Pai Nai: Where You Go? (2024)

When certain Thai phrases are translated into English they can lose something in translation and in their English form may appear abrupt or impolite. One example is the Thai phrase ‘pai nai’ which is a form of greeting used in everyday speech between Thai people. Saying ‘pai nai’ when you see someone you know on the street is just a social pleasantry along the lines of saying, ‘how are you?,’ ‘how’s it going?’ or ‘what are you up to?’. A direct translation of ‘pai nai’ is ‘where are you going?’ (pai=go nai=where) to which the typical response would be ‘pai thiao’ which is similar to saying ‘out and about’ or ‘going for a stroll’.

With this in mind, don’t be surprised if a Thai person at your hotel or guest house practicing their English asks you, ‘where you go?’ Because Thai grammar and sentence construction is so different to English, the question will normally be asked in the abbreviated form of ‘where you go’ instead of ‘where are you going’. You might be thinking, ‘none of your business’, but the person asking isn’t trying to be nosy (not usually anyway). They’re just trying to put into English the Thai greeting ‘pai nai’. The answer you give doesn’t really matter as such because the person asking is just engaging in a bit of polite small talk. Feel free to tell the person inquiring that you are off to get some food, go shopping or sightseeing. You could try saying ‘nowhere special’ which may get you a blank look, but if you can pronounce ‘pai thiao’ correctly you will be rewarded with smiles of appreciation especially if you remember to add khap or ka to make it even more polite.

There are other occasions where you are likely to hear ‘where you go?’ In fact, if you arrive by plane at Bangkok airport it may be one of the first things you hear when you enter the arrivals hall and are approached by the taxi touts. In other tourist areas of Thailand, you will probably experience that the tuk drivers or taxi drivers who don’t know too much English will often still know the three words, ‘where you go?’

Pai Nai: Where You Go? (2024)


How do you respond to Sa Bai Dee Mai? ›

This is a phrase that is used to ask “How are you?” In casual situations, it can be a greeting similar to “What's up?” The response is easy. Simply remove the question word “Mai.” So if the waitress at a restaurant says to you, “Sabai dee mai kah,” you can respond with “Sabai dee kah/krup,” which means “I'm fine.”

What does mai pen rai mean? ›

9. Mai Pen Rai (It's ok / It doesn't matter) To refuse an offer officially or in a more polite manner, you say 'Mai Bpen Rai'

What does Pai Nai mean in Thai? ›

A direct translation of 'pai nai' is 'where are you going? ' (pai=go nai=where) to which the typical response would be 'pai thiao' which is similar to saying 'out and about' or 'going for a stroll'.

What does kao chai mai mean? ›

So Khao Chai Mai means "understand right?" (the kun is implied).

What does sabai di mai mean? ›

Sabai Dee Mai (khrap/kha) – How are you? Sabai Dee (khrap/kha) – I am Fine. Khob Khun (khrap/kha) – Thank you.

How to respond to Sabaidee? ›

If someone greets another by saying 'Sabaideebor', the receiver will usually reply with 'Sabaidee' ('It goes well').

What does pen pai mai dai mean? ›

pen pai mai dai. [adjective] definition. [is] impossible; unfeasible.

What does Aroy Dee mean? ›

“Aroy Dee (means delicious is Thai)”

What does Suay mak mak mean? ›

For something like “gorgeous”, it means pretty much like “beautiful” or สวย (suay) in Thai. To exaggerate it, you could do something like. สวยมาก (suay-mak) - This is “very beautiful.” — the simple one.

What does Pai Te Mahi mean? ›

This is a great phrase to use with children when they.

What does Bai Nai mean? ›

You might get asked: "Bai nai?" - "What are you doing?" which is often used instead of "How are you?". A good response is: "Bai tee-o" which means "I'm going out socially".

What is Jai Dee in Thai? ›

In Thai, they do not have a word that literally translates to 'kind'; instead they said 'jai dee' meaning 'good heart' which is perhaps the most apt phrasing considering the sheer humanity and compassion we have received from total strangers in this country. And this was simply the beginning!

What does kap kap mean in Thai? ›

To be polite, you should end each of the phrases below with a gender particle. End them with the word kaa if you're a woman and kap if you're a man (or krap in more formal situations). Note that kaa and kap or krap can also indicate understanding, e.g., okay, okay then, yes, right. Kop Koon (Thank You)

What is dai mai in Thai? ›

dai mai. [verb, phrase, formal] definition. "... may I?" — "...can you?" — ...can I?

What is mai mee in Thai? ›

“Mai mee” means “don't have” 100 satang are one baht.

What does sa bai dee mean in english? ›

The best answer is sabai dee which can mean fine, relaxed, well, happy, or comfortable. If someone answers with mai sabai (they rarely will), that means they aren't well.

What does Mai Sabai mean in Thai? ›

Basic Words

Thais don't really use pronouns much. For example, if you want to say “I am sick” most people would just say “mai sabai”, instead of “chan mai sabai”.

What does Sabai Jai mean? ›

It is used as an adjective: for example, “sabai jai” means “well heart,” a phrase used to express contentment or gratitude. Sabai is a deep undercurrent in the Thai vision for a complete and well-rounded life.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.