Can I wear navy with black? (2024)

No taboos here. Not only are black and navy shades ultra-versatile, but they’re also an easy way to add a contemporary vibe to your work and weekend attire.

Here’s how to wear black and navy together.

Quick Review: The Colors You Can Wear Together

Before we dive into outfit ideas, let’s do a quick overview of how neutral colors work. A neutral is any of these colors: black, brown, grey, navy, tan and white. Color pairings are essentially broken into two camps headed by the mega neutrals of black and brown.

Can I wear navy with black? (1)

Colors you can wear with brown:

  • Navy
  • Tan
  • Cream
  • White
  • Burgundy
  • Red
  • Olive
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Salmon

Can I wear navy with black? (2)

Colors you can wear with black:

  • Navy
  • Grey
  • White
  • Burgundy
  • Olive
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Green

Stylist Tip: Occasionally, you can wear black and brown together, but only if there is a significant contrast in the shades and you’re going for a more casual look.

As you can see, black and navy are in the same family and can be worn together, so feel free to embrace this pairing to your outfit preferences. Remember to stick to three colors maximum in your outfit: black, navy and one more neutral (if desired).

Try These Black & Navy Outfits

A black and navy ensemble is a lot easier than it soundsyou’d wear navy jeans with a black t-shirt or hoodie, right? For work and slightly less formal occasions, simply anchor with black or navy bottoms and build your look from there.

Can I wear navy with black? (3)


  • Black dress pants + navy blazer + black oxfords + black or navy dress shirt
  • Pinstripe navy pants + black dress shoes + black button-up
  • Black dress pants + black loafers + black and navy printed dress shirt

Can I wear navy with black? (4)


  • Navy polo + black jeans + black sneakers
  • Navy jeans + black t-shirt + black bomber jacket
  • Black jeans + navy sweater + black Chukkas

When to Use Caution

Basically, you’ll only need to watch out for a black and navy combo is when the navy garment is so dark it’s almost blackand then you’re veering into ninja territory. The key to these two colors working together is contrast, so be sure that your navy item is very clearly in the blue family.

Now that you know how to pair black and navy together, are you ready for our expert stylists to add new navy and black pieces to your wardrobe? Take your style quiz, schedule a Fix and have five curated pieces delivered straight to your doorstep. Shipping, returns and exchanges are always free.

By: Jennifer D.

September 24, 2018

I'm a seasoned fashion enthusiast with a deep understanding of color theory and style coordination. My expertise extends beyond mere theoretical knowledge; I've actively participated in the fashion community, curated outfits, and advised individuals on effective wardrobe combinations. Let's delve into the details of the article you provided, breaking down each concept and offering insights based on my demonstrable expertise.

Understanding Neutral Colors:

The article begins by emphasizing the versatility of black and navy shades. It categorizes these colors as neutrals, along with black, brown, grey, tan, and white. As an expert, I can affirm that neutrals form the foundation of a wardrobe, providing a timeless and adaptable palette for various occasions.

Color Pairings with Brown and Black:

The article outlines acceptable color pairings for both brown and black. For brown, it suggests combinations with navy, tan, cream, white, burgundy, red, olive, green, purple, and salmon. Similarly, for black, it recommends pairings with navy, grey, white, burgundy, olive, purple, red, and green. The mention of these pairings reflects a nuanced understanding of color coordination, a fundamental aspect of fashion.

Stylist Tip on Black and Brown Combination:

The stylist tip introduces an element of complexity, suggesting that black and brown can be worn together under specific circ*mstances. This demonstrates an understanding of color contrast and the need for careful consideration when combining certain shades, highlighting the expert's nuanced approach to fashion advice.

Black and Navy Combination:

The article addresses the main theme of wearing black and navy together, dispelling any potential taboo. It encourages readers to embrace this pairing for a contemporary vibe. The recommendation to stick to a maximum of three colors in an outfit, including black, navy, and one more neutral if desired, showcases a keen awareness of simplicity and balance in fashion.

Outfit Ideas:

Practical outfit ideas for both work and weekend occasions are provided. Examples include combinations like black dress pants with a navy blazer for work or navy polo with black jeans for the weekend. These suggestions cater to different scenarios, illustrating the expert's ability to translate theoretical knowledge into actionable style advice.

Cautionary Note:

The article wisely advises caution when combining black and navy, particularly when the navy item is extremely dark, verging on black. The emphasis on contrast is crucial, preventing the ensemble from appearing monotonous. This demonstrates a nuanced understanding of color shades and their impact on overall aesthetics.

In conclusion, my expertise in fashion and color coordination enables me to dissect this article comprehensively. The concepts covered, from neutral colors to practical outfit ideas and cautionary notes, showcase a depth of knowledge that goes beyond mere fashion trends. If you're ready to elevate your style, feel free to seek further advice or explore new wardrobe additions.

Can I wear navy with black? (2024)
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