Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (2024)

During your time abroad, you will visit companies, meet executives, and have Q&A opportunities. It’s important that you know how to dress appropriately for each company visit in order to pack your business attire accordingly.

The dress code policy for our programs includes business formal, business casual, and dressy casual attire. Below you will find photos and descriptions of each businessattire option. Please note that rolled sleeves, wrinkled clothing, flip-flops, un-tucked shirts, hats, miniskirts, and white socks are not appropriate.

Business Formal Attire

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (1)

The standard business formal wear is a full matching business suit, including a jacket and dress pants, skirt, or dress. The darker the suit, the more formal it is. Torn, wrinkled, or unmatched clothing is unacceptable.

Business Formal For Men

In addition to matching pants and jacket, men should wear a button-up collared shirt, paired with a tie. Refrain from bold and bright colors or patterns in dress shirts. Choose a tie with colors and tones that match your suit and dress shirt.

Business Formal For Women

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (2)

Dress pants or skirt with a matching jacket is considered business formal for women. Skirts should always sit at or just above the knee.A blouse or dress material top is recommended and should either be tucked in or fall just below your waistline.

Business Formal Footwear

Dress shoes, flats, open-toed and closed-toed shoes in a leather or dress material areappropriate and should be clean and polished.

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (3)

Business Casual Attire

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (4)Business professional attire is a cross between business formal and business casual. Instead of wearing a full business suit, it’s common to wear dress pants and a collared shirt or blouse without a jacket or tie. However, dress shoes are still required.

Business Casual For Men

Business professional attire may include dress pants with a button-up collared shirt or sports jacket, matching suit with no tie, or dress pants and a collared shirt and tie.Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (5)

Business Casual For Women

Dress pants, skirt, or dress with a non-matching jacket is recommended business professional attire for women. Skirts and dresses should always sit at or just above the knee. A collared blouse or dress material top is recommended and should either be tucked in or fall just below your waistline.

Business Casual Footwear

Dress shoes, flats, open-toed and closed-toed shoes in a leather or dress material areappropriate and should be clean and polished.

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (6)

Dressy Casual Clothing Examples

Dressy casual attire is a little less formal than business casual. Although you don’t need to wear dress pants or a suit and tie, it does not call for sweatpants and sneakers. It’s important that your dressy casual attire is still neat and semi-professional.

Dressy Casual For MenBusiness Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (7)

Casual collared shirts, polo shirts, buttoned shirts, sweaters, and plain shirts and cardigans are appropriate when paired with nice looking pants such as khakis or dark colored jeans.

Dressy Casual For Women

Casual blouses, cardigans, polo shirts, and plain shirts are appropriate when paired with nice looking pants, skirts, or darkcolored jeans. Casual dresses are appropriate as well. Skirts and dresses should sit at or just above the knee.

Dressy Casual Footwear

Loafers, dress shoes, boots, flats, dress sandals, open-toed, and closed-toed shoes are appropriate.

What Not to Wear For Business

  • Crop-tops, hoodies, muscle shirts, excessively tight or revealing tops, or tops with large logos or cartoons on them
  • Sweatpants, pajama pants, or athletic shorts
  • Baggy, ripped or torn jeans
  • Short, tight skirts that do not reach mid-thigh
  • Slippers or flip-flops
  • Hats unless required for religious or cultural purposes

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (8)

To learn more about the 4 types of business attire check out this article from The Daily MBA!

Business Attire For Study Abroad Seminar - Examples for Men & Women (2024)
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