Beards Gain Respect, But Few Dates - Muscle & Fitness (2024)

Before you grow out your beard—or shave it off—you might want to consider how others will see you. When 200 women in a recent study were asked to rate pictures of the same men with and without a beard, they found a smooth face—think Brad Pitt before the scraggly goatee—more attractive. This is a good thing to know if you’re heading out on a date. But if you prefer respect to physical attraction, consider letting your beard grow out. Both women and men thought bearded men—over six weeks of growth, with no trimming—looked older and more likely to command respect from other men. The wild and hairy look also came across as more aggressive than being clean-shaven. Scientists have long wondered why men have beards. Hair on the face may enhance facial communication or enable men to display aggressiveness. Beards may even serve as a form of intrasexual selection between men—a way to gain the attention of women. Basically a battle of the blades, although in this case it’s the shaving blade. The study only looked at full beard growth, no light stubble. Previous studies, however, found that women prefer men with light stubble to the baby-faced look. So choose wisely before you decide. Fortunately, if you change your mind, you can always change your beard.

As a seasoned expert in the realm of human behavior and evolutionary biology, my knowledge extends deep into the fascinating world of facial hair and its impact on perception. The article you've presented touches upon a subject that has been the focus of numerous studies, and I'm well-versed in the scientific intricacies surrounding the role of beards in social dynamics and attractiveness.

The study mentioned in the article, involving 200 women rating pictures of men with and without beards, sheds light on the perception of facial hair in the context of attractiveness. The finding that a smooth face tends to be perceived as more attractive aligns with previous research highlighting the cultural and psychological factors influencing beauty standards.

However, the article also introduces a compelling twist by delving into the perception of bearded men regarding age, respect, and aggression. The assertion that men with full, untrimmed beards are perceived as older and more likely to command respect from their peers adds depth to the discussion. This perspective is rooted in the evolutionary psychology of dominance and the signals conveyed by secondary sexual characteristics.

The concept of facial communication and the potential role of beards in enhancing it is an intriguing aspect mentioned in the article. This aligns with scientific inquiries into the adaptive functions of facial hair, which may play a role in non-verbal communication and signaling.

Furthermore, the notion that beards might serve as a form of intrasexual selection is a captivating idea. The article suggests that beards could be a means for men to compete for the attention of women, positioning it as a subtle yet impactful battleground—a "battle of the blades."

It's worth noting that the study specifically focused on full beard growth with no mention of light stubble. Interestingly, previous research has indicated that women tend to prefer men with light stubble over a completely clean-shaven or baby-faced appearance. This nuance adds another layer to the decision-making process for individuals contemplating their facial hair choices.

In conclusion, the article navigates through the intricate dynamics of facial hair perception, touching on attractiveness, age, respect, aggression, and potential evolutionary underpinnings. It's a testament to the multifaceted nature of human behavior and the complex interplay between biology, culture, and personal preferences in shaping our perceptions of others. If you find yourself pondering the beard dilemma, remember that your facial hair is not just a style choice but a nuanced aspect of human interaction and communication.

Beards Gain Respect, But Few Dates - Muscle & Fitness (2024)


Does a beard get you more respect? ›

Both women and men thought bearded men—over six weeks of growth, with no trimming—looked older and more likely to command respect from other men. The wild and hairy look also came across as more aggressive than being clean-shaven. Scientists have long wondered why men have beards.

Are beards and muscles attractive? ›

Nature has programmed humans to feel attraction towards those individuals of the opposite sex who display the most prominent masculine or feminine features. Women tend to gravitate towards men whose features indicate higher testosterone levels, for instance, a beard, tall height, and well-developed muscles.

Why are men with a beard attractive? ›

Beards are often associated with masculinity and are thought to indicate that a man is mature, strong, and capable. 2 Beards can also be seen as a sign of maturity and wisdom, which can be appealing to women who are looking for a more sophisticated, much more experienced and intelligent partner.

At what age does your beard fully develop? ›

Some men are able to grow full beards in their teens, and others have to wait until their late twenties – but in general, the trend is the same: Thickening growth over time until about the age of 30.

Why do beards command respect? ›

In ancient India and most eastern cultures, beards were venerated at a higher level than almost anywhere else. Long beards stood for dignity and wisdom, strength and courage, and this is often the case today. Beards in these places were so revered that they were also used in the prosecution of crimes.

What do beards say about a man? ›

If you have a full-length beard, studies show that your personality traits may exude aggressiveness, masculinity, and dominance. However, studies also show that full-beard men may look tough on the outside but may be kind, trustworthy, courageous, scholarly, hard-working, and committed to their goals.

Which beards are most attractive? ›

Stubble was deemed most attractive overall and received higher ratings for flings and short-term relationships than full beards. Full beards were attractive to women searching for long-term relationships.

What does a woman find attractive in a man? ›

One of the most important characteristics that most women seek is modesty. Outspokenness, charity, and honesty are further feminine appeal traits that are always observed, along with humility. Nothing appeals to a woman more than a man with a great sense of self.

What percentage of men have beards? ›

But how things have changed. For the first time in decades more men sport some form of facial hair than not, making the hirsute male the majority. A study by YouGov has found that most men (54 per cent) now say they currently have a beard or moustache, up from 42 per cent in 2016 and 37 per cent in 2011.

Should older men grow beards? ›

Facial stubble and beards can look cool at 50 to 70-plus, but so can a smooth, clean shave. The advantage of shaving is that it sloughs off dead cells and stimulates collagen production to keep older skin looking fresh.

Do girls like guys with beards? ›

This study asked over 8,500 women to rate men with different lengths of facial hair. The ladies were presented pictures of men who were clean shaven, wearing light stubble, heavy stubby, and a full beard. Once again, the results showed women were more attracted to those who had some sort of facial hair.

What does your beard say about you? ›

Someone who has a full beard comes across as confident, mature and scholarly. Not that you are being co*cky about it, you've chosen a style mostly on how low maintenance it is. A well groomed full beard indicates to others that you know what you want and you know how to take care of yourself.

What should a 2 week beard look like? ›


For most men it will be the chin hairs, mustache and jawline. With a patchy beard your face will begin to look like your lazy neighbour's lawn. Healthy in some spots... dry and barren in others.

What should a 2 month beard look like? ›

On average, facial hair grows about half an inch every month. So a 2 month beard is typically around an inch long. That means you can start doing some light, careful trimming. But beware of going crazy - overdoing it on the trimming at this point is bad news.

Do people treat you differently with a beard? ›

Beards also impact perceptions of aggression. A research study showed photographs of bearded and non-bearded men with both groups pulling the same aggressive facial expressions, such as scowling and barring their teeth. The bearded men were rated significantly more aggressive and intimidating than the clean-shaven men.

Is A beard attractive to a girl? ›

Going by the findings of a study, women find men with facial hair more attractive than clean-shaven ones, and think they make better partners in the long run. Maybe it's the time you start investing more in a beard gel than a shaving cream, eh?

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.