7 Ways Your Friends Influence You (2024)

Remember when you and your girls were, like, total rebels back in high school and you got busted for boozing and sneaking out of your house to meet up with some boys? Well, after your mom gave you a good butt whipping (we kid, we kid!), we bet she also expressed a few concerns regarding your group of friends. You probably heard variations of, “I just don’t know about so-and-so…” Or, “Maybe you should hang out with [insert goody two-shoes’ name here]. She seems like such a nice girl!” Um, yeah…

Looking back, your mom definitely had a good point. For better or worse, our friends have the ability to impact our decisions. And oftentimes, we don’t even realize it’s happening. From the clothes we wear, to the food we eat and even the career moves we make, check out these 7 ways our friends can influence us.

1. Your Relationship

While friends often mean well when giving relationship advice, it’s essential to remember that everyone is giving counsel based on their own experiences (and projections) — plus, they’re only hearing half the story, notes Brenda Della Casa, author of Cinderella Was a Liar. “Independence of thought and confidence are invaluable when it comes to accepting the realities of your own relationship. So, if you’re constantly comparing your couplehood to the ‘perfect’ ones you think your friends have (we know we’ve all done this before!), you’re going to frustrate both yourself and your partner and possibly erode your relationship by devaluing it.”

7 Ways Your Friends Influence You (1)2. Your Eating Habits

“Have you ever gone to a restaurant with the healthiest of intentions — a salad followed by grilled fish and steamed vegetables — only to find yourself halfway through a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings? Or, on the other hand, have you ever listened to everyone at your table order a salad with grilled chicken, only to hear yourself echo their order?” As it turns out, eating is a contagious behavior, notes America’s Eating Strategist, Nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH.

In fact, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine,which analyzed data from 32 years, found that your chances of becoming obese actually increase by 57% if you have a friend that’s obese, a chance that’s even greater than sharing genes, she says. “So if your overweight friend orders dessert, you assume it’s okay to do the same; you’re changing your eating habits to mirror hers.” It’s not necessary to stop going out to dinner with these friends in real world scenarios, says Rania, but these findings do suggest that mindfulness is especially important when dining out. We’d definitely have to agree with that one.

3. Your Exercise Regimen

One of the best ways friends influence each other is to encourage, irritate, remind, show up, and be there for exercise, says Anne Kelly, President of Junonia. “Research proves that having friends to exercise with really improves both persons’ health, even if that friend is just a walking canine companion.” Vice versa, if your friends aren’t physically active at all, it’s likely that exercise will become less of a priority for you.

4. Your Self-Esteem

Think about it: we tend to compare ourselves to the people in our social group, and the social group we wish we were in, so if our friends have more than us (money, looks, things, etc.), then we tend to feel worse about ourselves and our lives, notes Dr. Don Nations, professional coach, consultant and the founder of DNA Coaching. “On the other hand, if we have a bit more than most of the people in our group, we tend to feel better about our lives.” Obviously, self-esteem should come from within, though, so take a step back and reevaluate if you find yourself guilty of this.

5. Your Goals & Aspirations

Did you know that over 80% of women have “frenemies”? In other words, people who don’t have our best interests at heart and actually undermine goal accomplishment? Well, according to professional coach and author of Creating Your Best Life, Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP, it’s true. “Research from Shelley Gable, called ‘What Happens When Things Go Right?’ says that how our friends respond to our good news can predict whether or not we continue to pursue what matters to us,” says Caroline. “The only right way to respond is called ‘active constructive responding,” which is an upbeat, engaging response that begs to know all the details.

6. Your Style

Along with your geographic area, your family, and the media, friends have a big influence on what you wear, says style consultant and author of Steal This Style, Sherrie Mathieson. “The more important fitting in is for you, the greater your friends’ influence will be. So when it comes to your clothes, whatever style it is that you’re used to seeing on a day-to-day basis, the more likely it is you’ll adopt this look for yourself.” Why? Because it becomes your visual norm, says Sherrie. This could be good or bad. So for instance, she says, are you “Dallas/Jersey Shore” or “Greenwich/New Canaan Connecticut?”

7. Your Career

7 Ways Your Friends Influence You (2)

“How many times have you heard, or said, ‘It’s who you know,’ when speaking of someone successful?” It’s true, says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, psychotherapist and author of Money, Sex and Kids. “In order to succeed in many things, you need to know the people who have the power in that field. Throughout your school years, you build friendships with people who will turn out to be the powerful ones. And when you build good relationships with people who have succeeded, you find mentors and get an extra boost up the ladder of success that doesn’t exist for outsiders.”

So tell us, how have your friends influenced you in your life, for better or worse?

7 Ways Your Friends Influence You (2024)


What things do your friends influence you? ›

Friends can also:
  • Increase your sense of belonging and purpose.
  • Boost your happiness and reduce your stress.
  • Improve your self-confidence and self-worth.
  • Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one.

What are five ways friends can be a good influence on each other? ›

Any five of the following: they can encourage each other not to engage in drinking, smoking, drugs, and sexual behaviors; they can encourage each other to work hard in school or sports; try a positive new activity; volunteer; believe in themselves; be kind; be physically fit; be honest; etc.

How friends influence a person's character? ›

Friends persuade the way people act-from what they say or do. On one hand, friends can lift spirits positively, but on the other, they can destroy self-esteem. Either way, they have an impact on day-to-day life. Affecting the people around them, friends can put pressure on people to do certain things good or bad.

What is a good influence friend? ›

A Positive Friend Influence is a character that helps others within their social circle, be it their friends, family, or Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, to start making their way in overcoming their issues and becoming better people. They often play The Heart to the group or even the Morality Pet.

How do friends motivate you? ›

They can also serve as great motivators. It's well known that working out with a buddy helps with accountability, as you're more likely to keep a commitment you make to a friend than one you make just to yourself. In addition, friends can bolster your motivation through social media.

What are three factors that influence friends? ›

The underlying factors of friendship chemistry are: reciprocal candor, mutual interests, personableness, similarity, and physical attraction.

How friends and family influence you? ›

Physical health - Many studies have shown that positive relationships with relatives lead to more positive habits later in life, such as taking better care of yourself and making healthy food choices. In contrast, negative relationships that cause stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits and poor physical self-care.

How does friends influence your life essay? ›

Friendship is a lovely relation without which life seems dull. It is the relationship with our friends that teaches us to share, love, care and most importantly helps us to fight odds and be successful. Having true friends acts as a boon. Friends increase the sense of belongingness and generate a feel-good factor.

What are the three types of friends 5 points? ›

One of the most common defines three types of friendships: confidants, constituents and comrades.

How have your friends peers influence you? ›

These peers also influence you by the way they dress and act, things they're involved in, and the attitudes they show. It's natural for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they wish to be (or think they should be), or what they want to achieve.

How do others influence your behavior? ›

Individual behavior can change when a person is in the presence of others or is being watched. This principle is determined by certain actions based on social acceptance. This concept is important because being observed can enforce good behaviors (e.g., complying with the law) or improve an individual's performance.

How can friends influence a person's self esteem? ›

No one has perfect instincts, so friends give a much-needed outside perspective. Opinions from friends encourage better decision-making. Friends can increase our self-confidence in different ways such as cheering our successes and supporting our efforts to grow.

What are examples of influences? ›

I was deeply/greatly influenced by my parents. She claims that her decision to resign was not influenced by her personal problems. No one knows how this decision will influence the outcome of the election. He's accused of illegally attempting to influence the jury.

What is an example of a good influence? ›

Gauging what a team is capable of, and what goals they can reach, and inspiring them to do so is a great example of positive influence.

What is a positive influence? ›

There is more to being a Positive Influence than just “looking on the bright side.” It means taking an active role in helping others solve problems and grow their confidence levels. Positive Influence is about empowering others to do their best through consistent feedback, recognition, and support.

How can I impress my friends and influence? ›

Six ways to Make People Like You
  1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener. ...
  5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
  6. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

What makes a friendship strong? ›

As for what makes for a strong friendship, “The highest qualities are reciprocity, interdependence, and emotional intimacy,” Kelaher says. The give and take of reciprocity will ebb and flow in a healthy bond, as will interdependence (being emotionally in sync and mutually supportive).

Can you list three qualities of a good friend? ›

There are many characteristic of a good friend, but for me the most important is to be honest, responsible, and kind.

What 3 important factors influence who we like? ›

Many factors influence whom people are attracted to. They include physical attractiveness, proximity, similarity, and reciprocity: Physical attractiveness: Research shows that romantic attraction is primarily determined by physical attractiveness.

What are the 3 types of value that friendship brings? ›

Aristotle figured there were three kinds of friendships (opens in new tab):
  • Friendships of utility: exist between you and someone who is useful to you in some way. ...
  • Friendships of pleasure: exist between you and those whose company you enjoy. ...
  • Friendships of the good: are based on mutual respect and admiration.
May 5, 2010

How does friends influence relationships? ›

Greater friend support is associated with higher commitment, satisfaction, and investments in relationships. Also, you are less likely to think you would be better off dating someone else if you have greater friend support.

Why are friends more influential than family? ›

"Summaries of these studies show that friendships predict day-to-day happiness more and ultimately how long we'll live, more so than spousal and family relationships." Friendships provide us with a sense of belonging and self-esteem, which "buffer against" the negative health effects of stress, the authors explain.

Do friends influence you more than parents? ›

Basically, whether parents or peers have more influence depends on the age of the child. Starting as early as age 12--and for some kids at least by 14--friends definitely have more influence than parents.

Why are friends 10 lines important? ›

Ten Lines on Friends in English

1) Friends are the persons who share the same thinking and understanding with us. 2) She/he is the one who is always ready to help us in any situation. 3) "A friend in need is a friend indeed" is a proverb which signifies the importance of true friendship.

How my friends influence me as a student? ›

Peer relationships can also help children learn to control their emotions and respond to others appropriately. Better grades are also among the perks of friendships, as several studies have shown that socially active students often have better academic outcomes at school.

What aspects of your life are most influenced by your friends? ›

Whether you are good friends or not, peers influence or socialize you a great deal. You and your peers will have your own tastes, ideas, and ways of dressing and talking, as well as favorite music, food, and sports. These behaviors and preferences make up your peer culture.

What is the 7 friend theory? ›

The "7 Friends Theory" states that everyone should have a social circle consisting of seven people, each of whom brings a unique perspective or offers a special value that no one else can provide.

What is Type 7 in friendships? ›

Enneagram Type 7

They exude positivity, and light and joy seem to follow them wherever they go. This can be a wonderful trait in friendships, as Sevens are often conflict and negative feelings adverse. You likely always have a good and wholesome time when around your Seven friends.

What are the 4 C's in friends? ›

The four factors that are most effective in initial verbal contacts are confidence, creativity, caring and consideration — otherwise known as the Four Cs.

How are you influenced by a certain group? ›

Groups can influence us to change our opinions, do things we may not agree with, stay silent about differing opinions, and engage in behaviors that are not normal for us.

How do some people influence others? ›

We've found that influencing tactics fall into 3 categories: logical, emotional, or cooperative appeals. We call these influencing people using the head, heart, or hands.

What are three ways to influence others? ›

The ultimate guide to becoming more influential at work (or anywhere else)
  • Listen without interruption. ...
  • Act with integrity. ...
  • Do what you say you're going to do. ...
  • Give others a voice. ...
  • Take care of yourself. ...
  • Be relevant with your skills. ...
  • Stay focused on what matters. ...
  • Engage with others.
Jan 13, 2021

What makes someone easily influenced? ›

Someone who is impressionable is easily influenced. An impressionable person can be greatly changed by his or her experiences — not always in a good way. When someone makes an impression on you, you remember them and are influenced by them.

How family and friends can positively influence your self-esteem? ›

Friends and Family

The people that you spend time around have a considerable influence on your self-esteem. Your friends can help you build your self-confidence, your self-image, and self-respect, or they can bring it down.

How do friends help shape identity? ›

Friendships, in particular, give us a profound sense of belonging. We feed off of each other's energies, thoughts, dreams, and even differences—which all play an integral role in shaping our identities.

What are three influences a person's self-esteem? ›

What influences self esteem? Your self esteem can be influenced by your beliefs on the type of person you are, what you can do, your strengths, your weaknesses and your expectations of your future. There may be particular people in your life whose messages about you can also contribute to your self esteem.

What are the 5 types of influences? ›

5 influencing styles—and how to use them effectively
  • Bridging. People who use a bridging style of influence tend to motivate by using reciprocity, consultation, and personal relationships. ...
  • Rationalizing. ...
  • Asserting. ...
  • Inspiring. ...
  • Negotiating.

What are the 7 factors of influence? ›

Robert Cialdini's principles of influence
  • Reciprocity: People dislike feeling indebted. ...
  • Commitment: People require consistency. ...
  • Social Proof: People do what they observe others doing. ...
  • Authority: People trust authority. ...
  • Liking: People prefer similarities. ...
  • Scarcity: Less quantity equals more demand. ...
  • Unity: Us and them.

What are the 8 influences? ›

They are body, mind, work, spirit, finances, community, emotions and environment. Each can affect your quality of life.

What are three influences examples? ›

18 Examples of Influence
  • Society. The systems, norms and shared meaning of a nation or civilization. ...
  • Culture. Culture are systems of norms and shared meaning that often have far more flexible membership than society. ...
  • Social Status. ...
  • Cultural Capital. ...
  • Persuasion. ...
  • Knowledge. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Storytelling.
Nov 19, 2018

What are things that influence a person? ›

physical factors - age, health, illness, pain, influence of a substance or medication. personal and emotional factors - personality, beliefs, expectations, emotions, mental health. life experiences - family, culture, friends, life events. what the person needs and wants.

What is personal influence examples? ›

Examples of personal influence practices include providing entertainment, food, drinks, and gifts and are often based on informal relationships (Shin & Cameron, 2003), the propriety of which may hold more importance in Asian cultures.

What are the influences of family? ›

The family has very powerful effects on the developing child, impacting attitudes, beliefs, opportunities, habits, and personality traits. The family plays a critical role in determining who a child becomes and what he or she accomplishes.

What is positive influence of life? ›

A positive influence can help others achieve their goals, feel better about themselves, and make positive changes in their lives. Having a positive influence in someone's life can make all the difference, whether it's providing constructive feedback or inspiring them to move forward with confidence.

What is positive influence of family? ›

But positive family relationships are important for lots of other reasons too. They: help children feel secure and loved, which gives them confidence to explore their world, try new things and learn. make it easier for your family to solve problems, resolve conflict and respect differences of opinion.

How do friends influence me as a student? ›

Peer relationships can also help children learn to control their emotions and respond to others appropriately. Better grades are also among the perks of friendships, as several studies have shown that socially active students often have better academic outcomes at school.

What aspects of your life are most influenced by your peer friends? ›

Whether you are good friends or not, peers influence or socialize you a great deal. You and your peers will have your own tastes, ideas, and ways of dressing and talking, as well as favorite music, food, and sports. These behaviors and preferences make up your peer culture.

What is positive influence of friends and peers? ›

Positive peer pressure is when someone's peers influence them to do something positive or growth building. For example, peers who are committed to doing well in school or at sport can influence others to be more goal orientated. Similarly, peers who are kind, loyal or supportive influence others to be the same.

How family and friends influence you? ›

Physical health - Many studies have shown that positive relationships with relatives lead to more positive habits later in life, such as taking better care of yourself and making healthy food choices. In contrast, negative relationships that cause stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits and poor physical self-care.

How do friends influence their child? ›

Friendships also help children develop important life skills like getting along with other people and sorting out conflicts and problems. Children with these skills are less likely to have social and emotional difficulties later in life. Play is a big part of how children connect with others and make friends at school.

What is most influenced by peer groups? ›

Peers, particularly group members, become important social referents. Peer groups also influence individual members' attitudes and behaviours on many cultural and social issues, such as: drug use, violence, and academic achievement. and even the development and expression of prejudice.

Do your peers help you develop your personality? ›

There's another side though. When you were growing up, your peers actually helped shape your personality towards your strengths. Think about it like this. Your peers got to spend more time with you on a regular basis and you got to test your intrinsic abilities and personality on a regular basis.

How do you win friends and influence your life? ›

Six ways to Make People Like You
  1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener. ...
  5. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
  6. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

Who has the greatest influence on a person's character friends? ›

Family has the biggest influence on one's character

they will have a good character in their life. from them. For example, they teach us on how to communicate nicely to others in our daily life.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.