Peer to Peer Influence on Fashion (2024)

Several components act as influencers. Members of a peer group or reference group have a profound effect on consumer buying decisions and sense of style.

In addition to affecting consumer decisions, peer discussions and reviews also can sway the decisions of members of the apparel industry.

Think about the fashion designer that develops a new dress. She is so proud and walks down the hall to show her friend that works in the merchandising department. Before the designer can say a word, her friend says, "yuk, where did you find that ugly dress?". Won't that statement effect the designers opinion of the work she has just completed. Possibly she will go back to the drawing board and start again. Peer-to-peer evaluation would have altered what would be in the stores next season.

Television, magazines, friends & family, etc., all act as influencers. Some peer-to-peer methods are subtle and others are very pushy in an overt way. Regardless of the method, it is “influence” driving us none the less.

If your peers tell you that your shirt is ugly, you may actually believe them and stop wearing that shirt. Try to tell your friends and family that they look very stylish. This will give them confidence. Obviously, if they look ridiculous, don’t let them go out looking that way… Friends don’t let friends look stupid.

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Peer to Peer Influence on Fashion (2024)


How does peer group influence fashion? ›

Members of a peer group or reference group have a profound effect on consumer buying decisions and sense of style. In addition to affecting consumer decisions, peer discussions and reviews also can sway the decisions of members of the apparel industry. Think about the fashion designer that develops a new dress.

Do your peers influence your choice the way you dress or the way you behave? ›

These peers also influence you by the way they dress and act, things they're involved in, and the attitudes they show. It's natural for people to identify with and compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they wish to be (or think they should be), or what they want to achieve.

How do fashion affect the people involved? ›

Negative Impacts of Fashion Trends on Society

Such new fashion trends also affect the psychology of younger generations, and hence, if they do not get it, then it badly affects their minds and (likely) they become victims of psychological disorders such as eating disorders, mental illness, stress, etc.

Is children's dressing style influenced by their peers? ›

As children and youth learn to make decisions, receiving input and even pressure from friends and other peers is common for them. Feedback and pressure from peers influence young people's clothing styles, music choices, social behaviors and even risky activities.

What is peer to peer fashion? ›

Peer-to-peer platforms connect people (and sometimes brands) who want to lend out their clothes with customers who are willing to rent them, leaving all the product listing, marketing, communication, cleaning and postage to users — and only stepping in to resolve serious issues.

How is fashion influenced by social media? ›

Digital Fashion Inspiration

Social media creates a space full of fashion inspiration, outfit ideas, and style tips. Therefore, its capacity for information makes it easy for people to discover fashion staples across time, with social media playing a role in the recent resurgence of early 2000s fashion trends.

Does personality affect how people choose what to wear? ›

Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual. People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing.

Does clothing affect how you perceive other people's personality? ›

Whether you are male or female, your fashion choices can affect both your self image, the impression that you convey to others and in turn, the way in which people behave towards you.

What are the 3 key influences on fashion? ›

Fashion Designing Basics: Factors Influencing Popular Fashion
  • Fashion Forecast (Colour & Fabric) Deciding the colour, fabric and look for the upcoming season is something that every designer works on. ...
  • Movies & Music. The entertainment world is a major influencer of fashion. ...
  • Fashion Stylist. ...
  • Economy of a Country.
Dec 20, 2017

What are 3 things that influence fashion? ›

Fashion trends are influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis.

What influences fashion the most? ›

Social factor is one of the most significant factors that influence fashion frequently and expansively. Its area is pretty wide and includes many factors, such as place of living (urban area or rural area), educational and cultural background, status in society, gender, profession, and, of course, occasions.

What is an example of a peer influence? ›

choosing the same clothes, hairstyle or jewellery as their friends. listening to the same music or watching the same TV shows as their friends. changing the way they talk or the words they use. doing risky things or breaking rules.

How do peers impact body image? ›

Peers also might influence body image discrepancy by affecting young adolescents' beliefs about themselves. For example, young adolescents who worry about what others think of them or how they may be treated at school tend to have negative perceptions of themselves (Ata et al.

What are the 5 factors that influence the costume of a people? ›

The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation. The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation.

What is peer-to-peer good for? ›

Key advantages of using a P2P network

Easy file sharing: An advanced P2P network can share files quickly over large distances. Files can be accessed anytime. Reduced costs: There is no need to invest in a separate computer for a server when setting up a P2P network.

What is an example of peer-to-peer selling? ›

Peer-to-peer selling is a process where customers buy a product and share what they like about it with their peers, encouraging new sales. For instance, eating at a restaurant, staying at a hotel or purchasing a new pair of shoes because you read a positive review online is peer-to-peer selling.

How has culture influenced fashion? ›

The culture of the people ensure that the fashion accessories and clothes meet certain goals or objectives. Culture also influences design and fabric selection. For example, designers can choose from and make use of indigenous materials abundant in a particular place.

Why are we influenced by fashion? ›

Fashion plays a multi-purpose role in our lives. It is clothing to protect our bodies from harsh conditions, but it is also a way to bring people from different walks of life together. While living in a multi-cultural society, fashion helps us understand the other person's background and culture.

How does TikTok influence fashion? ›

TikTok has been the driving factor behind both broader trends in style — like the move away from skinny jeans — and the popularization of specific products, like the Gap logo hoodie and the Skims dress.

How does fashion make people feel? ›

Your dress style may stimulate feelings of self- confidence. Good fashion style represents what you want to be, and similarly, how you want to be treated by others. Your style choices are dictated by the situations, events and occasions you are involved in.

What is the relationship between fashion and personality? ›

Clothes or fashion play a part in giving a representation of the inner self. This includes thoughts, feelings and inner personal traits. At times you might look at a person and think that they made the clothes they are wearing because of the fitness attributes.

Which personality type loves fashion? ›

Often free-spirited types, ENFPs and INFPs tend to be drawn to fashions that are somewhat romantic, personalized, and unusual.

What are some social reasons that influence our clothing choices? ›

How Does Social Factor Influence Fashion?
  • The place where a person is born and brought up;
  • Family's environment;
  • Culture & tradition of the native place;
  • Gender;
  • Profession;
  • Occasion; and.
  • Social status.
Oct 13, 2022

How does clothing affect self-esteem? ›

When used positively, clothing contributes to feelings of self- acceptance and self-esteem. Clothing choices of individuals can be a reflection of how they feel about themselves, or how they want others to feel about them (Kwon, 1991).

Do clothes influence your life? ›

Boosts Your Self-Esteem

The clothes we wear daily can be a reliable source of self-confidence that many people depend on. Generally, we are more confident and at ease when we feel comfortable, and clothes often provide a good level of familiarity for many of us.

What is negative peer influence? ›

Negative peer pressure usually involves influence that sways people toward risky activity such as criminal behavior, underage drinking, drug use, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. Positive peer pressure, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. It can prove to be beneficial.

What are 3 positive effects of peer pressure? ›

a sense of belonging and support. increased self-confidence. introduction to positive hobbies and interests. reinforcement of positive habits and attitudes.

What are the 5 principles of fashion? ›

The five basic principles of fashion design include emphasis, balance, proportion, rhythm, and harmony.

What influences what people wear? ›

Choosing What to Wear
  • To fulfill basic needs.
  • Based on the activities in which they will be participating.
  • Personal preference.
  • Based on the influence of family, friends, the media, and society.

What are the four 4 basic elements of fashion design? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment. It creates the initial impact before any other details are noticed.

What are 3 main fashion categories? ›

A Lesson: The Three Types of Fashion
  • Mass Market Fashion. The first sector of design involves the most straightforward and accessible form of clothing, which is the mass market. ...
  • Ready to Wear Fashion. ...
  • Haute Couture Fashion.
Jan 18, 2021

What influences fashion today? ›

And also: the media, celebrities, people around us and you (you choose what you wear). In addition, fashion is indirectly influenced by social developments such as people and cultural trends, technology, politics and legislation, the weather, the environment, social phenomena and art.

What influenced change in clothing? ›

Why do fashions change? The answer is probably as simple as the fact that people change. Over time, the new replaces the old. People are influenced by popular culture, including athletes, musicians, movie stars, social media, and royalty.

What influences fast fashion? ›

Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in driving consumers to purchase fast fashion garments. From societal expectations around fashion trends and brands to cultural and religious beliefs, these influences can make it difficult for individuals to resist the temptation of fast fashion.

What is the impact of peer influence? ›

Positive and negative peer influences can affect more than just your behavior. They can also change the way you feel. Studies show that, in general, the more friends you have and the more time you spend with them, the happier you are.

What are two effects of peer influence? ›

It can decrease self-confidence and lead to poor academic performance, distancing from family members and friends, or an increase in depression and anxiety. Left untreated, this could eventually lead teens to engage in self-harm or have suicidal thoughts.

How do peers influence gender identity? ›

Friends exert a strong influence on their peers, including in matters of gender identity. Not every factor of gender identity seems to be dependent upon peer influence however, including whether a young teen is content to be the sex they are, or if they feel like a typical member of their gender.

How do peers affect self-esteem? ›

Negative peer pressure can have a negative impact on your teen's self-esteem. In some cases, children and teens find themselves overly dependent on their peers because they begin to develop an issue with self-confidence. Teasing from others can cause teenagers to feel as if they aren't as good as their peers.

How do peer groups influence identity? ›

One of the major factors that influence the formation of a person's identity is his or her peers. Studies have shown that peers provide normative regulation, and that they provide a staging ground for the practice of social behaviors. This allows individuals to experiment with roles and discover their identities.

What are the factors that influence peer groups? ›

Peer influence is influenced by factors such as students' ethnicity, socioeconomic background, family ties, and group interests. Peers are valued even more than parents, guardians, and instructors throughout the adolescent years, and adolescents' peer-influenced actions can have long-term effects.

How does peer influence affect students? ›

Peer pressure can cause students to do or say things they wouldn't normally do or say. It isn't always a bad thing: pressure from a student's peers to study harder or to stand up to bullying can have positive results.

What are the negative effects of peer influence? ›

It can decrease self-confidence and lead to poor academic performance, distancing from family members and friends, or an increase in depression and anxiety. Left untreated, this could eventually lead teens to engage in self-harm or have suicidal thoughts.

What are the factors affecting family clothing choice? ›

The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation. The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation.

What is peer influence examples? ›

choosing the same clothes, hairstyle or jewellery as their friends. listening to the same music or watching the same TV shows as their friends. changing the way they talk or the words they use. doing risky things or breaking rules.

What are the 4 positive influence of peer grouping? ›

a sense of belonging and support. increased self-confidence. introduction to positive hobbies and interests. reinforcement of positive habits and attitudes.

What are the positive and negative effects of peer pressure? ›

Positive peer pressure can help teens develop the coping skills necessary for adulthood. It might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or to avoid risky behaviors, which can be especially helpful during tough times. Negative peer pressure can lead teens in bad directions.

Is peer influence a good thing? ›

There are also many positive things about peer pressure, it can really be a good force in the life of your teenager and their friends. Positive peer pressure is when someone's peers influence them to do something positive or growth building.

What are the positive effects of peer influence? ›

The Positive Side of Peer Pressure
  • 2) Picking Up Healthy Habits. Fitting in feels good. ...
  • 3) Sharing New Experiences. Trying new things can be hard. ...
  • 4) Offering Moral Support. Adolescence can be challenging as young people try to answer huge questions, like, “Who am I?” and “Do I fit in?” Good friends support each other.
Oct 17, 2019

What influences fashion choices? ›

People choose the clothes they wear for a number of reasons:
  • To fulfill basic needs.
  • Based on the activities in which they will be participating.
  • Personal preference.
  • Based on the influence of family, friends, the media, and society.

What are 4 factors that influence clothing? ›

The selection of clothing should be done on the basis of age, season, income, occasion and fashion.

Does personality influence clothing choice? ›

Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and what actually you are as an individual. People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.