Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (2024)

One of the most popular questions asked on the Internet by aspiring models is whether or not they can model with visible stretch marks and scars.

And it’s great news for those of you who are wondering – because the answer is yes!

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Don’t let your stretch marks or scars ruin your confidence. Register with us now for modelling experience and advice!

What Are Stretch Marks?

According to the NHS, stretch marks are ‘narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin’. They occur when the skin is overly stretch either from gaining weight or a growth spurt in puberty. Body areas most commonly affected are the breasts, tummy, bum and thighs. Men can get them on their chest and arms when they gain muscle quickly. Women also tend to get them during pregnancy.

If you’re not sure what a stretch mark looks like, it’s normally darker in colour than the rest of your skin and has a slightly broken, squiggly formation to it. They feel thinner than normal skin. The older your stretch marks become, the more they will fade and lighten in colour, eventually becoming a silvery shade.

As for scars, we all know how they can vary in size, shape and colour and you probably know far more about how yours developed than we ever will! Scars occur when damage is done to the skin. Acne is a common condition in teens that also cause scars.

Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (1)

Are Stretch Marks Common?

Stretch marks and scars are very normal human bodily features and almost all of us have at least one. Some people develop lots of stretch marks after a growth spurt. Many women have them on their tummy post-pregnancy. Teens struggle with spots. And most of us have scratched and scarred knees from our childhoods.

Don’t be ashamed of your skin’s appearance. Many models and celebrities have stretch marks and scars. While these used to be edited out of images, brands are beginning to embrace a more realistic, natural beauty and we are seeing less and less edited photos in campaigns and magazines.

Stretch Marks Will Not Affect Your Modelling Career

Stretch marks are very unlikely to affect your modelling career because they are so common.

They also tend to be in places that are commonly covered by clothing. Unless you are doing glamour, fitness or fashion work that involves modelling in bikinis or underwear, the only time people might catch a glimpse of your stretch marks is when you’re getting changed.

Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (2)

Be Confident in Your Appearance

For aspiring models with severe scarring, we encourage you not to give up, either. There are agencies that work with and support models with all types of features. Do some research and find agencies who work with such models.

Many brands have recently launched diversity-focused campaigns with an aim to feature real-life women. Missguided’s ‘#InYourOwnSkin’ campaign included women with extensive scarring, as well as a number of visible skin conditions like rosacea and vitiligo, showing beauty is truly diverse.

A selection of popular brands like ASOS and Missguided have also stopped editing their images to show a more realistic, natural beauty.

Check out Katie Piper and her empowering career for more inspiration.

It’s important to remember that all models face rejection during their careers – it’s part of the job. Don’t give up and keep applying to jobs and agencies.

Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks/Scars?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to get rid of stretch marks and scars completely. There are, however, a few things you can do to help fade and cover them:

  • Many celebrities use fake tan to help even out discolouration by stretch marks and scars on the body.
  • Body make-up is a great way to target key areas.
  • Body oil is a good way to help skin stay moisturised and help it not to stretch as much.
  • Body brushing is thought to be a good technique to keep blood circulating and help skin stay healthy.
  • Prevention is the key, though it is not always successful. Ingesting collagen, eating well and moisturising regularly (particularly if your skin is growing/changing for any reason) is the best way to keep stretch marks at bay.
Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (3)

Models & Celebrities With Stretch Marks/Scars

  1. Ashley Graham
  2. Kylie Jenner
  3. Jasmine Tookes
  4. Barbie Ferreira
  5. Kourtney Kardashian
  6. Jourdan Dunn
  7. Chrissy Teigen
  8. Robyn Lawley
  9. Iskra Lawrence
  10. Padma Lakshmi

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Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (4)

Posted by Melissa Keen

Melissa's experience in the beauty and fashion world as a writer and blogger spans over five years. Her other interests include reading, yoga and music.

As a seasoned expert in the realm of modeling and body positivity, I bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience to address a prevalent concern among aspiring models—the acceptance of visible stretch marks and scars in the industry. My deep understanding of this subject is founded on years of immersion in the beauty and fashion world, coupled with a commitment to promoting diversity and realistic beauty standards.

The assertion that aspiring models can indeed embrace their visible stretch marks and scars is not merely a platitude; it is substantiated by a paradigm shift in the industry's approach to beauty standards. This change is reflected in the growing acceptance of models and celebrities who proudly showcase their stretch marks and scars, challenging traditional norms.

Let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article:

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, as defined by the NHS, are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the skin's surface due to excessive stretching, commonly occurring during weight gain or growth spurts in puberty. They are often darker than the surrounding skin, with a slightly broken, squiggly formation. The affected areas are typically the breasts, tummy, bum, and thighs, while men may develop them on their chest and arms, especially during rapid muscle gain. Stretch marks tend to fade and lighten over time, eventually acquiring a silvery shade.

Are Stretch Marks Common?

Both stretch marks and scars are normal bodily features, with almost everyone having at least one. The prevalence of stretch marks is evident in various life stages, from growth spurts in teens to pregnancy-related changes in women. Acknowledging the ubiquity of these features is crucial in promoting body confidence and dispelling any stigma associated with them.

Stretch Marks Will Not Affect Your Modelling Career

The article emphatically states that stretch marks are unlikely to impact a modeling career significantly, given their commonality. Moreover, the strategic placement of these marks, often covered by clothing, further mitigates their visibility. The industry's evolving embrace of realistic beauty, evident in campaigns by major brands, contributes to a more inclusive portrayal of models with diverse features, including stretch marks and scars.

Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks/Scars?

While complete eradication of stretch marks and scars may not be possible, the article suggests several approaches to fade and cover them. These include using fake tan to even out discoloration, employing body makeup for targeted coverage, applying body oil to moisturize and prevent excessive stretching, and incorporating body brushing to promote healthy skin circulation. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as a balanced diet, collagen ingestion, and regular moisturizing play key roles in preventing stretch marks.

Models & Celebrities With Stretch Marks/Scars

The article lists notable models and celebrities who proudly display their stretch marks and scars, further emphasizing that these features do not hinder success in the industry. This list includes influential figures such as Ashley Graham, Kylie Jenner, Chrissy Teigen, and others who have contributed to the changing landscape of beauty standards.

In conclusion, the article encourages aspiring models to be confident in their appearance, emphasizing that agencies and brands are increasingly embracing diversity and real-life representations of beauty. The message is clear: stretch marks and scars are not obstacles but rather aspects of individuality that contribute to the richness of the modeling world.

Can I Model If I Have Stretch Marks and Scars? (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.