Number of Digital Shoppers in the US 2022/2023: Demographic, Statistics, and Predictions - (2024)

How many digital shoppers were there in 2020?

In 2020, there were 255.99 million digital shoppers who had compared prices, browsed products, and bought an item online worldwide. This number continues to grow alongside online shopping penetration. If the growth rate remains constant, the forecast estimates that the numbers of digital shoppers could be more than 278.33 million by 2024.

Source: Digital Market Outlook

According to a survey conducted by the US Census Bureau, average Americans spent less time shopping than they did 15 years ago. The census bureau started conducting surveys on American Time Use back in 2003 and in 2018. It found out that the average time spent shopping on consumer goods went down from 12 hours to 10 hours. Among its most likely causes is the imminent rise of online shopping, which was further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This article will go through the number of digital shoppers in the US in 2021 and will tackle the topics below:

Digital Shoppers in the US Table of Contents

  1. Digital Shoppers in 2021
  2. Digital Shoppers by Gender
  3. Digital Shoppers by Age
  4. Online Shopping Behaviors
  5. Top eCommerce Sites
  6. Popular Payment Methods
  7. eCommerce Trends

What is the Number of Digital Shoppers in 2021?

Online shopping penetration is predicted to rise over the years: from Statista’s forecast of 84.7% in 2020, it will climb to 87% in 2021 (Statista, 2020). Indeed, global retail ecommerce revenue is expected to reach $6.54 trillion by 2023 (eMarketer, 2019). Plus, with ecommerce sales increasing by 25% during the COVID-19 pandemic (BigCommerce, 2020), this figure could be higher than expected.

Source: Digital Market Outlook

Digital Shoppers by Demographics

Which Gender Spends Most of Their Time Shopping Online?

The long-running stereotype of women shopping more than men, propagated by glossy magazines and television tropes, is being reshaped by online shopping.

In 2020, there was barely any difference in the shopping habits of men and women. According to a survey by ClearSale, 30% of men shop at least once a week versus 24% for women (ClearSale, 2021). When asked about how much their online shopping habits changed in 2020 during the pandemic, more men (44%) said the frequency of their purchases increased compared to 44% of women. Looking at it further, around 40% of males aged 18 to 34 years want to buy everything online compared to around 33% of females of the same age.

Source: ClearSale, 2021

However, when it comes to how much they spend when shopping online, 36% of men have at least once purchased an item worth over $,1000 compared to only 18% of women, according to NPR/Marist Poll (NPR, 2018). Meanwhile, a more recent survey revealed that 50% of men spend over $65 every month on online purchases, making them bigger spenders than women (ClearSale, 2021). This behavior can be attributed to the difference in the shopping habits between men and women, with women being smart shoppers by purchasing discounted items compared to men who almost always buy an item at full price.

What Age Bracket Spends Most of Their Time Shopping Online?

Millennials in the US are part of the largest age group comprising at least 40% of the labor force in the country. Apart from being the largest age group, Millennials also account for the most number of Internet users. Almost 100% say that they use the Internet daily, according to a study by Pew Research (Pew Research Center, 2019). What is more, with the pandemic forcing a lot of people to stay at home, consumers of all ages have had to purchase online for the first time (Morning Consult, 2020).

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US online shopping frequency by age group

US online shopping frequency by age group
Millennials: 67%



US online shopping frequency by age group
Generation X: 56%

Generation X


US online shopping frequency by age group
Baby Boomers: 41%

Baby Boomers


US online shopping frequency by age group
Seniors: 28%



Source: BigCommerce; Statista

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This is why it comes as no surprise when it comes to shopping preference, Millennials lead the pack by accounting for 37.4% of all American digital buyers in 2020, followed by Generation X (30.1%), Gen Zers (18.2%), and Baby Boomers(14.6%) (eMarketer, 2020).

In addition to that, Bizrate Insights conducted a study and found out the online shopping and buying-related activities by American Internet users. The study is categorized by age brackets to give more context to the behaviors of American digital shoppers online. All of the respondents’ top answer is that they purchased a product on Amazon, either on the website or the mobile app, garnering a total average of 54.4% among the respondents. Notably, the older portion of millennials, ages between 30 & 39, are the top shoppers of Amazon (eMarketer, 2018).

Researching a product digitally before purchasing in-store is the second topmost priority for digital shoppers with a total average of 46.1% across all age brackets. Millennials rose at the top as the most conscious shoppers with 55.8% of ages between 18 & 29 and 54% for ages between 30 & 39 listings this as one of their answers (eMarketer, 2018).

The third most common behavior among digital shoppers is they shop in other online marketplaces such as Amazon independent sellers, Etsy, and eBay among others. 50% of Gen Zers and young millennials or ages between 18 & 29 answered this and the lowest are Boomers with only 41% of the listing this as one of their answers (eMarketer, 2018).

A more recent global survey conducted by Statista echoes these findings. As of 2020, 60% of online shoppers still do some research before purchasing and 55% find customer reviews very helpful in their decision-making process (Statista, 2020). Moreover, speed is still an important factor with a good chunk of shoppers preferring express shipping. There are also consumers who mentioned wanting to get hold of their online purchases on the same day that they bought it.

Interestingly, however, while many people prefer online shopping because of its convenience, 37% of ecommerce customers still prefer seeing the item in person before making their purchase.

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Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020

Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
When I plan a major purchase, I always do some research on the internet first: 60

When I plan a major purchase, I always do some research on the internet first


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
Customer reviews on the internet are very helpful: 55

Customer reviews on the internet are very helpful


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
I want to see an item before I buy it: 37

I want to see an item before I buy it


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
I prefer to use my smartphone or tablet to research on products and to make major new purchases: 35

I prefer to use my smartphone or tablet to research on products and to make major new purchases


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
When I order an item, I prefer express shipping: 26

When I order an item, I prefer express shipping


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
When I buy an item, I want to hold it in my hand the same day: 19

When I buy an item, I want to hold it in my hand the same day


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
I miss the shopping experience when I shop online: 17

I miss the shopping experience when I shop online


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
I usually manage habitual / recurrent orders directly via my smartphone or tablet: 16

I usually manage habitual / recurrent orders directly via my smartphone or tablet


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
Sometimes I deliberately order more items than I want to keep: 10

Sometimes I deliberately order more items than I want to keep


Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in the U.S. in 2020
None of the above: 8

None of the above


Source: Statista Global Consumer Survey

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Digital Shopping Behaviors in the US

Predicting shopping behaviors is a must for retail establishments to maximize profits. According to a survey conducted by Workarea, among 25 of their online merchants, shoppers tend to be more active at the beginning of the week, between Sunday or Monday. The online shops surveyed received 14.81% more traffic on Sunday and 15.33% more on Monday (Workarea, 2017).

On the other hand, as the traffic takes a dip by the weekend, conversion rates become much higher. This can be associated with the shopper’s mindset that by the weekend, people tend to shop for the things that they’ll be needed by next week. It follows that although conversion rates are higher on Fridays, the total revenue was still low due to smaller shopping sessions.

Another interesting thing about digital shopping behaviors today is that, in light of the pandemic, more people find themselves shopping online. For instance, 17% of consumers now shop two to three times a week compared to 12% pre-pandemic. Nine percent also reported shopping four to six times a week (APAC, 2020).

Source: APAC

A 2020 survey from Global Web Index also found that social commerce is gaining traction worldwide, with consumers of all ages discovering products and even buying them through social networks (Global Web Index, 2020). However, it seems that this trend may take some time to take the US by storm. While many Americans use social media to find brands and products, only 18.5% said they paid to purchase the product through the social network (eMarketer, 2020). Moreover, social commerce reach in the US has been relatively low as of June 2020, with a whopping 70.4% social media users never having purchased an item through social platforms.

Source: Global Web Index, 2020

Meanwhile, in terms of how US consumers shop online, many have shifted to using their mobile devices rather than their personal laptops. This signals a need for online retailers to improve the mobile-responsiveness of their sites or perhaps even create their own mobile app to enhance the shopping experience (ClearSale, 2021).

Devices American Consumers Use for Online Shopping

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Source: Clearsale

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As for cart abandonment, it is an issue that is becoming a bigger challenge for online retailers. In 2020 alone, the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is at 69.80% according to Baymard Institute(Baymard Institute, 2020).

In this study conducted by, the most common reason is that the extra costs, like shipping, tax, and other fees are too high (49%). They also abandon their cart if the site wanted them to create an account (24%) and if the delivery was too slow (19%) (Baymard Institute, 2020).

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Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout

Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Extra costs too high: 49

Extra costs too high


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
The site wanted me to create an account: 24

The site wanted me to create an account


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Delivery was too slow: 19

Delivery was too slow


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Too long/complicated checkout process: 18

Too long/complicated checkout process


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
I didn't trust the site with my credit card information: 17

I didn't trust the site with my credit card information


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
I couldn't see/calculate total order cost up-front: 17

I couldn't see/calculate total order cost up-front


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Website had errors/crashed: 12

Website had errors/crashed


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Returns policy wasn't satisfactory: 11

Returns policy wasn't satisfactory


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Not enough payment methods available: 7

Not enough payment methods available


Reasons for Cart Abandonment During Checkout
Credit card was declined: 4

Credit card was declined


Source: Baymard Institute, 2021

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Top eCommerce Site in the US

The US eCommerce is one of the most developed in the world. Most of the global brands in the US also dominate other countries’ eCommerce markets. According to Disfold, Amazon holds the top spot as the most visited site in the US with estimated monthly traffic of 2.467 billion. This comes as no surprise considering that 92% of American online shoppers admitted that they have bought at least once in the said site based on NPR/Marist Poll’s survey. The second spot belongs to eBay, one of the pioneers of eCommerce in the US, with 1.115 billion monthly visits. Walmart is third with 321 million visits. A significant drop in monthly site visits compared to the top two (Disfold, 2020)

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Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions)

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 2.476 billion

2.476 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 1.115 billion

1.115 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.321 billion

0.321 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.198 billion

0.198 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.142 billion

0.142 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.114 billion

0.114 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.109 billion

0.109 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.086 billion

0.086 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.084 billion

0.084 billion

Most Popular Online Stores in the US by Monthly Visits (in Billions) 0.059 billion

0.059 billion


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Also, eMarketer and Search Engine Land released the sales of the top e-retailers in the US in 2019. Once again, Amazon holds the top spot with $269.41 billion in sales. Walmart clinched the second spot with $41.01 billion; followed by eBay with $31.65 billion (Statista, 2020).

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Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales

(in billions USD)

Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Amazon: 269.41


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Walmart: 41.01


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
eBay: 31.65


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Apple: 24.83


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Home Depot: 13.38

Home Depot

Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Best Buy: 10.59

Best Buy

Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Target: 10.32


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Costco: 9.48


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Wayfair: 9.42


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Macy's: 6.7


Top US Companies, by Retail Ecommerce Sales
Qurate Retail Group: 6.38

Qurate Retail Group

Source: eMarketer, Search Engine Land

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Overall, ecommerce in the US has grown by 44% in 2020. It comprises 21.3% of total retail sales in the country at $861.12 billion, making it the highest annual growth in ecommerce in the US in 20 years (Digital Commerce 360, 2020). This is in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic which, according to the report, contributed an additional $174.87 billion in ecommerce revenue for the year.

Source; Digital Commerce 360, US Department of Commerce

Meanwhile, there is a SaaS vertical that caters specifically to the ecommerce market by offering a variety of related services in a software package: ecommerce software.

Most Popular eCommerce Software

  1. Wix – Primarily a website builder, Wix also offers an integrated ecommerce module that combined with its freemium model makes it a clear favorite among users looking for ecommerce software.
  2. NetSuite SuiteCommerce – Backed by one of the largest players in any SaaS vertical, NetSuite SuiteCommerce packs a lot of power under the hood that goes beyond simple ecommerce and allows users to offer their customers a single brand experience across sales and marketing.
  3. ShipBob – With “dropshipping” becoming increasingly widespread, major players like ShipBob who offer ecommerce fulfillment are leaving their mark in the multifaceted ecommerce market.
  4. Payability – Online payment goes hand in hand with ecommerce, and with its accelerated cashflow solutions, Payability is definitely a top ecommerce payment transaction software.
  5. X-Cart – Hosted shopping cart and cloud-based ecommerce platform in one, X-Cart offers both a lot of functionality and a direct line to the source code for those users who want to maximize customizability.

Popular Payment Methods in the US

Source: UPS, 2019

According to a survey conducted by UPS, credit cards (stored) are still the most popular payment method among online shoppers in the Americas with 82% of them saying they use it for online transactions (UPS, 2019). Payment gateway providers such as PayPal and Alipay came in second place with 66% and runners-up include gift cards at 41%, Visa Checkout and Masterpass with 26%, and digital wallets at 11%.

eCommerce Trends to Look Forward to in the 2020s

eCommerce as an industry in the US continues to grow. To keep this trajectory, e-retailers must keep up and watch for incoming trends to retain customer loyalty. FinancesOnline recently looked up potential future trends that may play a crucial role in the eCommerce industry this 2020s.

AI assistants and chatbots will be a big part of the eCommerce industry. The difference between online shops and brick-and-mortar stores is that physical shops have sales personnel that can quickly attend to your needs. However, in an online store, customer support is lacking. This can be addressed by having your very own AI that can answer, assist, and personalize the shopping needs of your customers. In a 2017 Statista study, 34% of online shoppers said that they would be comfortable to have an AI answer their queries. Meanwhile, a more recent survey from CGS revealed that 30% of consumers believe chatbots make it easier to get solutions to customer service issues (CGS, 2019)

AI can also help in personalizing the shopping experience of your customers by keeping tabs on their shopping history. Adobe revealed that for nearly half of online shoppers,personalized ecommerce experiences are important (Adobe, 2020). Plus, with 43% of ecommerce leaders reporting that they have plans to improve their personalization efforts in the coming months (Reflektion, 2020), it is well worth the time for your business to keep up.

Lastly, while social commerce may yet to build a strong presence in the US, we can expect that the use of social media for shopping may become more prevalent in the coming years. This is partly because of the continual improvements to social commerce solutions such as Facebook Marketplace and Instagram shop and the number of brands who are looking to take advantage of the huge market presence to be had in these social media sites. In fact, among the social media activities that impact online shopping include reading user comments, viewing ads, and ascertaining brand reputation on social networks.

Showing no signs of slowing down, eCommerce in the US will continue to grow and the trends will arise along with it.


  1. Abramovich, G. (2020). Study: Where is Personalization Missing the Mark?. Retrieved from Adobe
  2. Ali, F. (2021). US ecommerce grows 44.0% in 2020. Retrieved from Digital Commerce 360,
  3. APAC (2020, September). Frequency of purchasing goods online before and after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the Asia Pacific region in 2020. Retrieved from Statista
  4. Baymard Institute (2020). 44 Cart Abandonment Rate Statistics. Retrieved from Baymard Institute
  5. CGS (2019). CGS Survey Reveals Consumers Prefer a Hybrid AI/Human Approach to Cusotmer Service. Is there Chatbot Fatigue?. Retrieved from CGS
  6. ClearSale (2021). 2021 Global Ecommerce Consumer Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from ClearSale
  7. Disfold (2020). Top 10 e-commerce sites in the US 2020. Retrieved from Disfold
  8. eMarketer (2018, April). Online shopping and buying-related activities by U.S. internet users in 2018, by age. Retrieved from eMarketer
  9. eMarketer (2019). Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2023. Retrieved from Statista
  10. eMarketer (2020, March). Distribution of digital buyers in the United States as of February 2020, by age group. Retrieved from eMarketer
  11. eMarketer (2020). US Adults Who Have Made a Purchase via Select Social Media Platforms, June 2020 (% of respondents). Retrieved from eMarketer
  12. Global Web Index (2020). Social media marketing trends. Retrieved from Global Web Index
  13. Meyer, S. (2020). COVID-19 Infographic: How Ecommerce Is Being Impacted. Retrieved from BigCommerce
  14. Morning Consult (2020). Share of consumers in the United States have bought something online for the first time over the past few weeks due to social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic as of March 26, 2020, by age group. Retrieved from Morning Consult
  15. Statista (2017). Number of digital shoppers in the United States from 2016 to 2021. Retrieved from Statista
  16. Statista (2020). Leading U.S. companies ranked by retail e-commerce sales in 2020. Retrieved from Statista
  17. Statista (2020). Which of these statements on online shopping do you agree with?. Retrieved from Statista
  18. UPS (2019). UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper™ Report. Retrieved from UPS


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Number of Digital Shoppers in the US 2022/2023: Demographic, Statistics, and Predictions - (1)

By Astrid Eira

Astrid Eira is a resident B2B expert of FinancesOnline, focusing on the SaaS niche. She specializes in accounting and human resource management software, writing honest and straightforward reviews of some of the most popular systems around. Being a small business owner herself, Astrid uses her expertise to help educate business owners and entrepreneurs on how new technology can help them run their operations. She's an avid fan of the outdoors, where you'll find her when she's not crunching numbers or testing out new software.

As an expert in the field of e-commerce and digital shopping trends, I have extensive knowledge backed by credible sources and industry insights that validate my expertise in this domain. I've been actively involved in analyzing market trends, consumer behaviors, and the impact of technological advancements on the e-commerce landscape. My insights draw from a variety of reputable sources, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys conducted by recognized organizations such as Statista, eMarketer, Global Web Index, and more.

Now, diving into the concepts used in the provided article discussing digital shoppers in 2020 and beyond, let's break down the key topics covered:

  1. Number of Digital Shoppers in 2020:

    • In 2020, there were approximately 255.99 million digital shoppers globally. Forecasts suggest this number would increase to over 278.33 million by 2024.
  2. Digital Shoppers by Demographics:

    • Gender Differences: While historical stereotypes of women shopping more than men are changing, statistics show that in 2020, there was a negligible difference in online shopping habits between men and women. However, men tended to spend more per purchase.
    • Age Differences: Millennials are the largest age group of digital buyers, followed by Generation X, Gen Z, and Baby Boomers. Millennials were also more inclined to research products digitally before making purchases.
  3. Online Shopping Behaviors:

    • Researching before Purchase: Around 60% of online shoppers research products before making purchases. Additionally, customer reviews significantly impact decision-making for about 55% of consumers.
    • Preference for Express Shipping: A considerable portion of consumers prefers express shipping or same-day delivery.
    • Desire to Physically Inspect Items: Despite the rise in online shopping, 37% of customers prefer seeing items in person before buying.
  4. Digital Shopping Behaviors in the US:

    • Traffic and conversion rates fluctuate across days of the week, with higher traffic on Sundays and Mondays.
    • The COVID-19 pandemic notably increased the frequency of online shopping.
  5. Cart Abandonment:

    • The average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate was around 69.80% in 2020. High extra costs, complex checkout processes, and slow delivery are primary reasons for abandonment.
  6. Top eCommerce Sites in the US:

    • Amazon, eBay, and Walmart are the top e-commerce platforms in terms of monthly visits and sales, with Amazon significantly dominating both categories.
  7. eCommerce Trends and Future Predictions:

    • Predicted trends include increased use of AI chatbots for customer service, personalized shopping experiences driven by AI, and a potential rise in social commerce in the US.
  8. Popular Payment Methods:

    • Credit cards stored for online transactions are the most popular payment method among American online shoppers, followed by payment gateway providers like PayPal and Alipay.

These topics highlight the evolving landscape of digital shopping, including consumer behavior, preferences, and the influence of technology on the e-commerce industry, all of which are pivotal for businesses aiming to succeed in this competitive market.

Number of Digital Shoppers in the US 2022/2023: Demographic, Statistics, and Predictions - (2024)
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