Basic Thai Words - A Brief List (2024)

Learning a new language can be daunting. But Thai can be trickier than most, in that it is a tonal language. So the way you say a word can be the difference between close or far, both words are pronounced “klai” but with different tones. It’s almost absurd that such a tiny difference in sound can be such a large difference in meaning. To the Western ear both words sound the same.

I have been in Thailand for over 16 years and although I do speak enough to get by, I have not mastered the tones. Thai uses long, short, high and low tones to give the words meaning. Similar sounding words can have different meanings based on the tone they have. For example the Thai word “kao” can mean: rice, nine, knee, to come in, news, etc… The tones are hard to remember so when in doubt jut say the word in a flat, toneless way, and the listener can usually get your meaning from the sentence. It’s how I speak and it works for me.

The best way to learn is practice with the local people. Going to markets where you have to communicate with many people is a fun way to learn basic Thai.

Basic Thai Words - A Brief List (2024)


Basic Thai Words - A Brief List? ›

15 Best Tips To Remember Thai Words

Repetition is key: read, write, and pronounce the exact words again and over. Associate words with drawings, photos, and humorous situations. Make an effort to utilize the language regularly in your daily life.

What are the basic Thai words? ›

Essential Thai Phrases
  • Hello – Sawadee khrup/ka.
  • Yes – Chai (khrup/ka)
  • No – Mai (khrup/ka)
  • Maybe – Aaj ja (khrup/ka)
  • Thank you – khop khun (khrup/ka)
  • Sorry/excuse me – Khor thoad khrup/ka.
  • Where is the restroom– Hong nam yoo tee nai khrup/ka?
  • I need a doctor- Phom dong gaan hai mor maa raak sa khrup/ka.
Dec 31, 2023

How to memorize Thai words? ›

15 Best Tips To Remember Thai Words

Repetition is key: read, write, and pronounce the exact words again and over. Associate words with drawings, photos, and humorous situations. Make an effort to utilize the language regularly in your daily life.

What does bao bao mean in Thai? ›

เบา ๆ baoM baoM. softly; gently; gentle.

What does bum bum mean in Thai? ›

Royal Thai General System. bum bum. definition. [vulgar slang] to fornicate.

What does Lao Jow mean? ›

Lao jow: Sorry/Excuse me.

What is the hardest part of learning Thai? ›

Reading and writing: The script is quite daunting, with many vowels and consonants to learn, and if you're not used to Abugida alphabets it can take a while to get used to. Dialects: There are bound to be different dialects of the Thai language in such a big country. This can make it a bit harder to learn Thai.

How difficult is Thai to learn? ›

Thai is a relatively hard language to learn for speakers of Western languages. The US State Department places Thai at Level 4/5 on its FSI language difficulty ranking (5 being the most difficult).

Is Thai alphabet hard? ›

The Thai alphabet is difficult to learn because it consists of 44 consonants, 18 vowels, and four tone marks. HOW TO LEARN TO READ & WRITE THAI SCRIPT? Learning to read and write Thai script is easier than it seems. Practicing the alphabet is a great way to start and can be done in various ways.

What does mai pen rai mean? ›

9. Mai Pen Rai (It's ok / It doesn't matter) To refuse an offer officially or in a more polite manner, you say 'Mai Bpen Rai'

What does mai mean in Thai? ›

Mai is one of the most versatile words in Thai due to its different intonations. It can represent various meanings, such as a short form of 'tammai' (why) in a mid-tone, 'new' in a low-tone, 'burned' or 'burning' in a falling tone, 'wood' or 'tree' in a high tone, and a word used to denote a question in a rising tone.

What does Phra mean in Thai? ›

Phra, a Thai-language term for priest. Phra, a Thai-language word used as a prefix denoting holy or royal status, including in Thai royal ranks and titles.

What is disrespectful Thai? ›

Never touch someone's head or hair - this includes playfully ruffling a child's hair. Don't raise your feet above someone's head; avoid stepping over people who are sitting or sleeping on the ground. Don't point: Pointing at someone is considered rude in many cultures but particularly so in Thailand.

What is 5 in Thai slang? ›

As you can see, the habit of using “555” when texting comes from how the number “5” is pronounced. It's the Thai equivalent of “LOL”; when you see “555” /hâa hâa hâa/ (ห้า ห้า ห้า) in Thailand it means “funny” and “laughing out loud”.

Why do Thai always say Ka? ›

Krub or Ka is a very polite Thai word, similar to the word 'Please'. Use Krub or Ka to end every sentences, questions or words. It makes what you say sounds very polite versus without adding 'Krub or 'Ka' can make what you say sounds very harsh or ordering tell them what to do.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.