand you want to collaborate with. Here’s what you need to know to have a good pitch.

How To Reach Out

It’s best to reach out to brands directly via direct message on a social media platform, their contact form on their site or an appropriate email address that you find on their site.

What To Include in Your Pitch

Here’s what info you should include in your outreach:

  • Who you are.
  • Who your audience is.
  • What you create content about.
  • What you like about their brand and why you want to work with them.
  • Your media kit which contains links to your social channels, your number of followers and for bloggers, stats about your site’s traffic, conversions, etc.

Your pitch needs to be descriptive, but try to keep it concise and easily readable. You’re not sending them a novel, you’re sending them a quick introduction to who you are. Pro tip: using bullet points is a great way to make your pitch look concise, yet detailed.

What Is an Influencer Media Kit and Why Do You Need One?

In the last section, we mentioned that you should include a media kit when you pitch to brands. We really want to emphasize the importance of this. Here’s why… a media kit is like your business card, resume and artist portfolio all in one.

A solid media kit really helps show brands who you are, what your content is like and what kind of impact you’ve made.

When creating your media kit, it’s important to keep the information and the design in mind. You’ll want a kit that looks good and has all of the information that a brand needs.

We’ll get to the design aspect later, but first, here’s some information that you’ll want to include in your media kit.

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (3)

How To Create Your Media Kit: 4 Things To Include

Including these four things in your media kit is standard practice for content creators. Here they are...

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (4)

1. Your Bio

Your media kit should definitely include a short bio that sums up who you are as a content creator. Mention your name, what kind of content you produce, a headshot and your contact information.

For the latter, include your social media URLs and your email. You can also include your phone number if you’d like.

This is also a good spot to put your blog or general website if you have one.

2. Your Social Media Stats

If you want your media kit to look good, it’s gonna need to have the numbers. Specifically, your number of followers and subscribers on various social media platforms. We also recommend including your engagement rates, including number of likes.

Obviously, it’s best to be honest about all of these stats. Even if you’re a micro-influencer with a small following, you can still get great brand collaborations! A lot of brands care more about engagement rate than follower count.

3. Your Follower Demographics

It’s important to also include information about your demographic. Who is following you and interacting with your posts? Is it mostly Muslim women in their 20’s, caucasian men in their 30’s, etc.? When thinking about your demographic, it’s good to consider things like age, race, sex/gender, location and religion.

Keep in mind that your demographic might seem simple or complicated. It’s okay either way. One isn’t better than the other!

Maybe your demographic is women in their 20’s, or maybe it’s something more complex like gay Jewish men in their 30’s. Whoever your demographic is, it’s part of what makes you and your following unique!

On the brand‘s side of things, they want to know who your followers are so they can determine if your audience is part of their target audience.

4. Previous Brand Collaborations and Testimonials

This part of your media kit is really like a resume that shows your work history. If you’ve had brand collabs in the past, mention them here.

By the way, the more information on your past collaborations, the better. Brands appreciate details like engagement rate and the number of clicks and conversions.

If you have any testimonials from brands you’ve worked with, include them too! Testimonials are a great way to show credibility and build trust. If you don’t have any testimonials, don’t be afraid to ask for them.

How To Design Your Own Media Kit: 3 Tips for Success

If you’re a content creator, then you’re probably a creative person who will be able to design a cool media kit, and if you keep these tips in mind, you’ll surely have an awesome kit that brands will love!

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (5)

1. Match Your Usual Aesthetic

First of all, you’ll want your kit to have the same aesthetic as your blog or social media profiles. Use the same fonts, color palette and style of images. Your media kit is like an extension of your website and social profiles so make sure they all look cohesive!

2. Make It User-Friendly

Your media kit should be easy to read. Don’t include huge paragraphs of text, break it down into smaller chunks instead.

It’s okay for your media kit to be multiple pages, but keep it to three pages maximum. You’re not sending brands a novel to read, you’re sending them your professional portfolio in an easy-to-read format.

3. Hire a Professional or Use a Template

If you have the budget for it, we recommend hiring a professional graphic designer to create your media kit. However, if you don’t have money to spend on that, you can use Canva.

If you’re a content creator who doesn’t know what Canva is, then maybe you live under a rock and your target audience are bugs! Joking aside, Canva is an amazing graphic design resource for content creators, and they just so happen to have free media kit templates.

How To Respond to Brands That Reach Out to You

Reaching out to brands can be nerve-racking. The good news is that sometimes brands will reach out to you! It’s a great sign if they do. Here are a couple of tips to help you respond and negotiate in a professional manner.

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (6)

1. Make Sure What They Want Is Crystal Clear

Often when a brand reaches out to a content creator, they’ll have an idea of what they want the content to be. To make things clear, ask them if they already have an idea or if they just want you to take the reigns and have full creative control.

2. What About Compensation

This is the big moment, the hard conversion, the numbers! You need to ask about how will you be compensated?

Sometimes brands want to do a product exchange, while other times they’ll want to pay you with actual money (It depends on the Product and your profile). Both forms of payment have their pros and cons.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

A. Time Commitment

If the brand wants a super elaborate video that’s going to take a lot of time to plan, rehearse and film, then you should be compensated very well, so if it will be a product exchange, make sure it is the equivalent of your work.

Exposure of working with a well-known brand is great; just make sure you work with brands that respect you on a professional level and want to compensate you fairly.

B. Audience Size

If you have 1,000-4,000 followers, you won’t get paid as much as if you had 10,000 followers or 100,000 followers. You get the idea. The bigger your audience, the bigger the payout for brand collabs.

Pro Tip: Ask for Advice

If you have any friends that are creators, you can ask them if they think the brand’s proposal sounds reasonable.

It’s good to get opinions from different people, but ultimately, trust your gut instinct.

Time To Get Started

There you have it! An in-depth guide to brand collaborations. If you’re an influencer or micro-influencer looking to collab with some cool brands, we hope this guide is helpful.

By the way, when you’re looking at platforms to help you find brand collaborations, give ours a try.

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (7)

Greetings, fellow content creators and micro-influencers! I'm an experienced professional in the realm of brand collaborations, having navigated the intricacies of this dynamic landscape with a deep understanding of the concepts involved. Now, let's dive into the key elements of the article you provided.

  1. Brand Collaborations Overview: The article introduces brand collaborations as partnerships where a brand compensates a content creator for featuring their product in content, whether it's a review, video, or image. This symbiotic relationship benefits both parties, and the article focuses on guiding micro-influencers in finding collaborations aligned with their content.

  2. Identifying Relevant Platforms: The article emphasizes the existence of platforms designed to connect content creators and brands. Insense is highlighted as one such platform, catering to content creators by facilitating collaboration management and rewards. The mention of a quick Google search encourages creators to explore various platforms tailored to their needs.

  3. Checking Other Content Creators' Feeds: To discover potential collaborators, the article suggests examining fellow creators' social media feeds, particularly on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. This method provides inspiration and insights into brands that actively engage with content creators, irrespective of their audience size.

  4. Identifying Preferred Brands: While platforms widen the scope, the article advises content creators to consider personal preferences. If there's a specific brand they admire, they should observe influencers already associated with it. The suggestion to reach out directly to the brand showcases initiative and proactive collaboration efforts.

  5. Identifying Engaging Brands: Acknowledging even small creators, the article advises checking interactions on one's content for potential brand engagements. This strategy involves examining followers, likes, comments, and direct messages to identify brands that have shown interest.

  6. Tips for Working With Brands - Requirements: Before initiating contact with brands, the article outlines two essential criteria: high-quality content and a modest but engaged following (at least 1,000 followers). This underlines the idea that brands prioritize engaging content and a dedicated audience over sheer follower numbers.

  7. Pitching to Brands - How To Reach Out: The article provides tips on reaching out to brands, emphasizing the importance of direct messages, contact forms, or relevant email addresses. The pitch should include information about the creator, their audience, content focus, admiration for the brand, and a media kit showcasing essential metrics.

  8. Importance of Influencer Media Kit: A dedicated section stresses the significance of an influencer media kit, likening it to a business card, resume, and artist portfolio. The media kit should include a bio, social media stats, follower demographics, and details of previous collaborations with testimonials.

  9. Creating a Media Kit: The article then guides content creators on creating an effective media kit by including a bio, social media stats, follower demographics, and information about previous collaborations with testimonials.

  10. Designing the Media Kit: Three practical tips for designing a media kit are provided, focusing on matching the aesthetic with existing profiles, ensuring user-friendliness, and either hiring a professional designer or using templates like Canva.

  11. Responding to Brands: The article acknowledges that brands may initiate contact and offers guidance on responding professionally. It highlights the importance of clarifying the brand's expectations for content and discussing compensation, whether through product exchange or monetary payment.

  12. Compensation Considerations: A crucial aspect of negotiation is addressed, emphasizing that compensation should align with the time commitment and audience size. The article advises creators to seek advice from peers and trust their instincts when evaluating brand proposals.

  13. Conclusion: The article concludes by summarizing the comprehensive guide, reiterating its utility for influencers and micro-influencers seeking brand collaborations. A final plug is given for the Insense platform as a tool to explore when looking for brand collaborations.

In conclusion, this guide provides a thorough roadmap for content creators venturing into the world of brand collaborations, covering platforms, research methods, outreach strategies, media kit creation, and negotiation tips.

How To Find Brand Collaborations | Complete Guide for Content Creators (2024)


Where can content creators find brand deals? ›

Join an influencer marketing platform such as to discover brands looking to partner with creators like you. Increase your chance of landing brand deals by building a solid personal brand, creating a media kit, and tailoring your pitch to each brand.

How do content creators get brand deals? ›

By defining your niche, creating a media kit, researching potential sponsors, leveraging social media, attending industry events, and using influencer marketing platforms, you can increase your chances of securing sponsorship and brand deals.

How do I find collabs? ›

Utilize social media platforms and search engines to find brands in your niche. Please list the brands you would like to collaborate with and gather relevant information about them, such as their target audience, brand values, and previous collaborations.

How do I find collaborators on OnlyFans? ›

Attend events and conventions: Consider attending events and conventions related to the adult entertainment industry. This is a great opportunity to meet other OnlyFans creators in person and start building relationships. Network online: Use online forums, communities, and websites dedicated to OnlyFans creators t.

How do content creators partner with brands? ›

Be active on social media: Follow other creators, brands, and influencers on social media and interact with their content. A lot of brands use Instagram or TikTok for their collaborations. It is easier to collaborate with brands when you have a relationship with them, so take the time to build those connections.

How do you reach out to brands for collaboration templates? ›

Example: “I am writing to introduce you to [Your Brand], a [insert brief description of your brand]. We are interested in collaborating with you to [insert collaboration goal]. Our goal is to [insert expected outcome], and we believe that with your influence, we can achieve this.” Next, provide a unique offer.

How do I get influencer collabs? ›

Find creators who'd be genuinely interested in your product. Ask yourself, “Will the influencer's audience benefit from my product?” If yes, the influencer will likely be interested in collaborating with you. The best way to filter for relevant creators is by using an influencer search tool like Modash.

How do content creators find sponsors? ›

You can use websites like IZEA, AspireIQ, and to connect with great brands that are looking for sponsorship opportunities. IZEA calls itself a creator marketplace. They offer a range of tools and services to help content creators find sponsorships and monetize their content.

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The Golden Rule of Getting Free Stuff
  • Be Nice. ...
  • Don't Ask for Free Stuff. ...
  • Explain Why Your Audience is the Perfect Fit for Their Product. ...
  • You are Basically Making a Sales Pitch. ...
  • It's Okay Not to Have a Lot of Views or Subscribers. ...
  • Offer Companies More Than Just One-Off Cooperation.

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Craft a concise and compelling introduction that highlights your brand and its potential value to the collaborator. Clearly articulate what makes your brand unique and why it's an ideal fit for partnership.

How do I find and hire content creators? ›

  1. Post a job and hire a proTalent Marketplace. Talent Marketplace TMLearn about working with talent or explore your specific hiring needs.
  2. Browse and buy projectsProject Catalog. Project Catalog TMBrowse and buy projects that have a clear scope and price. ...
  3. Get advice from an industry expertConsultations.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.