Are Floor Seats Worth the Money? (2024)

When attending a concert, you want to have the best seats in the house! Usually, people consider floor seats to be the best place to enjoy a concert. However, there are many people who disagree that floor seats are the best or even worth the hundreds of dollars people pay extra to have them. Before you decide to spend a good chunk of your paycheck on floor seats for your favorite artist, there re a few things that you should consider first to decide whether it is worth the money or not.

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You’ll Be Close to the Artist

Buying floor seats means that you are much closer to the artist and stage than everyone else in the venue. Depending on the setup of the venue, you may even be able to get to the very front of the crowd and see the artist up close and personal. It can be pretty cool to see an artist in person rather than on a screen when sitting at the back of the venue. Being towards the front also gives you more of a chance to interact with the artist and have them notice you in the crowd.

Consider Your Height

Just because you spend the money on floor seats doesn’t guarantee that you will have a clear view of the artist. You should consider how tall you are compared to other people. Since floor seating is level and not angled like the other seats towards the back, you have to depend on your height and positioning to get a good view. If you are on the shorter side, there is a good chance that people will be in front of you, blocking your view of the stage. Then the money you spent on the tickets may feel worthless.

The Music Will Be Loud

Depending on the type of concert you want to attend, you may really like having the music at full volume. That’s exactly what you will get when sitting on the floor. The closer you are to the stage, the loud it is. While this probably won’t bother too many people, it is still something to consider. Are you willing to risk your hearing or wear earplugs to enjoy a concert close to the stage? If the answer is yes, then you’ll probably lean more towards spending the money on those floor seats.

Visual Effects

Going to a concert is more than just listening to your favorite artist sing or play live, it’s a full-blown show with visual effects, lights, and props. If you know that the show you are going to will incorporate visual effects, the best seats are probably towards the back so you have a full view of the stage. When you are on the floor, you do not get an entire view of the stage and what is happening on it. If the entire show is important to you, then maybe floor seats aren’t the way to go.

You’ll Be With the Crowd

When you decide to buy floor seats, you’ll be with a pretty enthusiastic crowd. Depending on if there are actual seats or not on the floor, you’ll be pretty packed into the space. If you don’t mind being in a large crowd with people dancing and moving around you, then you’ll have a great time. You’ll have a chance to really feel the vibe of the crowd and dance with other people who love the artist as much as you do. However, if you feel anxious in large crowds and need your personal space, a seat in the upper levels may be better for you.

Where to Find Cheap Concert Tickets

Depending on the artist, the concert tickets can be pretty pricey no matter what seats you are looking to buy. The two top ticket sites to buy from are Ticketmaster and StubHub. However, if you are an avid concertgoer, you may want to find tickets through VividSeats because they offer a rewards program.

If you still aren’t happy with the prices on those sites, look for someone to sell you their ticket. Ask in the concert’s event page on Facebook if anyone is looking to sell their ticket. They may give you a discount because they don’t want to lose all of the money they spent on a concert they can’t attend.

You can also wait until the last minute to buy tickets. However, this is risky as the show may sell out and floor seats are not guaranteed.

Is It Worth It?

There is no firm answer as to whether floor seats are worth the money or not. It all depends on the concertgoer and what is important to them when it comes to a concert experience. If being close to the artist listening to loud music and dancing with a large crowd is your idea of fun, then floor seats are worth it. However, if you like your personal space and want to see the show as a whole, you may want to consider upper-level seats.

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Are Floor Seats Worth the Money? (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.