8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (2024)

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (1)

If you’ve only got a minute:

  • Low-risk investments typically offer safe and reliable returns.
  • Singapore Government Securities, fixed deposits and savings plans are examples of low-risk investment vehicles.
  • Diversification across multiple products and asset classes can reduce the level of risk you take.

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (2)

Rising interest rates, coupled with an inflationary environment are pushing investors to seek higher yields to safeguard the value of their money. Higher inflation not only drives up costs of living, cash sitting idle in low interest bank accounts is effectively losing its value over time too.

Cash alternative investments are typically low risk and offer a slightly higher interest rate compared to a plain vanilla bank savings account. The returns however, are relatively lower than higher risk investment products (such as equities and funds) to grow your money more effectively over the long term. Still, there is a place for cash alternative investments in everyone’s portfolio.

For those who want to move their spare cash into cash alternative investments, there are 2 key factors to consider – 1) liquidity and 2) risk.

You would want to ensure that the liquidity of the investment fits your needs in case you need to gain quick access to your cash for short-term needs. As such investment options offer low risk levels, the returns of these investments are typically from 2% to 3% per annum (pa).

How can consumers then, make their money work harder by taking advantage of the higher yields offered by low-risk investments/cash alternative products presently?

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (3)

Here are 8 cash alternative products you can consider.

1. Singapore Government Treasury Bills (T-bills)

Singapore is one of a handful of countries that has a Triple-A credit rating, which indicates that debt issued by the government is of a high level of creditworthiness and it comes with a strong capacity to repay investors. The Singapore government issues short-term bonds called T-bills at both 6-month and 1-year durations. These are the shortest tenured Singapore Government Securities (SGS) available.

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (4)

The 6-month T-bill issued on 15th September 2022 reached a high 3.32% cut-off yield, a significant increase from the previous T-bills issued on 6th September 2022 and 23rd August 2022, with cut off yields at 2.99% and 2.98% respectively. Unlike SSBs and SGS bonds, T-bills are zero-coupon bonds that do not pay out interest.

Instead, T-bills are issued at a discount to their face value – the price of the T-Bill is lower than the principal which the investor receives at maturity. For example, if you invest S$10,000 in a 1-year T-bill, you will receive the “interest” at the start (S$299 discount based on 2.99% p.a.) and eventually have your S$10,000 back at maturity. Put simply, you only need to pay S$9,701 upfront.

The minimum amount to invest in this product is $1,000 with an admin fee of $2. Do note that 1-year T-Bills offer higher yields as compared to 6-month T-Bills. Why? Because there is more risk priced into the security due to the increased duration of the tenure. Lastly, T-Bills are useful for investors who want to invest within a very short term – up to a year – without taking much risk.

While you can sell T-bills on the secondary market, bear in mind that the price may rise or fall before maturity.

2. Singapore Government Bonds

There are also longer-term bonds that fall under Singapore Government Securities (SGS) – ranging from 2 to 50 Years. They pay on a fixed semi-annual coupon - every 6 months - starting from the month of issue. SGS bonds pay out regular interest payments (coupons) on the amount you invest in half-yearly intervals throughout the bond tenure.

For example, if you had bought S$10,000 worth of the 50-year Green SGS bond with a coupon rate of 3% p.a., you would be getting S$300 in the form of two interest payments of S$150 each, every year. These payments will be made every half yearly until the bond matures (in this case 50 years – the longer you hold the bond, the more interest you will receive!).

If you decide to sell it in the secondary market, bear in mind that the bond price may rise or fall before maturity.

3. Singapore Savings Bonds

Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) are another safe and stable product offered to individuals by the government. The investment period goes up to 10 years. Launched in October 2015, SSBs are targeted at retail investors who want higher interest than bank deposits but are cautious of putting their hard-earned savings at risk.

The bonds pay a step-up interest rate each year, up to the 10th year. In other words, the bonds have a lower yield earlier in its tenure, but progressively pay a higher interest rate or coupon until the bond’s maturity date. This means that the longer you save, the higher the return.

With SSBs, bondholders are guaranteed to receive their full principal back in any month, without any capital loss or penalty. This means that should you need to redeem your bonds before the 10-year maturity period, you won’t be penalised for cashing in early.

If you decide to exit the investment before the 10-year period, you will receive a lower average return per year. The easiest way to calculate your projected returns from investing in an SSB is to use the calculator in the My Savings Bonds portal. You will also be able to check how your returns vary with early redemptions.

The minimum investment for this particular security is $500, and the maximum individual holding is $200,000. There is also a $2 transaction fee to purchase and exit this product.

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (5)

4. Fixed Deposits (FDs)

A fixed deposit account pays a fixed amount of interest on a lump sum of money over a specified period. FDs earn higher interest than leaving cash in your savings account.

Many banks offer FD schemes at promotional rates. With interest rates increasing, local banks are offering attractive FD rates of around 3% p.a for a 12-month tenor.

Do note that FDs allow for immediate withdrawals but premature withdrawals typically incur a fee and may result in ineligibility for any accrued interest. DBS is currently offering an 8-month fixed deposit rate of 2.6% p.a (minimum S$20,000 capped at $1 million). This is a promotional rate by invite only.

Deposits with full banks and finance companies in Singapore are covered under the Singapore Deposit Insurance Scheme (SDIC). The SDIC insures the deposits you have with banks, finance companies, and insurance policies with insurance companies. Under SDIC, your deposits per bank are insured up to $75,000.

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (6)

5. Higher interest savings account

With a higher interest savings account, you can potentially enjoy higher interest rates by fulfilling certain criteria. For instance, the DBS Multiplier Account offers up to 4.1% interest pa when the account holder credits his or her salary into the account, meets a minimum credit card spend, has a regular spend on insurance policy or investments, and/or has a home loan with DBS.

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (7)

The amount of interest you earn also depends on the total transaction amount you have made with the bank. If utilised wisely, you might be able to earn a significant amount of interest per year on your savings alone!

6. Savings Plans

Savings plans may be bundled with or without an insurance component.

Insurance savings plans are offered by insurers and they can be sold via banking channels. They may appear similar to fixed deposits in that you are required to lock up your monies over a fixed period but the principal sum may not be protected if you choose to surrender the policy prematurely. the money will be put into savings and investments funds. A typical savings plan is the Manulife SmartWealth (II) which invests in funds of your choice and has a policy duration of 3, 5 or 10 years. Additionally, insurance savings plans may offer a lumpsum death benefit if something untoward happens to you.

For a bank savings plan (that is non-insurance linked), you may consider the POSB SAYE Account. It has a fixed deposit feature for the first 2 years that can generate a 2% annual interest on your savings.

For savings plans, consumers should consider the lock-up period, early withdrawal penalties, fees involved and whether the principal and returns are guaranteed.

7. Cash management accounts

Cash management accounts are typically offered by brokerages – these accounts invest in cash funds, money market funds (MMF) and short-duration bond funds.

The net yields are between 1.5% and 3.5% and returns are projected and not guaranteed. These accounts provide liquidity and are generally low risk. However, they are not backed by the Singapore government or SDIC.

8. Money market funds

Money market funds invest in stable, highly liquid, short-term instruments including cash equivalent investments, T-bills, and bonds that are close to maturity.

The safety-first characteristic makes money market funds and short duration funds an option for those looking to earn some yields on their surplus funds. However, these are still mutual funds so while they are generally considered safer instruments, your capital is not guaranteed.

Short duration funds do come with slightly more risk than money market fund, and investors can expect a slightly higher potential return than money market funds.

In summary

The above investment options can give you relatively safe and reliable returns. Nonetheless, it is important to do your due diligence before investing in any investment product including in seemingly low-risk instruments as they have implications on whether your principal is protected. Remember to always weigh the consequences before investing in any product.

It is important to understand that diversification is key so do not put all your eggs in one basket or simply invest your savings entirely in cash alternative products. To mitigate inflation and longevity risks, spread your investments across a variety of asset classes to ride out volatility on portfolios and enjoy long-term gains for sustainable financial wellness.

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Disclaimers and Important Notice
This article is meant for information only and should not be relied upon as financial advice. Before making any decision to buy, sell or hold any investment or insurance product, you should seek advice from a financial adviser regarding its suitability.

All investments come with risks and you can lose money on your investment. Invest only if you understand and can monitor your investment. Diversify your investments and avoid investing a large portion of your money in a single product issuer.

Disclaimer for Investment and Life Insurance Products

8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore (2024)


8 low-risk cash alternatives to invest in | DBS Singapore? ›

Fixed deposit vs. Cash Management Accounts

In Singapore, cash management accounts like Moomoo Cash Plus and Webull Moneybull are gaining popularity as alternatives to traditional banking options. They provide an avenue for higher returns by investing in money market and bond funds.

What are the alternatives to fixed deposit in Singapore? ›

Fixed deposit vs. Cash Management Accounts

In Singapore, cash management accounts like Moomoo Cash Plus and Webull Moneybull are gaining popularity as alternatives to traditional banking options. They provide an avenue for higher returns by investing in money market and bond funds.

What type of investment is a low-risk way to invest money? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in June 2024:

Money market funds. Short-term certificates of deposit. Series I savings bonds. Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.

What are cash alternatives in investing? ›

Cash alternatives are financial instruments that preserve the value of your money, while offering higher yields than those available through a savings account. Cash alternatives include government bonds, certificates of deposit, money market mutual funds, high yield savings accounts and cash alternative funds.

Is dbs investment worth it? ›

In summary, DBS digiPortfolio is more cost-effective than other robo advisors, easy to use, and offers a broad range of Asia ETFs. If you're looking for an affordable, simple way to invest in Singapore/Asia ETFs, DBS digiPortfolio is the best option available.

What are safe bonds to invest in Singapore? ›

In Singapore, you can choose from Singapore Government Securities (SGS) and Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs). These are backed by the Singapore Government and considered risk-free investments.

Is a fixed deposit a risk in Singapore? ›

Singapore Fixed Deposits are denominated in Singapore Dollars (SGD), meaning both the deposited amount and interest payments are in the local currency. Due to their low-risk nature, Fixed Deposits provide a steady and predictable fixed income, growing your finances with no major effort on your part.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

Below, you'll find the safest options that also provide a reasonable return on investment.
  1. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. The federal government raises money by issuing Treasury marketable securities. ...
  2. Bond ETFs. There are many organizations that issue bonds to raise money. ...
  3. CDs. ...
  4. High-yield savings accounts.
May 3, 2024

What is the lowest risk form of investment? ›

The Bottom Line

Safe assets such as U.S. Treasury securities, high-yield savings accounts, money market funds, and certain types of bonds and annuities offer a lower risk investment option for those prioritizing capital preservation and steady, albeit generally lower, returns.

Can you lose money in low risk investments? ›

Low-risk investing involves buying assets that have a low probability of incurring losses. While you're less likely to see losses with a low-risk investment, you're also less likely to earn a significant return.

What is a good cash equivalent investment? ›

It should be at minimal risk of a change in value. Examples of cash equivalents are bankers' acceptances, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, marketable securities, money market funds, short-term government bonds, and treasury bills.

What is the most popular alternative investment? ›

8 popular alternative investments: What you need to know
  1. Real Estate. Real estate is perhaps the most well-known alternative investment. ...
  2. Fine art and collectibles. ...
  3. Gold and precious metals. ...
  4. Commodities. ...
  5. Lending. ...
  6. Cryptocurrencies. ...
  7. Crowdfunding. ...
  8. Private equity.
Mar 4, 2024

Are Treasuries a good investment right now? ›

Generally, yes, but that depends on your investing goals, your risk tolerance and your portfolio's makeup. With investing, in many cases, the higher the risk, the higher the potential return.

How to invest in Singapore? ›

Here's an overview of the top investment strategies to consider:
  1. CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) ...
  2. Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) ...
  3. Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) and Treasury Bills (T-bills) ...
  4. Wealth Management Platform. ...
  5. Cash Management Accounts. ...
  6. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  7. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) ...
  8. Stocks.
Apr 18, 2024

Is it a good time to buy DBS shares now? ›

DBS Group Holdings has a consensus rating of Moderate Buy, which is based on 3 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings. The average share price target for DBS Group Holdings is S$37.06. This is based on 6 Wall Streets Analysts 12-month price targets, issued in the past 3 months.

Which DBS portfolio is best? ›

The top 2 performing funds were the AB Low Volatility Equity Portfolio, given its focus on quality core equities, and Schroder Asia More+, from its diversified exposure to Asian equities and credit. As of end-February 2024, the portfolio's allocation is approximately 44% in global equities and 52% in global bonds.

What is the best alternative to fixed deposit? ›

Top 9 Alternatives Of FD
  1. Debt Mutual Funds. Debt mutual funds invest primarily in debt instruments. ...
  2. Government Securities. ...
  3. Corporate Bonds. ...
  4. Corporate Fixed Deposits. ...
  5. Recurring Deposits. ...
  6. National Savings Certificate (NSC) ...
  7. Bharat Bond ETF. ...
  8. Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Jan 18, 2024

What's better than a fixed deposit? ›

While FDs are considered a safe and secure investment option, yielding low to moderate returns, mutual funds offer the potential for higher returns with greater risk.

What is better than fixed term deposit? ›

While term deposits can be used for this purpose, a high interest savings account allows you instant access to your cash at any time and may offer a better interest rate than a shorter-length term deposit. These are goals you are planning to accomplish within the next one to five years.

Is fixed deposit better than bonds in Singapore? ›

How do Savings Bonds compare with fixed deposits? Savings Bonds offer individual investors another way to save for the long term. Most fixed deposits have tenors of up to 2 or 3 years, while Savings Bonds allow you to save for up to 10 years. In addition, Savings Bonds are backed by the Government, rather than a bank.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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