Business Casual vs Smart Casual (2024)

Table of Contents
The Difference Between Smart Casual vs Business Casual Examples Of Smart Business Attire Examples Of Casual Business Attire Which Industries Suit Smart Or Casual Business Attire? Why Have Dress Codes In The Workplace Advantages & Disadvantages Of Dress Codes At Work What To Wear When You’re Not Sure What To Wear To Work What To Wear To A Job Interview How To Dress For A Business Meeting What Not To Wear At Work How To Put Together A Professional Work Wardrobe On A Budget Summary Trending How To Resign As A Director Of A Company Innovation & Legacy – A Perfect Marriage Of Values At Loveitts What Is A Company Secretary and Do You Need One? Could Your Smartphone Be Feeding Businesses Your Personal Data? Topic Related Stories External v Internal Finance Sources Advantages & Disadvantages Of Swot Analysis The Ultimate Guide to Sole Trader Bookkeeping What Is Conscious Business & How Can We Cultivate It? 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Home » Work & Wellness » Business Casual vs Smart Casual

Smart Casual vs Business Casual – What’s the difference? When it comes to workplace attire, one size certainly does not fit all. Smart casual dress code is a dress style that is not overly formal, whereas business casual is more relaxed than smart, but still professional. Different types of jobs and work environments require different levels of formality in clothing. Knowing the difference between smart casual and business casual can help you make an appropriate choice, that is both comfortable and fits the professional atmosphere of your work environment.

Read on for a full business wear guide that will get to the bottom of the difference between smart business attire vs casual business attire, so you know how to dress in either scenario.

Table of Contents

The Difference Between Smart Casual vs Business Casual

Smart casual dress codes is a dress style that is not overly formal. It is more elevated than usual casual wear but less formal than business suits. Smart casual wear offers:

  • Flexibility: By creating and combining pieces
  • Various top-half options: sweaters, shirts, blouses
  • Various bottom-half options: Smart or tailored jeans or chinos. Skirts.
  • Footwear: Can be smart trainers, loafers, flats or boots
  • Accessories: Minimalist jewelry, smart belts and even scarves can all add to the look.

Business casual dress codes is just that. More relaxed than smart business dress codes, but still professional. It includes items such as chinos, smart jeans and blouses as being acceptable. suit trousers without jackets. Fitted shirts without ties. More relaxed-fitting shirts, skirts or trousers, and brighter colours or patterns would also be acceptable for business casual attire. The focus with this type of work wear should be comfort over formality but showing that you have ‘made an effort, rather than your saturday infront of the TV clothes. If jeans are worn it is often best placed to dress-up your top half with asmarter shirt or a suit-style jacket. As time progresses, this style of dress code is becoming more informal and the reality now is that certain comfort items like trainers, for example, would often be acceptable in the majority of work settings. This however, falls more into the term of general “casual” wear.

Whether it’s a “ smart casual” or “business casual” dress code that you need to meet, dressing appropriately is essential for making a good impression on clients and colleagues alike. Having an understanding of what is considered acceptable for either dress code in business will help you to feel confident about your choice of outfit for work.

Examples Of Smart Business Attire

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Smart workwear is traditional business attire that is the perfect choice for those that want or need a more formal look for the workplace.

Smart business casual outfits usually consist of:

  • Coordinated separates
  • Suits, crisp shirts, ties, and tailored trousers.
  • Fabrics such as wool, tweed and cotton are often used, and the colour palette is typically neutral shades of black, navy, grey and beige.
  • Blazers with a skirt, knee-length shift dress, pressed shirts, or tailored trousers
  • Simple, plain jewellery if worn
  • Polished closed-toe shoes and belts
  • Briefcases, handbags or smart laptop bags complete the look

Examples Of Casual Business Attire

Casual work wear is a more relaxed version of smart business. It doesn’t mean you can turn up to work in your flip flops and a summer dress, and shouldn’t be considered ‘dressing down’. Instead, this style of work outfit promotes a relaxed yet polished look and has become increasingly popular in modern workplaces as it allows a bit more personality to shine through than the smart business attire option.

Casual business outfits usually consist of:

  • Relaxed fitting long-sleeved shirts or blouses
  • Chinos, conservative-length dresses & skirts, or smart jeans
  • Accessories such as scarves, jewellery, and belts should be modest and colours should remain neutral.
  • Closed-toe smart shoes such as loafers, low heels or flats remain the best choice

Which Industries Suit Smart Or Casual Business Attire?

The type of dress code that you will need to adhere to at work, will largely depend on the industry that you work in. Generally speaking dress codes at work are discussed concerning office-based jobs rather than scientific, technical, physical or manual jobs that will require specialist equipment and safety clothing to be worn.

In office-based roles, a more traditional, clean-cut professional look is expected in industries such as law, finance and banking. On the other hand, more creative companies or technology firms are more likely to have a more relaxed approach to dress codes.

It’s important to consider the company culture as well when deciding what type of work attire to wear, by researching online or speaking to friends who work in similar roles. This will give you an understanding of what is considered appropriate for that specific workplace. Overall, it’s better to err on the side of caution and dress smarter than casually in the early stages of starting a new job.

Why Have Dress Codes In The Workplace

Dress codes in the workplace help maintain suitable standards within an office or corporate environment and ensure that employees are wearing clothing that meets specific guidelines for health, safety, or professionalism. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for dress codes across all workplaces, and it’s up to individual organisations to set their expected standards and requirements, there are some common principles to consider.

Employees should dress suitably for their job function and should adhere to appropriate levels of decency and respect when choosing outfits. Even within one company, different departments or roles may use different variations of the same set of standards.

For example, British Airways has a smart, unified dress code for its employees that ranges from suits and blazers for aircrew to smart overalls and jumpsuits for ground staff. Despite the outfits being different in style, they are all part of the same organisation and project a polished look of a high standard.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Dress Codes At Work

  • Dress codes in the workplace can have a significant impact on the way that employees are perceived and their productivity.
  • Dress codes provide clear expectations of what is appropriate, and make sure that everyone remains professional and focused while at work whilst eliminating any confusion about the type of attire that should be worn for the job.
  • If everyone follows the same dress code, it removes the need for employees to be concerned with fitting in, and following the latest trends when trying to create their look.
  • Dress codes can help foster a sense of pride in the workplace as a well-defined dress code helps model professionalism and unify everyone along a shared standard of excellence.
  • Some individuals view dress codes as restrictive, which can negatively impact morale among employees.
  • Dress codes may create feelings of conformity or limit individuals from expressing their style while in the office setting
  • Dress codes can be difficult or confusing to navigate if there are specific rules governing attire, such as whether certain footwear or jewellery is acceptable.
  • In extreme weather, dress codes may be too restrictive and need to be relaxed

What To Wear When You’re Not Sure What To Wear To Work

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If you’re not sure what to wear when going to work, the best thing to do is to check with the HR team, your line manager or colleagues on what is expected. If this isn’t possible, such as if it’s your first day and you didn’t ask at the interview, it can be helpful to err on the side of caution and go for a tried-and-true classic look.

Start with a basic colour palate, such as black, navy or grey –these colours are all timeless staples that you’re bound to have something of in your wardrobe. An easy option is to build from there selecting appropriate garments like slacks or mid-length skirts paired with simple blouses, turtle neck jumpers or crisp shirts.

Complete the look with a well-tailored jacket and appropriate footwear – think loafers, flats or low-heeled pumps. This is a fail-safe business look that will fit into any office environment. You can then dress it up or down in the following weeks or months as you get used to the normal protocol in your organisation.

What To Wear To A Job Interview

A job interview is a situation where you should always dress smartly, regardless of how casual you think the role or company may be. This is a time to put your best foot forward by making a great first impression to show potential employers that you care about the job you are applying for. A simple way to do this is to arrive smartly dressed, on time and prepared with questions about the role.

When it comes to what you should wear, unless you are told otherwise, a suit is always an appropriate option. If a full suit feels too formal for the role you’re applying for, consider teaming classic separates such as trousers and blazers together to create a sharp look. Aim to stick to two or three colours when choosing your outfit so that it looks sleek and professional. Avoid anything too distracting or loud such as patterns, logos or overly bright colours.

Accessories should be kept to a minimum and should always be appropriate for the role you’re applying for. Again, aim for simplicity when choosing your accessories: A smartwatch, a pair of classic earrings and a neat belt will finish the look.

How To Dress For A Business Meeting

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Business meetings are an everyday occurrence for most professional organisations, but whether you choose to wear smart business or business casual outfits will depend on a few factors.

  • Is the meeting the first time you will be meeting someone or a new group of people?
  • What is the setting? If the meeting is taking place in a business setting, such as a conference room or boardroom, it’s typically expected that you dress smartly. A suit would be suitable for both men and women, but if you’re going for something more relaxed but still professional then tailored separates can work just as well.
  • For meetings over lunch or dinner, opt for something smart but not too formal such as a pleated skirt and blouse for women and trousers with a shirt for men. This will prevent you from feeling too restricted. You can always check with the venue on the expected dress code too.
  • If you are meeting for coffee, business casual may be more suitable than smart business attire.
  • Who is attending the meeting? Is this a meeting between colleagues you’ve known for years, high-level directors and business owners, or friends looking to go into business?

Staying smart and professional when dressing for business meetings will stand you in good stead whether you’re heading out to meet clients or attending a new job interview.

What Not To Wear At Work

You should now have a good understanding of what is acceptable to wear in the workplace in both smart and casual business scenarios, but there are sometimes that should never be worn at work. Clothes that are too revealing, too excessive, sloppy, impractical or informal can harm the way your coworkers and clients view you.

Avoid wearing clothing with large logos or writing, excessively high heels or over-the-top jewellery, any type of risky fashion statements such as unbuttoned shirts, or overly tight-fitting clothing that shows too much skin. Everything from underwear to outerwear, and accessories should be appropriate for the workplace setting. Paying attention to detail when picking out work clothes will portray you positively in the office environment and will demonstrate you take your job seriously.

How To Put Together A Professional Work Wardrobe On A Budget

Unless you ‘live to work’, it’s unlikely that you will want to spend a lot of money on your work outfits. Even if you’re a ‘work to live’ type of person, or have a limited budget but want to project an image of professionalism, you will still have to spend a significant amount of time each week at work. As such, choosing good quality pieces that will last, and can be mixed and matched are top tips when it comes to putting together a work wardrobe on a budget.

  • Look for pieces that will work not only for the office but for other social occasions too.
  • Choose neutral colours such as black or navy and fabric combinations like cotton and wool that can be easily dressed up or down.
  • Investing in items such as a blazer, trousers, skirts and a range of shirts and blouses. Look for pieces with detail such as buttons, pleats or embroidery to add extra interest to your look
  • Invest in good quality classics such as black trousers, a navy blazer or a classic white shirt that will last for many seasons to come
  • Look for pieces in sales and second-hand stores, or clothing sites like Vinted. This can be a great way to save money on classic wardrobe items.
  • Finally, accessorise with jewellery, scarves or bags that will make the outfit look more put together and add an extra element of style.

With some careful planning and clever shopping, you can build a professional-looking work wardrobe that will carry you through smart business and business casual settings whilst remaining stylish and sticking to your budget!


We hope this business attire guide has helped explain the difference between smart casual vs business casual wear, so you can make an appropriate choice for you or your business’ needs. Regardless of the option you go with, it’s important to ensure the choice of clothing reflects professionalism and respect for the company that you operate, work in, or are visiting.

Investing in quality pieces that you can mix and match will help you look polished regardless of the occasion, and remember first impressions count, so it’s best to dress in styles that are conservative and professional looking even if the office is more relaxed in its dress code.

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Adopting a People First Approach to Technology

Discover how a richer relationship with technology can empower us to have a better experience across all aspects of our...

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Women-Led Businesses You Should Be Paying Attention To

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Real Business is casting a spotlight on six women-led businesses that are focused on innovation...

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Litalist: Building a Community Between Book Lovers and Booksellers

Last year, the UK book market enjoyed one of its best sales years in over a decade and this World...

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Breaking into the Publishing Industry? Start Your Own Crowdfunded Publisher

This World Book Day, we’re diving into the world of publishing. Breaking into the industry the traditional way can be...

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Marketing Strategies in a Technology-Driven Age

New York Times bestselling author and Founder and CEO of Genius Group, Roger James Hamilton, talks through which marketing strategies...

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Business Leaders Are Under Unprecedented Pressure – But Have Unprecedented Opportunities

The huge pressure on Unilever CEO Alan Jope in the past couple of months characterises the unprecedented challenges today’s business...

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Productivity Wars: How Managers Can Re-Inspire Their Teams

Business leaders have faced challenges and difficulties unknown to their peers in years gone by. Almost every aspect of our...

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Russian Invasion of Ukraine Threatens Global Economy Amid Massive Recession

With the Ukraine reporting several explosions at its military bases and near major cities, Russia’s invasion brings further chaos and...

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“Creators aren’t aspirational dreamers, they’re a critical part of the economy,” says Lotanna Ezeike, Founder and CEO, XPO

The financial impact of the last 24 months is hard to quantify. Incomes have been pressured and stretched to breaking...

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Why Parental Leave Isn’t the Issue for Young Professionals

A recent survey has shown that poor parental leave policies have led to one in five younger workers to quit...

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With Love – Taking the Opportunity to Care for Your Staff on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is globally recognised and celebrated beyond the office – but it is not, however, a holiday that’s on...

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Oldest Pair Breaks Record Rowing Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge

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Creating Skincare Brands for the TikTok Generation with Tiffany Salmon

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How to Surmount Your Self-Doubt as an SME Entrepreneur

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Ocean Club Holidays: Vertically Integrated, Organically Grown

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Private Capital Could Help Drive SMEs Forward on the Road to Recovery

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Covid Rules To Be Lifted In England Over The Next Week

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Pioneering Adtech Company Keeps TV Advertisers Informed and Adaptable

Real Business sat down with TVSquared Founder and CEO, Calum Smeaton, to discuss the world of data analysis, the benefits...

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The New Year: The New Loyalty and Rewards Strategy

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What Business Owners Need to Know about Workplace Mental Health Support

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Are Print Magazines Still Viable in our Increasingly Digital Lifestyles?

In the face of rising digitalisation and the popularity of the minimalism aesthetic, the viability of print magazines might be...

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How to Make the Most Out of the New Year

After the difficult hardships of the past two years, you may be feeling despondent about 2022, unable to see the...

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Why Emotional Intelligence is Key to Successful Conscious Leadership

The title may sound complex, but to be a truly impactful leader in today’s world, Emotional Intelligence has proven to...

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Ways to Avoid Burnout as a Freelancer

With over 15 years leading workplace mental health, Chartered Psychologist, Dr Jan Smith explains the steps you should be taking...

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3 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Small Business For Streamlined Success

The world of entrepreneurship and operating a business is by no means an easy one, so making things as streamlined...

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Elizabeth Holmes Found Guilty of Fraud in Theranos Case

Once viewed as a rising star of Silicon Valley and a figure of inspiration for women in tech, the former...

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There’s Bias in Burnout, and Things Need to Change

In different workplace settings across the world, the strange and unsettling feeling of exhaustion - known as ‘burnout’ - has...

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Is There a Correlation Between How You Sleep and How You Work?

There are few of us who are unfamiliar with the heavy feeling of a bad night’s sleep. The achiness behind...

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Fashion’s Plagiarism Habit and The Impact on Small Brands

The fashion industry often plays it fast and loose with the idea of “inspiration versus imitation”. Plagiarism and design theft...

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Living the Laptop Lifestyle with Social Cactus

When we were told in March 2020 to ‘stay at home’, many businesses were thrust into an unknown world, left...

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The Competition to Create the Best Christmas TV Advert

The hype that surrounds the release of Christmas adverts from brands like John Lewis, Waitrose, and Marks and Spencer signals...

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Some Businesses Won’t Survive This Christmas Under New Omicron Restrictions

As the Omicron variant sweeps the UK, new restrictions to help slow the spread could be the final nail in...

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Putting Cyber Security First: Why the Latest Trends make this Critical for SMEs

With the ever-evolving and highly sophisticated cyber threat landscape, online security for SMBs is no longer an option, it’s a...

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Finding the Perfect Gift: Interview with Louise Doyle and Steph Scholes

Real Business sat down with the founders of the innovative gift service, needi, Louise Doyle and Steph Scholes to find...

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How Innovation is Driving New Sustainability Goals

Sarah Swenson, Global Senior Manager Sustainability at Avery Dennison explains the art of collaboration and driving change for the better...

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How your SME can capitalise on the Festive Season

It is clear that Christmas is the most wonderful yet hectic time of year for businesses. As the reindeers rally...

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Narce Media: Video is the Ultimate Content Currency

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A Chanel Christmas Story: How Important Are Customer Perceptions of Value for Money?

TikTok outrage strikes again, and its latest victim is iconic, luxury brand, Chanel. In the age of instant video reviews...

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Starting Out in a New Market

Founder and CEO of Alicia J Diamonds, Alison Cooper talks through what you can do as a business owner to...

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Lush Exit: Can Brands Survive Without Social Media?

Lush, the well-known cosmetics brand, has announced its departure from social media platforms Instagram and Facebook as they insist Meta...

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Introducing the Entrepreneur Who Has Banished Leathers for Making Timeless Sustainable Accessories

Serial Entrepreneur and designer Jessica Kruger moved from her barefooted upbringing in Sydney, Australia, to Europe in 2009 before settling...

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Increasing E-Commerce Sales with Website Analysis Insights

E-commerce is a high-growth, yet highly competitive space, and data analytics has changed the way companies interact with their customers....

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6 Tips for Selling your Business

If you’re planning to sell your business, for whatever reason, it is absolutely crucial to ensure that you start planning...

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Cybersecurity Business Leading the Charge Against Business Threats

Last year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the world saw a nearly 600% increase in cyberattacks as the world went into...

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“Diversity of thought” – Why it’s Crucial to Business Success

My passion for diversity and inclusion comes from my heritage and growing up in South Africa in what was a...

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Did COP26 Inspire Business Sustainability Or Just Encourage A Future Of ‘Greenwashing’?

On the back of 2021’s yearly climate change conference, it’s no surprise that the world’s most influential meeting yet, COP26,...

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“The Entrepreneur Ship” Takes on the Talisker Rowing Challenge

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is known as “the world’s toughest row” with participants rowing over 3,000 miles from the...

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What Lidl’s Pay Rise Shows Us About the Competition for Staff?

Last week, Lidl announced that, as of March next year, all employees outside of London will be receiving a significant...

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Speaking your Mind as an Introvert in the Workplace

You may have never experienced being in a boardroom, with the overwhelming feeling of paranoia that you aren't speaking enough...

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Wonsulting and TikTok Resumes: Revolutionising Recruitment for the Future

Nearly six months on since the launch of TikTik Resumes, Real Business interviews Wonsulting CEO, Jonathan Javier, and Co-Founder/Chief Operating...

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The Rising Wages Impact on Small Businesses

Last month, it was announced that next April (April 1st, 2022) the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage are...

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Black Friday Success: Ditch the Discounts and Get Creative

This year, Black Friday will take place on the 26th November. Now considered one of the most significant shopping events...

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Gains in economic activity have been prevalent in the M&A sector since 2011

What does this mean for M&A" Based on BCMS" analysis of UK M&A activity, the gains made in the wider...

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We should accept and understand what frightens us in order to achieve goals

Our thinking really can impact the way we act, and it can hold us back. On the other hand we...

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Elon Musk quotes – from simulation to inspiration

Inspiration can be drawn from many places. Some might find art or nature inspiring, while others will look to great...

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Running a franchise: case study

Eulenkamp owns the franchise business with his wife. They found they were wasting precious time and money on inefficient inter-franchise...

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Half of British businesses plan to employ more staff in 2015

The research is part of the CBI and Accenture Employment Trends Survey, which has found Scotland is leading Britain for...

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Three things every tech investor needs to look out for

As a result, we are seeing investors build large portfolios of unique and innovative technology companies so how do you...

It’s not too early to think about seasonal recruitment

There's a feeling in the air this week, autumn is coming and it's back to school and work for many....

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Is commercial property a good investment” We asked the experts

With businesses around the globe having to close their offices and adapt to remote working, we talk to commercial property...

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Tech won’t hurt education; itll prime future generations for the workplace

If youd been paying attention to the media in recent days, youd be inclined to think were all destined for...

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Top tips for trading

With the UN expecting that 3bn people will be online within the next two years, the growth potential is significant,...

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No More January Blues: 7 Ways To Boost WFH Productivity In 2024

Are you feeling overwhelmed with managing a remote team? Is January bringing your workforce to a standstill? You're not alone!...

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Employers Urged to Prioritise Emotions in the Workplace as They Aim to Fill Ever Growing Vacancies

Harnessing the power of human emotions will be needed to fill job vacancies and stem the tide of resignations after...

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Six ways to stretch your firm’s office furniture budget

This means the quality of the office furniture you choose could have a big effect on your workers. If they?re...

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A Garage Office – Creating a viable work space

A garage office - Is this the viable work space you are looking for? This can be a great opportunity...

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Take a break: 65% of business leaders admit to checking work emails on holiday

It's not surprising then that two thirds of business leaders admit to checking their work emails even while on holiday....

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How does the work environment shape employee health?

"The physical office environment has an important role to play in affecting your employees" health and wellbeing. But there's a...

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How to lift workplace stigma around male mental health

Many businesses have introduced wellbeing initiatives to provide ongoing health support to employees. However, it's becoming clear many aren?t accounting...

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UK businesses failing to embrace a modern workplace culture

The majority of businesses (68 per cent) still have a ?traditional" working environment, which new research from Perkbox suggests is...

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The $11.6bn coaching industry continues to boom, and it’s being led by women for women

Increasingly, business owners are being forced to take the health and wellbeing of their employees seriously. From 'perks' including free...

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Top tips for working at home

There are many advantages to working from home, especially if you require flexible hours to suit your lifestyle. Self-motivation and...


If you’ve decided to resign from the position of director of

Varied client services and high customer care have enabled heritage Coventry

A company secretary is an official advisory role in the administrative

We’ve all been there. You’re on your lunch break with a

A company limited by guarantee refers to a type of company

A company seal is an emblem or stamp representing your business

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Business Casual vs Smart Casual (2024)


What is the difference between smart casual and business casual? ›

Smart casual is a less formal extension to business casual. While business casual is great for the office and meetings, smart casual is for everything outside of work. Unless you work in a very informal environment.

Are jeans ok for smart casual? ›

Are Jeans Smart Casual? Jeans are smart casual, but make sure you choose a cut that fits well with no rips or fraying hems. A dark wash is best, but lighter washes can work too.

What does business casual mean? ›

“Business casual” is a straightforward dress code in that the name translates precisely to what it means: a mix of formal and casual clothing.

Are jeans allowed in business casual? ›

Jeans are usually considered business casual, with some exceptions. Business casual jeans should be clean and in good condition, free of any tears, fading or fraying. Avoid bright-colored jeans or styles that have flashy details, in favor of classic styles that you can pair with accessories or layers as needed.

Can I wear sneakers for smart casual? ›

Can you wear sneakers for a smart-casual dress code? Yes, you can wear sneakers as part of a smart-casual dress code for women, men and gender-neutral styles. You can pair sneakers with jeans, khakis and chinos. You may even wear sneakers with some skirts for a more athletic smart-casual look for women.

What is not business casual? ›

Jeans, sweat pants, athletic pants, or shorts are not acceptable business casual attire. As with full professional dress, make sure that your socks and shoes are a color fit for your slacks. Shoes/Belt - Be sure to wear a belt and shoes that are in good condition.

Can I wear sneakers for business casual? ›

To put it simply, business casual involves combining traditional business attire with casual components, and this can also involve sneakers. Now, this doesn't mean that all kinds of sneakers belong to that category. Overall, it's best to stick to minimalistic and clean sneakers, the less detail the better.

What is considered a smart casual dress code? ›

For men, that means you don a suit and a collared shirt but no tie (which immediately states “casual”) and opt for a good classic loafer. For women, a spiffy sweater over a tailored skirt (knee-length or longer) or slacks with a low heel pump or a dressy flat, all topped with an elegant silk scarf.

Do and don'ts of business casual? ›

Generally, business casual is not jeans, T-shirts, overly tight or revealing clothing, athletic wear, beach-type clothing, flip flops, hoodies, hats, crop tops, visible undergarments, and torn clothing.

Can a shirt be untucked for business casual? ›

But it also shifted things for those of us who attend business casual events, but would rather go untucked. So, now you can wear untucked shirts (make sure they're not too long and are designed to be worn untucked) at any business casual event, from a work function to a co*cktail party and more.

How strict is business casual? ›

Business casual is basically a dress code that involves wearing traditional business attire with a couple of relaxed tweaks here and there. For example, wearing khaki pants or slacks with a blouse/polo, but without a tie would be considered typically business casual.

Are skinny jeans okay for business casual? ›

A straight-leg pair of jeans will do. Also, avoid skinny jeans since they are geared more toward casual settings.

What color shirts are acceptable for business casual? ›

When planning the perfect business casual wardrobe, think of it as a hybrid between casual and professional wear. Choose neutral colors, such as tan, gray, black, navy, white, brown and beige. Bold colors can add interest to an outfit but opt for small pops of color instead of entire outfits.

Are leggings business casual? ›

Drumroll, please – are leggings appropriate for business casual? The verdict is a solid yes! With a touch of thoughtful styling, leggings can easily slide into the business casual arena, offering a versatile and comfortable alternative to traditional office wear.

What is considered smart casual wear? ›

It is the perfect mix of two different styles

On the one hand informal clothing with jeans and a t-shirt, on the other a more refined and accurate outfit. Examples of tastefully chosen Smart Casual looks include a jacket or blazer combined with chino trousers, or a shirt with a mandarin collar and smart shoes.

Can you wear smart casual to work? ›

Business casual dress code just means 'smart casual' – but for work, not play. That means you can ditch the corporate suit. Focus instead on separates: chinos and a contrast suit jacket; dark denim and a knit blazer; loafers without socks; button-up shirts without the tie.

Is smart casual with or without tie? ›

The one rule we'd recommend sticking to, regardless, is to avoid a tie or a classic white Oxford shirt.

Can you wear shorts for smart casual? ›

Can shorts be smart casual? Yes! But there are rules. Shorts should always be tailored, first and foremost.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.