Any ideas on how to write a 'what will you contribute to our college' essay? (2024)

Starting to draft some supplemental essays and one of the colleges I'm into is asking 'What will you contribute to our college?' and honestly, I'm a bit stumped. I’ve got some club involvement and have done some community service, but I don't know how to translate that into something meaningful for this essay. Any advice from people who've tackled similar essays?

7 months ago

It can definitely be challenging to articulate your potential contributions in a way that feels meaningful. Start by reflecting on your specific roles within the clubs and community service projects you've been involved in. Have you shown leadership, initiative, or brought unique ideas to the table? Consider how those qualities could be applied in the context of the college community. For example, if you've organized events, talk about how you could contribute to campus life through event planning. If you've worked with diverse groups, explain how you'll support an inclusive community. Be specific about how your experiences have shaped you and can add value to the college environment. And remember, it’s not just about what you’ve done, but also the perspective you bring. Your thoughts and outlook can be just as compelling as your actions. Colleges are looking for individuals who will enrich their community in various ways, not just a list of accomplishments. Connect your personal growth and the lessons you’ve learned to the kind of student you’ll be on their campus. Good luck with your essay!

7 months ago

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Any ideas on how to write a 'what will you contribute to our college' essay? (2024)
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