8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (2024)

You’ve embarked on the road of self-publishing. Whether you’re in the process of writing or finalizing your manuscript, you ask yourself: “where can I get my book published for free?” Well, what we love about being an indie is just how accessible it is to publish online.

Here are the 8 best free self-publishing sites to know in 2024.

But First, Things to Do before Using Free Publishing Companies

I want to make sure you’re aware of everything you need to publish properly. (Feel free to skip this section if you’re already in the know.) The journey is quite simple:

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (1)

The first step is self-explanatory. If it’s your first time writing a book, there are a ton of resources you can tap into. Read Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Check out these lectures by Brandon Sanderson. Or learn from bestselling books in your desired genre.

After completing your first draft, you want to edit the heck out of it. I strongly recommend hiring a professional editor. You can also ask your network, look for beta readers, or do a swap with another writer.

Every book needs a cover design. I suggest outsourcing this work to a professional, too. Find a designer on sites like Upwork or Fiverr. But if you’re under a budget, try out Canva. It’s a free tool for folks with no design skills. And do brush up on how to create a book cover for free.

Using free book publishing sites involves uploading files in the right formats. The exact requirements differ depending on the store you pick, plus the book format you wish to publish: ebook, audio, or print. Generally, you’ll need your 1) cover file and 2) main manuscript file formatted correctly. See these guides on how to format an ebook, how to create an audiobook, and how to print-on-demand.

(Important note: don’t forget to develop a marketing plan. See these cost-effective tips on how to market a self-published book.)

After taking care of the basics, you’re ready to self-publish with any of these free book publishing companies. ⬇

P.S. Self-publishing means taking on a lot of the work yourself. Lighten the load with PublishDrive, an online self-publishing platform that helps with distribution, marketing, royalty reporting, and beyond.

Try PublishDrive Free

Voilà, 8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites to Know in 2024

Without further ado, the rundown –

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (2)

1. Amazon KDP

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (3)

If you’re familiar with the topic of self-publishing, then you know Amazon KDP is THE place to publish as an indie author or publisher. That’s because the online retailer captures at least half of the digital book market. Out of all the free ebook publishing sites out there, KDP is king.

Formats available

Ebook, audiobook, print

Royalty payout

70% for books between $2.99 and $9.99, 35% if below $2.99


Kindle stores in 13 countries, over 200 million monthly visitors on Amazon.com

Start for free

Go to kdp.amazon.com

Amazon also has KDP Select, but this one requires an exclusivity period. That means for the first 90 days your ebook is up on Amazon, you can’t sell it anywhere else. This can limit your earning potential. Let me share why…

Self-publishing indies don’t have the backings nor the budget that comes from a traditional publishing house or agency. To get noticed, marketing becomes significant. Another way to maximize reach – therefore selling potential – is by distributing in as many stores, countries, and formats as possible. This is called “going wide.”

And this strategy works. Tens of thousands of indies doubled their book sales in 2021 by going wide via PublishDrive. Remember, half of the digital book sales come from Amazon; don’t miss out on the other half of the pie.

Maybe you’re okay with starting out with KDP Select. You can definitely go wide and try other free publishing sites after your 90-day period. But if maximizing three months’ worth of royalties sounds vital for you, go wide from the get-go. This brings me to –

2. PublishDrive

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (4)

PublishDrive is an aggregator site, meaning they distribute to multiple spaces. The platform reaches all major channels in this list, such asAmazon, plus thousands more. As I mentioned above, indies on PublishDrive doubled their book sales last year (despite the pandemic). So, if you were wondering how to start publishing a book for freeandreach a global audience, here’s the answer.

They have a great free trial so you can test how simple their system is for reaching readers around the world.You could go wide by setting up and managing your book through individual sites, but why not use a single platform that does it all for you? Here’s what else:

Royalty payout

100% of what you earn for each store (PublishDrive takes 0 sales commission)


400+ digital bookstores and thousands of libraries

Start for free

Go to publishdrive.com/register (free 14-day trial)

PublishDrive is a subscription-based platform, so it won’t be free after the 14-day trial, but all the integrated features and built-in marketing tools are worth much more.

That being said, PublishDrive offers book promotion features,print-on-demand converter, a print cover template generator, a free ebook converter, and much more.

3. Barnes & Noble Press

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (5)

The other half of the book market not occupied by Amazon KDP includes Barnes & Noble, where you can enjoy free publishing. In fact, Barnes & Noble is the main competitor of KDP. The renowned bookstore reaches millions of readers on its book site BN.com and e-reader NOOK.

“If you’re interested in selling print books, Barnes and Noble has one of the best services when it comes to the quality and printing options available.”

See this guide to learn about Barnes and Noble self-publishing.

Formats available

Ebook, print

Royalty payout

70% for ebooks, 55% for print books


Millions of readers on BN.com and NOOK devices

Start for free

Go to press.barnesandnoble.com

4. Apple Books

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (6)

That’s right, you can list your book on Apple Books for free. With the app pre-installed on every Apple device, that’s a pool of over a billion users all over the world.

Formats available

Ebook, audiobook (for audio, you must go through one of Apple’s approved partners like PublishDrive)

Royalty payout

70% for most books


Over 1.4 billion Apple users in over 50 countries

Start for free

Go to authors.apple.com

Ooh, get this. PublishDrive can recommend your book to Apple’s editorial team for a promotional feature (with a 90% approval rate). Learn more about PublishDrive’s book promotion services.

5. Google Play Books

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (7)

The Google Play Books app is pre-installed on every Android device. And it’s Google, the largest search engine that has ever existed.

How to get a book published for free and get noticed fast? Go with Google Play Books. Creating a dedicated books page under Google can help you rank higher in organic searches and boost your online advertising efforts. Read more on how to sell books on Google.

Formats available

Ebook, audiobook

Royalty payout

70% for most books


Over 3+ billion Android users in over 75 countries

Start for free

Go to play.google.com

6. IngramSpark

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (8)

IngramSpark is among the self-publishing websites perfect for those interested in distributing print books. Ebook is available, too. But Ingram super specializes in print-on-demand, reaching over 39,000 channels.

“Print-on-demand (POD) is a printing technology and business process that prints a book only when an order is made. This became a game-changer for indies (especially small and medium-sized publishers), where you no longer have to print a ton of books in advance. It lets you list your book online without having prints in stock. This not only gets rid of the logistics hassle, but it saves money too.”

Read more about print-on-demand distribution with Ingram.

Formats available

Ebook, print

Royalty payout

65-70% depending on the market


Over 39,000 stores

Start for free

Go to myaccount.ingramspark.com/account/signup (free set up)

7. Kobo Writing Life

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (9)

Heard of Walmart? Kobo can get your self-published book on Walmart’s website. In case you haven’t heard of Walmart, it’s one of the largest retail stores in the U.S. Along with the infamous Walmart, Kobo reaches other prominent stores around the globe.

Formats available

Ebook, print

Royalty payout

70% for books above $2.99, 45% if below $2.99


Online book stores in over 190 countries, over 275 million monthly visitors on Walmart.com

Start for free

Go to kobo.com/writinglife

8. Dreame

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (10)

“Dreame is the newest reading service on the block. The niche reading app from Southeast Asia was in fact PublishDrive’s #1 store with the most growth in 2020. Indies made a whopping 92,441% more royalties.”

See this guide on how to self-publish on Dreame.

Formats available

Ebook (e-stories)

Royalty payout

70% for books above $2.99, 45% if below $2.99


Millions of readers

Start for free

Go to starywriting.com

There you have it. Here are the best places where you can publish a book for free. If you can, go wide!

How can I get my book published for free, easily?

You can start a free trial with PublishDrive, where publishing is not only easy but strategic. Reach thousands of stores and join indies who doubled their sales last year.

Try PublishDrive Free

8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites [2024] (2024)


What is the best site to self-publish a book? ›

Voilà, 8 Best Free Self-Publishing Sites to Know in 2024
  • Amazon KDP. If you're familiar with the topic of self-publishing, then you know Amazon KDP is THE place to publish as an indie author or publisher. ...
  • PublishDrive. ...
  • Barnes & Noble Press. ...
  • Apple Books. ...
  • Google Play Books. ...
  • IngramSpark. ...
  • Kobo Writing Life. ...
  • Dreame.
Jan 19, 2023

What are some vanity publishers to avoid? ›

Some other book publishers to avoid are Abbott Press, Alliant Press, AlphaScript, America Star Books, Archway Publishing, Balboa Press, Barbara Bauer Literary Agency, The Writing Crew, The Clock Writing, Olympia Publishers, Indie Writer Support, etc.

Can you self-publish for free? ›

While you can design one yourself or use free online tools, investing in a professional cover designer can make a significant difference in attracting potential readers. Several self-publishing platforms, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and Smashwords, allow you to publish your book for free.

What is the number one self-publishing company? ›

Kindle Direct Publishing (Retailer)

Owned by Amazon, KDP is the top dog when it comes to the best self-publishing companies. The amount of sales done through Amazon dwarfs the competition. All of it. This comes from their widespread reach to customers and lucrative royalty offers.

What's the average cost to self-publish a book? ›

How much does it cost to publish a book in the United States? It usually costs between $500 and $5,000 to publish a book in the United States. A lot of that cost comes from hiring an editor, book designer services, and marketing. The average self-published book costs about $2,000 to publish and market.

How can I get my self-published book noticed? ›

11 Powerful Book Promotion Ideas for Self-Published Authors
  1. Have your own blog or website. ...
  2. Increase your online presence to spread the word about your book. ...
  3. Use social media. ...
  4. Learn from the most popular books in your genre — what helps them sell? ...
  5. Get reviews for your book. ...
  6. Write an enticing book blurb.

Who is the best publisher for first time authors? ›

16 Wonderful Publishers For First Time Authors
  • Avon Impulse. Avon is looking for big, high concept historical and contemporary romances. ...
  • Baen Books. ...
  • Black & White Publishing. ...
  • Coffee House Press. ...
  • Chicago Review Press. ...
  • Chronicle Books. ...
  • DAW. ...
  • Entangled Publishing.
Mar 25, 2022

How do I publish a book without getting sued? ›

Being aware of defamation and libel considerations, exercising caution in character portrayals, and seeking legal advice when needed can help self-published authors navigate potential legal issues and reduce the risk of facing defamation claims.

Can a publisher steal my manuscript? ›

Legitimate publishers are not going to steal your work or ideas. Publishers make money from the books and their relationships with those authors. Most of the time, you don't have to worry about a book publisher taking your book and publishing it without your permission.

Do I need to copyright my book if I self-publish? ›

Under U.S. copyright law, your self published work is protected as soon as you put the pen to paper. Copyright is based on your creative authorship and is not dependent on any formal agreement with a book publisher or self publishing company, although registration with the U.S. Copyright Office is beneficial.

How much does it cost to self-publish on Amazon? ›

It's free to use the Amazon self-publishing platform. You pay no upfront costs, but Amazon will take a portion of your book's earnings to print, leaving you with 60% royalties after the book print price, which is why authors are making more now than ever before.

Where can I create a book for free? ›

Bookemon is one of the better known sites that offer free book making and publish program. Here is how to make a book: you create a free account with the site. You can either import your text from document in Word or PDF or write it directly using the online creator.

Is it better to self-publish or get a publisher? ›

For 97% of authors, the answer is very clear: self-publishing is the right choice.

What types of self-published books sell the best? ›

Romance, science fiction, and fantasy stand as some of the best-selling self-published books of all time.

Has anyone been successful self-publishing? ›

Beatrix Potter

Taking matters into her own hands, she self-published 250 copies. To her delight, within a year, a company that had initially turned her down recognized her potential and offered her a publishing deal. The book exceeded all expectations, selling over 20,000 copies in its first year alone.

What 30 year old makes $1.8 million self-publishing on Amazon? ›

Krout, who is now 30 and lives in Kansas, was enjoying these books as a reader, so for fun, he decided to write one, titled "Dungeon Born." He completed it in October 2016 and immediately published it on Amazon, not bothering to hire a copyeditor or cover designer.

Which publisher is best to first time authors? ›

30 Book Publishing Companies That Accept Proposals Directly From Authors
  • Self-Publishing School. They publish a massive variety of nonfiction, fiction, and children's books. ...
  • DAW. Publish science fiction and fantasy. ...
  • Chronicle Books. ...
  • Baen. ...
  • Flashlight Press. ...
  • Skyhorse Publishing. ...
  • Free Spirit Publishing. ...
  • Five Star.
Dec 11, 2023

Is Barnes and Noble a good place to self-publish? ›

They don't have the breadth and width of the Amazon marketplace, but they've established themselves as a viable option for self-published authors who are looking for a quality end product and easy-to-use platform, and a solid reputation in the industry. Barnes and Noble Press has all three.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6155

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.