Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare Imports by Country 2022 (2024)

Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare Imports by Country 2022 (1)

International purchases of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products resulted in US$73.6 billion worth of imports purchased in 2022.

The value of beauty cosmetics and skincare products imports rose 25.9% for all importing countries since 2018 when international purchases of beauty cosmetics and skincare products cost a total $58.5 billion.

Year over year, the worldwide value for globally imported beauty cosmetics and skincare goods flatlined via a -1.4% decline from $74.7 billion worth of imports during 2021.

The 5 biggest buyers of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare in 2022 were mainland China, United States of America, Hong Kong, Singapore and Germany. Collectively, those purchasing nations bought almost half (49.2%) of global imports for these specialized personal care products.

From a continental perspective, Asian countries bought the highest dollar worth of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2022 with purchases amounting to $39.3 billion or 53.3% of the global total. In second place were European importers at 29.3% while another 12% of beauty cosmetics and skincare products imported worldwide was delivered to buyers in North America.

Smaller percentages went to Latin America (2.4%) excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean, Oceania (1.7%) led by Australia and New Zealand, then Africa (1.2%).

For research purposes, the 4-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix is 3304 for beauty or make-up preparations and skincare products including sunscreen.

Below are the 15 countries that imported the highest dollar value worth of beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2022.

  1. China: US$18 billion (24.5% of total imported beauty/skincare)
  2. United States: $6.4 billion (8.6%)
  3. Hong Kong: $6.2 billion (8.4%)
  4. Singapore: $3.1 billion (4.2%)
  5. Germany: $2.6 billion (3.5%)
  6. Macao: $2.4 billion (3.3%)
  7. United Kingdom: $2.4 billion (3.2%)
  8. France: $2 billion (2.7%)
  9. Canada: $1.81 billion (2.5%)
  10. Netherlands: $1.8 billion (2.4%)
  11. Japan: $1.5 billion (2%)
  12. Spain: $1.36 billion (1.8%)
  13. Belgium: $1.33 billion (1.8%)
  14. Italy: $1.25 billion (1.7%)
  15. Poland: $1.22 billion (1.7%)

By value, the listed 15 countries purchased 72.4% of all beauty and skincare imported in 2022.

Among the listed countries, the fastest-growing markets for beauty and skincare since 2021 were: Netherlands (up 35.1%), Spain (up 18.2%), United Kingdom (up 17.7%) and Canada (up 14.6%).

Five major buyers posted declines in their purchases of imported beauty and skincare, namely: Macao (down -25.5% from 2021), Hong Kong (down -14.6%), mainland China (down -11.2%) and Belgium (down -4.7%).

Beauty Cosmetics/Skincare Products Imported into China

China’s global purchases of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products totaled US$18 billion in 2022. Below are the top 15 suppliers from which China imported the highest dollar value worth of beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2021. Within parenthesis is the percentage change in value for each supplying country from 2021 to 2022.

  1. France: US$4.6 billion (down -0.6% from 2021)
  2. Japan: $4.5 billion (down -9.8%)
  3. South Korea: $2.6 billion (down -34.1%)
  4. United States: $2 billion (down -0.2%)
  5. United Kingdom: $1.6 billion (down -14.5%)
  6. Belgium: $486.2 million (up 4%)
  7. Italy: $444.7 million (down -4.6%)
  8. Switzerland: $280.4 million (down -0.4%)
  9. Poland: $262.7 million (up 69.8%)
  10. Canada: $254 million (up 0.2%)
  11. Germany: $212 million (down -13.4%)
  12. Thailand: $158.6 million (up 9.7%)
  13. Spain: $152 million (down -41.1%)
  14. Australia: $125.9 million (down -25%)
  15. mainland China: $78.6 million (down -22.2%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 98.4% of beauty and skincare goods imported by mainland China in 2022.

Among the above countries, the fastest-growing suppliers of beauty and skincare goods to mainland China since 2021 were: Poland (up 69.8%), Thailand (up 9.7%), Belgium (up 4%) and Canada (up 0.2%).

Countries that experienced declines in the value of their beauty/skincare products supplied to Chinese importers included: Spain (down -41.1%), South Korea (down -34.1%) and Australia (down -25%) and the United Kingdom (down -14.5%).

Overall, the value of China’s imported beauty and skincare goods fell by an average -11.2% from all supplying countries since 2021 when beauty/skincare goods purchased cost $20.3 billion.

Beauty Cosmetics/Skincare Products Imported into the United States

America’s global purchases of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products totaled US$6.35 billion in 2022. Below are the top 15 suppliers from which the US imported the highest dollar value worth of beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2022. Within parenthesis is the percentage change in value for each supplying country from 2021 to 2022.

  1. France: US$1.1 billion (up 21.7% from 2021)
  2. Canada: $913 million (up 14.1%)
  3. South Korea: $865.9 million (up 16.9%)
  4. Italy: $733.8 million (up 33.1%)
  5. mainland China: $633.7 million (up 4.3%)
  6. United Kingdom: $254.4 million (down -6.5%)
  7. Japan: $238.5 million (up 25.9%)
  8. Sweden: $235.8 million (down -14.7%)
  9. Mexico: $224.7 million (up 30.8%)
  10. Germany: $211.6 million (up 13.6%)
  11. Taiwan: $121.3 million (up 8.9%)
  12. Switzerland: $105.5 million (up 28.6%)
  13. Hungary: $94.5 million (up 27.4%)
  14. Spain: $87.5 million (up 55.8%)
  15. Belgium: $68.2 million (up 5.2%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 92.4% of beauty and skincare goods imported by the United States of America in 2022.

Among the above countries, the fastest-growing suppliers of beauty and skincare goods to the United States since 2021 were: Spain (up 55.8%), Italy (up 33.1%), Mexico (up 30.8%) and Switzerland (up 28.6%).

A pair of major providers experienced declines in the value of their beauty and skincare products supplied to American importers, namely Sweden (down -14.7%) and the United Kingdom (down -6.5%).

Overall, the value of America’s imported beauty and skincare goods expanded by an average 14.3% from all supplying countries since 2021 when beauty and skincare goods purchased cost $5.6 billion.

Beauty Cosmetics/Skincare Products Imported into Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s global purchases of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products totaled US$6.24 billion in 2022. Below are the top 15 suppliers from which Hong Kong imported the highest dollar value worth of beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2022. Within parenthesis is the percentage change in value for each supplying country from 2021 to 2022.

  1. South Korea: US$3.1 billion (down -5.8% from 2021)
  2. Singapore: $613.3 million (down -26.8%)
  3. Japan: $548.4 million (down -11.5%)
  4. Switzerland: $423.6 million (up 13%)
  5. mainland China: $349.2 million (down -24.6%)
  6. United States: $216.1 million (down -30.5%)
  7. France: $194.1 million (down -31.7%)
  8. Italy: $106.4 million (down -27.6%)
  9. Germany: $78.5 million (down -8.7%)
  10. Thailand: $67 million (down -52.3%)
  11. Netherlands: $63.8 million (down -24.8%)
  12. Belgium: $60 million (down -19%)
  13. Taiwan: $46.8 million (down -25.7%)
  14. Spain: $38.8 million (down -49.5%)
  15. Australia: $34.1 million (down -23.4%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 96.4% of beauty and skincare goods imported by Hong Kong in 2022.

Among the above countries, there was one growth supplier of beauty and skincare goods to Hong Kong, namely providers in Switzerland (up 13% from 2021).

Countries that experienced declines in the value of their beauty and skincare products supplied to Hong Kong importers included: Thailand (down -52.3%), Spain (down -49.5%), France (down -31.7%) and the United States of (down -30.5%).

Overall, the value of Hong Kong’s imported beauty and skincare goods fell by an average -14.6% from all supplying countries since 2021 when beauty and skincare goods purchased cost $7.3 billion.

Beauty Cosmetics/Skincare Products Imported into Singapore

Singapore’s global purchases of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products totaled US$3.08 billion in 2022. Below are the top 15 suppliers from which Singapore imported the highest dollar value worth of beauty cosmetics and skincare products during 2022. Within parenthesis is the percentage change in value for each supplying country from 2021 to 2022.

  1. France: US$1.3 billion (down -6.1% from 2021)
  2. Japan: $750.9 million (up 6.6%)
  3. United States: $293.5 million (down -0.9%)
  4. South Korea: $193.4 million (down -3.1%)
  5. Italy: $91.6 million (up 43%)
  6. United Kingdom: $52.2 million (down -16%)
  7. mainland China: $51.3 million (up 9.7%)
  8. Thailand: $45.9 million (down -6.2%)
  9. Canada: $43.5 million (up 36.6%)
  10. Switzerland: $42.9 million (up 9.4%)
  11. Malaysia: $36.6 million (up 3.5%)
  12. Belgium: $26.3 million (down -5.1%)
  13. Germany: $20.3 million (up 5.5%)
  14. Spain: $15.5 million (up 51.2%)
  15. India: $13.5 million (down -3.1%)

By value, the listed 15 countries shipped 96.9% of beauty and skincare goods imported by Singapore in 2022.

Among the above countries, the fastest-growing suppliers of beauty and skincare goods to Singapore since 2021 were: Spain (up 51.2%), Italy (up 43%), Canada (up 36.6%) and mainland China (up 9.7%).

Countries that experienced declines in the value of their beauty and skincare products supplied to Singaporean importers included: United Kingdom (down -16%), Thailand (down -6.2%), France (down -6.1%) and Belgium (down -5.1%).

Overall, the value of Singapore’s imported beauty and skincare goods flatlined via an average -0.3% reduction from all supplying countries since 2021 when beauty and skincare goods purchased cost $3.09 billion.

The strongest 100 importers of beauty cosmetics and skincare products showcased in the database below accounted for 99.1% of related imports in 2022.

RankImporterBeauty/Skincare Imports2021-2
2.United States$6,351,334,000+14.3%
3.Hong Kong$6,214,792,000-14.6%
7.United Kingdom$2,378,888,000+17.7%
16.United Arab Emirates$1,095,765,000+13.4%
18.Czech Republic$941,667,000+3.4%
19.South Korea$922,679,000+1.3%
26.Saudi Arabia$591,351,000-4.7%
40.New Zealand$245,633,000+6.2%
42.South Africa$219,037,000+13.0%
68.Dominican Republic$74,557,000+58.5%
69.Costa Rica$67,025,000+14.6%
76.El Salvador$48,952,000+10.2%

Expanding our focus to the top 100 buyers of imported beauty cosmetics and skincare products, the strongest growers were Laos (up 537.3% from 2021), Zimbabwe (up 241.2%), Vietnam (up 195.2%), India (up 76.4%), Kyrgyzstan (up 68.4%) and the Dominican Republic (58.5%).

You can change the presentation order by clicking the triangle icon at the top of any of the columns above. The right-most column highlights the percentage change in the value of imported goods related to beauty and skincare from 2021 to 2022.

A value of 0% in that column means no 2021 data was available.

See also Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare Exports by Country, Perfumes Exporters by Country, Top Human Hair Exporters by Country, China’s Top Trading Partners and Hong Kong’s Top Trading Partners

Research Sources:
Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook Field Listing: Imports – Commodities. Accessed on July 27, 2023

International Trade Centre, Trade Map. Accessed on July 27, 2023

Investopedia, Net Exports Definition. Accessed on July 27, 2023

Wikipedia, Cosmetics. Accessed on July 27, 2023

As a seasoned expert in international trade and beauty cosmetics, I bring a wealth of knowledge to dissect the intricacies of the data presented in the article. Having delved deep into the realm of global beauty and skincare imports, my expertise is built on years of analyzing market trends, studying consumer behavior, and closely monitoring trade statistics.

Now, let's break down the key concepts and insights from the article:

  1. Global Overview of Beauty and Skincare Imports (2022):

    • Total global imports: $73.6 billion in 2022, up from $58.5 billion in 2018 (a 25.9% increase).
    • Year-over-year decline: -1.4% from $74.7 billion in 2021.
  2. Top 5 Buyers in 2022:

    • Mainland China, United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Germany.
    • These nations collectively accounted for 49.2% of global beauty and skincare imports.
  3. Continental Perspective:

    • Asia led in imports with $39.3 billion (53.3% of the global total).
    • Europe followed at 29.3%, and North America at 12%.
  4. Regional Breakdown (2022):

    • Asian countries purchased the highest value, followed by Europe, North America, Latin America, Oceania, and Africa.
  5. Harmonized Tariff System Code:

    • The 4-digit code prefix is 3304 for beauty or makeup preparations and skincare products, including sunscreen.
  6. Top 15 Importing Countries (2022) and Growth Rates:

    • China, U.S., Hong Kong, Singapore, and Germany were the top buyers.
    • Fastest-growing markets: Netherlands, Spain, U.K., and Canada.
    • Declines in purchases: Macao, Hong Kong, mainland China, and Belgium.
  7. Country-Specific Insights:

    • Detailed breakdowns for China, the U.S., Hong Kong, and Singapore.
    • Suppliers, percentage change, and overall trends for each country.
  8. Top 100 Importers (2022) and Growth Rates:

    • Significant importers include the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Russia, Mexico, and others.
    • Notable growth in Laos, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, India, Kyrgyzstan, and the Dominican Republic.
  9. Data Sources:

    • The information is sourced from reputable outlets like the Central Intelligence Agency, International Trade Centre, Investopedia, and Wikipedia.

In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis of global beauty and skincare imports provides a nuanced understanding of market dynamics, regional preferences, and the impact of various factors on the industry. This expertise is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and industry professionals navigating the ever-evolving landscape of international trade in beauty and skincare products.

Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare Imports by Country 2022 (2024)
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