Brandy Melville from a teen's and a mom's perspective (2024)

I have an interesting perspective.

I’m a teen, about 5’5 and 100 lbs. With the way my body fat is distributed, I usually wear an XS in shirts and XXS in pants, I have about a 24-inch waist. I have been like this my whole life, and have never had an eating disorder or restricted my diet in any way. I enjoy a feminine, slightly retro style. I also like buying high-quality cotton and denim clothing, which is often a problem in today’s economy. I really struggle with finding clothes in my price range, size, style, and quality standards. So Brandy Melville seems like a perfect option for someone like me.

However, I am also a feminist. I like to be as body positive and politically correct as possible. So seeing the ‘’one size fits all’ labels and only white models on the Brandy website becomes a contradiction of morals. It’s truly difficult to decide between a store that seems like it could solve all your clothing issues and to be judged by a progressive society.

I recently caved a purchased a couple of sweaters and shirts and was very surprised with the high quality. A crewneck I bought was 100% cotton for only about $30, which is a rare find nowadays. When people ask where I got them, I just say I can’t remember. Sometimes it’s better to do what’s right for yourself.

aoife on Jan 09, 2023

(This is coming from a young teens whos 5´3¨ and 88lbs.) Like there are plus size stores, this is more of a petite store, and I personally don´t think this is body shaming teens, it´s just not the right size. I do wish there were more sizes though, and more inclusive with their models since all of them are white. As for the prices, I honestly think they´re pretty reasonable for the quality, since most of their clothes are basics that should match with a lot of your other clothings and a good quality staple splurge doesn’t seem that bad. Also many tweens and teens (although people out of that age range can always wear it, that’s just the targeted age group) are naturally skinny, and don´t have eating disorders.

Mandy on Jan 02, 2023

I can see where you’re coming from. However you have to think about others as well. Im a petite16 year old girl and have a lot of trouble finding things that fit me right. Even brandy Melville can run big on me, like their sweatpants, hoodies, pants, and skirts. Also there are plus size stores so why can’t there be petite stores?

Vivian on Dec 15, 2022

This is a reach. They literally announced the store AND ITS PLASTERED EVERYWHERE that this is a store created to cater petite girls and small sizes! They do not need to be size inclusive. There’s many many shops that include sizes really big,I do agree there should me more shops like that. But it’s not brandys fault. It’s only one shop!! One shop that caters to a specific audience,I’m 18 and I fit completely in the clothes because some people are just born with sizes that are really small and it makes me happy that there’s a store that caters to people like me like there’s stores that cater to people with more weight!

Bianca Mcmillan on Dec 15, 2022

Oh, please. does EVERYTHING have to get ruined by the social justice warriers? My daughter found stylish clothes that fit her and she isn’t trying to hide her figure flaws? So what? If someone is overweight and doesn’t feel like they like this store, go somewhere else. I personally loved not having to back and forth finding a million different sizes.

Allie on Jan 31, 2022

I don’t get this debate or discussion at all. If the store is geared towards very small teen girls who have trouble finding trendy clothes in their sizes, what is the issue. I do not consider that to be “fat shaming”. I consider this to be a specialty store. Just like olus size girls/women have specialty stores. Just because they do not carry clothes for the average teen does not mean they are anti-“average” size girls. They should not have to accomodate or cater to any other sizes. Petite girls deserve their own store since for decades they have had to shop in the kids departments of stores because they couldn’t wear clothes sold in the junior/womens department of most stores. There are hundreds of stores for the average teen to shop in. Small girls have very few options. Specialty stores serve a purpose. Let them have their place. Geesh!

MaryF on Jan 31, 2022

I would have loved Brandy Melville when I was a teenager/young adult, mainly because the clothes are exctily the style I wanted to wear then (late 80’s early 90’s). But also because I was tiny and skinny and many brands didn’t carry my size (even the smallest size was too big).
I’ve always been a big eater, but with healthy eating habits since childhood (thanks mum and dad for baking and cooking from scratch!), but the only time I brushed on an eating disorder was after I put on a lot of weight in a short time, weight that didn’t feel like me (I could’t run and jump like I was used to, and got really tired just walking in stairs). Fortunately that was only for a brief period (and no eating disorders since).
I had never heard of the brand until today when I needed a new t-shirt/top and walked past a shop, went in and realised I was the only adult who wasn’t there with a teenage kid (strange feeling!). Most clothes aren’t my style anymore but I did find a top that is, so I got it.
I have to disagree, you do NOT have to have a eating disorder to fit in the clothes, there are quite a few naturally slim women who need smaller sized clothes throughout life (I’m 48), but I do agree that it’s dismissive and must be offensive/feel discriminating especially for heavier built/larger framed teenagers. I wish they carried more sizes for all the young girls who are bigger than a size xs/s.
However, don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s always easy for petite girls and women to find clothes that fit well (I learned to sew my own clothes because I got fed up with trying on too big clothes, only to find none left in my size or the smallest size too big). I do think this shop can be a relief for many, just like it’s probably just the opposite for others.

Karin on Jan 31, 2022

this is coming from a tween, who’s 5’0 and 90 lbs. i own some brandy melville. but i agree, they should be more size-inclusive. almost all their models r white, and only like one is a person of color. they also pay their workers by their looks (if they r more “pReTtY” then they’ll get paid more.) brandy melville sets unrealistic expectations that you have to be skinny to fit into their clothing. and when someone can’t fit into their clothing, they might wanna lose weight in order to buy more from brandy. also, even though there’s so many one size stores out there, brandy melville sells xs-s (markets it as one size fits all, however one size obviously doesn’t fit all.) many girls and young women aren’t in the xs-s size range, which is COMPLETELY normal. however brandy doesn’t think so. also, some of their clothing are a size medium, like their jeans, and very few of their tops. and it’s a bit overpriced too. (hoodies r $35-$45, tops r $12-$25, and outerwear (overalls and denim jackets) r $40-$55.

hey on Oct 30, 2021

this is coming from a tween, who’s 5’0 and 90 lbs. i own some brandy melville. but i agree, they should be more size-inclusive. almost all their models r white, and only like one is a person of color. they also pay their workers by their looks (if they r more “pReTtY” then they’ll get paid more.) brandy melville sets unrealistic expectations that you have to be skinny to fit into their clothing. and when someone can’t fit into their clothing, they might wanna lose weight in order to buy more from brandy. also, even though there’s so many one size stores out there, brandy melville sells xs-s (markets it as one size fits all, however one size obviously doesn’t fit all.) many girls and young women aren’t in the xs-s size range, which is COMPLETELY normal. however brandy doesn’t think so. also, some of their clothing are a size medium, like their jeans, and very few of their tops. and it’s a bit overpriced too. (hoodies r $35-$45, tops r $12-$25, and outerwear (overalls and denim jackets) r $40-$55.

hey on Oct 30, 2021

this is coming from a tween, who’s 5’0 and 90 lbs. i own some brandy melville. but i agree, they should be more size-inclusive. almost all their models r white, and only like one is a person of color. they also pay their workers by their looks (if they r more “pReTtY” then they’ll get paid more.) brandy melville sets unrealistic expectations that you have to be skinny to fit into their clothing. and when someone can’t fit into their clothing, they might wanna lose weight in order to buy more from brandy. also, even though there’s so many one size stores out there, brandy melville sells xs-s (markets it as one size fits all, however one size obviously doesn’t fit all.) many girls and young women aren’t in the xs-s size range, which is COMPLETELY normal. however brandy doesn’t think so. also, some of their clothing are a size medium, like their jeans, and very few of their tops. and it’s a bit overpriced too. (hoodies r $35-$45, tops r $12-$25, and outerwear (overalls and denim jackets) r $40-$55.

hey on Oct 30, 2021

I am quite tiny and honestly I like Brandy Melville clothes. I don’t like that it’s only one size and even though I can fit in most Brandy clothes I wish they had more sizes because even I have a hard time finding clothes that fit nicely and aren’t too big. And I hate to admit because I don’t support their ethics but I mostly buy Brandy for a number of reasons. To me it seems like after they faced a peak of backlash in 2020 they did change their sizes. I think they used to be more xs/s but now most their stuff is around a medium.

Vanessa on Aug 08, 2021

Although I somewhat agree with you, I think that because the brand is based in Italy, and Europeans are generally very slim, I don’t think this is too out of the norm. Personally, as someone who’s 5’6 and 100 pounds and very slim, it’s nice to have a store that caters to people with bodies like me.

Ara Kim on Aug 08, 2021

While I understand how it must be difficult to go into a shop and have nothing fit, this is a reality for a subset of the population that is very petite. There are almost no affordable stores that sell clothes in a 00 and XXS. It’s a constant struggle to find anything at all for my daughter to wear, so Brandy Melville is one only a handful of stores she can shop in. While I wish they offered a range of sizes to accommodate kids of all sizes, I hate seeing backlash every time a shop does offer clothing that caters to petite folks. It’s not an attack on larger girls or promoting bad body image; there is a population of people in this size that exist, and it’s also upsetting for them to go into nearly every store on the planet and not be able to purchase anything in their size. This disappointment is something my daughter faces regularly – she can never wear the clothes her friends are wearing. I’m also very small and face the same problem – especially with any sort of specialty clothing such as formal wear or outdoor gear. We should be encouraging stores to sell clothes in a wide range of sizes, from extremely petite to extremely plus size, instead of attacking them for fat-shaming because they are one of the only stores that actually does sell smaller sizes. Let’s promote inclusivity both ways.

Ali on Aug 08, 2021

I totally disagree with the message they send, but I am petite, and it’s really hard to find clothes that fit me. Also, when you are 13, there are not too many stores that you can buy from, because you are not a fully teen where you can wear slightly more revealing clothes or a kid anymore. I really disagree with the message but I feel like there aren’t a lot of choices for girls my age, and I think for people my age who can’t fit into Brandy Melville, it would be even harder.

Olivia on Aug 08, 2021

I 100% agree with the article, I am 14 and would DEFINITELY not fit into their clothes. I have never felt that my body was wrong, Im extremely tall for my age and a little ‘bigger’ but i never felt that it was a and thing. Till i met this company and immediately felt that i wasn’t good enough. To me it even seems insulting for their small sizes to be made to be seen as a luxury. Their clothes are adroable to me and thats the problem whey it makes me so sad/mad, because i want to wear the clothes! When it comes down to it a little blog comment isn’t going to change the world but i feel that maybe more people will help the issue of size inclusiveness and make it a better world for our new generations.

Kate on May 16, 2021

In all fairness, I get where you’re coming from. My biggest issue with Brandy Melville is not that they carry only sizes XS/S, but that they equate this sizing to normalcy and trendiness. Theres absolutely nothing inherently wrong with having a store that caters to girls (as well as non binary people, men, anyone who fits into any of their clothing of course) that are naturally smaller, especially when it may be hard for them to find clothing that doesn’t sit on them baggy or outright fall off. The problem here is that these clothes and sizes are forced on us as trendy. The problem here is the mere EXISTENCE of trends and a societal perception of what is quote on quote “normal”, as well as anyone who contributes to or upholds it.

I say this as a 13 year old girl who is very small, and would definitely fit into Brandy Melville apparel, if not be a tiny bit small for it

Daisy on Mar 30, 2021

Today I looked at my local brandy melville for the first time. Clothes seemed cute. I don’t wear cropped stuff our the short skirts.( I saw a lot of cute ones but I DEFINITELY wouldn’t wear them) I have to say they do seem quite small for very slender girls. I’m not fat but I’m not THAT skinny. I hope the store doesn’t effect girl’s self esteem.

Ami on Mar 30, 2021

I agree with this article as well as the other comment here. I’m 13 and definitely not the smallest waist in the world, so I try to stick to sweatshirts, tees, and accessories when shopping at Brandy Melville. I’m 5’4 and 117 lbs and I feel fat a lot of times.

Lauren on Feb 01, 2021

I half and half agree, although yes they carry clothing for a specific body type, it is comfort for girls who are skinny or small not by choice, just as there are plus sized stores; I know many girls that are upset with their bodies because they cannot gain weight. I can see how this may cause a change is societies viewpoint of beauty standards and causing issues for girls everywhere, their sizing is just more for smaller girls. Many many other teen stores carry the same styles but in foddering sizes, brandy is not fat phobic. And another thing soooooo many people forget, it is a European brand that has been in Europe for years before anywhere else, Most European women all tend to be very slim with similar flat builds and around the size 0-4, so in Europe it would be consider completely normal like all the other stores there, unlike other countries, we just have different norms.

felicity on Feb 01, 2021

I completely agree with your concerns. Personally, I don’t agree with the lack of sizes. I will say though that the clothes are most likely intended for older girls. I’m 16, 5’3 and a 110 lbs. The clothes are fairly stretchy depending on the piece and items I thought would never fit actually did. I would recommend waiting until your daughter is a bit older before going back because most everything is cropped.

Sara Jo Burton on Dec 07, 2020

Brandy Melville from a teen's and a mom's perspective (2024)
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