A-game Partner - 4 colors Method (2024)

The 4Colors method is a fabulous tool used across all pillars of the A-game partner service offer.

It aims to improve behavioural skills by developing a flexible, authentic, empathetic and assertive style that allows for better success in communication.

Created 10 years ago, this system is deployed to thousands of trainees each year. The 4Colors method is used in companies of all sizes and in all sectors of activity, who have understood the importance of putting “the human at the heart of the company”.

Understanding interactions between different personality styles helps gain confidence and improve the way we communicate, manage, sell or work in a team.

The 4ColorsCompass is the educational representation of Jung and Marston’s work on human behaviour.

A-game Partner - 4 colors Method (1)

Like a real compass, it allows you to navigate the world of communication and identify the colour profile of the person you are engaged with.

Imagine a compass to find your bearings:

A-game Partner - 4 colors Method (2024)


How do you play the four Colour game? ›

If you've ever played UNO, then you know how to play Four Colours. Face up to three computer opponents. Match cards by colour or number or play an action card to mix up the game. Be the first to get rid of all the cards and win the game.

What is the four color problem game? ›

The Four Color Problem is a strategy game where you take turns with an opponent to fill a map like screen with your own colors. You will be playing as both Black and Gray, while the CPU opponent will play as Green and Orange. You'll always take the first turn, so make sure to strategize your moves before making them.

How many different colors of light are required to generate the images in a computer game like Starcraft 2? ›

Video: Starcraft requires that your computer support at least a 640 x 480 display in 256 colors.

How does the color game work? ›

The mechanics is simple, You just need to choose a Color to bet among six (6) Colors, and you or the operator must pull a String or manually pull-up a lever to release the Multi-colored wooden Blocks/Dices. The Color on the top of the (3) "rolled" wooden blocks/Dices are the winning colors.

What is the game where you guess 4 colors? ›

Guess the color of hidden pegs. A deduction game where each player takes turn making a limited number of guesses, using logic to deduce what pegs the opponent has hidden. One player secretly puts four colored pegs in the spaces behind a screen at once end of the game board.

What is 4 color method? ›

This method involves separating the image into four separate halftone screens or plates, each representing one of the CMYK ink colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. The first step in the four-color process of spot printing for a print project is color separation.

What is the 4 4 color process? ›

4/4 is pronounced "four over four" and means there are four ink colors applied to the front of the piece and four ink colors applied to the back. These four colors are not just random colors - they are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and BlacK, also known collectively as CMYK.

What is the 4 color problem? ›

In mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem, states that no more than four colors are required to color the regions of any map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color.

How many colors are in the color game? ›

Playing the color game was simple. On the betting table, there were six colors: green, red, blue, pink, white, and yellow.

How many colors of light are needed to create all colors? ›

The primary colours of light are red, green and blue. Mixing these colours in different proportions can make all the colours of the light we see. This is how TV and computer screens work. If you look at a screen with a magnifying glass you will be able to see that only these three colours are being used.

How do you play 4 colors? ›

Face up to 3 computer-controlled opponents. Match cards by color or number, play action cards to mix the game up and be the first to get rid of all cards. Last but not least: Do not forget to press the multi color 1 button on the screen when you have only one card left!

How does the color quiz work? ›

It's a psychological test based on the idea that personality traits can be identified by the color preferences of any individual. The color test begins by asking the participant to look at 8 different colored cards and then asking them to place the cards in order of preference.

What is the color code game? ›

Colour Code uses 18 bold, coloured shapes, each on a see-through tile. Pick a challenge, then stack a rack of tiles to recreate the exact composition presented by your challenge! A great introduction to colours, shapes, order, orientation, etc.

How do you play the color match game? ›

Gather one object of each color and place them in front of the children. Have the children match the objects to the paper or bowl. Use only one color and have the child find objects matching that color.

What is the board game with 4 colors? ›

Special areas of the Ludo board are typically coloured bright yellow, green, red, and blue. Each player is assigned a colour and has four tokens in their colour. The board is normally square with a cross-shaped playspace , with each arm of the cross having three columns of squares, usually six per column.

How do you play the color code game? ›

The active player gets three topics and must secretly assign one of seven (more as the game progresses) colors to them. The other players then discuss and guess which colors the active player chose for each topic. For every match, they get half a point.

How do you play the color circle game? ›

The game consists of an uncomplicated four-colored ring with a ball placed against a white background. The game is easy, match the color of the ball at the bottom of the screen with the color it goes linear. Click on the screen and throw the ball in at the right time so that it passes through the same color.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.