9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (2024)

While some projects require professional editing, there’s a lot that you can achieve through self-editing. As you become more familiar with grammar rules, good writing habits, and your unique voice.

Starting your self-edit can be pretty daunting, so we’ve put together some pointers to help you along. Before you get started, we recommend downloading the below book editing checklist to follow along.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (1)


Get our Book Editing Checklist

Resolve every error, from plot holes to misplaced punctuation.

And without further ado, here are the 9 tips for self-editing your own writing!

  • 1. Get some distance from your writing
  • 2. Choose a suitable style guide
  • 3. Eliminate most instances of passive voice
  • 4. Cut out filler words where you can
  • 5. Replace adverbs with stronger verbs
  • 6. Vary your sentence structures
  • 7. Be intentional with your tenses and POVs
  • 8. Always read it one more time
  • 9. Ask someone else to give it a proof

1. Get some distance from your writing

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (2)

Whether it’s just an hour during your lunch break or a week off working on another project, stepping away between your first draft and your first edit will help you view it as a reader would. You may need to cut out some of what you thought was your best writing, so some objectivity and distance between you and your work will make this much easier. (And if you want to keep your mind active without thinking about your writing, try some of these editing-related podcasts!)

Top Tip: Changing the font can help you see your work in a new light!

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (3)

2. Choose a suitable style guide

A professional copy editor will always follow a certain style guide depending on the project. While you’re self-editing, they’ll help familiarize you with grammar rules and ensure you stay consistent throughout.

For example, the Chicago Manual of Style is typically used for novels. The AP Stylebook, on the other hand, is common among copywriters and journalists. If you’re writing something truly out-of-the-box, you may develop a stylesheet specific to the project that lays out any unique spelling and grammar rules.

Take the sentence:

He found a ten year old copy of The Hunger Games.

With Chicago, ‘ten-year-old’ would be hyphenated as a compound adjective, and the book’s title would be in italics.

He found a ten-year-old copy of The Hunger Games.

In AP, only numbers up to nine are written out in full while book titles should be in quotation marks.

He found a 10-year-old copy of “The Hunger Games”.

Free course: Self-Editing

Learn the skills to copyedit your own writing with this 10-part course from ProWritingAid's Lisa Lepki

3. Eliminate most instances of passive voice

Knowing the difference between active and passive voice will help keep your prose strong and engaging for your readers. Writing teachers commonly recommend active voice — this means that the subject of your sentence is performing the verb’s action, making your sentence more direct and active.

The sentences in the example below mean the same thing, but the first is much more direct and packs more punch than the second.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (4)

This doesn’t mean you should never use the passive voice, but keep an eye out for it and ensure you don’t overuse it.

Passive voice should be avoided by writers (or rather: writers should avoid passive voice) Click to tweet!

4. Cut out filler words where you can

When we give presentations, we’re taught to avoid filler words like ‘like,’ ‘okay,’ or ‘so’; this rule also applies to writing. Fillers crowd your sentences without adding any extra meaning. Just like overusing passive voice, they reduce the impact of your work and tax your readers, so they are pretty much always found on editing checklists suggesting ways to finetune your writing.

Reading out loud or using text-to-speech functions often helps you hear unnecessary words. You can even ask someone to read your work to you, giving you a second pair of eyes before you move on to the next stage in the editing process.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (6)

5. Replace adverbs with stronger verbs

Adverbs are another type of word that often weakens your writing. In his memoir On Writing, Stephen King recommends removing them entirely, claiming that they’re just a quick-fix solution for when you can’t quite find the right verb. Instead, seek out that perfect verb which will make your writing more dynamic.

Adverbs are commonly overused in passages that are pretty heavy in dialogue:

‘She said quietly’ → ‘she whispered’

‘He said loudly’ → ‘he shouted’

Of course, you don’t have to follow King’s advice to the letter, but it’s worth keeping an eye out for ‘ly’ words as you re-read and edit your work.

6. Vary your sentence structures

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (7)

Too many short sentences can make your prose look like one long list, while too many long sentences become confusing. Varying your sentence structures and finding a balance is difficult but well worth the effort. Keep your eye out for consecutive sentences that start the same way — they can have the unintended effect of sounding like you’re droning on and on and on.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (8)

Once again, it can help to read your work aloud — if you find yourself struggling for breath, it could mean that you’ve hit upon a sentence that’s too long. See if turning your run-on sentences into two (or more) shorter ones would be better.

For example:

Carrie told Alan about the time she went to Europe and returned a stranger’s wallet perched on the edge of Rome’s Trevi fountain only to be rewarded with an invitation to a dinner party that night, hosted by the delighted owner.

You may wish to split this mouthful up into:

Carrie told Alan about her time in Europe. She had returned a stranger’s wallet that she found perched on the edge of Rome’s Trevi fountain. Delighted, the owner invited Carrie to a dinner party he was hosting that night.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (9)

7. Be intentional with your tenses and POVs

Work out whether past or present tense is best for your work and from which point of view you’re telling it. If you inadvertently switch between tenses and viewpoints, you’ll confuse many of your readers. Of course, some stories are purposefully written across multiple timelines or perspectives and if this is the case with yours, make sure you’re absolutely certain you’re using the right one at the right time.

‘Tom goes to the cinema. He saw the new Brad Pitt film.’

‘Tom went to the cinema. He saw the new Brad Pitt film.’

Try mapping out your story as a whole, in chronological order, from the perspective of an omniscient narrator, and then work out which parts will use each tense or point of view.

8. Always read it one more time

When you think you’ve done all you can, put your work down and take another break from it — again, this can be anything from a couple of hours to a few weeks. When you’re ready, go back and read through it one last time.

When you think you've finished editing, always read it again! Click to tweet!

With this newfound distance, you’re almost sure to spot mistakes you missed the first time. You could find anything from spelling mistakes to chronological inconsistencies that you didn’t catch when focusing on some of the ‘bigger picture’ issues.

9. Ask someone else to give it a proof

True objectivity is hard to achieve, try as you might to create distance between yourself and your work. Roping in a friend or family member to read it through is a great last step. They’ll spot mistakes you didn’t see and question things that might only have made sense to you, the all-knowing author. Plus, they’re likely to deliver the feedback without being too harsh.

Perfect your book with a professional edit

The best developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders are on Reedsy. Sign up for free and meet them.

Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book.

Editing your own work isn’t easy, whether you've got an editing checklist to help you or not. Finishing your first draft is already a huge accomplishment and it can be hard to admit that something you’re so proud of isn’t perfect. An editing checklist can't beat a professional edit, but starting with a self-edit is an empowering way to start the process and will only make your work better in the long run.

9 Editing Tips: How to Self-Edit Your Own Writing (+ Checklist) (2024)


What is the checklist for editing? ›

An editing checklist is a list of specific items that you need to check and revise in your paper, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, structure, clarity, and citations.

How do we edit our writing? ›

Look out for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Make sure your sentences flow and make sense, using good conjunctions. Look for words or sentences that you can make better by choosing different vocabulary, adding description or adding adverbs. Double-check any facts in your work.

How do I start writing editing? ›

To begin a career as an editor, consider the following steps:
  1. Decide what kind of editor you want to be. ...
  2. Familiarize yourself with style conventions. ...
  3. Learn about editing in college. ...
  4. Join a professional society. ...
  5. Search for freelance work. ...
  6. Build an editing portfolio. ...
  7. Proofread your application content. ...
  8. Look for opportunities.
Jan 26, 2023

What are the 7 C's of editing? ›

If the purpose of writing is communication, then all writers need to be clear, coherent, complete, concise, consistent, correct and credible.

What are the 6 basic steps for editing? ›

Now that we've identified what the editing process is, let's take a look at what basic steps should be included.
  • Read for Structure. ...
  • Read for Grammar and Punctuation. ...
  • Stop Your Working. ...
  • Read Aloud Once More. ...
  • Phone a Friend. ...
  • Review and Release.
Feb 14, 2018

What are the five basic rules of editing? ›

  • Stay neutral (this time)
  • Maintain verifiability.
  • No originality, please.
  • Don't promo your pals.
  • Use reliable sources.
  • Test Notability.

What are the 4 ways of editing? ›

The four primary types or stages of editing are:
  • Structural Editing. Structural editing is also known as developmental or substantive editing. ...
  • Line Editing. Line editing checks the tone, clarity and style of writing. ...
  • Copyediting. ...
  • Proofreading.
Sep 10, 2023

What are the 6 rules of editing? ›

Murch's six rules on editing consist of Emotion, Story, Rhythm, Eye trace, Two- dimensional Plane of Screen, and Three-dimensional Space of Action, which all have different values in order of importance for the cut.

What are the 12 basic steps of editing? ›

12 Steps to Better Video Editing
  • Plan.
  • Shoot your project.
  • Import your media.
  • Organize your media.
  • Edit your story.
  • Trim your story.
  • Add transitions.
  • Add titles.

How do beginners start editing? ›

Getting Started with Video Editing
  1. Choose the Right Video Editing Software. ...
  2. Import Your Media Assets. ...
  3. Familiarize Yourself with the Interface. ...
  4. Learn Basic Editing Techniques. ...
  5. Understand Transitions and Effects. ...
  6. Add Music and Audio. ...
  7. Incorporate Text and Graphics. ...
  8. Experiment with Advanced Features.
Sep 4, 2023

What is the golden rule of editing? ›

The story. That's the golden rule, to let the story be king. So many editors when starting out get caught up in the technicalities of the craft and forget that they're not merely technicians, they're storytellers.

What is the first rule of editing? ›

The five basic rules of Editing are: 1.To process any story the sub-editor ensures the length and style laid down by the News Editor is followed.

How do I edit my essay myself? ›

13 Essential Editing Tips to Use in Your Essay Writing
  1. Start by getting the structure right. ...
  2. Prune long sentences and paragraphs. ...
  3. Keep overly complicated language in check. ...
  4. Watch for repetition of ideas and words. ...
  5. Don't rely on the spellcheck. ...
  6. Spotting typos. ...
  7. Omit unnecessary words and eradicate weasel words.

How to revise your own writing? ›

How to Revise
  1. First, put your draft aside for a little while. Time away from your essay will allow for more objective self-evaluation. ...
  2. Check the focus of the paper. ...
  3. Get feedback. ...
  4. Think honestly about your thesis. ...
  5. Examine the balance within your paper. ...
  6. Proofread. ...
  7. Tips for writing good sentences:

How do I get my writing edited? ›

Ask for referrals and references. Asking your network for referrals to help you find an editor for your book is a good way to find someone who's already proven they've got the skills to edit your book. If that doesn't work, you could ask potential editors for references from their satisfied clients.

Is there an app that edits your writing? ›

Hemingway App makes your writing concise and correct.

Click on highlights to fix them. Adverbs, passive voice, and other weakening phrases are marked in blue. I believe you should replace them with more forceful language. Our Hemingway Editor Plus service uses AI to fix these highlights for you.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 5689

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.