6 Enemies of Frying Oil and How to Defeat Them - Pitco | The World's Most Reliable Commercial Fryer Company (2024)

Frying oil is a must-have ingredient in every commercial kitchen. After all, some of our favorite foods tend to have that crisp, golden texture. As a result, deep frying has become a popular cooking method for restaurants and foodservice operations across the globe.

If we can all agree on that — and I’m sure we do — one of the next concepts is quality. How can an operation create high-quality fried foods that are better than the competition while keeping costs down and maximizing profits? One place to start is in the oil.

There are enemies of frying oil that can actually degrade it, reducing its longevity and causing havoc with the foods it contains. Identifying the culprits that are causing breakdown is the most important step in ensuringproper maintenance of your cooking oiland enhancing food quality. The results are happier customers and the ability to maximize profits by enabling your oils to last longer.

Here’san in-depth look at the six enemies of frying oil that might be costing you that return customer (or that extra dollar).


When edible oil reacts with atmospheric oxygen, it formshydroperoxidesthrough the process of oxidation. The oxidation method is accelerated by light and heat. When the hydroperoxides decompose, they negatively affect the flavor and decreases the oil quality. Thermal oxidation boosts lipid peroxidation and causes chemical changes in cooking oil.

What’s this all mean in the kitchen?Since oxidation releases foul odors and affects flavor, nutritional values, and health benefits, it’s essential to limit exposure to air bycovering the fryerwhen not in use. During the cooking process, you can curb the interaction with oxygen by not shaking the oil or splashing it through the pumps. You can also use a filter system, and during filtering, limit oil recirculation to only a few minutes.

Carbon Build-up

Carbon build-up from food particles is also one of the top prohibitors of oil longevity. Food pieces are likely to break down and fall to the bottom of the fryer. If you continue using the same oil to fry various batches of food, then they will transfer different flavors and aromas. When the carbon burns, it causes rancidity. The excess coating in fried foods can also cause foaming on the surface.

The best preventative measure (and one of the easiest) is to clear the crumbs whenever they occur so that they do not remain in the oil and transfer unwanted flavors. You can also make a point to skim vats every day to prevent carbon build-up. While frequent frying will cause the oil to eventually breakdown,regular filteringwill extend its shelf life, which in turn saves you more money. Another measure that you can take to keep your oil fresh is to use quality oils that have a higher smoke point. The oil should also be designed specifically for deep frying.


While salt is the main ingredient in creating tasty food, did you know that it is one of the most common enemies of frying oil? During the frying process, salt acts as a catalyst and accelerates oxidation. This causes the oil to become darker in color and release off-flavors, which affects the taste of the food. Salted products also release water and cause foam formation that can cause oil breakdown. Salt can also act as an impurity and lower the smoke point, which in turn degrades oil and shortens its lifespan.

To prevent oil degradation, it is ideal to avoid adding salt before frying. Make sure you fry to the crisp level you want, and don’t try to refry foods after adding salt. Avoid adding any seasoning to open vaults.


We all know from simple chemistry that water and oil do not mix. When frying, you should adhere to this saying, as water causes oil breakdown. During the frying process, heat causes food to release moisture and result in oil decomposition. Since foods absorb the oil, its degradation has adverse effects on the final properties that the food will have, including the nutrition and shelf life.

With frequent usage, eventually, your oil will breakdown. When steam escapes during frying, it causes foaming and affects the flavor and the quality of your food. You can easily remedy the situation by following best practices, which include knowing and maintaining the ideal thaw temperatures for all frozen foods, as well as avoiding overcrowding in yourfryer basket. Before dropping food into the fryer, shake off any excess water. You can even dry the food using quality kitchen towels. Finally, start by cooking high moisture foods at lower temperatures, and then crisp them at higher temperatures.


Store oil away from direct sunlight. Light accelerates chemical reactions, including degradation of oil. When the fat molecules break down they cause the oil to go rancid. There are some specific oils such as sesame oil with unique chemical structures that make them more vulnerable to going rancid and exuding an off smell. The trick to increasing the longevity of your frying oil is to avoid those stored in clear containers. If your favorite oil always comes in a transparent bottle then store in a cool, dark pantry and keep the caps tight.


High temperatures are one of the top enemies of oil. Extreme temperatures break down frying oil faster, and in most cases even when your food is crispy on the outside, it tends to be overcooked on the inside. The solution for preventing breakdown caused by heat is to keep your cooking oil at its ideal frying temperature by calibrating fryers and turning off any unused vats.

Learn more about the enemies of oil and how to combat them. Schedule aFryer Consultationwith your friends at Pitco.

6 Enemies of Frying Oil and How to Defeat Them - Pitco | The World's Most Reliable Commercial Fryer Company (1)
6 Enemies of Frying Oil and How to Defeat Them - Pitco | The World's Most Reliable Commercial Fryer Company (2024)


6 Enemies of Frying Oil and How to Defeat Them - Pitco | The World's Most Reliable Commercial Fryer Company? ›

Carbon: Carbon is one of the primary Enemies of Oil and is caused by sediment from fried food remaining in the oil for extended periods of time as it continues to cook. Carbon accumulates on the heat coils, heat tubes, and surfaces of the fry vat, chemically reacting with the oil and degrading it quickly.

What are the 6 enemies of oil McDonald's? ›

There are six enemies that regularly endanger your oil and one simple acronym to remember them: CHAMSS.
  • Carbon (Food Particles) Inevitably, crumbs and pieces of food will break down and sink to the bottom of the fry vat. ...
  • Heat. Considering oil requires heat to cook, this is a necessary evil. ...
  • Air. ...
  • Moisture. ...
  • Salt. ...
  • Soap.
Aug 27, 2021

What are the enemies of fryer oil? ›

Carbon: Carbon is one of the primary Enemies of Oil and is caused by sediment from fried food remaining in the oil for extended periods of time as it continues to cook. Carbon accumulates on the heat coils, heat tubes, and surfaces of the fry vat, chemically reacting with the oil and degrading it quickly.

What food breaks down oils? ›

Salt is a delicious and essential ingredient that also contributes to oil breakdown. Salt acts as a catalyst and accelerates oxidation during the frying process, and it acts as an impurity that lowers the smoke point of oils.

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Salt – Although salt is an essential ingredient of fried food, believe it or not it can break down oil life. Be mindful to avoid salting finished fried food over the open fryer. ‍ Soap – When cleaning your fryer and surrounding surfaces, avoid using soap inside the fryer and on the fry baskets and filter box.

Does adding salt to oil before frying? ›

The theory is that ionic substances, such as table salt, can initiate the formation of small amounts of free radicals when heated in oil to high temperatures. These free radicals spur reactions that create impurities in the oil and, as a result, lower the oil's smoke point, which means it can't be reused for frying.

What breaks down fryer oil? ›

Heat. High temperatures are one of the top enemies of oil. Extreme temperatures break down frying oil faster, and in most cases even when your food is crispy on the outside, it tends to be overcooked on the inside.

What breaks down oil the best? ›

Two of the most popular and affordable industrial degreasers that can dissolve oil sludge and build up are acetone and IPA. Acetone is a great industrial degreaser for a few reasons. Acetone can break up both oil build up and harden resins, meaning it can be used on 3D printing equipment as well.

What breaks down oil fast? ›

Extreme heat causes oil to breakdown resulting in sludge and deposits in the engine. High temperatures also cause oil to become thinner; this will result in metal grinding. Ouch. This problem typically can become even worse if you tow heavy loads or if you leave your car running idle for long periods of time.

What chemical breaks down oil? ›

Dispersants, also called dispersing agents, are chemical agents used to break up oil into smaller droplets in the water column. Dispersants can be applied on surface oil or below the surface, closer to an uncontrolled release of crude oil from a well blowout source.

Which food absorbs oil? ›

There are many ingredients that just love oil and will absorb it quickly. Flour happens to be one of those ingredients. Flour also happens to be the backbone of just about any batter or breading. Even ingredients like cornstarch and other gluten free flours will absorb some oil.

What degrades cooking oil? ›

Edible oils can be degraded by oxygen, temperature, light, humidity, enzymes or trace of metals.

What ruins oil? ›

Salt can cause a chemical reaction to cause the oil to degrade prematurely. Salt increases the oxidation of fatty acids, which causes the oil to breakdown. This can lead to foods having off flavors and odors. Certain metals such as iron and copper accelerate oxidation of fats and should be avoided.

Who is McDonald enemies? ›

The Hamburglar (realhamburglar#9718) is a second-hand mascot of McDonald's and is the enemy of Ronald McDonald. His main objective in life is to steal McDonalds' supply of hamburgers.

Who is McDonald's biggest rival? ›

McDonald's is one of the largest and most well-known fast-food chains in the world. Privately-owned Burger King is McDonald's closest competitor. Yum Brands operates Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut.

What does McDonald's use as oil? ›

Once in our kitchens, we cook them in our canola-blend oil so you can have them crispy and hot—just the way you like them. Want to hear more about our fry ingredients? Get the down low on how we flavor our fries.

How does McDonald's get rid of their oil? ›

McDonald's collects used oil from its kitchens and turns this into enough biodiesel to fuel more than half of their delivery fleet. McDonald's is also serious about recycling and have set themselves the target of sending zero waste to landfill by 2020.

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