Best Charts to Show Trend Over Time (2024)

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Data visualization is essential to any business. Why? It can help you communicate a clear message to your audience. In this case, your audience can be potential investors and customers.

When you use charts to simplify your complex data story, you will achieve better results by the end of the day. In this context, our focus is on charts and graphs that show trends over time.

In assessing your business’s progress over time, it is essential to have a chart for trends. It can help you interpret results to know what points to improve.

Therefore, you must research extensively in seeking the best chart for your business analysis. You will need a chart to show growth. You need to ask yourself, why do I need this chart? Will it help assess my business progress?

This blog will help you answer these questions. You will learn about the best chart to show trends over time.

Table of Content:

  1. What are the Best Charts to Show Trends Over Time?
  2. How to Create Best Charts to Show Trends Over Time?
  3. How Do You Find the Best Chart to Show Trends Over Time?
  4. Effective Ways of Showing Change over Time Data
  5. Wrap Up

Let’s get this journey started with some essential topics.

What are the Best Charts to Show Trends Over Time?

1. Line Chart

This visualization is the best chart to show trends over time.

As a business person, you can use this visualization to emphasize a difference in your business over time.

Line charts contain two variables. One is on the vertical axis, and the other is on the horizontal axis. When analyzing your data, the vertical axis variable is always constant, while the horizontal axis variable changes with time.

You can use a line chart to show that change is taking place in your enterprise. The line on the chart will move from left to right. When changes take place, the slope can either move up or down.

The variables in your business that change with time will be on the horizontal axis. This is essential so that it helps you measure your business trend with time.

In your data analysis, you can determine the interval size depending on the data you have. On the other hand, the vertical axis will comprise a statistical summary, such as the average value of variables in the horizontal axis.

Examples of line charts include:

  • Multi-Axis Line Chart

Below is an example of a Multi-Axis Line Chart.

  • Multi Series Line Charts

Below is an example of a Multi Series Line Chart.

  • Dual Axis Line Charts

Below is an example of a Dual Axis Line Chart.

2. Combo Charts

A combo chart is a visualization that can combine two line graphs, one column graph, or a column chart and a line graph. It is the best graph to show trends over time.

You can make a combo chart with one or more datasets displaying common insight. Combo charts answer your data questions: What are the trends for categorical data?

Combo charts include information that is relevant to your analysis. These charts can effectively double or triple your insights for your audience. They are one of the best ways your audience can identify trends over time.

Some of the combo charts include:

  • Sentiment Trend Chart

Below is an example of a Sentiment Trend Chart.

  • Line with Area Chart

Below is an example of a Line with an Area Chart.

  • Dual Double Axis Line & Bar Chart

Below is an example of a Double Axis Line & Bar Chart.

3. Comparison Charts

A comparison chart is a diagram that shows the differences and relationships between particular quantities.

You can use a Comparison Chart to compare key data points in your data story. It is the best graph for trend analysis.

For instance, you can compare sales revenue and profits in a specific period. This will help you to understand the variables in your business that are helping you grow.

As a customer, you can use a comparison chart to compare different products before buying them. For example, you can compare the price of one product with other brands before purchasing.

That’s not all.

You can also use comparison charts in digital marketing. For instance, you can compare attribution sources to establish the primary traffic source.

Some of the comparison charts include:

  • Radar Chart

Below is an example of a Radar Chart.

  • Comparison Bar Chart

Below is an example of a Comparison Bar Chart.

How to Create the Best Charts to Show Trends/Changes Over Time? Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Our best choice for the example we will use is a line chart.

Why? It is the best graph to show trends over time. From our discussions, we have realized that a line chart is the best for showing trends over time.

Our example analyzes different furniture sales from January to December.

Below is a table showing sales of different furniture assets.


Start by Installing ChartExpo in your Google Sheets add-on by clicking on this link.

  • After installation, use ChartExpo as follows: Extensions > Charts, Graphs & Visualizations by ChartExpo > Open.

  • Click the Add New Chart button to access your fully stocked library of charts.

  • Once ChartExpo is loaded, you will see a list of charts.

Then, scroll through the numerous chart templates until you see the Dual Axis Line Chart.

  • Select the sheet holding your data and select the Metrics option. Fill in the numerical numbers (in our scenario, we’ll fill in Profits, Sales, and Orders)
  • Select the Dimensions button and fill in the dimensional data (in our example, we’ll use Months).
  • Click the Create Chart button, as shown below.

  • Finally, your Chart will appear as shown below. You now have your trends over time chart.

What are some of the insights we can obtain from our dual axis line chart? Let’s find out.


The data in the table shows the furniture sales in different months.

  • Furniture sales were progressing well until the sales declined from February onwards.
  • From the chart, we can see that some months had higher sales than others.

The dual-axis line chart allows us to easily see trends over time between the months.

It’s as easy as that. We now have the best chart for trend analysis.

Let’s identify some simple guidelines to help you choose the best chart to show trends over time.

How Do You Find the Best Chart to Show Trends Over Time?

1. Know Your Audience

For your data presentation to be effective, it is crucial to identify your audience. With this in mind, you will know the type of data visualization to present to them.

If your audience comprises skilled execution marketers, it becomes easy for you to present charts and graphs because they are already familiar.

You cannot present a chart that your audience cannot comprehend. It becomes confusing to track trends over time. You will therefore have to use one of the best graphs to show trends.

Therefore, you need to present a straightforward visualization when dealing with a general audience. You will need the best chart to show change over time. Some of these charts include:

  • Pie charts
  • Bar charts
  • Dual-axis grouped bar charts
  • Single-row stack chart,
  • Column charts

These charts are simple, and you can use them for your general audience.

On the other hand, you can use these charts for an experienced audience:

  • Sankey Chart
  • Components trend chart
  • Stacked area graph
  • Map and bar chart
  • Dual-axis radar chart

2. Use of visualization colors

Data visualization will require your skill in using colors effectively. If you are a marketer, you can understand how essential colors are in determining your brand.

It becomes easy for the public and your clients to recognize your brand because of the colors you identify yourself with. Your audience will also acknowledge you with the data as your brand.

When you visualize your data for your audience, retain your color schemes. The graphs and charts you use in your presentation must have an effective color scheme.

This strategy can help your audience identify different trends over time. Why? It’s because you distributed your brand colors on other variables. In creating the best chart to show trends over time, choose colors wisely.

Let’s now take a look at some of the compelling ways you can show change over time.

Effective Ways of Showing Change over Time Data

  • The baseline Should be Zero

When you plot your best chart to show change over time, let zero be the starting point at the baseline. This strategy will help your audience see a variation in bar lengths.

A zero baseline will help your audience compare various bar lengths. They can see the change over time and will conclude that the data you present is credible.

A challenge can arise if your chart has a scale gap. Your audience cannot tell which is the starting point, and this will lead to misrepresentation.

Why? Your bar lengths and actual values are not in harmony. This will lead to your audience making inaccurate conclusions about your presentation.

  • Using a Sequential order for category levels

When presenting your data with a trend over time, you must show your audience that change is progressive.

In plotting your data, you must decide on the order your bars will follow. In most cases, you will find data analysts using the longest bars and the start and the shortest bars as you approach the end.

However, your audience can compare the bar lengths regardless of the order they follow. It can take your audience time to track progress over time. That is why it is essential that you sort your bars so that your audience does not move their eyes back and forth in tracking trends over time.

  • Using Colors Effectively

When using the best graph to show change over time, it is essential to use color effectively. Excel and Google Sheets help you use various colors in your charts.

When you don’t use colors effectively, you can distract your audience. They can interpret the colors you used inappropriately, which will not help you communicate your insights.

To avoid such cases, it is essential that you use colors effectively. When you want your audience to focus on a particular timeframe in your business, use a different color from your default color.

  • Simplifying your order of bars in charts

Your goal is to ensure that your data presentation is straightforward. This strategy helps your audience understand your insights.

How you arrange your bars in your charts is integral in making your presentation simple. Only in a natural order, such as age and time, will your bars appear in ascending or descending orders of data values.

It is also essential to avoid using alphabetical setups in arranging your bars.

  • Labeling your bars depending on the change they represent

In your best chart to show trends over time, avoid using many labels on your visualization. It will make it untidy and challenging for your audience to follow.

You must eliminate irrelevant elements unrelated to the insights you want to communicate. It would help if you labeled every bar in your chart with what it represents.

This strategy will help your audience identify trends over time with ease. Your visualization will have no visual clutter and look appealing to your audience.

  • Spacing within your visualization

You must have a reasonable chart size in your best charts to show trends. Have a standard width for each of your bars.

Also, have a consistent space between your bars. Your audience will easily track changes over time in your topic of interest.


Which type of chart is best for showing trends over time?

The line chart shows trends over time. They include:

  • Multi Series Line Chart
  • Multi-Axis Line Chart

Combo Charts show trends over time. They include:

  • Sentiment Trend Chart
  • Line with Area Chart
  • Dual Axis Line & Bar Chart

Comparison Charts include:

  • Comparison Bar Chart
  • Radar Chart

What is the best way to show trends over time?

A line chart is the best way. Many data analysts prefer line charts to other graphs.

This is because line charts show differences in variables. They compare data and show trends by revealing highs and lows. A line chart is your best pick for displaying your business trends over time.

Wrap Up

In a nutshell, we have realized that it is not easy to interpret raw data. This is because it has no structure, so you cannot identify trends over time.

However, we have seen the importance of using line graphs in displaying changes over time. Straight lines connect the data points in your line graphs. These lines can help you observe an increase and decrease in sales over time.

As a business person, you must use line charts to track the trends of your business with time. You can make future predictions for your business with a line chart.

Your interest should be communicating meaningful insights to your audience. Ensure that you use the effective methods we have discussed, such as a zero baseline and effective use of colors.

With the help of ChartExpo, you can access several line charts for your data analysis. You can access the best chart to show trends over time.

Now it is your turn to give it a go. Start a 7-day free trial and access the best graphs to show trends in your business.

Best Charts to Show Trend Over Time (2024)


Best Charts to Show Trend Over Time? ›

What is the best way to show trends over time? A line chart is the best way. Many data analysts prefer line charts to other graphs. This is because line charts show differences in variables.

What is the best graph to show trends over time? ›

Line Chart – Your Best Chart to Show Trends Over Time. Line charts are the best visual presentation for emphasizing change over time. Consider two variables, one on the vertical axis and the second on the horizontal axis.

Which type of chart would be best to show trends over time? ›

Line charts are probably the most common type of chart used to display trends over time. They consist of a series of data points connected by a line.

Which chart is the best to display trends over time? ›

Line Graph

A line graph reveals trends or progress over time, and you can use it to show many different categories of data. You should use it when you track a continuous data set.

Which chart is used to show trends over time using lines? ›

A line chart, also referred to as a line graph or a line plot, connects a series of data points using a line. This chart type presents sequential values to help you identify trends. Most of the time, the x-axis (horizontal axis) represents a sequential progression of values.

Which chart is often used to display trends over time? ›

Line chart

Line charts show changes in value across continuous measurements, such as those made over time.

What type of graph can be used to predict trends over time? ›

Line chart

It is often used to show trends and analyze data changes over time. The line graph can also be used for comparing data from multiple values by using multiple curved or straight lines. In a line chart, the y-axis represents the quantitive value, while the x-axis shows the timescale or a sequence of intervals.

Which chart type is most appropriate to show trend? ›

Line charts are useful for showing trends over time and comparing many data series. Line charts plot data at regular points connected by lines.

What chart type commonly used to illustrate trends over time? ›

We can use both a line chart and a column chart to illustrate a trend over time. However, a line chart is far more effective when there are many periods of time being measured.

What chart type is often chosen to show trends over time? ›

Line chart

Line charts can display continuous data over time, set against a common scale, and are therefore ideal to show trends in data at equal intervals. In a line chart, category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis, and all value data is distributed evenly along the vertical axis.

How to show trend in graph? ›

Add a trendline

Select the + to the top right of the chart. Select Trendline. Note: Excel displays the Trendline option only if you select a chart that has more than one data series without selecting a data series. In the Add Trendline dialog box, select any data series options you want, and click OK.

Which chart type in Tableau is suitable for showing trends over time? ›

Line Chart

Best used to show trends across time intervals. Multiple lines can be used to compare categories within a dimension.

What is used to display data that changes over time? ›

The line graph is the graph whose data changes continuously over some time. The line graph or line plot is the plot in which lines represent the variation of a quantity concerning some other quantity.

What is the best chart to show trends over time? ›

A line chart is the best way. Many data analysts prefer line charts to other graphs. This is because line charts show differences in variables. They compare data and show trends by revealing highs and lows.

Which type of chart is best for time trend data? ›

Use line charts to view trends in data, usually over time (like stock price changes over five years or website page views for the month). The result is a simple, straightforward way to visualize changes in one value relative to another.

What type of chart are used primarily to show trends over time? ›

A line chart is used to show trends in data over a period of time. It connects multiple data points and presents them as a continuous progression and helps you to visualize variations in values in comparison to one another.

Which graph shows trends over a period of time? ›

Line graph

Line graphs illustrate how related data changes over a specific period of time. One axis might display a value, while the other axis shows the timeline. Line graphs are useful for illustrating trends such as temperature changes during certain dates.

Which graphs works best in showing change over time? ›

Answer: a Bar Graph. Bar graphs are used to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time. However, when trying to measure change over time, bar graphs are best when the changes are larger.

How do you show trends on a graph? ›

Add a trendline

Select the + to the top right of the chart. Select Trendline. Note: Excel displays the Trendline option only if you select a chart that has more than one data series without selecting a data series. In the Add Trendline dialog box, select any data series options you want, and click OK.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.